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      • KCI등재

        자가 미세전류 마사지가 지연성 근육통과 손목 관절가동범위에 미치는 영향

        고재옥 한국사회체육학회 2019 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.75

        Purpose: The objective of present study is to analyze the effects ofe slf-microcurrent massage on DOMS and functions of the wrist joint. Method: A randomized experimental study was designed with a repeated measure (rest-pretest-posttest). A total of 32 college students (experimental and control groups for each M=16, F=16) aged 22.8 participated in this study. All data of this study calculated as mean (M) of l aml easured value and used a three-way repeate d measure ANOVA (SPSS). The significant level of hypothesis verification is set-up as α≦.05. Results: The repeated measure ANOVA showed that the means of DOMS, wrist flexion, and extension differed significantly among time points (main effects,p =.001). However, none of the two main effects (grou p and gender) was significant. Also, the analysis revealed the interaction between time*group on DOMS (p=.022, L3<L2) and wrist extension (p=.032), and time*gender on wrist flexion (p=.050, L2<L3). In conclusions, although the main effects in group and gender did not approach statistical significance in all dependent variables, the interaction analysis revealed significant differences in time*group on DOMS and wrist extension, and time*gender on wrist flexion. Conclusion: The results indicate that self-microcurrent massage on students with DOMS have a positive effect to reduce DOMS and to recover functions of wrist flexion and extension. To find additional scientific evidence of self-microcurrent massage on DOMS and joint function, continuous research on this topic is needed.

      • KCI등재

        축구, 야구, 럭비의 상해 발생률 연구에 대한 고찰 : 질적-Systematic Review 활용

        고재옥 한국사회체육학회 2024 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.- No.95

        Purpose: This systematic review aims to find the incidence and prevalence rates of sports-related injuries in soccer, baseball, and rugby. It also suggests some methodological issues identified in this qualitative systematic review. Method: Employing a qualitative systematic review, databases DBpia and KISS were searched from 1990 to March 2023 using keywords such as soccer, baseball, rugby, injury, pain, overuse pain, chronic pain, incidence rate, and prevalence rate. Papers meeting the inclusion and exclusion criteria were rigorously evaluated for methodological quality. Results: Out of 40 papers identified, seven (17.5%) met the criteria, focusing on baseball (4), soccer (3), and rugby (1). Baseball players, particularly at the professional level, exhibited the highest injury incidence rate (58/1,000 Athlete-Exposure [A-E]). The prevalence rates of shoulder and elbow pain in baseball were notably high (61% and 54%, respectively). Soccer showed a total incidence rate of 1.8/1,000 A-E. Studies on rugby and female athletes were markedly scarce. Conclusion: The evidence suggests that baseball athletes have the highest injury rate among the sports reviewed. However, this review uncovered several methodological issues, indicating a need for more rigorous studies on injury incidence and prevalence, especially in rugby and sports with female participation.

      • KCI등재

        스트레칭을 수행하는 과정에서 발생한 근·건 손상 유병률: 여자 태권도선수를 대상으로

        고재옥 한국사회체육학회 2020 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.79

        Purpose: The purpose of present study is to calculate a prevalence rate of stretching related soft tissue injuries in Taekwondo female athletes. Also, the study is to analyze the possible risk factors of stretching related injuries. Method: The data were collected from 2019 Women Taekwondo Championships held in K city, South Korea. A total of 322 female athletes participated in this study (mean age=18.3, SD=6.4; athlete experience=5.4 years, SD=4.0). A cross-sectional study design was used. A simple check-off questionnaire was also used. For data analysis, descriptive analysis, χ2-test, and binary logistic regression were performed using SPSS 23.0 at α≦0.05. Results: Overall period prevalence rate was 22.4% (prevalence rates of Poomsae and Sparring Taekwondo were 34% and 11.8% respectively). The χ2-test showed that there was a significant difference between the period prevalence rate and competition styles (p=. 001). The most common injury situation & cause was the split stretching with no warm-up (38.9%). The most injured part was hamstring (hamstring strain: 51.4%). The binary logistic regression showed that there was a significant difference between period prevalence rate and age, intensity of stretching, stretching style, and type of Taekwondo (p<.05). Conclusion: The prevalence rate of stretching related injury was high in our participants during Taekwondo career. To reduce such injury incidence, the safe education about the understanding of warm-up programs and stretching for the athletes & coaches are necessary. Finally, more research on the stretching related injury in Taekwondo is required.

