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      • 전남지방 한우의 간질충감염 조사

        박진열,노용기,위성하,강병규,이정길,Park J. Y.,Rho Y. K.,Wee S. H.,Kang B. K.,Lee C. G. 대한수의사회 1982 대한수의사회지 Vol.18 No.3

        The prevalence of bovine fascioliasis was determined in Korean native cattle of Chonnam area by intradermal reaction and fecal examination. The animals examined were calves and adult cattle over 7years of age. and this survey was performed during 1979-198

      • 全南地方의 韓牛에 發生하고 있는 原因不明의 急性 疾患에 關한 硏究;특히 초酸고中毒症診斷을 위한 基礎的 檢討

        朴永埈,金容植,康炳奎,李政吉,金廣植,羅鎭洙 全南大學校 農漁村開發硏究所 1974 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.8 No.-

        全南 羅州 文平의 一地域에서 約 20年 以來 韓牛의 急死例가 續發하여, 어떤 中毒性疾患(靑酸, 農藥 및 硝酸鹽中毒 等)으로 推定되었던 바 이번에 硝酸鹽中毒 診斷을 위한 基礎的 資料를 얻기 위하여 飼料 및 血中 硝酸態窒素(NO3-N), 亞硝酸態窒素(NO2-N) 및 Methemoglobin(Met Hb)含量에 對하여 原因不明疾患 發生地域과 非發生地域間에 比較檢討를 實施하여 다음과 같은 結論을 얻었다. 1. Met Hb%는 平均値 1.93±0.25%(範圍 0.0-5.3%)로써 正常限界値 範圍內에 屬하였다. NO3-N 및 NO2-N値는 각각 5.99±0.705 ug/ml (範圍 2.63-11.05), 0.0667±0.0118 ug/ml (範圍 0.016-0.202)로써 어느 것이나 發症限界 以下에 屬하였다. 但 NO2-N値만이 發生地域이 非發生地域에 比하여 높은 値를 보이는 例가 있었다. 2. 食水中 NO2-N 含量은 發生地域이 平均 8.04 ug/ml(範圍 0.83-14.50ug/ml)로 非發生地域의 7.83 ug/ml보다 높았고, 熟飼料中의 含量도 發生地域이 平均 37.01ug/ml(範圍 23.50-82.90ug/ml), 非發生地域이 29.70 ug/ml로 亦是 發生地域이 높은 含量을 보이고 있다. 3. 食水, 熟飼料 및 靑草飼料에 對한 硝酸鹽 定性試驗(Diphenylomine test)結果는 發生地域에서 陽性 例數가 많았고 非發生地域은 疑陽性 乃至 陰性이었다. A lot of Korean cattle died of an acute, unknown disease in Moonpyung area for about 20 years. The etiology of the disease was suspected to be a certain kind of poisoning such as; potassium cyanide, pesticide or sodium nitrate. ln order to get some basic information for the diagnosis of the nitrate poisoning, we analysed samples of water, feedstuff, and blood of cattle from the infected and noninfected area for nitrate, nitrite, and methemoglobin values. Results obtained were as follows: 1. Mean of values for percentage of methemoglobin was 1.93±0.25% (range 0.0-5.3) and it belonged to the normal range. Mean of values for serum nitrate was 5.99±0.705 ug/ml (range 2.63-11.05) and that of values for serum nitrite was 0.0667±0.0118 ug/ml (range 0.016-0.202). Both of them were below the toxic level. Only one case of values for serum nitrite in the infected area was higher than those in the non-infected area. 2. Mean of values for nitrate in well water of the infected area was 8.04 ug/ml(range 0.83-14.50) and it was higher than that(7.83 ug/ml) of the non-infected area. Meanwhile, mean of values for nitrate in boiled feed-stuff of the infected area was 37.01ug/ml (range 23.50-82.90) and it was also higher than that (29.70 ug/ml) in the non-infected area. 3. The results obtained from DPB test well water, boiled feed-stuff, and green feed revealed that: positive cases prevailed in the infected area. On the other hand, all cases were negative or suspected positive in the non-infected area.

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