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      • KCI등재
      • IgA 사구체신염 7예

        고행일,남송현,이석호,유원상,이현순,이상국 인제대학교 1980 仁濟醫學 Vol.1 No.2

        1979년 7월부터 1980년 6월까지 재발성 혈뇨 및 단백뇨를 갖는 환자를 대상으로 인제의과대학 부속 백병원에서 시행한 43예의 신생검에서 7예가 IgA 사구체 신염으로 증명되었다. 이들은 면역형광학적 검사에서 IgA와 C3가 중등도이상 Mesangium에 침착되었고 전자현미경 검사에서 electron dense deposit가 mesangium에서 발견되는 특징적인 소견을 갖고 있었는데 남녀 비율은 6 : 1로 압도적으로 남자가 많았고 모두 35세 이하의 젊은 사람이었다. 이중 2명은 신증후군과 고혈압을 갖고 있었고 다른 1명은 조직소견상 반월체형을 갖고 있어 예후가 나쁜예는 약 43%에 이르는 것이였고 Mesangium에 침착된 IgA나 C3의 양과 임상경과의 심도와는 관계 없는것 같고 오히려 paramesangium에 보체의 침착이 있는 경우에 신기능의 장해가 있었다. 구치적으로 1예를 제외하고는 모두 광학현미경 소견에서 분절성 혹은 구상 경화증이 있었다. Seven cases of IgA glomerulonephritis were diagnosed by immunopathological criteria during last one year in In-Je Medica1 College with common presentation of persistent or intermmittent hematuria (microscopic or macroscopic) and proteinuria. Immunofluorescent studies of renal biopsy specimens revealed diffuse generalized mesangial deposits of IgA and C3 in all specimens. In four cases diffusemesangial IgG deposits were also seen. Ultrastructural studies of renal biopsy specimens showed accumulation of electron dense material in the mesangium with thickening of its matrix. The fact that seven cases having such glomerular lesions were observed in a period of one year suggests that the condition is not so rare when we have intensive care to it.

      • 정상 혈중 마그네슘치를 갖고 있는 입원환자에서의 마그네슘 결핍의 임상적 평가

        고행일,강기혁,하근우,이승진,류정임,노승현 인제대학교 1998 仁濟醫學 Vol.19 No.2

        마그네슘은 주로 세포질 내의 효소 작용에 조효소로 작용하는 전해질이므로 혈청내의 마그네슘보다는 체내 총마그네슘치가 더 중요하다고 알려져 있으나 실제 임상적으로 이를 측정하기는 어려운 상태이다. 이에 저자들은 정상 혈중 마그네슘치의 입원 환자를 대상으로 마그네슘 부하 검사를 실시하여 체내 마그네슘 결핍여부를 확인하고 이렇게 확인된 마그네슘 결핍 환자에게 충분한 양의 마그네슘(하루 6g)을 정주 후 나타나는 생물학적 효과를 spirometer에 의한 노력성 호흡능을 측정하여 확인하고자 하였다. Magnesium, the second most abundant intracellular cation next to potassium, has several critically important roles in various enzyme reactions producing energy as a co-factor in the cytoplasm. Only 0.3% of total magnesium is in the extracellular fluid compartment. Moreover, magnesium is distributed unevenly with the greatest concentration in tissues having the highest metabolic activity, such as the brain, heart, liver and kidney. So the portion of intracellular is more important than that of extracellular fluid in the biologic function of magnesium. Because of theses reasons, serum magnesium level may not reflect intracellular magnesium content and the intracellular magnesium depletion may exist despite a normal serum magnesium concentration. Especially the magnesium deficiency with normal serum magnesium is frequently encountered in hospitalized patients and is see most often in patients admitted to intensive care units. The detection of magnesium deficiency can be increased by measuring magnesium concentration in the urine or using the parenteral magnesium loading test. So we designed the study to identify that intravenous 6g magnesium infusion can improve the biologic function which is mediated by intracellular magnesium in 7 hospitalized patients with magnesium deficiency having normal serum magnesium level, diagnosed by more than 50% retention of magnesium in loading test. We measured FEVI and FVC by spirometer to evaluate the biologic influence on respiratory muscle power of before and after magnesium infusion and could available below results. 1.The average retention % of magnesium after loading test was 78.9±15.35%. 2.The serum magnesium and potassium levels after intravenous 6g magnesium infusion were not changed significantly, compared to before the infusion(serum magnesium 1.87±0.33mg/dL vs 2.23±0.55mg/4L, p= 0.14, serum potassium 3.34±0.38mEq/L vs 3.50±0.38mEq/L, p = 0.23). 3.There were no significant urine electrolyte changes between before and after intravenous 6gm magnesium infusion(urine Mg++ 4.33±2.96mg/dL vs 8.07±3.21mg/dL, p=0.056, urine K+ 21.9±14.11mEq/L vs 14.47±6.41mSq/L, p=0.2, urine Ca++ 7.94±10.60mg/dL vs 12.35±11.08mg/dL, p=0.087, urine phosphate 12.63±17.35mg/dL vs 10.20±8.00mg/dL, p=0.61, TTKG 4.99±1.73 vs 4.87±1.43. p=0.81). 4.After intravenous 6g magnesium infusion, the predicted % of FEVI and FVC reflecting effort respiratory capacity become improved significantly, compared to before the infusion (FEV1 79.12±17.75% vs 92.26±16.59%, p=0.025, FVC 73.23±19.38% vs 82.55±18.29%, p = 0.017). In conclusion, normal serum magnesium level can be accompanied by the presence of intracellular magnesium depletion, which can be improved the effort respiratory capacity by the repletion of magnesium.