      • KCI등재

        상단공격을 받은 태권도 선수들의 뇌손상 위험도 분석

        고재옥 한국여성체육학회 2018 한국여성체육학회지 Vol.32 No.4

        The purposes of this study are to measure incidence rates of head kicks (HKs) and concussions and to analyse the possible risk factors of concussion among Olympic-style taekwondo during taekwondo competition in 2018. A prospective Cohort study design was used in this research. A total of 51 among 203 high school female athletes, who have received a valid HK from the opponent during bouts, were interviewed right after competition (mean age=17.76, SD=0.76). The χ2 -test and binary logistic regression were performed. In results, a total of 51 athletes were received one or more head kicks during competition. The incidence rates of HKs and concussion were 13.2 HKs (95% CI: 9.8 to 16.6) and 4.4 concussions (95% CI: 2.4 to 6.5) per 100 A-E, respectively. The χ2 -test showed that there is a significant difference between the athletes who have watched and who have not watched the HK from the opponent during sparring. Also, the test found a significant difference between the athletes who have used blocking skills and who have not used blocking skills when receiving HKs during sparring. The binary logistic regression showed that the athletes who have watched blowing a HK from the opponent during sparring experienced less concussions (odd ratio was 11.5, p<.01). There was no a memory function issue reported among 17 athletes with concussions. In conclusions, the incidence rates of HKs and concussions were not high. Only one factor found as a predictor for the concussion. To verify a precise incidence rate and risk factor of taekwondo related concussions, continuous research is needed. 이 연구의 목적은 상단공격 발생률과 이에 따른 뇌진탕 발생률을 측정하는데 있다. 또한 뇌진탕을 유발하는 잠재위험요인을 밝혀낸 후, 연구결과를 기초로 뇌진탕 예방 전략을 제시하는데 있다. 사용된 연구방법은전향적 코호트 연구 설계이다. 대회 총 참가자 203명 중, 51명의 여자고등학교 선수들이 참여하였다. 평균 연령은 17.76(SD=0.76)세였다. 잠정적 위험요인과 뇌진탕 발생률과의 관련성을 찾기 위해 χ2 -검정과 이원로지스틱 회귀분석을 활용하였다. 연구결과, 상단공격 발생률은 13.2 당 100 A-E(95% CI: 9.8 to 16.6), 뇌진탕 발생률은 4.4 당 100 A-E(95% CI: 2.4 to 6.5)로 측정되었다. 뇌진탕 발생률이 높은 선수는 상단공격을 받을 때공격을 목격하지 못했거나 또는 상단공격을 받을 때 방어를 시도하지 않은 선수였다. 이러한 요인 모두 통계적으로 유의미한 차이를 보였다. 이어서 이원로지스틱 회귀분석 결과, 상단공격을 목격한 선수가 그렇지 못한 선수에 비해 뇌진탕 발생 가능성이 11.5 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 결론적으로, 이 연구에 참여한 여자 고등학교 겨루기 선수들의 상단공격과 뇌진탕 발생률은 비교적 낮았다. 뇌진탕을 유발한 기술은 돌려차기와 안차기가 우위를 선점하였다. 그리고 이 연구에 참여한 선수의 90%가 과거 시합에서 상단공격을 받은 경험 있는 것으로 나타났다. 상단공격과 뇌진탕 감소를 위한 전략으로 방어기술, 집중력 유지, 그리고 선수, 코치, 심판에 대한 상단공격과 뇌진탕에 대한 안전교육 실시 등이 제시되었다. 마지막으로 이 연구주제와 관련하여지속적 연구가 이어지길 희망한다.

