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      • KCI등재

        경찰임용 무도가산점 제도 시행을 통해 나타난 문제점 및 개선방안 모색

        공시영,윤양진 한국스포츠엔터테인먼트법학회 2011 스포츠와 법 Vol.14 No.2

        The purpose of this research is most current police officer appointment is based on common officer appointment's martial art incentive policy. To figure out the numerous side effects of giving incentives to specific events and make circumstance which is well matched with the purpose of upcoming Traditional Martial-Arts(TMA) Promotional Law and giving same opportunities to traditional martial arts except for Taekwondo, Judo, Kendo and Hapkido, the media materials within 10 years were researched. Plus literature reviews were conducted. As a result of the research, the problem and improvement of the implementation of martial art incentive policy were detected by categorizing. The first problem was the mass production of illegal certifications, second was mass foundation of approval organizations, third was discordance of conditions giving same opportunities, fourth was ambiguous and unreasonable administrations of martial arts and fifth was most appointments apply same standards of national officers. There are 3 improvement. First, presenting same opportunities by giving incentives to designated events of Traditional Martial-Arts will cause activations and promotions of traditional martial arts. Second, expanding organizations approving incentives and taking qualification exam of practical techniques will rule out the certificates which is not appropriate and illegal. Third, forcing training sessions related with policeman assignments will be able to guarantee training time period and practical abilities(Physical Educations , Martial Arts). 본 연구는 현재 공무원임용시험은 무도가산점을 부여하며, 대부분 공무원임용기준이 경찰공무원 임용기준으로 시행되고 있다는 것이다. 이러한 태권도, 유도, 검도, 합기도 종목만의 가산점 부여로 인한 사회곳곳의 수많은 부작용을 규명해보고 새롭게 시행될 전통무예 진흥법의 목적에 준하는 활성화의 방법과 전통무예의 종목에도 동등한 기회를 부여할 수 있는 규제 아닌 진흥을 위한 인식전환의 계기를 마련하기 위하여, 최근 10년간 보도된 언론자료 및 선행연구논문 등을 참고한 문헌고찰을 통해 나타난 영역별 범주화하여 무도가산점 인정종목 시행으로 인한 문제점과 개선방안을 다음과 같이 도출하였다. 무도가산점 인정종목 시행으로 나타난 문제점은 첫째, 부정단증 취득의 양산, 둘째, 무도가산점 인정단체의 난립, 셋째, 무예간 기회균등의 조건 불일치, 넷째, 기준의 모호성과 불합리한 무예행정, 다섯째, 대부분 국가공무원 임용기준이 경찰채용기준으로 시행되고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이에 따른 개선방안은 첫째, 전통무예 지정종목 단증의 가산점을 부여 해줌으로써 전통무예 단증 취득자에게 균등한 기회를 부여해주고, 전통무예의 활성화 및 진흥에 기여하는 효과를 가져 오게 된다. 둘째, 무도가산점 인증 적용단체의 확산 및 현장수행 실기능력을 검정함으로 실효성 없는 장롱단증을 배재하고, 불법 단증취득의 요인을 단절한다. 셋째, 경찰임무와 연계한 무도교육 시간을 의무화 하여 수행능력 활동(체육, 무예) 시간보장과 임무별 실기대응 능력의 검정을 할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        무예의 지적재산권 무단사용에 관한 연구-국술의 사례를 중심으로-