      • KCI등재

        기술혁신이 기업성과에 미치는 영향 연구 : 마케팅혁신, 조직혁신의 매개효과를 중심으로

        고행,김영준 한국기업경영학회 2021 기업경영연구 Vol.28 No.5

        ‘무엇을 혁신할 것인가?’ 이는 경영자와 학계의 공통의 관심사이다. 본 연구는 한국기업의 최근 3년의 혁신 활동을 보여주는 ‘한국기업혁신조사 2018; 제조업부문’을 활용, 기술혁신이 기업성과에 미치는 영향과 이 관계 에서 마케팅혁신과 조직혁신의 효과를 실증분석 하였다. 분석결과, 첫째, 기술혁신은 마케팅혁신, 조직혁신, 기업성과에 각각 정(+)의 영향을 보였다. 둘째, 기술혁신과 기업성과의 관계에서 조직혁신의 유의한 매개효과 와, 셋째, 기술혁신과 기업성과의 관계에서 마케팅혁신과 조직혁신의 이중매개효과를 실증하였다. 이는 기술혁 신이 직접적으로 기업성과에 영향을 주며, 마케팅혁신과 조직혁신에도 영향을 주어 기업성과에 간접적으로도 영향을 미침을 의미한다. 본 연구는 기술혁신과 기업 성과와의 관계에서 마케팅혁신과 조직혁신의 역할과 영향 을 통합적으로 조명한 점에 학문적 차별성이 있으며, 경영자들에게 제품개발과 생산, 판매 및 조직 구조를 통합적으로 고려할 때 기업성과에 기여가 높아진다는 실무적 시사점을 제공한다. Which innovation should a company prioritize, given limited resources? This question emerges as one of the most popular topics to the Top Management Team as well as the scholars of business management across the globe. Given the world-class R&D expenditure for innovations taking place in Korea, this issue calls for the multifaceted approach to the mechanism by which R&D and innovations lead to economic growth and firm performance(Jung, 2020). Recent researches on innovation have evolved from product or process-related innovations to variety types of innovations in organizational innovation, marketing innovation, business model innovation, management innovation, which contribute to the impact of diverse innovations on the firm performance. In line with this research stream, this study aims at providing the foundational data to the management and the academia in regards to the management decisions of which innovations to prioritize and how to strategize the chosen innovations in a rapidly changing business environment by analyzing the impacts of various innovation types on the company performance. Against this background, our study empirically tested the effects of technological innovation on firm performance and analyzed the roles of marketing innovation and organizational innovation in the relation of technologicl innovation and firm performance utilizing ‘Korean Innovation Survey 2018; Manufacturing Sector’. The Korean Innovation Survey 2018, the most recent data, reported various innovation activities of Korean companies from 2015-2017, based on the conceptual definition of innovation types presented in the Oslo Manual (OECD, 2005). The manufacturing data covering +3000 companies was empirically analyzed by conducting hierarchical regressions and Sobel tests. Main findings of our analysis are as follows. First, the technological innovation showed a significantly positive (+) effect on marketing innovation, organizational innovation, and firm performance, respectively. In other words, the higher is the level of technological innovation activities, the stronger becomes the financial performance of the company, which suggests that marketing innovation and organizational innovation are required to maximize the benefits of technological innovation. The analysis also showed the significant impact of technological innovation on marketing innovation and organizational innovation while marketing innovation significantly impacting organizational innovation in a positive(+) manner. This finding contributes to the literature on innovation by empirically investigating large data set with detailed innovation types such as technological innovation (i.e. product innovation and proc-ess innovation), marketing innovation and organizational innovation included in the study model. Second, the significant mediating effect of organizational innovation on the relationship between technological innovation and firm performance was reaffirmed. Process innovation, a component of technological innovation, was found to have an effect on firm performance through complete mediation of organizational innovation, which provides theoretical implications for confirming the central role of organizational innovation in the process of linking technological innovation to firm performance. Third, the double mediating effect of marketing innovation and organizational innovation was demonstrated in the relationship between technological innovation and firm performance. This means that technological innovation directly affects firm performance and indirectly affects firm performance by affecting marketing innovation and organizational innovation. This study has academic differentiation in that it integrates the role and impact of marketing innovation and organizational innovation in the relationship between technological innovation and firm performance. Our finding also offers practical implications for corporate managers that balanced investment in management innovation areas of marketing innovation and organizational innovation is critical, in order to improve firm performance and productivity through technological innovation.

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