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      • KCI등재

        조선시대 홍어장수 문순득의 해외 표류여행에 대한 연구

        고태규 한국사진지리학회 2023 한국사진지리학회지 Vol.33 No.2

        The purpose of this research is to analyze travel patterns and characteristics of Moon Soon Deuk who had a drifting trip in the 19th century. This research also identifies the meanings and implications of his trip in terms of Korean travel history. In order to accomplish this research purpose, 9 research questions were suggested on the basis of his travel records. An original textbook analysis, as a qualitative data analysis approach was used to conduct this research. Some highlights were found as follows: First, Moon broadened the horizon of the Chinese-centered Joseon society’s world view to East Asia. Second, Moon provided extensive geographic information on Okinawa, the Philippines, Macau, and Gangnam, China. Third, Moon influenced Silhak scholars in the late Joseon Dynasty such as Jeong Yak Jeon, Jeong Yak Yong, and Lee Kang Hoe. Fourth, although Moon was a merchant, he actively tried to learn and learn foreign cultures with an open and practical attitude. Fifth, Moon is one of the longest-distance travelers in Korean history. Lastly, through the records of Moon, we can know that drifting during the Joseon Dynasty was not just a personal matter, but a matter of foreign relations at the national level, and was dealt with as a diplomatic matter with the other country.

      • KCI등재

        고려시대 해외 여행시(詩)에 대한 관광학적 연구: 익재 이제현을 중심으로

        고태규 한국관광연구학회 2023 관광연구저널 Vol.37 No.3

        The purpose of this research is to analyze the travel patterns and characteristics of Lee Jae Hyun, who took three trips to remote Chinese areas in the Korea Dynasty. This research also identifies the meanings and implications of the trips in terms of Korean travel history. In order to accomplish this research purpose, seven research questions were suggested based on 101 travel poems. An original textbook analysis as a qualitative data analysis approach was used. Some highlights were found as follows. Lee recorded all of his travel experiences using poetry, and they contributed to fill a gap in an empty travel history in the Korea dynasty. His poems implicate the power relationships between Korea and China (Won) Dynasty. His poems provide a lot of information in terms of historic people, important relics, and beautiful scenery in remote Chinese areas. His travels were among the longest in terms of both distance and time in world history, and he was one of the most-traveled individuals to remote Chinese areas. Finally, all three of his trips were different from the others.

      • KCI등재

        조선시대 사대부의 지리산 등산경로에 대한 연구

        고태규 한국사진지리학회 2022 한국사진지리학회지 Vol.32 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the significance and implications of the climbing route by analyzing the tour essays that recorded the behavior and characteristics of the hiking trails of Jirisan during the Joseon Dynasty. Based on the 63 essays of Jirisan excursions, the route to approach Jirisan and the route to climb within the mountain were analyzed separately. As a research method, the original text analysis technique was used. In the Joseon Dynasty, most of Sadaebu approached Jirisan from the east, in the direction of Jinju and Sancheong. Overall, most people came from the Yeongnam region (Hamyang, Sancheong, and Hadong). Within the Jirisan area, most people were looking for Hwagaegol. While Sadaebu frequently used hiking routes not used by modern people, they did not use some of the courses that are used a lot by modern people. Nam hyo-eun is the only person who has completed the whole trail of Jirisan from Nogodan to Cheonwangbong. Almost half of Sadaebu did not climb to Cheonwangbong, the top of Jirisan. There is a Sadaebu who went round the current Jirisan Dulle-gil. Some Sadaebu caused trouble while widening the hiking trails.

      • KCI등재

        서울시 수해사례로 본 유역권계획의 필요성

        고태규,이원영,Koh. Tae-gyu,Lee. Won-young 도시정책학회 2012 도시부동산연구 Vol.3 No.2

        Korean cities are composed of many basins involving rivers and flood plains. This thesis investigates flood-damages in Seoul during one hundred years, analyze prototypes of them, and tries to find needs for managing them. Focused for environmental sector, the urban physical planning area is needed utterly self-finishing on natural circulation system, and is needed strictly confidential land use based on the environmental capacity. How to relate urban land use with preventing flood-plain and using water-resource and preserving water-quality? The solution is in planning basins. On planning basins, public investments could be efficient in water management administration. It is necessary for water policy not defensive reactive measures but positive prevention on urban space, and that shows necessity of urban basins plannig.

