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      • KCI등재

        한몽FTA의 정치경제적 의미에 관한 연구

        구해우 한국몽골학회 2011 몽골학 Vol.0 No.30

        National strategies including Free Trade Agreement (FTA) as a high priority have emerged as an important agenda for Korea since 2006 when U.S.-Korea FTA was started to be seriously negotiated. Particularly, as U.S.-Korea FTA will be ratified by national assemblies in each country this year, FTA once again becomes a controversial issue in Korea. Along the same line, it seems it is right time to examine political and economic meanings of FTA with Mongolia. Under the collapse of Soviet Union, as Mongolia transformed its socialist system into reform and open policy, it has established a new diplomatic ties with western countries such as United States. Besides, in the form of the increased world competition for energy resources, various countries, for say, Korea, China, Japan, Russia, and European countries, express strong interest in Mongolia's natural resources; Mongolia recently possesses great strategic value. Mongolian agriculture and farming are also expected to play a critical role in Korea's food security. For Korea, this trade and cooperation with Mongolia would not just remain as it is, but it would perform a significant base for extended further cooperation with central Asian countries and Russia and China. Thus, it is worth examining what Korea-Mongolia FTA means from political and economic perspectives; then, based on this research, the Korea-Mongolia FTA should be developed. Although Mongolia is rich in natural resources and has excellent potential in political and economic sense, cooperation between Korea and Mongolia has been below the level expected. First of all, it has to be examined what the characteristics of Mongolian economy are. This is summarized as seven features in the paper. Then, considering current cooperation between these two countries, it is necessary to assess their relations up to date. Comprehensive analysis for Korea-Mongolia relationship would develop the future prospects. In terms of economic implications, there are four ways to increase Korea-Mongolia economic cooperation. First, Korea and Mongolia should break the tradition that focused all the investments on the restaurant and service businesses. Korean companies that make good use of Mongolian local mineral resources and raw materials to do manufacturing should enter the Mongolian market. Second, Korea and Mongolia should strengthen their cooperation in the energy and resources areas. Third, Korean construction companies should go into Mongolian housing and construction market. Fourth, Korean government and private companies should work together to understand the local demands for development in agriculture, farming and tourist industry, which seems very promising business for Mongolia. Political implications of Korea-Mongolia FTA are also important. There seems three means to enhance their bonding. First, Korea and Mongolia have to come to an agreement on visa waivers; it is the task that should be done once Korea-Mongolia FTA is accomplished. Second, Korea should set up research institutions in Mongolia. Collaborative academic work between Korea and Mongolia will lead tight, long-term cooperation in other fields. Third, Korea has to review more ODA towards Mongolia. Korea and Mongolia seem to start their relations after establishing diplomatic ties in 1990; indeed, they have more intense relations since ancient times. This is why they are understood as brother countries. Moreover, international relations surrounding by world powers, United States, China, Japan, and Russia, for Korea and Mongolia put them into the relatively similar situation. Thus, Korea-Mongolia FTA will contribute to not only both countries' political and economic benefit but also peace in northeast Asia.

      • KCI등재

        한국과 몽골의 러시아 연해주 지역 국제개발 참여 전략 연구

        구해우 한국몽골학회 2018 몽골학 Vol.0 No.55

        Primorsky Krai (沿海州; Примо́рский край) in Russian Federation is the core region for Russia's Far Eastern development and advancing strategies. There are proceeded several international development projects in the region; Rason project with cooperation of North Korea and Russia, development of Three Countries' Border Tourism Special District between North Korea, China, and Russia, and cooperative agricultural projects between Korea and Russia, etc. Followings are analyzed in this research; present situation of Primorsky Krai, development strategies of Russian federal government, and international development plans including Greater Tumen Initiative (GTI) on the region. Especially for expanded cooperation of Korea, Mongolia, and Russia in development of Primorsky Krai, following projects and plans were analyzed and suggested: 1) 'Northest Asian Super Grid' in realm of energy and resources, 2) rail connection between Korean peninsula and Primorsky Krai including Rason Project in transportation infrastructure, 3) Three Nations' Border Special District for Tourism, 4) and other cooperation projects, focused through Russia's '2nd Eastern Economic Forum' in various expanded realms, such as health and medical services, agriculture and fishery, environment, etc. For financial investment on the projects, expected support from international investment banks such as AIIB or NEADB(in idea) is analyzed and the suggestion for the establishment of 'Tumen Development Investment Corporation' is materialized. 연해주(沿海州; Primorksy Krai; Примо́рский край) 지역은 러시아 극동개발 및 진출 전략의 핵심에 해당하는 지역으로 북-러 합작의 나선 프로젝트, 북-중-러 합작의 3국 접경지대 관광특구 개발, 한-러 합작의 농업개발 프로젝트 등 다수의 국제 개발 프로젝트들이 추진 내지 진행되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 연해주 지역의 개황 및 러시아에 있어 연해주 지역 개발 전략, 현재 구상 또는 실행되고 있는 GTI를 포함한 국제협력 개발계획의 현황을 분석했다. 또한 한국과 몽골의 연해주 지역 국제 협력 개발 전략을 검토할 프로젝트로 에너지·자원 분야의 ‘동북아 수퍼그리드’, 교통 인프라 분야에서 나진-하산 프로젝트를 포함한 철도 연결 개발, 관광·산업 분야에서 북-중-러 3국 접경지대 관광특구 개발계획, 보건의료, 농수산업, 환경 분야 등 최근 러시아 ‘제2차 동방경제포럼’ 등을 통해 확대되고 있는 개발 분야 다변화 경향을 따라 추진되는 프로젝트들을 선정하여 분석하고, 국제투자은행(AIIB 또는 NEADB)모델 등 재원 투자 방안과 ‘두만개발투자공사’ 설립 방안을 구체화하여 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        북한과 몽골의 관계형성과 변화 ; 역사적 관점