      • KCI등재

        Sit-up 수행에 따른 허리통증 유병률 분석: 체대 체육 계열 입시 준비생 대상으로

        고재옥 한국여성체육학회 2023 한국여성체육학회지 Vol.37 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 대학입시에서 체육 계열 전공을 지원하기 위한 입시생(즉, 체대 입시생)을 대상으로 윗 몸일으키기 수행과정 중 또는 이후 유발한 허리통증 유병률을 조사하는 데 있다. 또한, 허리통증 유병률 관 련 잠재위험요인을 알아보는 데 있다. 횡단적 연구 방법 적용하였고 자료 수집은 간단한 유형의 자기기입식 설문지를 사용하였다. 연구대상자는 체대 입시생 남녀 모두를 포함하였고, 총 331명(평균 나이 19.1세; 여=93 명, 남=238명)의 자료가 분석되었다. 기술 분석, χ2-검정, Binary logistic regression을 실행한 결과, 총 허리통증 유병률은 총 73.9%로 측정되었고, 주당 윗몸일으키기 훈련 빈도, 하루 윗몸일으키기 총 횟수, 과거 부상 경력 자, 만성 통증자 등의 요인이 높은 허리통증 유병률에 통계적 유의미한 차이를 보였다(p<.05). 윗몸일으키기 관련 허리통증 유발 예언요인으로 하루 총 훈련 시간, 윗몸일으키기 하루 훈련 총 횟수, 그리고 만성통증과 관련이 있었다(p<.05). 결론으로, 체대 입시생 중, 윗몸일으키기 수행 관련하여 허리통증을 경험한 사람은 10 명당7명이상인것으로나타났고, 이는주당윗몸일으키기훈련빈도, 하루윗몸일으키기총횟수, 과거부 상병력자, 만성 통증자 등이 허리통증 유병률에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 향후 관련 연구가 더 필요 하며, 현재대학입시체육계열전공실기전형에포함된윗몸일으키기항목유지여부및개선에대한재논 의가 필요한 시점으로 생각된다. The purposes of this study are to calculate the prevalence of lower back pain (LBP) related to sit-up training and to find potential risk factors related to the LBP among students who are preparing for the college entrance exam (i.e., physical fitness evaluation) of a major in sports science. In methods, we utilized a cross-sectional study design. Overall 331 students participated in this study (mean age=19.1; F=93, M=238). Data were collected using a simple check-off form by a self-administered questionnaire. Descriptive data analysis, χ2-test, and binary logistic regression analysis were performed. In results, the overall prevalence rate of LBP is 73.9%. The χ2-test showed that there were significant differences between high prevalence rate of LBP and sit-up training frequency per week, total number of sit-ups per day, past injury history, and chronic pain (p<.05). The binary logistic regression analysis showed that the LBP related sit-up was related to the total hour of training per day, the total number of sit-ups per day, and chronic pain (p<.05). In conclusions, the prevalence rate of LBP related sip-up was very high among our study participants. The study showed four potential risk factors and three predictors related to the prevalence of LBP. In the future, more research related to this study is required. Also, it is time to re-discuss whether a sit-up is appropriate for a physical fitness test or not for the college entrance exam for a major in sports science in South Korea.

      • KCI등재

        Kinesio-taping 적용이 근·골격계 기능회복에 미치는 효과 검증 : A qualitative systematic review of evidence

        고재옥 한국사회체육학회 2022 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.- No.90

        Purpose: This study aims to find the effectiveness of the interventio nof kinesio-taping in recovery o f musculoskeletal disorders. Also, the study suggests some methodological issues identified in this qualitative systematic review. Method: A qualitative systematic review design was applied. DBpia and KISS were searched through January 2022 (keywords: taping, sports taping, balance taping, and kinesio taping). The papers meeting the inclusion and exclusion criteria by five steps were critically appraised for general methodological quality. Results: Two (4%) out of 55 identified papers were accepted to find the effect of the intervention of kinesio- taping on recovery from musculoskeletal disorders: one paper for patients with stroke and the other one for elderly people with knee pain. Both studies consistently found reduced pain in the short term. Also, the level of severity for subluxation of the shoulder joint ha sdecreased. Furthermore, the degree of knee flexion has increased. However, we did not find any negative efefcts of the intervention of kinesio-taping on recovery from musculoskeletal disorders. Conclusion: There is limited evidence to suggest that kinesio-taping has a positive role in reducing pain, improving subluxation of the shoulder, and flexion of the knee joint in people with musculoskeletal disorders. These findings are about short-term effect. However, we did not find a long-term effect. More studies are required with a highly recognized methodological design.

