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      • 연구논문 : 국가위기시 미국의 대한안보정책이 미친 영향 연구 -1979,80년 군부정치개입 사례를 중심으로-

        고시성 ( Si Seong Ko ) 영남대학교 한국균형발전연구소 (구 영남대학교 영남지역발전연구소) 2008 한국지역혁신논집 Vol.3 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 ``12·12군사쿠데타``와 ``5·18 광주민주화운동``시 한국군부 정치개입의 역사적 배경을 파악하고, 미국의 개입정책과 역할에 대한 연구이다. ``12·12군사쿠데타``는 전두환을 중심으로 한 신군부 세력이 군 지휘권을 장악하기 위해 일으킨 ``하극상 쿠데타`` 였고, 이를 계기로 신군부 세력은 정권을 장악할 수 있었다. ``12·12군사쿠데타``와 ``5·18 광주민주화운동``의 무력진압은 우리 현대사에서 일어나서는 안 될 사건들이었다. 군 내부의 파벌에 의해 군 지휘권이 유린되고, 더 나아가 군이 정치에 개입함으로써 국민의 기본권이 침해된 사건이었다. 국가위기시 미국의 대한안보정책이 미친 영향을 규명해 보면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 미국은 10·26박대통령시해사건 이 후 한국군부를 정치적 후견대안 세력으로 선택하였다. 둘째, 미국은 ``12·12군사쿠데타" 발생 시 신군부 세력을 현실적으로 인정하였고 ``12·12군사쿠데타``에 대해 불개입적 관망으로 신군부 세력을 실질적으로 지원했다. 셋째, ``5·18 광주민주화운동``시 미국은 신군부세력을 선택하여 한반도를 포함한 동북 아시아에서의 전략적 안보·경제적 이익을 수호했다. 따라서 ``5·18 광주민주화운동``시 미 국의 대한안보정책은 한국군부정권 탄생의 촉진요인으로 작용하였다. The purpose of this study is to understand about the historical background of military political intervention and the intervention policy and role of U.S. toward ``the military coup on December 12`` and ``the pro-democracy movement in Kwangju on May 18`` by investigating the stage of new military authorities. ``The military coup on December 12`` was ``a revolt against seniors`` originated by the power of new military authorities leaded by ``Jen, doo hwan`` and was an opportunity to make ``stepping-stone`` to take over the reins of government. The close inquiries into the influence of role of U.S. on ROK military policy intervention at the time of Korean crises after ``president Park`s the assassination event on October 26`` are as follows. First, U.S. choose the Korean military as alternative political guardianship power. Second, U.S. realistically recognized the new military power when ``the military coup on December 12`` occurred, but did not intervene directly in ``the military coup on December 12``. Third, at the time of ``the pro-democracy movement in Kwangju on May 18``, it was crisis situation that U.S. could be trespassed their core benefit, U.S. keep guarded strategic national security and economical benefits in East-North Asia include the Korean Peninsula. Therefore, the U.S. security policy toward R.O.K when ``the pm-democracy movement on Kwangju on May 18`` was occurred worked as promotion factor to establish the new military government.

      • 군 인사관리제도와 전직지원교육 연계 방안 연구

        고시성 ( Ko Si-seong ) 한국군사학회 2018 군사논단 Vol.95 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to research the relationship between the personnel management system and change jobs training support to improve the employment competitiveness of the discharged military officials. The results of the study are as follows. First, the military personnel management system should be improved by personnel management based on professionalism and qualification. Second, the paradigm of change jobs training support must change. It is necessary to improve the integrated personnel management system that connects military personnel management and change jobs training support closely. Third, the social certification system of military career should be strengthened. In order to maximize the competitiveness of the discharged military officials, it is very important that the education and career in the military are recognized by private social enterprises. Fourth, life education design education should be carried out during the maintenance education period of military education institution. Fifth, human resources should be fostered so that companies can be evaluated well.

      • 한국군 비상근 예비군 제도 발전방향 연구

        고시성 ( Ko Si-seong ) 한국군사학회 2022 군사논단 Vol.110 No.-

        The purpose of this thesis is first, to derive the logic of the necessity of introducing a system for the part-time reserve army system for ROK Armed Forced to form a social consensus. Second, we present a plan for the future development of the ROK Armed Forced’s part-time reserve army system. Third, it is intended to present an appropriate salary calculation method that can attract excellent employees while minimizing the budget burden, and to derive an efficient operation and management plan to induce conscientious service of part-time reservists. The results of the study are as follows. In order to successfully promote the ‘part-time reserve army system’,we would like to propose a step-by-step implementation in consideration of the effectiveness of legal amendments and the pay system. The first stage is to continuously improve and supplement the 'part-time service system for cadre reserve forces’ that the Army has applied since 2014. The second stage is the concept of expanding the part-time service system of the reserve forces promoted in the first stage. The third stage is settlement stage of the reserve army system. The third stage is to introduce a part-time reserve army system and a full-time reserve force system, similar to the US reserve force system, based on the effectiveness evaluation result of the second stage. To this end, as the most important task is to form a consensus among the people, it will be necessary to develop persuasion logic through fierce discussions and tests within the military and various public relations measures are required.

