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      • KCI등재후보

        새 법학교육체제의 운영방안

        具相鎭(Sang-Jin Koo) 한국법학원 2010 저스티스 Vol.- No.117

        법학교육 및 법조인양성체제 개혁을 위한 오랜 논의 끝에, 2009년부터 법학전문대학원 교육이 시작되었으나, 새 법학교육의 내용과 방법에는 많은 문제가 남아 있다. 종래 4년의 법학학사과정과 상당한 자습과정 및 2년의 사법연수원과정으로 이루어져온 법학전문교육의 주요부분과 당시의 과정으로 달성하지 못하였던 외국법을 포함하는 새로운 내용의 교육을 3년의 기간 동안 마치는 것은 쉬운 일이 아니다. 미국의 로스쿨을 참고한다고 하지만, 미국과는 법도 법학도 상당히 달라서, 미국의 경험을 그대로 도입할 수도 없는 형편이다. 특히 실무교육에 관하여는 혼선이 많다. 지금까지도 실무교육의 성격, 내용, 절차 등 주요한 부분들이 정리되지 않고 있고, 이와 관련된 변호사시험에서의 실무능력 평가의 기준, 법조진출시의 추가교육 등에 관하여도 결론을 내지 못하고 있다. 지금은 실무수습 등 실무교육의 주요부분이 시행되어야 하는 법학전문대학원의 제2년차 학기가 이미 시작되어 법학전문대학원 별로 각자 나름의 실무교육을 시행할 수 밖에 없는 상황이므로, 이에 관한 의견을 제시한다. 법학전문대학원은 그 도입취지로 보더라도 실무교육을 하지 않을 수 없고, 실무적 경향은 법학전문대학원 교육의 주요 특징이 되어야 한다고 본다. 따라서 현재 대부분의 학교가 취하고 있는 바, 법문서작성, 모의재판, 실무수습 등의 과목을 1학점으로 교육하는 것은 부적절하여 강화해야 하고, 그 밖에도 상당한 실무과목을 설치해야 하며, 교육의 분위기 자체를 법률가로서의 행동을 익히게 하는 실무중시의 방향으로 바꾸어야 할 것이다. 또한 실무수습의 계절학기 이수제도, 판검사변호사의 교육지원제도 등 실무교육을 지원하는 방안들을 정비하여야 할 것이고, 법학전문대학원의 실무교육 상황에 맞추어서 법조진출시의 진출경로와 직무교육기간을 정해야 할 것이며, 변호사시험 기록형 문제유형도 교육과 상응하도록 개발되어야 할 것이다. The prolonged discussion for legal education reform, including a proper method for training future legal professionals resulted in the establishment of a law school system in Korea in 2009. However, controversies still remain regarding the content and methods of the law school curricula. A number of criticisms have emerged and noted that the suggested training period of three years is too short to allow students to complete all the requirements, including both the traditional curricula composed of four years of training in college and two years of training at the Judicial Research and Training Institute, and the new curricula focusing on the mastery of foreign laws. The straightforward adoption of the American law school model may not be an ideal solution to these problems because of unignorable differences between the American and Korean experiences. Disagreements are particularly prevalent in regard to practical training programs, especially on their nature, content, and procedure, how to assess practical abilities of the bar examination applicants, and how to provide post-tertiary education for the examination passers. Considering that the second year of the law school education in Korea has already begun and each school seeks to implement several practical education programs, including practicing externship, I urgently provide several recommendations for the improvement of the current legal education programs. Given the initial motivation underlying the adoption of the law school system in Korea, the fundamental principle of the reform must be based on the practice-oriented education. To promote this larger principle, such one-unit courses as drafting legal documents, practicing mock trial, and practicing externship, need to be changed into multiple-unit courses. More practice-oriented courses with more favorable school environments emphasizing practicality also need to be offered in order to better prepare future legal professionals. In addition, in an attempt to further strengthen the practice-oriented legal education, the reform requires 1) the establishment of summer or winter programs, 2) course offerings by lawyers, judges and prosecutors, 3) designating specialized paths and determining post-training periods for future legal professionals, and 4) designing essay type questions for the national bar examination.