        공시영,윤양진 한국스포츠엔터테인먼트법학회 2014 스포츠와 법 Vol.17 No.3

        This study is about the unauthorized use of the intellectual property rights of martial arts studies investigate the case of an Kuk Sool a sort of case study. Suitable for the purpose and nature of the study of literature(literature methods)using documentation (training manuals, books, internet searches, websites of martial art organization), previous studies, video clips, and pictures etc. The collected data validation method for triangulation, consultations between colleagues, check between members, such as the use of reference materials to take advantage of the reliability framework compliant with the following conclusions. Based on above research techniques and data analysis, the cases that the intellectual properties (training textbooks, trademarks, and uniforms, etc.) of Kuk Sool were used in other martial art organizations are as follows: First, Daehan Kidohae, Daehan Kuksool Hapkido Hyophae and Hanminjok Hapkido Musool Hyophae used the training textbooks of Kuk Sool with changed names on the cover. Second, Daehan Kidohae, Hanminjok Hapkido Musool Hyophae, Daehan Kuk Sool Hapkido Hyophae and Daehan Hapkido Kuk Sool Kwan used the same or similar trademarks. Third, Daehan Kuk Sool Hapkido Hyophae, Hanminjok Hapkido Musool Hyophae, Daehan Kukye Won Hapkido Hyophae and Korean Hokuk Musool Hyophae used the same designs of uniform, including the Kuk Sool’s original general’s uniform. 본 연구는 무예의 지적재산권 무단사용에 관한 연구로 국술의 사례를 중심으로 구명하기 위한 일종의 사례연구(case study)이다. 연구의 목적과 성격에 적합한 문헌고찰(literature methods)을 이용하여 문서자료(교본, 서적, 인터넷, 무예 단체홈페이지), 선행연구물, 동영상, 사진 등의 수집된 자료를 삼각검증법, 동료 간 협의, 구성원간 확인, 참조자료의 사용 등 신뢰성 준거의 틀을 활용하여 다음과 같은 결론을 도출하였다. 국술의 지적재산권(교본, 상표, 도복 등)을 타 무예종목(단체)에서 사용하고 있는 사례로 첫째, 국술의 교본을 대한기도회, 대한국술합기도협회, 한민족합기도무술협회에서 표지 또는 용어를 바꾸어 사용하였으며, 둘째, 상표는 대한기도회, 한민족합기도무술협회, 대한국술합기도협회, 대한합기도국술관 등에서 국술의 상표와 같거나 유사하게 사용되고 있으며, 셋째, 장군도복의 디자인을 대한국술합기도협회, 한민족합기도무술협회, 대한국예원합기도협회, 한국호국무예국술협회 등에서 사용하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 문제점과 개선방안으로 첫째, 무예인들의 안일한 인식 및 관행화의 문제와 개선방안으로 무예분야 지적재산권강화를 위한 가이드라인 수립. 둘째, 소송에 따른 비용과 기간 등의 문제와 개선방안으로 무예인들의 지적재산권에 대한 인식전환을 위한 지속적 교육시행. 셋째, 비정상의 정상화의 문제와 개선방안으로 무예계 특수성을 반영한 지적재산권 관련법 개정을 제시했다.

      • KCI등재

        한국 전통무예 진흥을 위한 무예 인식 및 현안 분석과 활성화 방안- 전통무예 진흥 관련 법제도 및 정책·행정을 중심으로 -

        공시영 한국스포츠엔터테인먼트법학회 2021 스포츠와 법 Vol.24 No.2

        This study analyzed the pending issues for the promotion of Korean traditional martial arts and suggested a plan to revitalize traditional martial arts, and drew the following conclusions by providing basic data for the stable operation of stagnant domestic martial arts organizations and dojos. First, the people's awareness of martial arts is the concept of martial arts, and although they do not know the concept of terms well, they are martial arts or martial arts, self-defense and mental training, and they perceived them to be greater than or equal to the area of ​​physical education. There is interest and experience in martial arts, and the training experience is one to three years, more than five years. With martial arts awareness, recognition of the value of martial arts is the benefit of external activities through training, the intrinsic factor of training, achievement of external purpose, development of character formation and education help give more than normal effects. Considering the sport, you want the training intensity to be stronger than normal. The direction of development of martial arts is to develop into a traditional culture, and martial arts should be included in the curriculum to contribute to the formation of a whole person. Second, by revising the law and system, the Basic Sports Act was enacted and the system of related laws was supplemented. Unity of legal terms. Compensation of deficiencies in individual laws and systems. In principle, the standard for the addition of police martial arts is one group, including one designated traditional martial arts, and must verify the martial arts practical skills. third. Improving martial arts policy biased toward martial arts policy and administrative promotion process. It is a change in the support system for martial arts events and groups. fourth. Martial arts organizations (associations) and dojangs are operated to establish an independent foundation for each martial arts category. The affiliated stamp trusts the association and actively participates in securing identity and financial independence. 본 연구는 한국 전통무예 진흥을 위한 무예 인식 및 현안 분석으로 활성화 방안을 제시하기 위해 전통무예 진흥 관련 법제도 및 정책·행정 중심으로 고찰하여 다음과 같은 결론을 도출하였다. 첫째, 국민들의 무예 인식은 무예 개념으로 용어의 개념은 잘 모르나, 무술이나 무예로, 호신술 및 정신수양을 하는 것이며, 체육의 영역보다 크거나 같은 것으로 인식했다. 무예의 관심과 경험은 있으며, 수련 경험은 1~3년, 5년 이상, 태권도, 합기도, 검도 등을 건강 및 운동, 호신의 목적으로 수련했으며 현재는 5.8%만 수련하고 있다. 무예 인식으로 무예의 가치인식은 수련을 통한 대외활동 유익성, 수련의 내재적 요인 외형적 목적 달성, 인격 형성 발달과 교육 도움은 보통 이상의 효과를 준다고, 자녀에게 무예 권장 시 지도자 철학, 수련내용, 무예종목을 고려하며, 수련강도는 보통이상으로 강하게를 원하고 있다. 무예의 발전방향은 전통문화로, 무예가 교육과정에 포함되어, 전인적 인격형성에 기여하게 해야 하며, 무예 교육과정은 특별활동 클럽활동 등에 포함하고 수련 장소는 사설체육관을 선호하고 있다. 둘째, 법・제도 개정으로 스포츠기본법 제정 및 관계법령 체계 보완. 법률 용어의 통일. 개별법 및 제도의 미비점 보완. 경찰무예가산 기준은 전통무예 지정 종목을 포함한 1종목 1단체와 무예실기 검증 원칙 및 국가자격지준으로 전환. 셋째. 무예 정책 및 행정 추진과정으로 편향된 무예 정책 개선. 무예 종목 및 단체 지원체계 변화이다. 넷째. 무예 단체(협회) 및 도장 운영으로 무예 종목별 단일협회 구성 자립기반 구축. 소속도장은 도장운영의 표준화 등이다.

