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      • KCI등재

        사법분야 투고논문 : 미국 환자보호 및 의료비용합리화법(the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act)과 의료에 있어서의 사적 자치의 원칙

        강한철 ( Han Cheol Kang ) 한양대학교 법학연구소 2013 법학논총 Vol.30 No.1

        With respect to the medical cost issue in current controversy in the field of social welfare, the best solution for our community could be sought by taking approaches balancing the principle of private autonomy and social solidarity doctrine. In this context, we need to review the introduction process and the implementation details of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in the United States. Although there are some assertions claiming that the United States adopted the universal social welfare regime in the field of medicine via enactment of the Act, the real purpose of the Act is to maintain its selective social welfare system under the principle of private autonomy through assuring the freedom for selecting private insurance contract parties and conditions, imposing the responsibilities to be healthy as possible as they can on their people, differentiating volume of subsidies according to annual incomes and prohibiting the government from adopting any uniform index standards such as QALY. Like the United States, in South Korea, it is required to strike balance between the principle of private autonomy and the solidarity doctrine by restoring the status and position of self governing rule in the field of medicine to improve health conditions of our people through their self management, enhance quality of medicine by conducting more creative treatment measures and more efficiently allocate limited medical resources to more required patients.

      • KCI등재

        요양기관당연지정제의 법정책적 타당성에 대한 소고 -헌재 99헌바76 결정례에 대한 비판적 검토를 중심으로-

        강한철 ( Han Cheol Kang ) 한국법정책학회 2013 법과 정책연구 Vol.13 No.1

        현행 국민건강보험법상 요양기관당연지정제에 의하면 모든 의료기관은 국민 건강보험제도의 요양기관으로 당연지정되고 사적 의료기관으로 남을 수 있는 선택권이 인정되지 않는다. 국민건강보험법상 요양기관의 경우 협소한 예외를 제외하면 보건복지부와 건강보험심사평가원 등이 정하여 고시하는 요양급여기준에 따라 표준화된 진료를 수행하여야 할 의무가 있기 때문에 환자의 수요에 맞추어 개별화ㆍ고급화된 진료나 창의적인 의술을 펼치는데 제약이 따를 수밖에 없다. 그러나 국민건강보험제도의 큰 틀을 유지하면서 일부의 예외를 두어 요양기관으로 지정되지 아니한 보험외 의료기관을 인정할 경우 (1) 국민건강보험재정의 절약으로 인하여 정작 보장성 강화가 필요한 수요에 재원을 집중 투여할 수 있고 (2) 보험외 진료를 선택한 환자들의 만족도가 증대될 것이며 (3) 창의적 진료를 통하여 의료 발전이 촉진되는 긍정적 효과를 기대할 수 있으리라 본다. 이러한 점을 감안할 때 보험외 의료기관의 존재가능성 자체가 전면 부인되는 “예외 없는 요양기관당연지정제”가 최선의 정책인지에 대하여 보다 진지한 고민이 필요한 시점이라 하겠다. Under the current national health insurance system, every medical institution is required to be appointed as a medical service provider which should provide medical services to an insured of the national health insurance. In case where an medical institution is involved to national health insurance system by such appointment, the medical institution is obliged to follow the medical service guideline which has been arbitrarily provided by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. Under such circumstances, it is impossible for the medical institution which are subject to the national health insurance system to conduct creative and individualized health care for its patients. If the National Health Insurance Act admits limited number of medical service providers to provide privatized services to their patients out of control of the national health insurance system, it is expected that (i) the national health insurance system could save its budget and concentrate its saved resources on more crucial demands since some portion of relatively rich patient would choose to receive privatized medical services without reimbursement of the national health insurance system, (ii) such patients would be satisfied with more individualized high-quality medical services and (iii) the entire medical industry`s competitiveness would be enhanced. Considering these expected advantages, it is needed for us to reconsider “automatic appointment regime of medical service providers without exception” under national health insurance system.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        임상시험과 환자를 위한 구체적 의료행위의 구분기준에 관한 고찰 -대법원 2010. 10. 14. 선고 2007다3162 판결에 대한 비판적 검토를 중심으로-

