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      • 비병치 유연계의 시간지연 이산제어에서 한스텝선행 미분제어기의 특성

        강민식,Kang, Min-Sig 대한기계학회 1993 대한기계학회논문집 Vol.17 No.7

        This paper considers a time delay control of noncolocated flexible mechanical systems in discrete time domain. A stability criterion suggested in the previous paper is,extended in the consideration of infinite mode property of flexible systems and finite control sampling frequency. Based on the stability criterion, the one step advanced discrete time derivative control is suggested, which can stabilize infinite number of modes of a flexible system. The sensitivity analysis shows the robustness of the one step advanced control to the system parameter uncertainties and time delay errors. Application to a simply supported beam verifies the extended stability criterion and the effectiveness of the one step advanced D-control.

      • KCI등재

        관성형 능동 댐퍼를 이용한 구조물 진동 제어에서 댐퍼 질량의 변위 제한을 고려한 FxLMS 알고리즘

        강민식,Kang, Min Sig 한국군사과학기술학회 2021 한국군사과학기술학회지 Vol.24 No.5

        Engine is the main source of vibration that generates unwanted noise and vibration of vehicle chassis. Especially, in submarine applications, radiation of noise signatures can be detected at some distance away from the submarine using a sonar array. Thus quiet operation is crucial for submarine's survivability. This study addresses reduction of the force transmissibility originating from engines and transmitted to hull through engine mounts. An inertial damper, as an actuator of hybrid mount system, is addressed to reduce even further the level of vibration. Narrow band FxLMS algorithms are broadly used to cancel the vibration of engine mount because of its excellent performance of canceling narrow band noise. However, in real active dampers, the maximum displacement of damper mass is kinematically restricted. When the control input signal from the FxLMS algorithm exceeds this limitation, the damper mass will collide with the mechanical stops and results in many problems. Originated from these, a modified narrow band FxLMS algorithm based on the equalizer technique with the maximum allowable displacement of active damper mass is proposed in this study. Some simulation results showed that the propose algorithm is effective to suppress vibration of engine mount while ensuring given displacement constraint.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        청주한씨의 연원과 시조 전승

        강민식(Kang, Min-sig) 한국학중앙연구원 2013 장서각 Vol.0 No.30

        삼한거족을 자처하는 청주한씨의 시조는 고려 개국공신 한란으로 알려져 있다. 그런데 실제 시조 전승과 성씨의 연원을 추적한 결과 이러한 전승 체계의 상한은 고려 말 조선 초를 상회하지 않는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 고려 말에 처음 시조 전승이 기록에 보이기 시작하였고, 조선 전기 공신과 외척으로 크게 성장하면서 시조와 상대 세계를 갖추게 된 것으로 보았다. 또한 청주한씨는 기자의 후예라 자처하는데, 임진왜란 직후에 형성된 전승 체계라 할 수 있으며 조선 말기까지도 다원적인 계보가 남아있었다. 그리고 성씨의 연원인 기자후예설은 임진왜란을 거치며 시조 전승과 결합하여 시조제단비의 건립과 족보 간행을 통해 족내외의 완성된 전승 체계를 마련하였다. The Cheongju Han family considers itself a great family in history and claims that Han-Ran, who contributed to the founding of the Koryo dynasty, is its forefather. However, the genealogical traces of the origin and the progenitor of the Cheongju Han family indicate that its family lineage was not formed until the late Koryo or the early Joseon dynasty. The Cheongju Han family’s genealogy was first recorded in the late Koryo period. Later on, its family lineage consolidated its structure while the family grew as a founding member of Joseon and the queen’s relatives. Although Cheongju Han saysthat the family is a descendant of Ki-Ja, its genealogy was shaped only after the Imjin War (the Japanese invasion of Korea), and several genealogical lines of the family remained until the end of Joseon Dynasty. The theory on the family’s lineage with Ki-Ja, which explains the root of the surname (“Han”), was combined with the tale of the progenitor. Thereafter, as the progenitor’s stone monument was erected and the family’s pedigree was printed, a solid family lineage system was established.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        552년 백제의 한강유역 포기[棄]와 신라,고구려의 밀약설(密約說)

