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        제주산 감귤류의 품종 및 수확시기별 품질특성

        송은영,최영훈,강경희,고정삼 ( Song Eun Young,Young Hun Choi,Kyung Hee Kang,Jeong Sam Koh ) 한국응용생명화학회 1997 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.40 No.5

        Physicochemical properties of six cultivars of Cheju citrus fruits were investigated according to the harvest date. The fruit index of Citrus. unshiu Marc. var. miyagawa, C. natsudaidai H_(AYATA) and C. sudachi ranged from 1.14 to 1.38 with oval form. The fruit index of C. grandis OSEECK, C. aurantiun LINN and C. platymamma. Hort. SWINGLE ranged from 0.89 to 1.03 with a round form. The fruit weight showed the heaviest in C. grandis, followed by C. natsudaidai, C. aurantiun, C. unshiu, C. platymamma and C. sudachi. The rate of flesh showed the highest in C. unshiu, followed by C. platymamma, C. natsudaidai, C. sudachi. C. grandis and C. aurantiun. The ratio of juice showed the highest in C. unshiu, followed by C. sudachi, C. platymamma., C. natsudaidai., C. grandis, C. aurantiun. C. unshiu and C. platymamma, which showed a possibility to be used as raw materials for juices. The soluble solid and the Brix/acid ratio of all the varieties increased as the fruits ripen. Especially those of C. unshiu and C. platymamma were high(10.39, 7.67) in full ripe compared to other varieties. Acid content of C. natsudaidai, C. aurantiun, C. grandis and C. sudachi was sustained higher than 3∼5% from the middle of September to the middle of January, and there was the possibility of manufacturing aromatic products like citrus vinegar. The C. sudachi contained the highest content of vitamin C. 77.48 ㎎/100 g. The correlation between vitamin C. extraction and season was insignificant. Rind and color value of all varieties were investigated, and the value of the L, a and b increased as the fruits were ripen. The value of a of rind of C. natsudaidai H_(AYATA) and C. grandis until the end of November was negative. This means that their color was not presented by November since the chlorophyll was in the rind, unlike the colors of the rind of C. unshiu, C. sudachi and C. platymamma which were completed by that time.

      • 보리를 이용한 가공식품 제조와 그 특성

        고정,양영택,송살철,김정숙,한동휴,고정삼 濟州大學校亞熱帶農業硏究所 1996 亞熱帶農業硏究 Vol.13 No.-

        요약 제주산 보리차 및 보리음료 제조를 위한 원료의 일반성분과 무기물을 분석하였으며, 상품화 가능성을 관능검사를 통하여 평가하였다. 일반성분 및 무기물의 분석결과, 원료의 종류에 따라 다소의 차이는 있었으나 대체적으로 표준분석값과 유사하였다. 보리차의 경우 시판하고 있는 회사제품과의 차별화를 위하여 볶음결명자, 볶음옥수수, 살구씨 등을 혼합한 형태의 보리차 기호성을 검토하였다. 볶음보리만을 이용한 보리차보다는 볶음보리에 볶음결명자, 볶음옥수수, 살구씨를 16 : 1.5 : 2 : 0.5의 비율로 각각 첨가한 보리차를 가장 선호하였다. 그리고 볶음 정도에 따라 추출한 보리차의 색깔이 차이를 나타내었으며, 시판하는 보리차의 흡광도가 420nm에서 0.369인데 비하여 볶음정도가 낮은 시제품의 흡광도는 0.182로서 약간 연한 색깔을 선호하였다. 보리음료의 경우, 미숫가루만을 사용할 때는 볶음보리가루 : 물을 1 : 9로 하고 여기에 첨가하는 설탕농도를 9%로 하는 것에 가장 좋은 선호도를 나타내었다. 그러나 볶음보리가루만을 사용한 경우는 향미가 약하여 기호성가 떨어진 반면 미숫가루 : 볶음찹쌀가루 : 볶음콩가루 : 볶음참깨가루를 9 : 0.5 : 0.3 : 0.2의 비율로 혼합한 혼합가루 10g에 설탕 6g의 비율로 사용하는 경우 기호성이 가장 좋았다. 또한, 대용식인 조식시리얼로 미숫가루를 사용하는 경우 미숫가루 : 물을 10 : 4의 혼합비율로 하며, 미숫가루 : 볶음찹쌀가루 : 볶음콩가루 : 볶음참깨가루를 8 : 0.5 : 1.0 : 0.5의 비율로 혼합한 경우 기호성이 가장 좋았다. 미숫가루의 상품화를 위해서는 기호성의 향상을 위한 음용형태에 따른 배합비율의 최적화, 포장디자인 및 포장방법의 개선, 차별화를 위한 홍보 등이 필요할 것으로 판단된다. Summary Chemical analysis of barley and other cereals related to tea and beverage products, and sensory evaluation were investigated. Proximate compositions and inorganic elements contents of raw materials produced in Cheju were similiar to standard values. Blending at the ratio of 16 roasted barley, 1.5 roasted Cassia tora seed, 2 roasted corm, and 0.5 apricot seed was the better, compared to roasted barley only, for barley tea on sensory evaluation. According to the degree of roasting, the color of extracts with boiled water was different. Absorbance at 420nm of commercial barley extracts was 0.369, compared to the value of 0.182 on sample in this experiments. For barley beverage, 10% of roasted barley powder added 9% of sugar was the vest on sensory evaluations However, blending at the ratio of 9 roasted barley powder, 0.5 roasted glutinous rice powder, 0.3 roasted soybean powder, and 0.2 roasted sesame powder, added 6% of sugar, was the best, compared to roasted barley powder only, for barley beverage on sensory evaluations. On 40% of roasted barley powder only, for morning cereals, blending at the ratio of 8 roasted barley powder, 0.5 roasted glutinous rice powder, 1.0 roasted soybean powder, and 0.5 roasted sesame powder was the best on sensory evaluations, compared to roasted barley powder only.

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