        강한철 ( Han Cheol Kang ) 서울대학교 법학연구소 2013 서울대학교 法學 Vol.54 No.1

        Decision No. 2007Da3162 held by the Korean Supreme Court on Oct. 14, 2010 established its own criteria for separating clinical trials from individual medical practices by legally defining “clinical trials” as “any human subject research whose safety and efficacy have not been sufficiently verified by knowledge and experiences at the time of commencement of the research”. According to this criteria, Off-Label Use of marketed pharmaceutical products could be considered as “clinical trial” if relevant safety and efficacy have not been sufficiently verified. However, current medical society has broadly taken advantage of Off-Label Use of marketed pharmaceutical products for the health of their patients. Furthermore such drug use cannot be interpreted as legally prohibited under any current regulations and even can be legally required considering physicians` responsibility to provide their best medical treatment to patients. Nevertheless, the Korean Supreme Court`s “sufficient verification of safety and efficacy” standard would impose on physicians not only excessive procedural burden such as preparation of clinical trial protocol and collection of relevant materials required under the KGCP for the Korean Food and Drug Administration`s clinical trial approval but also potential criminal punishment arising from not performing such procedural requirements under the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act, in case of Off-Label Use. Considering relevant regulations and preexisting case laws, advanced country`s practices, physicians` legal responsibility to provide their best medical treatment to patients, nature of medicine and appropriate scope of clinical trials, the Korean Supreme Court`s “sufficient verification of safety and efficacy” standard hardly seems to be proper construction of laws. In this context, the primary criteria for separating clinical trials from individual medical practices should be “the main purpose of provided medical activities”. And “the main purpose of provided medical services” can be determined based on review of various circumstantial aspects of such medical services` performances. The potential problems caused by reckless use of drugs whose safety and efficacy are not properly verified could be resolved by imposing strict professional duty of care on physicians, denying claims of relevant medical service fees and punishing drug manufactures who produce and distribute pharmaceutical products without relevant product licenses, not by unreasonably broadening definition of clinical trials to concrete medical practices for individual patients.

      • KCI등재

        미국 기업준법약정(Corporate Integrity Agreement) 제도와 국내 시사점

        강한철(KANG, Han-Cheol) 인하대학교 법학연구소 2013 法學硏究 Vol.16 No.1

        보건의료산업에서 불법적인 리베이트 관행을 추방하기 위해서는 리베이트쌍벌제에 기초한 형사처벌 등 사후적 제재도 필요하지만 사전적인 예방활동을 기업 스스로 적극 도입할 수 있도록 유인을 제공하는 것이 더 바람직한 방안이라 할 수 있다. 특히 보건의료산업 특유의 거래 구조와 현재도 지속적·반복적으로 리베이트 문제가 발생하고 있는 현실을 감안할 때 특히 이 분야에 있어 외부적 강제보다는 기업문화의 개선을 통한 자발적 수정을 유도하여야 할 필요성이 절실하다. 이러한 측면에서 미국에서 광범위하게 활용되는 기업준법약정 제도를 도입, 시행하는 방안을 진지하게 검토할 시점이 왔다고 본다. 특히 법위반 전력이 있는 제약회사, 의료기기회사 및 의료기관에 대하여 기업준법감시인의 선임, 기업준법위원회의 구성, 내부감사 및 검토절차의 설립, 윤리규정의 개발 및 이행, 임직원 교육프로그램의 시행, 독립적 검토 부서의 설치 및 보건복지부장관에 대한 보고의무 등을 요구하고 이를 위반할 경우 이행강제금을 지급하도록 하여 스스로의 준법 의지를 이끌어 낼 수 있도록 하는 방안을 고려할 필요성이 있다. 이를 위해서는 보건복지부 등 규제기관에서 사후적 제재 이상으로 사전적 예방의 중요성을 충분히 인식하여야 함은 물론 의료법, 약사법, 의료기기법에 기업준법약정체결의 법적 근거를 마련하는 등 입법적 노력 역시 병행되어야 할 것으로 본다. In order to eliminate “illegal kickback” practices in health care industry, the provision of incentives for companies to introduce ex-ante preventive measures would be more effective policy than mere criminal punishment based on dual punishment system. Considering the fact that the health care industry has unique transaction structure in which most sales choices have been decided by physicians and illegal rebate issues are recurring even after the introduction of hard-line dual punishment system, I believe that voluntary refurbishments of distorted corporate culture in this industry are more needed than external enforcements. In this context, it is required to seriously consider the introduction of corporate integrity agreement system which is widely utilized and successfully established in the United States to South Korea. To achieve the successful implantation of such new system, the authorities concerned are needed to recognize the importance of the preventive measures and the legislative efforts are also required to revise the related acts for the introduction of corporate integrity agreement system.

