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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        원효(元曉) 설화에 나타난 풍류정신

        강은혜(Kang Eun-Hae) 동남어문학회 2005 동남어문논집 Vol.19 No.-

        The life of Wonhyo expressed in his tale is a history of playful indulgence of senses and tastes. Although he was a Buddhist monk, he cast off the general formula of ascetic exercises, and pursued his own style of study method, self-awakening, and Buddhist enlightenment. If a graceful learned monk, Uisang, who examined Hwaeom with Wonhyo, as a fellow student, and accompanied him in his studying abroad, was consistent in no possession and self-restraint throughout his life, Wonhyo was a depraved monk, who experienced even the desires of worldly people voluntarily. However, different from common people, Wonhyo was not placed under the shackle of his experience. The purpose of this article was to examine from where Wonhyo's spirit of liberty, which knew no limit and broke loose all the shackles, derived. The journey of Wonhyo's creative and playful ascetic exercises, such as the style of self-awakening, artistic experience, fleshly and worldly experience, the provision of nature, which he realized in his trips to thousands of villages and towns, shows that he was not fixed in an ordained Buddhist life. That was a playful self-indulgence of senses and tastes, which he couldn't take care of by himself, and a pathway through which he could reach to the pursuit of universal, harmonious, and well-rounded humanities. And that was in-consistent with our traditional abstruse way of life, namely, the romantic turn of mind- a cardinal point of Hwarang in which Wonhyo took part in his youth, which encourages the longing for metaphysics, the enjoyment of songs/dances/art, and endless travel.

      • KCI등재

        맥락적 사용자 조사 기반의 스마트홈 서비스 시나리오 발굴

        강은혜(Kang, Eun Hye),박남춘(Park, Nam Choon) 한국디지털디자인협의회 2014 디지털디자인학연구 Vol.14 No.1

        현재의 스마트홈(smart home)은 주거 공간에 정보기술이 도입되어 가사활동뿐만이 아니라 다양한 분야의 서비스를 제공하고 있다. 최근 IT시장의 동향을 보면 기술발전 가능성에 따른 예측으로 스마트홈 환경에 대한 여러 시나리오(scenario)들이 제한 없이 범람하고 있는 것을 볼 수 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 기술 중심이 아닌 사용자경험을 기반으로 한 스마트홈 서비스를 제안하고 프로토타이핑을 통하여 그 가치를 확인하고자 한다. 이를 위해 스마트 홈에서 확장될 수 있는 커뮤니케이션(communication), 커머스(commerce), 헬스(health) 부분 중심으로 유저다이어리(user diary)와 컨텍스추얼 인콰이어리(contextual inquiry) 방법론을 적용하여 맥락적 사용자 조사를 진행하였다. 사용자 조사를 통해 얻은 데이터를 분석하여 사용자들의 니즈(needs)와 행동패턴을 파악하고 추출된 데이터를 기반으로 공통적인 부분을 발견하고 분석하여 핵심이슈 14개를 도출하였다. 이를 기반으로 5가지 행동패턴의 퍼소나를 추출하고 각 퍼소나를 중심으로 Ideation을 전개하여 스마트홈 서비스 시나리오를 발굴하였다. 더불어 제안하고자 하는 서비스 시나리오를 프로토타이핑 테스트를 통해 사용자들에게 어떠한 가치를 가지는지 평가하였다. 이는 UX기반의 스마트홈 서비스 범위를 확장시키는 기초연구가 될 것으로 기대한다. Current Smart Home System provides services in various areas which are not limited to housekeeping activity since the information technology has been introduced at residential space. According to recently technology development, the scenarios on Smart Home environment becomes too many without any limitation. In this study, Smart Home service based on contextual user research will be suggested, so we recruited 15 users in Communication, Health, and Commerce parts centrally which can be extended from Smart Home. And we investigated those users with User Diary and Contextual Inquiry methodology. Grasping the needs of the users and their behavior pattern became possible through the analysis on the data obtained from the inquiry. As arranging them, we deducted 14 key issues and made the 5 Persona of behavior pattern based on the issues. And it led to develop various scenarios especially on 5 Personas. Moreover, we verified effects of the suggested scenarios through Prototyping. This would be expected to become the fundamental study which extends the service range of Smart Home based on UX.