      • KCI등재

        창시무예 국술이 한국 현대무예에 미친 영향

        공시영,김의환 대한무도학회 2019 대한무도학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of Kuk Sool, one of our initial martial arts, on Korean martial arts. To attain the goal, this researcher found 60 data with the keyword of ‘Kuk Sool hyeong’ among the technical systems employed in Kuk Sool from internet portal sites such as Daum and Naver for a month from July 20th until August 19th, 2013 and collected data from the textbooks of martial arts from August, 2013 until September, 2013 and then reclassified them with the types of martial arts, affiliated groups, and the names of hyeong employed and conducted transcription, textualization, and topic classification. Securing the frame of criteria for reliability through triangular verification, peer discussion, member checking, and the use of references, the author has gained the following results: first, the people who established other martial art organizations as previous Kuk Sool Won members are the followings: In-sun Seo, the chairman of Hanminjok Hapkido Mu Sool Hyophae; Dae-sik Choi, the chairman of Daehan Kung Jung Mu Sool Hyophae; Sun-duk Kim, the chairman of World Wellness Sanghwal Cheyuk; Young-soo Kim, the chairman of Daehan Bonkuk Tu Guemdo Hyophae; Sang-ko Yoon, the chairman of Korye Hapkido Hyophae; Yun-bak Park, the chairman of Daehan Kuk Sool Hapkido Hyophae; Jae-sik Lee, the chairman of Daehan Bonkuk Guemdo Hyophae; Soo-Ok Jang, the chairman of Daehan Teuk Gong Mu Sool Hyophae; and the following people have revealed themselves to be once a member of Kuk Sool organization and also volunteered as research subjects -- Sun-jong Yu, the chairman of Hokuk Muye Hapkido Hyophae and No-won Park, the chairman of Kukje Teuk Gong Mu Sool Yonhaphae; and Byung-gil Seo, the chairman of Kukmoo Do,. Jong-moon Jin, the chairman of Huk Chu Kwan etc, Second, martial arts employing Kuk Sool hyeong (unarmed, armed) are Hapkido(91.7%), Teukgong Musul(3.3%), court martial arts(3.3%), Kukmudo(1.7%), and so on. about martial arts groups, Hapkido has Korea Kido Association(15%), Korea National Defense Martial Arts Hapkido Association, Korea Hapkido Federation, Korea Hapkido Association, International Union, Heukchugwan Association, Kuk Sool Hapkido Assocation(3.3%), Hanminjok Hapkido Marital Arts Association(17%), KTC Lifelong Educaiton Center, and Kukyewon Hapkido Association(3.3%), Korea National Defense Martial Arts Kuk Sool Association etc, and Teukgong Musul has International Teukgong Musul and Teukgong Musul General Association(3.3%), and Kukmudo has Korea Kukmudo Association, and court martial arts has Daehan Court Martial Arts Council(3.3%) etc, 본 연구는 창시무예 국술이 한국 현대무예에 미친 영향을 규명하기 위해 질적연구인 문헌고찰방법(literature methods)과 심층면담방법(interview methods)을 병행하여 수행하였다. 연구를 수행하기 위해 문헌자료, 동영상 자료 교본 등을 수집하였고 동영상 자료는 무예별, 소속단체별, 사용되는 형의 명칭으로 분류하고 전사, 텍스트화를 거쳐 빈도분석을 시행하였다. 신뢰도와 타당도 확보를 위해 교수 5명, 연구원 2명 등과 삼각검증법(triangulation), 동료 간 협의(peer debriefing), 구성원 간 확인(member check), 참조자료의 사용 등을 활용해 다음과 같은 결론을 도출했다. 첫째, 국술에서 독립하여 타 무예 단체를 설립한 사람은 서인선 한민족합기도무술협회 총재, 최대식 대한궁중무술협회 총재, 김선득 세계웰니스생활체육 총재, 김영수 대한검도연합회 회장, 윤상고 고려합기도협회 총재, 박윤박 대한국술합기도협회 회장, 이재식 대한본국검도협회 회장, 장수옥 대한특공무술협회 총재, 유선종 호국무예합기도협회 총재, 박노원 국제특공무술연합회 회장, 서병길 국무도협회 회장, 진종문 흑추관 총재 등이다. 둘째, 국술의 기술체계는 국술 측에서 대한기도회를 운영했던 1983년∼2000년까지 18년간 지도자 연수교육을 통해 전수했고, 국술의 기술체계(맨손형, 무기형)를 사용하는 무예는 합기도(91.7%), 특공무술(3.3%), 궁중무술(3.3%), 국무도(1.7%) 등이며, 소속단체별로 합기도는 소속불명(38%), 한민족합기도 무술협회(17%), 대한기도회(15%), 국술합기도협회(3.3%), 국예원합기도협회(3.3%), 대한호국무예합기도협회(1.7%), 대한합기도연맹(1.7%), 대한합기도협회(1.7%), 국제연맹(1.7%), 흑추관협회(1.7%), KTC평생교육원(1.7%), 한국호국무예국술협회(1.7%) 등이며, 특공무술은 국제⋅특공무술 총연합회(3.3%), 궁중무술은 대한궁중무술회(3.3%), 국무도는 대한국무도협회(1.7%) 등 17개 단체이며 특히 합기도와 소속불명, 한민족합기도무술협회, 대한기도회에 많이 전수된 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재후보

