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      • KCI등재

        Cancer Preventive Potential of Kimchi Lactic Acid Bacteria (Weissella cibaria, Lactobacillus plantarum)

        곽신혜,조영미,노건민,AESON OM 대한암예방학회 2014 Journal of cancer prevention Vol.19 No.4

        The number of death due to cancer has been increasing in Korea. Chemotherapy is known to cause side effects because it damagesnot only cancerous cells but healthy cells. Recently, attention has focused on food-derived chemopreventive and anti-tumor agents orformulations with fewer side effects. Kimchi, most popular and widely consumed in Korea, contains high levels of lactic acid bacteriaand has been shown to possess chemopreventive effects. This review focuses on Weissella cibariaand Lactobacillus plantarum, therepresentatives of kimchi lactic acid bacteria, in terms of their abilities to prevent cancer. Further studies are needed to understand themechanisms by which lactic acid bacteria in kimchi prevent carcinogenic processes and improve immune functions.

      • KCI등재

        수산물 중 총수은 모니터링 및 메틸수은 분석법 고찰

        곽신혜,김기철,김경아,강석호,권혜정,조윤식,강경자,이필석,조욱현,모아라,박용배,윤미혜 한국식품위생안전성학회 2018 한국식품위생안전성학회지 Vol.33 No.3

        The use of microwave-assisted extraction and an acid-base clean-up process to determine the amount of methylmercury (MeHg) in marine products was suggested in order to improve the complicated sample preparation process. The optimal conditions for microwave-assisted extraction was developed by using a 10% NaCl solution as an extraction solution, setting the extraction temperature at 50℃, and holding for 15 minutes to extract the MeHg in marine products. A NaOH solution was selected as a clean-up substitute instead of L-cysteine solution. Overall, 670 samples of marine products were analyzed for total mercury (Hg). Detection levels were in the range of 0.0006~0.3801 μg/kg. MeHg was analyzed and compared using the current food code and the proposed method for 49 samples which contained above 0.1 mg/kg of Hg. Detection ranges of methylmercury followed by the Korea Food Code and the proposed method were 75.25 (ND~516.93) μg/kg and 142.07 (100.14~244.55) μg/kg, respectively. The total analytical time of proposed method was reduced by more than 25% compared with the current food code method.

      • KCI등재

        건조수산물의 중금속 및 셀레늄 함량

        권혜정,김기철,김경아,김영수,강석호,곽신혜,강경자,이필석,조욱현,모아라,박용배 한국식품위생안전성학회 2019 한국식품위생안전성학회지 Vol.34 No.6

        The heavy metal concentrations in dried seafoods commonly consumed in Gyeonggi-do were analyzed. Concentrations of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg) and selenium (Se) were measured in 95 samples with an inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) and an Hg analyzer. The average concentration [mean±SD(minimum-maximum) mg/kg] of heavy metals were as follows: Pb 0.062±0.071(0.002-0.428), Cd 0.083±0.100(0.004-0.540), Hg 0.012±0.012(N.D-0.054) and Se 0.839±0.371(0.362-2.124). All the levels were below the recommended standards of the MFDS (Ministry of Food and Drug Safety). In the comparison of heavy metal content by anchovy size, it was shown that mercury was significantly higher in large anchovy (P<0.05). Selenium levels were found to differ significantly in small anchovy and large anchovy (P<0.05). Pb, Cd and Hg were significantly higher in Tiger prawn among shrimp (P<0.05). The heavy metal and selenium levels of anchovy and shad were highest in the intestine. However, the heavy metal and selenium levels of shrimp were highest in the head. In addition, weekly (monthly) intake of mercury and cadmium from dried seafoods was found to be 0.712% and 2.978% of PTW(M)I (Provisional Tolerable Weekly(Monthly) Intake) respectively. Therefore, it was found that dried seafoods were safe for consumption.

      • KCI등재

        곡류 및 곡류 가공식품의 총비소 및 무기비소 오염 비교

        백은진,김명길,김현주,성진희,이유진,곽신혜,이은빈,김혜진,이원주,이명진 한국식품위생안전성학회 2022 한국식품위생안전성학회지 Vol.37 No.6