        구해우 한국몽골학회 2010 몽골학 Vol.0 No.28

        On 26th March 2010, It is the day when 20th anniversary of Korean-Mongolian diplomatic relations. Historically and Culturally between Korean and Mongolian have had a deeply relationship. Especially in Koroy Dynasty, between Koroy Dynasty and World Empire Won Dynasty had a strongly alliance like a brother. So Koroy Dynasty had made a special history to communicate and to cooperate a worldwide. After then, in Joseon Dynasty, Korean Peninsula had cut to cooperate with Mongolia because of a small-chinaism. And since modern ages the relationship of Korean Peninsula and Mongolia have developed to create a new history. Of course after World-War Ⅱ that relationships were begun by South korea and North korea. That's why the study on diplomatical cooperation of korean Peninsula and mongolia has been separated. The relationship of North korea and Mongolia was started in 1930s. At that time North korean and Mongolian fought against the Japan-Imperialism as called 'Hallingol battle'. And in Korean-War Mongolia had served to the North korea. That's why North korea and Mongolia had become a strong alliance. But since 1990 when South korea and Mongolia had a diplomatic relations, The relationship of North korea and Mongolia needs to change for the new future.

      • KCI등재후보

        한미FTA와 개성공단 생산품의 법적 문제

        구해우 고려대학교 일민국제관계연구원 2008 국제관계연구 Vol.13 No.2

        South Korean government has promoted the project of economic cooperation between South and North Korea through the development of “Kaesung Industrial Complex.” Its main purpose is to resolve the economic hardship of North Korea and to aim at the integrated economic development of the whole Korean Peninsula. The core issues of the Complex is that products from the Complex can be recognized as “Made in South Korea” although North Korea is not currently admitted to the WTO and it is economically sanctioned by the United States. If goods from Kaesung could not be recognzied as the product of South Korea but of North Korea, they would mostly be disadvantaged by the higher import tax to third countries. It could, in turn, result in bad effects on the economic cooperation between the two Koreas. South Korean government has been taking various measures during the negotiation process of FTA with a number of countries in the world to resolve the problem. Especially, during the FTA negotiation between South Korea and United States, they reached the agreement in which the Kaesung Complex could be recognized as “Outward Processing Zone (OPZ)” by “the Committee of Outward Processing in the Korean Peninsula.” However, it needs to satisfy a certain number of requirements—firstly, progress in the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, secondly, influences of the OPZ on the relationship between South and North Korea, thirdly, general environmental, labor criteria and practices within the OPZ. Also, they should address the issues of Wassenaar Arrangement and EAR of the US Department of Commerce to solve the problem of exporting of strategic products to the Complex. In other words, the close collaboration and consultation with US is the most important factor to have productions from the “Kaesung Industrial Complex” finally permitted as that of ROK, while the recognition of the Complex as the OPZ is the minimum requirement for it. Now to conclude, close collaboration and consultation between South Korea and the United States is the most important element to reinvigorate the “Kaesung Industrial Complex.” For instance, the Kaesung Industrial Complex should be acknowledged as the OPZ in the written agreement of FTA between the South Korean and the US. The collaboration and consultation, in addition, is very significant to settle the North Korean economic hardship and promote the harmonious development of the whole Korean Peninsula. Consequently, having North Korea denuclearized and pursue the reform and liberalization through the cooperation between South Korea and the US government would be an essential task to solve the problems regarding “Kaesung industrial complex” and revitalize the economic cooperation between South and North Korea. South Korean government has promoted the project of economic cooperation between South and North Korea through the development of “Kaesung Industrial Complex.” Its main purpose is to resolve the economic hardship of North Korea and to aim at the integrated economic development of the whole Korean Peninsula. The core issues of the Complex is that products from the Complex can be recognized as “Made in South Korea” although North Korea is not currently admitted to the WTO and it is economically sanctioned by the United States. If goods from Kaesung could not be recognzied as the product of South Korea but of North Korea, they would mostly be disadvantaged by the higher import tax to third countries. It could, in turn, result in bad effects on the economic cooperation between the two Koreas. South Korean government has been taking various measures during the negotiation process of FTA with a number of countries in the world to resolve the problem. Especially, during the FTA negotiation between South Korea and United States, they reached the agreement in which the Kaesung Complex could be recognized as “Outward Processing Zone (OPZ)” by “the Committee of Outward Processing in the Korean Peninsula.” However, it needs to satisfy a certain number of requirements—firstly, progress in the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, secondly, influences of the OPZ on the relationship between South and North Korea, thirdly, general environmental, labor criteria and practices within the OPZ. Also, they should address the issues of Wassenaar Arrangement and EAR of the US Department of Commerce to solve the problem of exporting of strategic products to the Complex. In other words, the close collaboration and consultation with US is the most important factor to have productions from the “Kaesung Industrial Complex” finally permitted as that of ROK, while the recognition of the Complex as the OPZ is the minimum requirement for it. Now to conclude, close collaboration and consultation between South Korea and the United States is the most important element to reinvigorate the “Kaesung Industrial Complex.” For instance, the Kaesung Industrial Complex should be acknowledged as the OPZ in the written agreement of FTA between the South Korean and the US. The collaboration and consultation, in addition, is very significant to settle the North Korean economic hardship and promote the harmonious development of the whole Korean Peninsula. Consequently, having North Korea denuclearized and pursue the reform and liberalization through the cooperation between South Korea and the US government would be an essential task to solve the problems regarding “Kaesung industrial complex” and revitalize the economic cooperation between South and North Korea.