      • KCI등재후보

        조세포탈죄에 관한 연구

        구상진 ( Sang Jin Koo ) 고려대학교 법학연구원 2007 고려법학 Vol.0 No.49

        Aufgrund der jahrlich anfallenden hohen Steuerbetrage hat das koreanische Steuerstrafrecht in den letzten Jahren eine wachsende Bedeutung erlangt und wird sowohl in der Gesetzgebung als auch in der Lehre engagiert diskutiert. Der Kernanwendungsbereich der Steuerstraftaten stellt in Korea die sog. Steuerhinterziehung gemaß §9 Abs. 1 des o. g. Gesetzes dar. Danach wird die Steuerhinterziehung, die durch Betrug oder durch sonstige unrechtmaßige Handlungen begangen wurde, mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu 3 Jahren oder mit einer Geldstrafe bis zum Funffachen der hinterzogenen Steuern geahndet. Sollte die hinterzogene Steuersumme in einem Jahr den Betrag von 500 Mio. WON erreichen bzw. uberschreiten, wird die Bestrafung durch ein Sondergesetz noch verscharft. Nach dem Urteil des koreanischen Obersten Gerichtshofs kommt die Anwendung von §9 Abs. 1 nicht in Frage, wenn nur steuerrechtliche Anmeldepflichtverletzungen vorliegen bzw. unrichtige Angaben an die zustandige Behorde gegeben wurden. Denn diese Verhaltensweise stellen keine betrugerischen oder sonstigen unrechtmaßigen Handlungen dar, die den Einzug der Steuern unmoglich machen oder gravierend behindern wurden.Die herrschende Lehre tendiert jedoch dahin, dass samtliche Steuerdelikte außer der Steuerhinterziehung entkriminalisiert und durch verwaltungsrechtliche Bestimmungen ersetzt werden sollen. Danach kann auch eine vorliegende steuerrechtliche Anmeldepflichtverletzung oder eine Falschangabe an die zustandige Behorde bestraft werden, wenn diese Handlungen im Zusammenhang mit einer Steuerhinterziehung stehen. So sollen die Ausnahmeregelungen zum Allgemeinen Teil des Strafgesetzbuchs aufgehoben werden. Durch rechtsvergleichende Studien wie beispielsweise durch Vergleich mit dem US-amerikanischen oder dem deutschen Steuerstrafrecht soll das geltende koreanische Steuerstrafrecht reformiert werden: Damit sollen einerseits unverhaltnismaßig harte Strafen und unspezifische Tatbestande vermieden, andererseits durch eine strikte Neuregelung des Tatbestandes der Steuerhinterziehung eine effektivere Bekampfung von Steuerdelikten gewahrleistet werden.