      • KCI등재

        의사의 배임수재죄에 있어서의 타인의 사무 개념

        강한철 ( Han Cheol Kang ) 고려대학교 법학연구원 2013 고려법학 Vol.0 No.68

        대법원 판례와 종래 학설은 제약회사나 의료기기회사로부터 리베이트를 수수한 의사에 대하여 배임수재죄의 성립을 인정함에 있어 의사가 소속된 의료기관을 위하여 의약품이나 의료기기를 선정하는 업무가 바로 의사가 수행하는 타인의 사무에 해당한다는 “의료기관사무수행설”을 채택하여 왔다. 그러나 의사와 환자 사이의 법적 관계는 위임관계로서 의사는 의료법상 환자에 대한 최선의 진료의무를 부담하고 대법원 판례 역시 의사가 환자를 위하여 의약품 등을 선정하는 대리인적 지위를 갖는다는 점을 인정하고 있다는 사정 등을 감안할 때 의사가 리베이트와 관련하여 배임수재죄의 책임을 지는 근거에 대하여 의료기관과의 고용계약상 임무를 위배했기 때문이 아니라 환자와의 위임관계에서의 책임을 저버렸기 때문으로 보는 “환자사무수행설”이 보다 타당한 해석이라고 본다. 이와 같이 해석할 경우 2차적인 결과반가치만으로 처벌가능성을 확대하려 한다는 배임수재죄의 본질에 대한 소수설적 비판이나 의료기관개설자인 의사는 제약회사나 의료기기회사로부터 리베이트를 수수하여도 배임수재죄로 의율할 수 없다는 “의료기관사무수행설”의 해석상 난점을 극복할 수 있게 된다. 환자를 단순히 비용만 부담하는 치료의 객체로 보면서 이들의 이익과 권리를 의사의 리베이트 수수로 인한 형사책임 관계에서 무시하기 보다 환자를 의사와 함께 질환의 치료라는 최종 목적을 위하여 협력하는 계약상 주체로 인정하여 배임수재죄의 피해자로 자리매김하게 하는 것이 타당하다. Article 357 of the Korean Criminal Code prohibits giving economic benefits to a person who is entrusted with conducting the business of another person if such benefits are related to an improper request made in connection with the duties of the person in question. The case laws of the Korean Supreme Court and commentators` recent positions have adopted “Physicians`s Conducting the Business of Medical Institutions” theory for the purpose of applying the commercial bribery provision to physicians who received illegal rebates from pharmaceutical or medical device companies by defining physicians` duties relating to their criminal liabilities as their responsibilities to properly select drugs or medical devices for their employers, medical institutions. However, considering that the legal relationships between physicians and their patients constitute delegation agreements, physicians should provide “the best treatment” to their patients under the Medical Services Act and the Korean Supreme Court also held that a physician has legal rights and duties as a proxy for his/her patients to select drugs on behalf of them, the major legal ground of physicians` criminal liabilities under the commercial bribery provision should be considered as being derived from the violations of responsibilities arising from the legal relationships between physicians and their patients. This “Physicians`s Conducting the Business of Patient” theory can solve legal problems of “Physicians`s Conducting the Business of Medical Institutions” theory, such as impossibility to apply the commercial bribery provision to physicians who run their own clinics and have no employer even in case of their receiving illegal rebates. It would be more reasonable interpretation of laws to recognize patients` legal status as parties of medical service agreements to cooperate with physicians for their treatment, the main purpose of such agreements and victims of criminal bribery cases triggered by physicians` receiving illegal rebates.

