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      • KCI등재

        대한제국 전반기 ‘國民義氣’의 고취와 국민교육

        구희진(Ku Hee-Jin) 한국사연구회 2006 한국사연구 Vol.134 No.-

        The Daehan Empire sought to forge the national characteristics of the people through the Confucian reforms of the traditional saminnon (四民論, traditional composition of the social status system). In the aftermath of the establishment of the Daehan Empire, the government, Confucian reformists, and members of the Enlightenment Party belonging to the Dongnip hyeophoe(獨立協會, Independence Club) sought to find new roles for the public. In this regard, the Dongnip hyeophoe emphasized the need for the people(inmin) to implement their duties. To this end, the main duty of the Daehan inmin was to express their love for the state and to ensure that a government that loved its people was established. As such, this group regarded the traditional social duties of the literati(seonbi) as having been passed down to the inmin. Although recognizing the above?mentioned duties as the moral obligations of the inmin, the Daehan government and Confucian reformists emphasized that the inmin’s true duty was that of working in each field of industry and building a strong nation. However, the Daehan Empire failed to institutionalize public opinion regarding the inmin’s duties. In 1899, Gojong intended to institute a modern state system that was built around an absolute monarchy. As Gojong clearly identified Confucianism as the state religion, the emperor in effect became the figurehead for Confucianism, and Confucianism became the basic ideology of this emerging absolute monarchial state. As such, rather than granting the people rights, which he perceived as a direct threat to his rule, Gojong intended to adopt the moral obligations of inmin as the basic social management principles. Simultaneously, Gojong made it clear that he intended to build a strong nation through the education of the public. Responding to Gojong’s policy, the Confucian reformists began to seek out an ideology based on reform measures that could be used to establish Confucianism and a new education system. They reinterpreted the Gyeongmulchiji(格物致知) as the pursuit of a strong nation based on moral principles, and regarded national education as a tool with which to build a strong nation. While they believed that national education should be based on the education of moral principles, they also recognized the need for people to have occupations in which they could utilize the skills they obtained through their education, and saw competition and the pursuit of personal interests in a positive light. They also understood the need to teach industrial ethics which could be used to pursue the common good. From 1900 onwards, Korea’s national sovereignty crisis worsened as a result of the growing encroachment of both Japan and Russia. To this end, the Confucian reformists went beyond the reform requirements advocated by the government and attempted to inspire the inmin and build a strong state. They perceived the inmin as individual members of the nation(Gungmin) and regarded the inmin as playing a crucial role in the survival of the state. Moreover, they viewed the duties of the gungmin as being of vital importance. The duties of the gungmin were regarded as being natural and moral responsibilities which emphasized the patriotic duty to protect the national sovereignty. In addition, these scholars recognized that in order for the gungmin to implement their duties towards the state the national mettle would have to be awakened. As such, they intended to turn the mettle of Confucian scholars into the mettle of the nation in order to instill the gungmin with a sense of patriotism and a sense of dishonor at the loss of national sovereignty, and to ensure their faithful carrying out of their respective occupations.

      • KCI등재
      • 대인관계를 고려한 다중프로젝트 인원 배치 방법

        강서혜(Seo-hye Kang),강성봉(Sung-bong Kang),구희진(Hee-jin. Ku),이주영(Ju-young Lee),박하얀(Ha-yan Park),김용혁(Yong-Hyuk Kim) 한국정보과학회 2010 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.37 No.2C

        본 논문은 기업에서 다수의 프로젝트를 기획하고 팀을 구성할 때 사원의 능력, 성향을 고려하여 인원을 배치하여 효율적으로 업무를 처리할 수 있는 방법을 소개한다. 또한 사원들 간의 대인관계를 고려하여 좀 더 현실적인 결과를 도출함으로써 기존의 인원배치 방법과 차별화하여 팀의 만족도를 높였다. 본 논문에서 제안한 방법을 시뮬레이션 해본 결과, 대인관계를 고려한 인원배치 방법이 기존의 방법보다 더 높은 만족도를 갖는 결과를 보여주었다.

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