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      • KCI등재후보

        지명의 관습법적 효력과 명명권에 관한 연구

        강병기(Kang Byung Gi),장은미(Jang Eun Mi),박경(Park Kyung) 국민대학교 법학연구소 2012 법학논총 Vol.25 No.1

        본 연구는 지명(地名)의 관습법적 효력을 밝히고, 이를 근거로 지명의 명명권의 주체를 밝힘으로써 지명 관련 제도의 개선 방안을 연구하기 위한 것으로, 관련 선행연구를 통해 지명의 정의와, 분류, 특징 등을 검토하였으며, 우리나라의 지명 관련 제도와 지명위원회 제도, 외국의 지명 관련 제도를 고찰하였다. 또한 관련된 선행연구를 통해 지명의 관습법적 성격과 관습법으로서의 지명의 규범서열을 규명하였으며, 마지막으로 지명의 명명권의 의미와 현행 지명명명권 부여제도의 문제점을 분석하고, 제도 개선 방안을 제안하였다. 이와 같은 연구를 통해 지명은 헌법재판소에서 제시한 5가지 요건(관행의 존재, 반복·계속성, 항상성, 명료성, 국민적 합의)에 부합하여 사실상 관습법적 효력이 있음을 밝혔으며, 이러한 지명의 관습법적 효력은 법률로서의 규범서열이나 조례로서의 규범서열이 인정될 수 있는 것으로 판단되었다. 그러나 현재 우리나라의 지명의 명명권 제도를 검토한 결과 행정지명을 제외한 나머지 지명의 명명권은 행정기관에 부여되고, 국민의 의사를 반영할 수 있는 제도가 미비하여 다양한 갈등의 원인이 되고 있으므로 국민의 지명명명권이 보장될 수 있도록 법제도를 개선하거나 별도의 지명 관련 법률의 제정이 필요한 것을 밝혔다. 이와 같은 연구 결과를 감안할 경우 현행 '대한민국헌법' 제10조에서는 "모든 국민은 인간으로서의 존엄과 가치를 가지며, 행복을 추구할 권리를 가지고, 국가는 개인이 가지는 불가침의 기본적 인권을 확인하고 이를 보장할 의무를 진다"라고 규정하고 있으므로, 본 연구에서 밝힌 것과 같이 지명은 지역주민들의 사회적 합의에 의해서 형성되는 관습법의 일종이며 지역주민이나 더 나아가 국민의 이익과도 관련되므로 자연물이나 공공기관이 설치한 건축물 등의 지명에 대한 명명권은 국민에게 있음을 확인하고 보장하는 제도가 필요할 것이다. This article aims to clarify the validity of geographic name as a customary law, on the base of the subject of naming rights. Reviewing the previous laws and research papers of various aspects we drew the definition, classification and the characteristic of geographic names. We also reviewed the legal status and laws related to geographic names and clarify the characteristics of geographic names as customary laws and the orders of norms. The meaning of naming rights of geographic names and current status and problems in geographic name institution were analyzed, and then geographic name legislation was proposed for the improvement of situation. Geographic Name Laws may be treated as customary laws, as the five conditions such as existence of usual behavior, repetition or continuity, consistency, clarity and public consensus are met, so the validity of customary law shall be granted as norm order as regulation or ordinance. After investigating all the laws related to geographic names in Korea, we found problems in the lack of naming rule to reflect the people' opinion to geographic names except that the right for the administrative geographic name is given to ministry of administration and safety. The lack of legal backgrounds has caused conflicts in naming, so it is necessary to make a law or to improve the previous laws and ordinances to assure the right naming geographic names. The article 10 of Korean Constitution declares that "All citizens shall be assured of human worth and dignity and have the right to pursue happiness. It shall be the duty of the State to confirm and guarantee the fundamental and inviolable human rights of individuals". Based on the article 10, geographic name law is one of the customary laws confirmed by social consensus of citizens and is related to local people, furthermore all the people in a broad sense, natural objects and buildings established by public authorities should be named based on the citizen. The rationale of the Geographic Naming Laws has been addressed as a customary law.