        전통무예진흥을 위한 법과 제도의 개선방안: 경찰임용기준의 문제점을 중심으로

        공시영,윤양진 한국체육정책학회 2012 한국체육정책학회지 Vol.10 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to analyze and advise on the current Korean national hiring standard of the law enforcement officers in regards to the apparent problems and issues in its official martial arts selection and categorization for the current point system. This study focuses on the findings of the 2008 Traditional Martial Arts Promotional Law. This study analyzes and focused on the recent mass media, televised shows, individual research materials, and historical documents. Based on the above, this study discusses and suggests further improvements on the traditional martial arts. First, the growth and enhancement of the traditional martial arts using the modifications is suggested by the Traditional Martial Arts Promotional Law. Second, the reinforcement of the hiring standard of the law officers as well as coordination of the related official government offices. Third, the direct application of the approved categories of the traditional martial arts suggested by the Traditional Martial Arts Promotional Law. Finally, the necessary modification of the approved standard of the law officers.

      • KCI등재후보

        미국 국술수련생들의 수련내용 및 지도자 인식분석을 통한 국내 전통무예 활성화 방안

        공시영,윤양진 한국체육정책학회 2014 한국체육정책학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        The purpose of this study was intended to examine the recognitions of the U.S. trainees accustomed to western sports on Kuk Sool Korean martial arts. To that end, the researcher visited personally 'A' region of the U.S. where World Kuk Sool Association is located Dec. 10 through 19, 2009 to clarify that training contents related factors and instructor related factors of the U.S. trainees as way to activate Kuk Sool Korean martial arts, and conducted structural interview a survey method of in-depth interview by selecting 5 trainees respectively, 10 trainees in total as research participants from two martial arts studios, and the following conclusions were reached: As for training contents related factors, the Kuk Sool trainees of the U.S. were interested in first 'the technical system of Kuk Sool', second 'the difference from other martial arts', third 'the reason of training Kuk Sool', fourth 'change after training', and fifth 'the fun parts of training contents'. Also as for instructor related factors, the trainees were interested in first 'instructor's training satisfaction factor', second 'the reason for the preference of Kuk Sool instructor' and third 'President Suh In-Hyuk. As for training contents related factors, the World Kuk Sool Association, as plans through recognition analysis, presents a gradational, systematic, and standardized course-book in their technical systems of Kuk Sool, and the differentiation factor and identity in comparison with other martial arts, and various, technical constructions for Kuk Sool skills, and a strict move-up belt test system. Also as for instructor related factors, the WKSA presents upgrading of the leadership and personal qualities of a leader, implementing a strict training system, and posting an inquiry letter of the sex crimes of the principal and the instructors of martial arts in private institutes.