      • 해양력 증강을 위한 민간인력 및 선박 동원 사례 연구

        고시성 ( Ko Si-seong ) 한국군사학회 2019 군사논단 Vol.99 No.-

        In the case of historical examples all over the world, the core of maritime power is the seafaring force, and it has been the naval and civilian seafarers that have supported the maritime power of our country so far. In accordance with the changes in the strategic environment of the future, Korea needs to strengthen its maritime powers and prepare a comprehensive national maritime strategy and policies to prepare for disputes in East Asia. The purpose of this study is to analyze the implications of civilian manpower and ship mobilization plans and cases, and to prepare alternatives for strengthening maritime power. The results of the study are as follows. First, it is required to maintain and develop the reserve system for the on-board service. The vesting reserve system has been developed as a core policy for the maintenance and survival of marine personnel that has been in operation since 1958 for more than half a century. On the other hand, the reserve workforce is a manpower to support the Navy while operating a ship mobilizing in a state emergency, unlike other military service personnel. Second, the military education of marine students should be strengthened to carry out the mission of municipal emergency mobilization perfectly, and the military education and traps training for marine school students should be strengthened so that the mission of municipal emergency mobilization can be carried out perfectly. Third, it is necessary to make a naval manpower with mobilization power. Our naval forces are showing a remarkable decline compared to the neighboring countries, and it is very important to make the naval force as the fourth group of civilian manpower.

      • KCI등재후보

        병역자원 감소에 따른 한국군 병력구조 개편 발전방향 연구

        고시성(Ko, Si-Seong) 한국군사문제연구원 2020 한국군사 Vol.8 No.-

        현재 한국군은 인구 절벽시대 도래에 따라 병역자원 감소가 불가피한 상황이다. 본 논문에서는 한국군의 병력구조 개편과 관련한 주요 쟁점을 논의하고 미래 한국군의 적정 병력 규모에 대한 예측과 그에 따른 발전방향 및 대안을 제시 하고자 한다. 연구방법으로 군사력을 보유하고 있는 151개 국가 중 GDP상위 50개국 표본 국가를 선정하여 인구, 국방비, GDP, 분쟁여부 등 5가지 변수에 대한 다중회귀분석을 한 결과치로 한국군의 적정 병력규모를 예측하였으며, 2022년부터 2050년 이후 까지 중·장기 가용 병력자원 수급 전망에 따른 상비병력 규모를 판단하였다. 2022년도 국방개혁에서 목표로 하는 상비병력 50만 명 유지에는 어려움이 예상된다. 연구결과 미래 한국군 상비병력은 예비전력 정예화와 국방민간인력 활용, 4차산업혁명기술을 적용한 첨단과학기술군을 전제로 하여 최대 45만 명에서 최소 35만 명이라고 예측되었다. 이와 같은 급격한 병력규모 감축은 많은 혼란과 반론이 예상됨에 따라 미래 한국군의 상비병력은 북한과 주변국의 위협을 고려하여 안정적으로 유지하되 단계별 조건이 충족되었을 때 감축이 가능한 것으로 판단되었다. 더불어 한국군 병력구조 개편 발전방향으로 국방 인력구조 조정 및 배합, 상비병력의 질적 구조 개선, 전문화·효율화된 병력구조로 개편, 예비전력 정예화 달성, 전쟁수행 패러다임의 전환에 따른 병력감축 대안을 제시하였다. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the major issues related to the reorganization of the military force structure of the ROK military, and to present a prediction and development direction for the appropriate size of the military force in the future. As a result of the study, the future standing troops of the ROK military were predicted to be at least 450,000 to at least 350,000 on the premise of the advanced science and technology army that applied the 4th industrial revolution technology, as well as the use of elite reserve forces and the use of defense civilians. As such rapid reduction in the size of the troops is expected to result in a lot of confusion and opposition, it was judged that the standing troops of the future ROK military will remain stable in consideration of threats from North Korea and neighboring countries, but can be reduced when the conditions for each stage are met. In addition, the restructuring of the ROK military force structure was reorganized and combined with the defense manpower structure, improved the qualitative structure of the standing troops, reorganized into a specialized and efficient troop structure, achieved an elite reserve force, and suggested alternatives for troop reduction following the transformation of the paradigm of warfare.