      • KCI등재후보

        부동산정보서비스산업의 구조분석 및 경쟁력 확보방안에 관한 연구

        강병기(Kang Byung Gi),이국철(Lee Kook Chul) 한국부동산학회 2006 不動産學報 Vol.28 No.-

          1. CONTENTS<BR>  (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES<BR>  This study is to analyze the structure of Real Estate Information Services industry and develop a competition model by extending Porter"s 5 forces model. As a result of applying the competition model, current problems of the industry are investigated and the alternatives to gain the competitiveness are also suggested.<BR>  (2) RESEARCH METHOD<BR>  A series of related literatures are reviewed and focused group interviews(FGI) of the industry, such as firms of rl14, Speedbank. Uniasset, are performed.<BR>  (3) RESEARCH RESULTS<BR>  As an early stage of industry development, real estate information services industry are suffering from low competitiveness and low bargaining power among competitive forces. Government institutional supports, business strategic reshaping efforts and public reorientation of information value are required for industry promotion.<BR>  2. RESULT<BR>  Even though real estate information services are very important for all interested parties, the services providers, so called portal services, are relatively small companies and are lack of competitive power comparing with large information portals (e.q. Naver). In addition, it has low bargaining power to face customers and suppliers. 1n order to promote this relatively important industry, public sectors and private sectors need to find various ways to increase its competitive positions.

      • 부동산전자상거래시스템 제도화 방안과 부동산컨텐츠 보안에 관한 연구

        김동현,강병기,Kim, Dong-Hyun,Kang, Byung-Gi 한국전자통신학회 2008 한국전자통신학회 논문지 Vol.3 No.2

        현재 공공기관에서 시행되고 있는 각종 부동산전자상거래 관련 서비스 현황을 분석하고, 부동산전자상거래를 우선적으로 적용 시행한 사례를 선택하여 분석하였다. 분석을 통해 정부 주도의 부동산전자상거래 시스템의 구성단위별 구축방안을 모색하고, 단위시스템 구축의 우선 순위를 검토하였으며 부동산컨텐츠정보를 DRM 서버에 전달하고 인증받은 후 복호키와 라이선스만 다운로드 받기 때문에 P2P기술이 가지고 있는 장점을 최대한 살리면서 콘텐츠의 가장 큰 문제점인 저작권 문제를 해결 할 수 있도록 한다. Currently analyzed the various real estate electronic transaction relation service present condition which is enforced from the government offices. And applied a real estate electronic transaction and enforces and the representative instance which selected analyzed. Analysis leads, groped the constituent unit by construction plan of real estate electronic transaction system of governmental leading and unit system construction investigated a priority. And delivered Real Estate Contents Information in DRM Serever for authentication, decoding, and license downloading for cases of charged contents. This can retain the merits of P2P technology to its full extent while solving the biggest issue addressed: copyright problems.

      • 부동산정보윤리의 개념 정립 및 부동산정보윤리 확립 방안에 관한 연구

        이국철,강병기,김동현,Lee, Kook-Chul,Kang, Byung-Gi,Kim, Dong-Hyun 한국전자통신학회 2008 한국전자통신학회 논문지 Vol.3 No.2

        본 논문은 부동산정보윤리 의의와 필요성, 부동산정보윤리의 정립 방법 등을 도출하고, 현재 문제가 되는 부동산정보윤리 위반 행위에 대한 윤리적 수준을 제고하는 방안을 도출하기 위한 것이다. 선행연구를 통해 부동산정보윤리의 정의와 필요성, 범위, 기능, 기본원리를 도출하였다. 또한 현행 법률 상 불법적 행위를 제외한 부동산정보윤리의 대상으로 '우발적 오보'와 '지워야할 목록의 보존', '가벼운 표절', '정보의 부적절한 관리'를 도출하였다. 아울러 부동산관련 전문가와의 인터뷰를 통해 현재 문제가 되고 있는 부동산시세정보와 매물정보의 비윤리적 현상을 유형화하고 그 원인도 함께 분석함으로써, 부동산정보윤리 제고 방안도 함께 도출하였다. The present paper questionable matter and necessity of real estate information ethics, triangular position method etc. is an escape and for is. And currently the real estate information ethical violate action where becomes the problem the plan which raises an ethical level is an escape and for is. Preceding research led first of all and justice a real estate information ethics and necessity, scope, function and basic principle escape. Also at current law escape sent 'accidental incorrect reports', 'preservation of the list must erase', 'light plagiarism' and 'information is inappropriate managed' in the object of the real estate information ethics which excepts the illegal act. With the real estate relation specialty led interview together and currently actual condition real estate current price information where becomes the problem and article for sale information type nonly-ethical and also the cause analyzed together. This led and also the real estate information ethical raising plan did escape together.