      • 스키 및 스노우보드와 관련된 뇌진탕 발생 위험도

        고재옥 한국선수트레이너교육연구소 2007 KATA 학술지 Vol.1 No.-

        Background: Recently, a number of snowboarders and skiers have been increasing dramatically. The winter sports has several advantages such as maintaining or enhancing physical fitness as well as increasing psychological satisfaction. However, snowboarding and skiing related injuries are also increasing. Among these injuries, the frequency of concussion is increasing. Purposes: The purposes of this review are to provide updated information about sports related concussion in general including definitions of concussion, incidence rate of concussion in snowboarding and skiing, and methodological issues of the sport injury study in future research. Methods: To find literature, the following Electronical Data Base was searched(Medline, National Center for Biotechnology Information(NCBI), Koreastudies Information Service System(KISS), and theses. The searching terms were limited to either Korean language or English language and the published year from 1990 to 2006. Results: In results, there are not many research in snowboarding and skiing related concussion. Incidence rate of concussion in snowboarding was high(11 per 100 snowboarder-exposures). Overall, frequency of concussion injury occurred from 3~69%. However, the incidence rate of skiing related concussion could not calculate because there are several methodological problems with skiing related concussion research. Conclusion: In conclusions, there are few research in the winter sports related concussion. Incidence rate of snowboaring related concussion is high. By the way, due to methodological limitations, the incidence rate of skiing related concussion could not measure. Therefore, more research are required with appling appropriate methods in these two winter sports.

      • 노인 댄스스포츠 트레이닝 효과

        고재옥 글로벌시니어건강증진개발원 2011 글로벌시니어건강증진개발원 논문집 Vol.1 No.1

        The purpose of this review was to measure the training effects on dance sports in elderly people. In methods, the narrative review of the literature on training effects on dance sports was performed. KISS and KERIS were searched from 2000.01. to 2011.03. Articles meeting the inclusion and exclusion criteria were critically appraised for methodological quality. In results, 15 out of 87 identified articles were accepted to analyze the training effect on dance sports. Jave was the most frequently performed in dance sports programs followed by Cha-Cha-Cha, and Waltz/Rumba. Overall, two third of this study results were derived from the female population. The physiological variables such as brain blood flow, bone density, DPD level, cholesterol level, resting pulse rate, balance, upper muscle strength, knee flexor, and BMI were chanced positively after participation in the dance sports. Furthermore, dance sports brought positive influences on the level of body consciousness, self-esteem, self-management, self-efficacy, enjoyment source, involvement, leisure satisfaction, intention to exercise adherence, stress, social relationship, and quality of life. In conclusions, there were various physiological and psychological beneficial health effects involving dance sports. The dance sports is appropriate exercise and recommended to elderly people

      • KCI등재

        Review on Sports Related Concussion

        고재옥 한국여성체육학회 2003 한국여성체육학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        Concussion is a common type of head injury that can occur in most contact and collision sports. The purposes of this article are to review the general information on concussion and sport-related concussion, to review on incidence of concussion in sports, and to provide of research conducted to date on sport-related concussion and future research directions. The literature on concussion and its definitions, its signs and symptoms, and the follow-up return to play guidelines is plagued with the uncertainty of what the neurological basis of concussion is and how it can be measured behaviorally in healthy and highly motivated athletes. A number of studies of concussion/mild brain injury have been published using either animal or human models. However, the consequences of a concussion are still controversial due to methodological problems. Ice hockey, football, and field hockey recorded higher injury rates than other sports. The most common type of head injury was concussion, in competition Taekwondo, on average of the incidence concussion rates is sustained in one percent per tournament approximately. for all age groups. These incidence rates of concussions may underestimate the true incidence in competition Taekwondo due to a lack of reporting mild cases or incomplete understanding of concussion by competitors. In conclusions, even though a number of studies of concussion have been published. the effects of a concussion are still controversial due to methodological problems. To establish a uniform standard for measuring concussion and concussion effects, updated research on incidence of sport-related concussion with valid methods is needed in each sport. Also, the effects of sport-related concussion are required in future studies, with consideration of the methodological issues.

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