      • KCI등재

        박지원의 「열하일기」에 대한 관광학적 고찰

        고태규 한국관광연구학회 2018 관광연구저널 Vol.32 No.3

        The purpose of this research is to identify the meanings and implications of Korean diplomats' travel to China in the Lee Dynasty in the context of tourism history. Yeol Ha Il Ki, written by Park Ji Won, was analyzed through the lens of 14 different elements of travel: size of the travel group, purpose of travel, travel destination, travel duration, travel route and distance, travel budget, travel guides, mode of transportation, accommodation types, food and beverage, travel experience, travel safety and accidents, souvenirs, and customs and trade. An original textbook analysis method of Yeol Ha Il Ki was conducted as qualitative research. Chinese officials coordinated the travel routes, and on the way the travelers were able to visit famous attractions. Translators and servants who had traveled to China before guided the rest of the group. Sedan chairs, handcarts, horses, and ships were used for modes of transportation. The travelers slept at relay stations, official residences, temples, inns, private homes, and in tents. They mainly ate rice, porridge, eggs, chicken, pork, and fruit, and drank various kinds of liquor and tea. Like modern-day travelers, they ran into difficulties during their trip, such as encounters with robber bands, thieves, and pickpockets, and thus their safety was not guaranteed. Cheongshimhwan, folding fans, and paper were the most common gifts for the Chinese. Travelers were strictly examined when entering both China and Korea.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        조선통신사의 일본 여행에 대한 관광학적 고찰 : 사행록을 중심으로

        고태규 한국관광연구학회 2019 관광연구저널 Vol.33 No.6

        본 연구의 목적은 조선시대 통신사 사절단의 여행 행태와 특성이 기록된 사행록을 분석하여, 그 여행의 의의와 시사점을 관광학의 여행사(史)적 관점에서 규명하는 것이다. 4권의 통신사 사행록을 저본으로 본 연구문제에서 제시한 여행 목적, 여행 시기, 여행 기간, 여행 거리, 여행 경로, 여행 동반자, 여행 가이드, 여행 경비, 이동(교통)수단, 숙박수단, 식음료 유형, 여행 체험, 여행 선물, 여행 안전 및 사고 등 14가지 여행 구성요소를 기준으로 분석하여 그 의의와시사점을 도출했다. 연구방법으로는 정성연구의 하나인 원전텍스트분석기법(original text analysis)을 이용하여 4권의 사행록 한글 텍스트 번역본을 위에서 언급한 14가지 항목을 기준으로 분석했다. 조선시대 통신사의 여행 목적은1~3차는 관백의 세습에 대한 회답 및 조선 포로의 쇄환이었고, 4~12차는 회답이었다. 여행 기간은 7개월부터 11개월까지 다양했다. 여행 경로는 한양-부산-대마도-오사카-교토-에도를 왕복하는 코스였다. 통신사의 여행 동반자는 삼사 외 460명에서 485명이었다. 여행 경비는 조선에서는 조선, 일본에서는 일본 측이 부담했다. 여행자의 이동수단은말, 가마, 수레, 배 등이었다. 여행자의 숙박수단은 관사, 역참, 사찰, 여관 등이었다. 여행자들의 식음료는 밥, 죽, 국수, 고기, 생선, 과일, 술 등이었다. 조선 측이 일본 측에 제공한 여행 선물은 동물 가죽, 산 동물, 농산물, 수산물, 문방사우 등이었고, 일본 측이 조선 측에 제공한 선물은 대검, 투구, 병풍, 은제품 등이었다. 통신사마다 사망자와 환자가발생했으며, 태풍이나 폭풍으로 인해 바다에서 큰 고생을 했다.