      • KCI등재후보

        기술 포트폴리오 지도(TPM) 방법론 적용에 관한 연구

        이국철,백기철,강병기,Lee, Kook-Chul,Back, Ki-Chul,Kang, Byung-Gi 한국전자통신학회 2009 한국전자통신학회 논문지 Vol.4 No.2

        최근 국가R&D사업이 대형화 복합화 됨에 따라 기술개발과 관련된 기획 및 관리에서 새로운 기법 및 체계의 도입이 요구되고 있다. 본 연구는 다양한 기술이 포함된 대형 국가R&D사업 중 하나인 지능형국토정보기술혁신사업에 적용된 R&D 관리 기법인 기술 포트폴리오 지도(TPM) 방법론을 소개하고, TPM을 적용한 R&D 관리 적용 사례를 제시하기 위하여 수행되었다. 이에 따라 제2장에서는 TPM 방법론의 의의와 구성, 방법 등에 대하여 설명하였으며, 제3장에서는 TPM 방법론이 적용된 지능형국토정보기술혁신사업의 개략적인 내용과 동 사업에 TPM 방법론을 적용하기 위해 수행된 구체적인 절차와 TPM 방법론 구현 사례, TPM 방법론을 통한 과제관리 내용을 제시하였다. 이와 같은 사례는 향후 유사 대형 R&D사업 관리 기법의 발달에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. Insider threat is becoming a very serious issue in most organizations and management is responsible for security implementation. This study is to develop a personnel security management indicators in the areas of Personnel Assurance, Personnel Competence, and Security Environment and protection against insider threats. In this study, the information security management system.

      • KCI등재후보

        GIS산업의 국제경쟁력 결정요인 도출에 관한 연구

        이국철(Lee Kook Chul),강병기(Kang Byung Gi) 한국부동산학회 2008 不動産學報 Vol.32 No.-

        1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Geographic Information System(GIS) industry is one of the most important industries to realize an ubiquitous society in 21 st century. Comparing with several advanced countries, Korean industries are far behind in its development specially for related software engines and application systems. Therefore, it is required for Korean firms to catch UP the global industry players and to find out the key determinants for international competitiveness. (2) RESEARCH METHOD This study attempts to revise the Porter"s model by introducing the government conditions as a key competition factor rather than considering as an exogenous variable. After operationalization of the model variables, model hypotheses are developed and 3 moderating variables ("Market development stage", "Internationalization stage", "Business areas") are also introduced. Factor conditions, Demand conditions, Realated and Supporting industries, Firm rivalry and Government policies are chosen as 5 independent variables. Sales amount per employees is founded to be the most appropriate dependent variable by the result of Analysis of Variance. The study empirically tests the model"s hypotheses for different groups of firms in Korean GIS Industry using methodology of multiple regression analysis. (3) RESEARCH RESULTS The test results show that international variables, such as international markets and international rivalry, are found to be more important than domestic variables, contrary to the predictions of Porter"s original model. This implies that the diamond model should be extended to incorporate a global scope. In addition, different sets of competition factors are derived with regard to the characteristics of above-mentioned 3 moderating variables. This means that different industry promotion tools should be introduced after reviewing the characteristics of the firms. 2. RESULTS This study will be the first attempt to investigate the Korean GIS industry empirically and contribute to related knowledge of Gis field for academic societies and practitioners.

      • KCI등재

        특별기고 2 : 부동산거래신고제도, 실태 분석 및 실효성 제고 방안에 관한 연구 - 남양주ㆍ구리를 중심으로

        송준호(Song Jun Ho),강병기(Kang Byung Gi),이국철(Lee Kook Chul) 한국부동산학회 2007 不動産學報 Vol.29 No.-

          1. CONTENTS<BR>  (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES<BR>  Actual price reporting system in real estate transaction has been introduced since early 2006 and is considered to be most powerful and effective government regulation for promoting advanced taxation system and eliminating the possibility of making incorrect transaction documents. However. real estate market participants are still trying to maintain the old rules and practices in real estate business and the effectiveness of the new reporting system is in jeopardy. This paper is to investigate the current status of the new system and to suggest some policy guidelines to make the system more fruitful.<BR>  (2) RESEARCH METHOD<BR>  In this study, focused survey method has been introduced for the regions of Namyangju and Guri, Kyunggi-do as an empirical study. Descriptive statistical analysis is conducted to find out current status of the utilization of new reporting system and the major reasons of not using this system.<BR>  (3) RESEARCH RESULTS<BR>  Major reasons of low utilization of new reporting system are: difficulties in user interface of internet system, inadequate screening process by real estate agency, no incentives for keeping regulations, insufficient policy promotion and educational opportunity, market participants" intents for low tax payment, and etc.<BR>  2. RESULTS<BR>  This paper suggest some policy guidelines such as stabilization of internet reporting system, nationwide governmental promotion and education, incentive systems for well-reporting market participants, revisions of related laws and regulations, introduction of in-depth screening and monitering system and other measures.