      • 한국군 전사자 관리체계 분석 및 발전방안 연구

        고시성(Ko, Si-Seong) 한국군사문제연구원 2018 한국군사 Vol.3 No.-

        우리 군의 전사자 관리 및 영현수습과 관련된 문제는 창군 당시의 모습과 별반 다르지 않고 근본적인 발전 없이 부분적인 보완수준에 그치고 있는 것이 지금의 실정이다. 최근 남북과 북미 간의 평화 분위기 조성으로 전쟁 발발 우려는 감소될 것으로 보이지만 상시 전쟁에 대비한다는 차원에서 현재의 전사자 관리체계는 6․25전쟁 시와 같은 전철을 밟을 가능성이 크기 때문에 근본적인 개선과 대책이 필요한 실정이다. 본 연구는 한반도 전쟁양상을 고려한 우리군의 전사자 관리체계의 문제점을 분석하고 보완해야 할 발전방안을 제시하였다. 구체적으로 6․25전쟁 전사자 유해발굴 실태 분석과, 미국과 이스라엘 등 해외 전사자 영현수습 사례를 분석하여 한국군에 적용할 수 있는 교훈을 도출하였다. 그리고 한반도 전쟁양상과 미래전장환경을 분석하여 작전단계별, 형태별, 지역별 전사자 발생 유형을 예측하고 지원개념 교리발전 방안을 제시하였으며, 전사자 관리를 위한 다양한 아이디어와 도입 할 수 있는 첨단 신기술을 소개하였다. 또한 〈전사자 관련법〉을 제정하는 등 국가적인 차원에서의 대책을 세워야 하고 전사자 관리와 영현수습에 있어 과거의 절차와 방법에서 과감히어난 사고의 패러다임 전환 필요성을 피력하였다. The ROK armed forces have made great progress in both quantitative and qualitative levels. However, it is now time to turn our attention to our KIA management system and mortuary affairs which have made little or only the most modest progress since the foundation of the Armed Forces. The recent peace mood promoted between the two Koreas and between the U.S. and North Korea reduces the likelihood of war on Korean peninsula. However, if war was to break out today, it is likely that we would face the same situation in which we have to deal with mass casualties as it had been seven decade before. Therefore, it is urgent for us to take steps to improve our KIA management system. This study analyzed KIA management system problems within the of ROK armed forces, considering potential war situations on the Korean Peninsula, and proposed development plan which should need to be supplemented. In order to do so, we look specifically into the actual conditions of the discovery of the remains of the Korean War KIA and of ongoing mortuary affairs, and see their implications. In this regard, case studies of U.S.’s and Israel’s mortuary affairs services offer some lessons applicable to the ROK military. This study also analyzed the situations and battlefield environment of a future war on the Korean peninsula, and developed prediction models for KIA based on stages and types of operation as well as types of area. It then led to the development of supporting concepts and doctrine. The latter part of this study introduced a variety of ideas for KIA management and advanced new technologies applicable to this area. In addition, it also emphasized the importance of comprehensive efforts including law-making regarding KIA treatment at the national level and a paradigm shift in how we approach the KIA management and mortuary affairs.

      • 미래 한국군의 적정 상비병력 규모 판단을 위한 실증적 연구

        고시성 ( Ko Si-seong ) 한국군사학회 2020 군사논단 Vol.101 No.-

        This paper is designed to analyze the factors influencing the appropriate standing troops of the ROK military and to determine and predict the appropriate standing troops of the future ROK military through empirical analysis. As a result, even if soldiers are already reduced to 500,000 in 2022 due to military reform for 18 months of military service, it is difficult to maintain 500,000 as the target of defense reform due to the rapid decrease in population. The optimal ROKA in the future is based on a comprehensive analysis of factors such as changes in the security environment of the Korean Peninsula, reflections of previous studies, and adjustments of empirical results. The maximum size was 450,000 and at least 350,000. Due to the drastic reduction in troop scale, considerable confusion and objection are expected, so that the standing troop scale will remain stable and stable through phased process in connection with troop reduction, cadre reinforcement, reorganization, and power expansion in consideration of threats from North Korea and neighboring countries. Continuous reductions are required.

      • KCI등재

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