      • KCI등재

        탈북자 정착지원에 관한 법적대응과 과제

        구해우 ( Hae Woo Koo ) 안암법학회 2010 안암 법학 Vol.0 No.32

        In these days, North korean refugees are increasing rapidly. The issue of North korean refugee is important to improve their human rights and to plan unification strategy. Currently, Korea is the only divided nation in the earth, and a key to become united as one country is to solve problem of North Korea. As we are all well aware, we can only be united after we solve the systematical problem of food shortage and human rights of North Korea. This peaceful unification provision firstly declares a strong will for the reunification after overcoming the present national division bewteen the North and South. Secondly, it declares the unification the Republic of Korea aims at is a peaceful unification based on a liberal democracy. It reveals the value that we are trying to realize through the unification is a liberal order, and the methodology should be in a peaceful way. In this connection, it declares the Republic of Korea has a duty to establish and promote a peaceful reunification policy. And this means that the peaceful reunification policy is one of the basic policies of the country, and the government has a duty to actively promote this policy. And preferentially South Korea need to solve the North korean refugee`s issues. So We have to support North korean refugees. Especially They need to help for adjust to society. That`s why we have to modify various laws and to improve North korean refugee`s policy. For Korea unification, We should try to prepare the future after North korea`s change.

      • KCI등재후보

        한미FTA와 개성공단 생산품의 법적 문제

        구해우(Haewoo Koo) 고려대학교 일민국제관계연구원 2008 국제관계연구 Vol.13 No.1,2

        South Korean government has promoted the project of economic cooperation between South and North Korea through the development of "Kaesung Industrial Complex." Its main purpose is to resolve the economic hardship of North Korea and to aim at the integrated economic development of the whole Korean Peninsula. The core issues of the Complex is that products from the Complex can be recognized as "Made in South Korea" although North Korea is not currently admitted to the WTO and it is economically sanctioned by the United States. If goods from Kaesung could not be recognzied as the product of South Korea but of North Korea, they would mostly be disadvantaged by the higher import tax to third countries. It could, in turn, result in bad effects on the economic cooperation between the two Koreas. South Korean government has been taking various measures during the negotiation process of FTA with a number of countries in the world to resolve the problem. Especially, during the FTA negotiation between South Korea and United States, they reached the agreement in which the Kaesung Complex could be recognized as "Outward Processing Zone (OPZ)" by "the Committee of Outward Processing in the Korean Peninsula." However, it needs to satisfy a certain number of requirements-firstly, progress in the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, secondly, influences of the OPZ on the relationship between South and North Korea, thirdly, general environmental, labor criteria and practices within the OPZ. Also, they should address the issues of Wassenaar Arrangement and EAR of the US Department of Commerce to solve the problem of exporting of strategic products to the Complex. In other words, the close collaboration and consultation with US is the most important factor to have productions from the "Kaesung Industrial Complex" finally permitted as that of ROK, while the recognition of the Complex as the OPZ is the minimum requirement for it. Now to conclude, close collaboration and consultation between South Korea and the United States is the most important element to reinvigorate the "Kaesung Industrial Complex." For instance, the Kaesung Industrial Complex should be acknowledged as the OPZ in the written agreement of FTA between the South Korean and the US. The collaboration and consultation, in addition, is very significant to settle the North Korean economic hardship and promote the harmonious development of the whole Korean Peninsula. Consequently, having North Korea denuclearized and pursue the reform and liberalization through the cooperation between South Korea and the US government would be an essential task to solve the problems regarding "Kaesung industrial complex" and revitalize the economic cooperation between South and North Korea.

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