      • KCI등재

        부동산정보서비스산업의 핵심 경쟁요인 도출에 관한 연구

        박원갑(Park, Won Gap),강병기(Kang, Byung Gi),김갑열(Kim, Gab Youl),이국철(Lee, Kook Chul) 한국부동산학회 2008 不動産學報 Vol.35 No.-

        1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of 5 competition factors on the performance of real estate information service companies and deduce the core competition factors using the industrial structure analysis model(the Five Forces Model) of Porter. (2) RESEARCH METHOD Multiple regression analysis was performed to determine whether and how much each competition factor has an impact on the company's performance. ANOVA and t-test were applied to identify whether the business performance is different depending upon the business characteristics variables. Regression analysis was performed to test the moderating effect whether the relation between competition factors and business performance is changed depending upon the levels of business characteristics variables. (3) RESEARCH RESULTS Threats by alternative services and strength of consumers' negotiation power were found to have reverse relationship with the performance of real estate information service company. The performance of real estate information service company was found to be different depending upon the service types and the portion of online business. The portion of online business was found to act as a moderating variable in the relationship between competition factors and business performance. However, service types were found to act as a moderating variable only to the threat by PR-focused alternative services and consumers' negotiation power of low-priced service types. 2. RESULT Firstly, when empirical analysis was performed to real estate information service enterprises, threats by alternative services was found to give the largest negative influence to business performance. That is, it is difficult to improve the business performance without reducing the threat by the major internet portal such as Naver. The measures to improve the preference of the products and services should urgently be sought against the threat by alternative services. Secondly, the consumers' negotiation power was found to give the largest negative influence to business performance next to alternative services. It is needed to real estate information service companies to differentiate the information and improve the credibility and quality of services to reduce consumers' negotiation power. Thirdly, many real estate information service enterprises aim at PR-focused services to improve the performance in a short time. When the endeavors are aimed at PR service with neglecting the quality improvement of information services, such endeavors will result in obstacles interfering with the continuous growth of enterprises due to secession of consumers in the long-term view. Therefore, the competitiveness should be improved by the method to strengthen the basic information function of real estate information service company.

      • 부동산전자상거래시스템 제도화 방안 연구

        이국철(Kook chul Lee),강병기(Byung gi Kang) 한국전자통신학회 2007 한국전자통신학회 학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        본 연구는 정부 주도의 부동산전자상거래 시스템의 효율적 구축방안을 도출하기 위하여 수행된 것이다. 우선 국내외에서 발표된 관련 문헌의 고찰을 통해 부동산전자상거래의 이론적 체계를 검토하였다. 또한 현재 공공기관에서 시행되고 있는 각종 부동산전자상거래 관련 서비스 현황을 분석하고, 부동산전자상거래를 우선적으로 적용 · 시행한 사례를 선택하여 분석하였다. 분석을 통해 정부 주도의 부동산전자상거래 시스템의 구성단위별 구축방안을 모색하고, 단위시스템 구축의 우선 순위도 검토했다.

      • KCI등재후보

        국내 부동산서비스 산업의 실태분석 및 전략적 시사점

        박원갑(Park, Won-Gap),강병기(Kang, Byung-Gi) 한국주거환경학회 2008 주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집) Vol.6 No.2

        The domestic real estate information service industry has recently been confronted with a great difficulty in management due to changes in the business environment and showed some limitation of its growth trend. Under these circumstances, this study attempted to analyze the structure and the current status of the real estate information service industry and outlined a general of course of action for future sustained growth through the survey analysis. As a result, it was pointed out that the domestic real estate information service industry had such problems as low information quality, narrow scope of information areas by only focusing apartment housing information. To improve this, it is required to take countermeasures such as the diversification of information, the establishment of credibility of the market price and articles for sale, the construction of differentiated contents and the like. In addition, it would be necessary to raise competitiveness by reinforcing its proper information provision services rather than advertisement services aimed at short-term performance and establish the balance between online and offline businesses. This study had a great value in that it was the overall research conducted for the first time about the real estate information service industry playing a major role as the window for general consumers to approach real estate information. The findings of this study could provide reference material for establishing the real estate industry policy of government and formulating the business strategy of real estate information service business firms by diagnosing the realities and problem of the pertinent industry.

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