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      • Action of Lithim Ions on Ethylene Biosynthesis in Hypocotyl Segments of Vigna radiata

        이명숙,강빈구,Lee, Myung-Sook,Kang, Bin-G. Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biol 1987 한국생화학회지 Vol.20 No.2

        황화녹두의 하배축에서 LiCl는에틸렌 생성을 유도하였다. 리튬이온은 또 IAA나 ACC에 의하여 유도된 에틸렌 생성도 증가시켰다. 리튬이온에 의한 IAA유도에틸렌 생성의 증가는 IAA 흡입에 대한 영향의 결과는 아니라는 결론을 얻었다. IAA의 높은 농도(1 mM)로 생성되는 에틸렌의 생성은 리튬이온에 의하여 오히려 억제되는 양상을 보였다. $^3H$-uridine과 $^3H$-leucine을 이용한 실험으로 리튬이온은 이 조직에서 RNA 및 단백질 합성을 억제시킨다는 결과를 얻였다. 이러한 실험결과들을 토대로 리튬이온이 에틸렌 생합성 경로에서 어디에 작용 하는지를 고찰하였다. Non-osmotic concentrations of LiCl promoted ethylene production from hypocotyl segments of etiolated mung bean seedlings. Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA)-induced, as well as 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC)-based ethylene production was further promoted by treatment of the segments with lithium ions. Results of experiments using labelled IAA indicated that the promotive effect of $Li^+$ on auxin-induced ethylene production was not a result of possible mediation of auxin uptake in to the cell by the cation. The lithium effect on auxin-induced ethylene production was found to be reversed at high concentrations (eg. 1 mM) of added IAA. Syntheses of both protein and RNA in the tissue as measured by in vivo incorporations of $^3H$-leucine and $^3H$-uridine respectively into TCA precipitates were likewise inhibited by lithium ions. Possible sites of lithium action in the pathway of ethylene biosynthesis will be discussed.


        Vigna radiate 하배축 절편에서 에틸렌 생합성에 대한 리튬이온의 작용

        이명숙,강빈구 ( Myung Sook Lee,Bin G . Kang ) 생화학분자생물학회 1987 BMB Reports Vol.20 No.2

        Non-osmotic concentrations of LiCl promoted ethylene production from hypocotyl segments of etiolated mung bean seedlings. Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA)-induced, as well as 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC)-based ethylene production was further promoted by treatment of the segments with lithium ions. Results of experiments using labelled IAA indicated that the promotive effect of Li^+ on auxininduced ethylene production was not a result of possible mediation of auxin uptake into the cell by the cation. The lithium effect on auxin-induced ethylene production was found to be reversed at high concentrations (eg. 1 mM) of added IAA. Syntheses of both protein and RNA in the tissue as measured by in vivo incorporations of ³H-leucine and ³H-uridine respectively into TCA precipitates were likewise inhibited by lithium ions. Possible sites of lithium action in the pathway of ethylene biosynthesis will be discussed.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        토마토 dgt 돌연변이체의 엽병 상편생장에서 (上便生長) 에틸렌에 의한 옥신 감수성의 변화

        장수철(Soo Chul Chang),이명숙(Myung Sook Lee),이상만(Sang Man Lee),김진석(Jin Seok Kim),강빈구(Bin G . Kang) 한국식물학회 1994 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.37 No.3

        The tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) mutant diageotropica (dgt) lacking normal gravitropic response is known to be less sensitive to auxin compared with its isogenic parent VFN8. Straight growth as well as ethylene production in response to added auxin in hypocotyl segments of dgt was negligible. However, there was no significant difference between the two genotypes in auxin transport in petiole segments and its inhibition by the phytotropin N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid(NPA). Kinetic parameters of NPA binding to microsomal membranes were also non-distinguishable btween the two. Its petiolar explants treated with ethylene developed epinastic curvature with the magnituds of response increased about 3 folds over non-mutant wild type. Ethylene-induced epinasty in both dgt and VFN8 was nullified by treatment of explants with the ethylene antagonist 2,5-norbonadiene. Lateral transport of ^3H-IAA toward the upper side of ethylene-treated petioles in dgt, however, was not significantly more pronounced than in VFN8, the implications being that auxin sensitivity in the mutant was restored, or even rised above the wild type, by ethylene.

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