      • KCI등재후보

        사회적·교육적 폐해요인 분석을 통한 전통무예 교육 활성화 방안

        공시영,윤양진 한국체육정책학회 2013 한국체육정책학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        Early education of traditional martial arts conducted as the activity of physical education allows teenagers to acquire energy release and control vigorously and receive personality education and manners education which may lack in home education or school education. Also, through the cultivation of martial arts, they can acquire consideration about others, recognition on weapons and proper use of them, challenging spirit, strong mental power, independence, and even obedience. Therefore, this study aims to analyze social or educational harmful factors in order to grope for ways to activate early traditional martial arts education, and the study method is developed mainly through literature review on advanced research and also press or broadcasting materials recently released. As the ways to activate traditional martial arts education, this study suggests the follows: first, the selection of 1:1 martial arts, second, the early traditional martial arts Education, third, the cultivation of it as an event at school sport clubs, fourth, connection with private martial arts schools, and lastly, fifth, the utility of local gymnastic centers and traditional martial arts instructors.

      • KCI등재

        전통무예 활성화를 위한 무예(체육)관련 법ㆍ제도의 고찰과 개선방안

        공시영,윤양진,성문정 한국스포츠엔터테인먼트법학회 2016 스포츠와 법 Vol.19 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to present basic data to enhance competitiveness of traditional martial arts and increase the value of national brand by identifying problems of Korean traditional martial arts (sports) policy, presenting improvement plans, creating a new foundation of Korean traditional martial arts and fostering globalized traditional martial arts. With regard to methodology, the literature review was conducted mainly with published policy materials, previous studies, broadcasting and press materials. Based on problems identified in current legislation review and institutions for promotion of martial arts, improvement plans to establish better martial arts policy First, Unification of Distributed Martial Arts (Sports) Jobs. Second, Supplementation of lack of martial arts relating provisions through amendment of legislations. Third, Amendment of Membership Requirements of KOC & Rearrangement of Membership Requirements and Examination Standards of Korea Council of Sport for All. Forth, Establishment of Standards of Martial Arts Incentive System. Fifth, Supplementation of National Sports Promotion Fund Projects are suggested as following. Sixth, Minister proposes a traditional martial arts such as clarifying standards support. 본 연구는 새로운 백년대계를 위해 지금까지 나타난 한국 무예(체육)관련 법ㆍ제도의 문제점을 규명하고 개선방안을 제시하여 한국의 전통무예문화의 기반을 새롭게 조성하고, 나아가 세계화된 한국 전통무예로 성장시켜 경쟁력과 국가브랜드가치를 고취하는 기초자료 제공에 있다. 연구방법은 발표된 정책자료, 선행연구, 방송 및 언론자료 등 문헌고찰을 중심으로 전개하였다. 무예 진흥을 위한 법 고찰과 제도에서 도출된 문제점을 바탕으로 개선된 무예 정책 수립을 위한 개선방안으로 1. 분산된 무예(체육) 업무 시스템 창구의 일원화, 2. 법 개정을 통한 무예관련 미비점 보완, 3. 통합체육회 출범에 따른 회원종목단체 가입규정 및 전통종목 심사기준 정비, 4. 무도가산점제도의 기준 개정, 5. 국민체육진흥 기금사업 내용보완, 6. 전통무예 장관상 지원기준 명확화 등을 제시한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        미국 국술수련생의 도장선정 및 수련지속 요인 분석을 통한 국내 무예도장 활성화 방안

        공시영,윤양진 한국체육정책학회 2014 한국체육정책학회지 Vol.12 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to search for activation plans for Domestic martial arts gymnasiums by analyzing factors of the U.S. Kuksool trainees' gymnasium selection and training continuation. For this, the researcher visited A region in the U.S. from December 12 to 19, 2009, where The World Kuk Sool Associaion is located, and was recommended a total of 400 trainees from two martial arts arenas in the A region recommended by the association through purposeful sampling while using the members of the association as the population. Using 394 copies of them, the study employed the SPSS 12.0; thus, obtaining the following conclusions by conducting an exploratory factor analysis, frequency analysis, reliability analysis, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe post-test and chi-square. First, it has been proved that age based gym selection factors of Kuksool trainees in the U.S. are different according to educational and instructional factors; educational background based are educational and external factors; household monthly income based are external and instructional factors; schoolwork level based are educational, external and instructional factors; training level based is an external factor. Second, it has been proved that age based training continuation factors are different according to external and instructional factors; educational background based are external and instructional factors; household monthly income based is an external factor; schoolwork level based is an educational factor; training level based is an instructional factor.

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