        본 연구는 유통 중인 곡류 87건 및 그 가공식품 66건을대상으로 발암물질인 무기비소의 오염도를 조사하였다. 높은 분리능과 감도를 가진 HPLC-ICP/MS를 이용하여 무기비소 As(III), As(V) 및 유기비소 MMA, DMA, AsB, AsC 를 분석했으며, ICP/MS로 총비소를 정량하였다. 모든 곡류에서 무기비소가 검출되었으며, 곡류의 총비소는 약 70- 85%의 무기비소와 약 10-20%의 DMA로 구성되었다. 곡류 분석 결과, 담수재배 종인 쌀과 흑미에서 높았고, 밭재배 잡곡은 오염도가 낮았다. 쌀의 평균 무기비소 농도는 쌀눈 0.160 mg/kg, 현미 0.135 mg/kg, 백미 0.083 mg/ kg으로 외피에 비소가 많은 것으로 조사되었다. 곡류 가공식품은 원재료의 종류와 함량에 따라 무기비소 농도가달랐으며, 현미와 쌀눈 가공 제품에서 검출량이 많았다. 모든 시료는 기준규격을 초과하지 않았지만, 섭취 빈도가높으므로 식품 안전을 위해 지속적인 모니터링이 필요할것으로 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        경기도내 유통 다소비 생선류의 중금속 및 셀레늄 함량

        조윤식,김기철,김경아,강석호,정유정,곽신혜,이필석,이운형,모아라,용금찬,윤미혜 한국식품위생안전성학회 2017 한국식품위생안전성학회지 Vol.32 No.3

        A total of 100 seafoods commonly consumed in Gyeonggi-do were investigated to determine the concentration of lead (Pb), total mercury (Hg), methyl mercury (MeHg), cadmium (Cd) and selenium (Se). Concentration of heavy metals and selenium was measured by using mercury analyzer, ICP-MS and GC-ECD. The average content (mg/kg) of heavy metals in the seafood samples was as follows; Pb 0.0915 (0.0021-0.4490), Cd 0.0084 (ND- 0.1773), and Hg 0.0412 (0.0013-0.3032). All the levels were below the recommended standards of the MFDS in Pb (0.5 mg/kg), Cd (0.2 mg/kg), Hg (0.5 mg/kg). The methylmercury was detected in the hairtail (0.0677 mg/kg) and cod (0.2941 mg/kg). After the average content of heavy metals in seafood was determined, the exposure assessment for heavy metals was conducted. Relative hazardous levels compared to PTWI were lower than the official standards of the JECFA for Pb (0.97%), Hg (3.42%) Cd (0.45%). In conclusion, the levels presented in this study are presumed to be safe for consumption.

      • KCI등재

        학교급식 수산물의 바이오제닉아민 안전성 평가

        김영수,김범호,김경아,김대환,윤희정,곽신혜,강경자,조욱현,모아라,최옥경,윤미혜 한국식품위생안전성학회 2020 한국식품위생안전성학회지 Vol.35 No.2

        본 연구는 2019년 국내에서 유통되는 수산물 198건(학교급식 수산물 121건, 유통 77건)에 대하여 히스타민 등 8종의 바이오제닉아민(BAs) 함량을 분석하였다. 또한, 삼치, 고등어, 연어에 대하여 시간, 온도와 염 처리에 따른 BAs 함량 변화를 관찰하였다. 수산물의 평균 히스타민 함량은 0.4±2.3 mg/kg이었으며, 모두 히스타민 기준 200 mg/kg이내 이었다. MOE를 산출하여 위해성을 평가한 결과, MOE가 1 이상으로 학교급식 수산물은 안전한 것으로 평가되었다. 시간과 온도에 따른 생선의 BAs 함량 변화는 시간과 온도가 증가함에 따라 증가하는 경향 을 나타내었으며, 히스타민 함량이 30oC에서 144 mg/kg(삼치, 36시간)과 308 mg/kg(고등어, 24시간)로 급격히 증가하였다. 또한, 삼치, 고등어와 연어를 4oC와 -20oC에 보관한 결과, 4oC에서는 3일까지, -20oC에서는 14일까지 모두 히스타민이 검출되지 않았다. 생선의 염 처리에 따른 BAs 함량 변화는 염을 처리한 삼치와 고등어에서 염을 처리하지 않은 삼치와 고등어보다 히스타민 등 BAs 함량이 낮게 나타났다. This study analyzed the content of eight biogenic amines (BAs), including histamine, in 198 fishery products (121 school-meal products and 77 distributed products) in Korea in 2019. Changes in BA content according to time, temperature, and salt treatment in Japanese Spanish mackerel, chub mackerel, and salmon were also observed. The average histamine content of 198 fishery products was 0.4±2.3 mg/kg, and all were within histamine criteria (200 mg/kg or less). As a result, the margin of exposure (MOE) was calculated to evaluate the risk of fishery products, and school-meal fishery products were evaluated as safe with a MOE of 1 or more. At 30oC, the histamine content of the fish increased rapidly to 144 mg/kg (Japanese Spanish mackerel, 36 h), and 308 mg/kg (chub mackerel, 24 h). When the Japanese Spanish mackerel, chub mackerel, and salmon were stored at 4oC, histamine was not detected for 3 days, and it was not detected for 14 days at -20oC. The BA content (histamines, etc.) of salt-treated Japanese Spanish mackerel and chub mackerel was lower than that of fish not treated with salt.

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