      • KCI등재

        전문의약품 대중광고 규제완화 논의에 대한 소고 -미국, 캐나다 및 유럽연합의 사례를 중심으로-

        강한철 ( Han Cheol Kang ) 연세대학교 법학연구원 2013 法學硏究 Vol.23 No.1

        The current enforcement decree of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act completely prohibits ethical drugs advertising through mass media except for very exceptional cases and in case of violation, imposes criminal punishment as well as administrative sanction on a breaching pharmaceutical company. However, there are questions of legitimacy of such blanket prohibition and necessities for loosening tight regulations raised not only by pharmaceutical associations and media outlets, but also by several governmental entities including the Ministry of Strategy and Finance. From a comparative legal study perspective, the United States has admitted direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs without limitation and Canada has adopted conditional admission system based on the contents of such advertising. However, the European Union has generally prohibited direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs. To put together lessons of such comparative legal study, in the United States, any regulation on commercial advertising has been discussed in connection with freedom of speech under the 1st Amendment of the Constitution and the balancing test of relevant interests has been conducted mainly based on empirical studies such as statistical survey materials. It is also notable that Canada and the European Union has adopted a gradual and middle-way approaches such as admitting limited scope of direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs which seems to impose relatively small negative impact on consumers even in case of potential adverse effects, misuse and overuse. And all 3 nations have recognized the assurance of consumers` rights to know through freedom of speech as the most significant ground for admitting direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs. The above-mentioned points seem to be important factors which should be considered in discussing deregulation of direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        시판후의약품 허가사항 초과사용(Off-Label Use)과 그 홍보활동으로 인한 법적 책임 : Qui Tam Action 도입론의 비판적 검토를 중심으로

        강한철 梨花女子大學校 法學硏究所 2013 法學論集 Vol.17 No.3

        The current rapid increase of health care costs, especially drugs expenses have encouraged some legal scholars in South Korea to assert that it is needed to introduce the prohibition of pharmaceutical companies’ off-label use promotions and qui tam actions used in case of violation of such prohibition in the United States to South Korea in order to control the expansion of the costs. However, pharmaceutical companies’ off-label use promotions can be legally admitted under the Enforcement Decree of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act of South Korea, to the restricted extent in which such promotions have solid ground such as objective clinical trial literatures. Considering South Korea’s lenient attitude to the promotions could have positive functions in terms of pharmaceutical companies’ provision of medical information to and continued medical education for physicians, it seems that the introduction of the United States legal system stated above which is strange to the legal culture in South Korea would require more meticulous consideration and review. Furthermore, under the National Health Insurance Act. the risk of excessive use of drugs seems to be well refrained by the retribution of drug expenses and imposition of civil penalty on physicians who use drugs not in compliance with the prescription guideline provided by the government. Rather, it is needed to establish object standards to verify clinical trial data which is used for ground of pharmaceutical companies’ off-label use promotions by utilizing the achievement of the evidence-based medicine and set interpretation criteria which can lead to the fair division of liability between physicians and pharmaceutical companies in case of the retribution of drug expenses being implemented by the National Health Insurance Service. 최근 약제비를 포함한 보건의료비용이 급증하면서 이를 제어하기 위한 수단으로 미국의 시판후의약품 허가사항 초과사용 관련 홍보활동 금지 및 위반 시 사인에 의한 대행소송(Qui Tam Action)제도를 도입하여야 한다는 주장이 일부에서 제기되고 있다. 그러나 우리나라의 약사법 시행규칙을 보면 객관적인 임상문헌 등 엄격한 의학적 근거가 있는 경우에는 제약회사의 의약품 허가사항 초과사용 관련 홍보활동을 인정하고 있고 이는 제약회사의 의사에 대한 의․약학적 정보제공 필요성 측면에서 순기능이 인정되며 과도한 의약품 사용은 국민건강보험법 상의 약제비환수 및 과징금부과처분으로 규제할 수 있으므로 우리의 법률문화에 비추어 생소한 사인에 의한 대행소송까지 도입을 검토하여야 할 필요성은 절실하지 않다고 본다. 도리어 근거중심의학의 성과를 활용하여 제약회사 홍보활동의 인정요건이 되는 임상문헌의 가치를 검증할 수 있는 기준을 마련하고 약제비환수 등의 처분이 있을 경우 의사 및 의료기관과 제약회사 사이의 공평한 책임분담을 도모할 수 있는 해석론의 마련이 현재 제도의 장점을 극대화하고 불필요한 법적 혼란을 피할 수 있는 방안이 될 것이다.

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