      • KCI등재후보

        수사체제조정논의 재검토

        具相鎭(Koo Sang-Jin) 한국법학원 2007 저스티스 Vol.- No.100

        참여정부 이래 검찰과 경찰 간의 수사체제 조정에 대하여 많은 논의가 있었는데, 그 논지나 논거 중에는 의문스러운 점이 많아 재검토한다. 연혁적으로 검찰수사체제가 일제잔재로서 시의에 맞지 않는다고 주장하나, 대한제국당시부터 검찰수사체제였을 뿐만 아니라 과거제도 도입 후 1,000년 이상 송사는 과거합격자가 전담하는 전통이었고, 이것이 미군정하에서 보존되고 형사소송법에 채택된 것에는 정당한 이유가 있다. 비교법적으로 검사의 권한이 지나치게 강화되어 있다고 주장하나, 형사소송법이 수사법원이나 치안판사법원을 두지 아니하고 있어 그 업무 상당부분을 검찰이 수행하여야 하는 점을 감안하면 결코 검사의 권한이 지나치다고 할 수 없으며, 적어도 그로 인하여 사법경찰의 권한이 약화된 것은 아니다. 검사의 수사권을 전면 경찰에 이양하여야 한다는 주장은 특별한 국민적 승인을 거쳐야 할 것이고, 형사소송법 규정이 검사의 지휘 없이는 경찰은 아무런 수사도 할 수 없게 되어 있다는 견해는 올바른 해석론이 아니다. 검찰의 권한이 지나치게 강대하여 견제하여야 한다거나, 검사의 수사지휘권이 경찰의 지휘체제나 조직위상을 손상시킨다거나, 경찰이 범죄의 대부분을 수사하고 있음에도 불구하고 제도상 검찰의 수사보조자로 되어 있는 것은 수사현실과 맞지 않는다는 등 논거에는 중대한 오류가 있다. 한편 수사경찰을 검찰산하로 이관시켜야 한다는 주장에도 문제가 있다. 검찰수사체제와 경찰청 산하 경찰의 일정한 수사관여는 불가피하고 요점은 바람직한 수사지휘권의 한계라 할 것인데, 형사사법의 목적에 적합하고 검경의 상호 능력을 효율적으로 발휘하게 하는 적절한 범위 내에서 적합한 방법으로 행사되어야 할 것이다. 그밖에 법무부 주도하에 현재의 검경 능력으로 달성하지 못하는 수사력을 확충하기 위하여 전문수사요원을 양성, 관리하고 수사연구지원기관을 운용하는 것이 시급하다고 본다. Although there has been much discussion regarding a review of and a call for adjustments to be made to the current criminal investigation system between the police department and the prosecutor's office, these proposed changes should be viewed with a healthy dose of skepticism. Opponents of the current investigatory system state that the prosecutor's function in a given investigation is an unwanted remnant of the Japanese occupation, and thus neither fitting nor desirable within a contemporary context. However, the tradition of giving a prosecutor vast powers to investigate crimes have existed since the days of the Korean Empire--during the thousand years after the state examination policy was adopted, it was customary for those who passed the examination to be wholly responsible for lawsuit proceedings. To highlight its legitimacy, the traditional prosecutorial role was preserved under the United States Army Military Government in Korea and was adopted for legal proceedings in criminal cases of Republic of Korea(1954). Comparative studies also claim that the power of prosecutors have been excessive. However, in light of the fact that the current system of criminal law and procedure do not have a court of investigation or a magistrate's court to alleviate the burden of duties taken on by a prosecutor, one cannot say that the power of the prosecutor is extreme; nor should anyone complain that the authority of the judicial police has been weakened as a result of a prosecutor's necessary functions. Those who fear that fully handing over the prosecutor's right of investigation to the police will have require nothing less than a national consensus, and those who believe that the current provisions of criminal procedure law do not allow the police to have any right to conduct investigations without the direct supervision of the prosecutor do not see an accurate assessment of the situation. Those who argue today that there is a need for a prosecutor's excessive rights to be restrained, or that a prosecutor's right of investigation harms the police's command system or its organizational status, or most investigatory activities are carried out by the police are inaccurate and misinformed. On the other hand, the proposal to transfer the judicial police under the command of the public prosecutor's office is also problematic. Inevitably, any given investigation will involve involvement of both the prosecutor and local police under the national police agency, so the issue should rather be discussed in terms of limiting the scope of the desirable investigatory authority. This can be solved by adjusting the established criminal justice provisions to existing needs while ensuring the continuation of synergetic cooperation between the police and the prosecutor's office. Moreover, there is a dire need to create a governmental investigative support organization and a new cadre of dedicated staff of investigators in order to support and enhance the effectiveness of the current investigatory system, which seems to be inefficient in its present form of police and prosecutors under the Ministry of Justice.

      • KCI등재후보

        韓美 公訴時效制度 比較硏究

        구상진(Koo, Sang-Jin) 경희법학연구소 2007 경희법학 Vol.42 No.2

        A statute of limitations is a statute in a common law legal system that sets forth the maximum period of time, after certain events, that legal proceedings based on those events may be initiated. In civil law systems including Korea, similar provisions are often known as periods of prescription or prescriptive periods. Debates have been intensifying in Korea whether a criminal legislation suspending or excluding statute of limitation could be possible. Such debates include some relevant international treaties made in the Second World War or in the termination process of Yugoslavian civil war or the concerned legislation in the United States. This Article introduces briefly the People v. Frazer case and the Stogner v. California case, and explains the differences in respect of the statute of limitations between Korean and American legislations, although it points out that the fundamental rationales of recognizing the statutes of limitations have in common between the two countries legislations, e.g., the necessity for protecting changed circumstances of criminals or the affirmative consideration of administration of criminal justice and its efficiency. Finally, this Article argues that we need to be prudent in introducing such an American style, whilst the American style legislation has strength in their practical flexibility.

      • 보건의료數値정보의 데이터베이스구축과 Web상에서의 정보제공시스템개발

        박재경,구상진,이승욱,김유정 서울大學校保健大學院 1997 國民保健硏究所硏究論叢 Vol.7 No.2

        This paper describes ideas and methods for developng a national fact database for health data in Korea. The project, being joined in the national project for a fact database development two years ago, has a completely different phase this year in terms of data availability from the previous one. We developed a web page and are under process of preparing thepublic health data and clinical measurement data. The first category data, which belong to mainly class Ⅲ data, include data on population, vital events, hospital treatmenfs, causes of death, health professionals, and nutrition. The data were mostly released from Korea Government. The clinical data set covering a diverse anatomical and physiological data range as well as the first category data have a meaning that all is purely about Korean factdata, with some limitation in generalization due to its incomplete representativeness. Its development processs is being done through a few phases.

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