      • KCI등재

        췌장 두부에 발생한 선방세포암 증례 및 문헌 고찰

        강은혜 ( Eunhye Kang ),최유신 ( Yoo-shin Choi ),오형철 ( Hyoung-chul Oh ),도재혁 ( Jae Hyuk Do ),홍순억 ( Soon-uk Hong ),이승은 ( Seung Eun Lee ) 대한췌장담도학회 2022 대한췌담도학회지 Vol.27 No.1

        췌장 선방세포암은 췌장암 중 1% 미만을 차지하는 매우 드문 암으로, 수술 전 영상 검사상 췌장관세포암, 췌장 고형성가유두상 종양, 신경내분비 종양 등과 감별이 어려운 경우가 많다. 현재까지 명확하게 정립된 치료법은 없으며, 조기 진단 및 종양의 완전 절제만이 생존율 향상을 가져온다고 보고되고 있다. 그러나 췌장 관세포암에 비하여 종양 절제 후 비교적 좋은 예후를 보여준다. 본 증례와 같이 비교적 젊은 남자 환자가 낭성 부분을 포함한 크기가 큰 고형성 췌장 종양을 주소로 내원하였을 경우 췌장 선방세포암을 염두에 두고 적극적인 수술 치료를 고려해야 할 것이다. Pancreatic acinar cell carcinoma (ACC) is a rare neoplasm accounting less than 1% of malignant pancreatic tumors. A 47-year-old male patient visited the emergency room with epigastric pain. Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging revealed a 4.7-cm heterogeneously enhanced solid and cystic mass with internal necrosis located in the head of the pancreas. Radiological diagnosis was borderline malignancy such as neuroendocrine tumor or solid pseudopapillary neoplasm. Two months later, the necrotic mass in the pancreas head had grown up to 11 cm, compressing the duodenum, superior mesenteric vein, and proximal transverse colon. Pylorus preserving pancreatoduodenectomy with segmental resection of transverse colon was performed. Histopathological examination revealed that the tumor was pancreatic ACC. The patient recovered without any complication and was doing well without recurrence for 12 months after surgery. Korean J Pancreas Biliary Tract 2022;27(1):54-59

      • ‘소방시설 등의 성능위주 설계 방법 및 기준’에 따른 장애인 학교 시설의 피난 안전성 검토에 대한 연구

        강은혜(Kang,Eun-Hye),서효선(Seo,Hyo-Sun),박보영(Park,Bo-Yeong),최정민(Choi,Jeong-Min) 대한건축학회 2018 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.38 No.2

        In this study, the cases of school facilities for the disabled are surveyed and investigated the characteristics of actual walking speed of the disabled and the non-disabled students. And the fire safety and evacuation simulation was carried out by applying the measured speed based on the performance-oriented design methods and standards of fire protection system. Based on the above results, this study is aimed to provide basic data for securing safety of evacuation facilities of schools for the disabled.

      • KCI등재
      • 포스트 코로나 시대의 가상화재대피훈련을 위한 열방출율에 관한 연구

        강은혜(Kang, Eun-Hye),최원묵(Choi, Won-Mook),김순호(Kim, Soon-Ho),최정민(Choi, Jeong-Min) 대한건축학회 2020 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.40 No.2