      • KCI등재

        최적관광관리모델에 관한 시론적 연구:관광지관리프레임워크 구축방법을 중심으로

        고태규 한국관광학회 2007 관광학연구 Vol.31 No.4

        The purpose of this research is to analyse critically the TOMM(Tourism Optimization Management Model) and suggest an empirical model introducing the 8 steps’ assessment procedure. It was revealed that the TOMM incorporates several weaknesses which make the model to be impractical in tourism management fields. In particular, the assessment method and procedure were not presented in the model so that the model brings about a number of difficulties and confusions in managing tourist destinations and facilities. A methodology of the TSAM(Tourism Sustainability Assessment Model), which is recently developed, is introduced in order to overcome the shortcomings of the TOMM and make the model more elaborately.핵심용어(Key words):관광지최적관리모델(TOMM),수용능력(CC: Carrying Capacity),허용변화한계(LAC: Limits of Acceptable Change),관광객영향관리(VIM: Visitor Impact Management),지속가능한 관광개발(sustainable tourism development), 관광지속성측정모델(Tourism Sustainability Assessment Model)

      • Medical Tourism System Model

        고태규 한국관광학회 2011 International Journal of Tourism Sciences Vol.11 No.1

        The purpose of this research is to develop a medical tourism system model. Applying basic principles of the tourism system model introduced by Leiper, this model presents medical tourism components, their roles and relationships, describing a comprehensive phenomenon in the system. Despite a rapid development of medical tourism industry and businesses in recent years, a number of stakeholders are experiencing unnecessary debates and confusions in this area resulting in duplication of policies, waste of budget and human resources. This seems to be mainly contributed by the lack of a theoretical background like a whole system model which explains simultaneously the components of medical tourism and their roles and relationships. This model introduces and explains main elements of medical tourism such as types of medical tourists, medical tourists generating regions(MTGRs), medical tourist destination regions(MTDRs), types of medical tourists, types of medical service providers, medical agencies, medical tourism products, areas of medical tourism services (medical facilities and services, hotel and food and beverage services, tourism facilities and services, and governmental and socio-cultural factors), and types of relevant human resources. This model also presents the differences of services provided to the various types of medical tourists, and a systematic service procedure incorporating service components and human resources required by the tourists as they move from MTGRs to MTDRS and finally back to MTGRs.

      • KCI등재

        조선시대 연행사와 통신사의 해외여행 특성 비교 연구

        고태규 한국관광연구학회 2020 관광연구저널 Vol.34 No.6

        본 연구의 목적은 조선시대 연행록과 사행록을 분석하여, 두 사절단의 여행 특성을 비교하여, 그 의의와 시사점을 제시하는데 있다. 분석 텍스트로는 연행록 4권과 사행록 4권의 한글 번역본을 저본으로 삼았다. 연구방법으로는 정성연구의 하나인 원전텍스트분석기법(original text analysis)을 이용하여, 위에서 언급한 12가지 항목을 기준으로 분석했다. 주요 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 연행사는 군신의 관계를 기반으로 한 사대외교를 위한 여행이었던 반면에, 통신사는 상호 친선관계를 기초로 한 선린외교를 위한 여행이었다. 연행사는 통신사에 비해 여행 빈도가 훨씬 많았다. 통신사는 선원 때문에 연행사보다 사절단의 규모가 더 컸다. 여행 거리는 통신사가 연행사보다 왕복 1,800킬로미터 정도 더 길었다. 여행 기간은 여행 거리가 더 먼 통신사가 연행사보다 더 길었다. 연행사는 중국 조정이 정한 여행 일정을 엄격하게 지켜야했던 반면에, 통신사의 여행 일정은 바다에서의 상황에 따라 유연하게 상호 조정이 가능했다. 여행 경비는 여행 기간이 더 길고, 사절단의 규모가 더 큰 통신사가 훨씬 더 많이 들었을 것으로 추정된다. 연행사는 조선과 중국 측 모두 역관이 통역을 담당했으나, 통신사의 경우에는 조선 측은 역관, 일본 측은 승려들이 담당했다. 바다를 건너야 하는 통신사는 교통수단으로서 배가 매우 중요한 역할을 했다. 연행사는 숙박 시설이 열악하고 해충이 들끓어 고생이 심했던 반면에, 통신사는 깨끗하고 안락한 시설에서 편안한 숙박을 할 수 있었다. 식음료도 연행사보다 통신사가 상대적으로 질이 좋은 음식과 음료를 제공 받았다. 여행 선물은 조선 측은 주로 토산품이 많았고, 중국 측은 서적이나 비단, 일본은 칼이나 투구 그리고 은화가 많았다. 안전사고는 통신사가 연행사보다 훨씬 자주 일어났다. 여행 거리가 멀어 기간이 길고, 바다를 건너야 하고, 기후가 습했기 때문이다.

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