        Recently, social interest in measures to prevent fires has been increasing due to fires that have caused great damage to people, such as the fire at the Icheon Logistics Center. However, due to the corona 19 virus that started in Wuhan, China, people are crowded and they are refraining from engaging in face-to-face activities. It is required a virtual fire evacuation drill which is a non-face-to-face through the fire simulation, which is a computer program. In the fire simulation, it has not yet been established for quantitative fire characteristics such as the heat release rate, the location of the fire, and the fire growth rate. So, the input variables of the fire simulation are selectively implemented at the discretion of the user, resulting in different results for each user. And the size of the building and the openings are not reflected, and the heat release rate has not been calculated in consideration of flashover. Therefore, in this study, the heat release rate that is expected to occur flashover is calculated though the theoretical equations considering the ventilation factor in NFPA. Finally, it is provided the basic data for virtual fire evacuation drill of the Available Safe Egress Time considering the size and opening the building.

      • KCI등재

        기업의 CSR 활동을 통한 교육콘텐츠의 구성요소에 대한 연구

        강은혜 ( Kang Eun Hye ) 한국상품문화디자인학회(구 한국패키지디자인학회) 2021 상품문화디자인학연구 Vol.64 No.-

        기업은 지속 가능한 경영과 기업의 가치 극대화를 추구하고 있다. 이를 위해 기업은 단순히 이익만을 추구하는 집단이 아닌 사회와 밀접한 연관성을 통해 사회구성원의 발전에 기여하고 삶의 질을 향상시키고자 노력한다. 이러한 기업의 사회적 책임(Corporate Social Responsibility, 이하 ‘CSR’)은 소비자의 지각된 신뢰에 영향을 미치고, 그 신뢰를 통해 기업의 이미지에 의미 있는 영향을 준다. 기업은 이미지 개선을 통해 해당 기업의 경쟁력을 키우고 다양한 방법으로 활용하고자 노력하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 급변하는 환경 속에서 기업들이 생존과 지속가능성을 유지하기 위해 기존 CSR 사업에서 한층 발전된 형태로의 변화를 시도해야 하고, 현재 기업과 사회구성의 당면 과제인 ‘4차 산업혁명’이란 단어를 받아들이고, 적극인 활용을 통해 경재 우위를 가질 수 있는 콘텐츠의 도출이 필요한 시기이다. 기업의 사회적 책임과 4차 산업혁명은 동떨어진 관계처럼 보이지만 그 내면을 들여 다 보면 상당히 밀접한 관계가 있다. 사회, 경제적 발전으로부터 시작된 비대면 교육은 학습자의 자기주도를 실현 할 수 있어야 하며, CSR 활동을 통해 제공 되어지는 교육콘텐츠는 수동적인 관찰이 아닌 능동적인 참여를 이끌어 낼 수 있도록 설계되어야 한다. 이에 본 연구에서는 기업이 운영하고 있는 여러 가지 CSR 활동 중 4차 산업혁명 시대에 교육이라는 매개체를 이용한 콘텐츠의 제안에 있어 시대에 부합하는 지속가능한 교육콘텐츠 구성의 핵심 요소들을 도출하고, CSR을 통한 기업의 지속가능한 역할을 제시 하고자 한다. The entity seeks sustainable management and maximizing its value. To this end, companies strive to contribute to the development of social members and improve the quality of life through close association with society, not simply a profit-seeking group. The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) affects the perceived trust of consumers and has a meaningful impact on the image of the entity. Companies are trying to increase their competitiveness and utilize them in various ways by improving their image. In this study, companies should try to change from existing CSR business to a more advanced form to maintain survival and sustainability in a rapidly changing environment, accept the word "fourth industrial revolution," which is a challenge for companies and society. Corporate social responsibility and the fourth industrial revolution seem to be a far-off relationship, but if you look inside it, it is quite closely related. Non-face-to-face education, which began with social and economic development, should enable learners to realize their own initiative, and the educational content provided through CSR activities should be designed to elicit active participation rather than passive observation. Therefore, this study aims to derive key elements of sustainable educational content composition in the proposal of contents using the medium of education in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution among various CSR activities operated by companies and present a sustainable role of the company through CSR.

      • KCI등재

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