        강민식 ( Kang Min Sig ) 한국고대학회 2014 先史와 古代 Vol.40 No.-

        백제 성왕은 고구려의 공세를 막아내고, 가야세력의 이탈을 막아야 하는 이중의 과제를 안고 있었다. 이러한 위기를 극복하기 위해 성왕은 공동의 적을 구체화하여 신라 혹은 가야와 왜 세력을 끌어들여 연합전선을 형성해 나갔던 것이다. 이탈과 배반을 막고 전쟁을 통해 영향 력을 강화하려는 의도였다. 성왕은 541년 신라와의 동맹 이후 가야지역에 대한 적극적인 정책으로 전환하면서 대가야 를 영향력 아래에 둘 수 있었고, 신라와 함께 고구려에 대한 적극적인 공세에 나서게 되었다. 그것은 고구려 내부에 사정을 적극 활용한 것이었지만, 상대적으로 신라의 도움 없이는 불가 능한 상황을 고려한 것이었다. 이러한 백제의 한계를 간파한 신라는 백제에게 참전에 따른 대가를 요구하게 되었고 이에 따라 백제는 550~551년 전역(戰役)의 결과로 얻은 상당 부분의 영토를 할양하게 된 것이다. 한편 544년 이래 성왕이 끊임없이 고구려와 신라의 공모를 언급한 것은 가야와 왜 세력을 영향권 아래 두려는 시도였다. 실제 551년까지 대고구려전에 신라가 포함된 연합군을 형성할 수 있었고, 이후 관산성 전투에도 가야와 왜의 병력을 동원할 수 있었다. 따라서 한강유역 회복 후 백제가 한성 평양지역을 포기하고 왕녀를 시집보낸 일 등이 단순히 신라와 고구려의 밀약에 따른 후퇴라기보다는 동맹의 실체였던 것이다. 결국 관산성 전투는 주변 정세에 따라 신라를 끌어들여 고구려를 공략하고 가야지역에 대한 우위를 차지한 후 신라에 대해 공세로 전환한 사건이었다. 그동안의 외교활동을 통해 대가야와 왜 연합군을 이루어 마침내 신라에 대한 총공세를 단행한 것이다. From the beginning of King Seong`s reign, Baekje suffered from Goguryeo`s military attacks, and after being defeated by Goguryeo in the Battle of 529, Baekje moved its capital. King Seong had two important missions: he had to defend Baekje from Goguryeo on the one hand, and he had to keep Kaya from breaking away on the other. In order to overcome the crisis, King Seong carried out a dual foreign policy. Clearly indentifying the mutual enemy, he formed an alliance with Silla or Kaya and with Japan. This was to fortify its power through war as well as to prevent the severance of the alliance. From the year 523 to 538, Baekje kept two war fronts. On the northern front, Baekje was struggling with Goguryeo`s attacks, and on the southern front, it was in conflict with Kaya over the occupation of the Sum-Jin Basin. Baekje conducted a non-violent campaign in the Anla region; however, after Geum-Gwan Kaya surrendered to Silla, it fell into a difficult situation. After the year of 541, Baekje implemented an aggressive foreign policy in the Kaya region. As a result, Baekje was able to put Dae Kaya under its control. Also, after the annexation with Silla, Baekje launched aggressive military assaults against Goguryeo. Baekje was able to do this by taking advantage of Goguryeo`s state of internal affairs at that time. However, it would have been impossible if it were not for the help of Silla. Silla, recognizing the importance of its role, demanded compensation for its military assistance, and Baekje ceded Silla a large portion of territory that it had gained between 550 and 551. In the mean time, King Seong constantly claimed that Baekje was being attacked by the allies of Goguryeo and Silla, with the intent to draw Kaya and Japan into its forces. Through this strategy, Backje, until 551, was able to form an alliance that included Silla during the battles with Goguryeo, and to mobilize troops from Kaya and Japan during the battles with Silla. Hence, it is problematic to view Baekje`s resignation of Hansung and Pyongyang nd the marrying of its princess to the King of Silla as an act of retreat, simply a esult of Silla and Goguryeo`s secret treaty. Although the treaty was for the mutual nterests of Silla and Goguryeo, as evidenced in the erection of the Hwangchoryong nd Maunryong steles(568), it is problematic to view Silla`s occupation of the Han asin and its northeastern territorial expansion after the Gwansansung Battle simply as a esult of the secret treaty with Goguryeo. To conclude, the Gwansansung Battle was ntended to be a turning point for Baekje. It was a battle in which Baekje planned to ttack Goguryeo with the help of Silla, to take Kaya under control, and then, to attack illa.

      • 능동자기베어링계에서 외란관측기를 갖는 슬라이딩모드 제어

        강민식(Kang Min Sig) 대한기계학회 2004 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2004 No.4

        In this paper, a sliding mode control based on disturbance observer is proposed to attenuate disturbance responses in an active magnetic bearing system, which is subject to base motion. An algorithm for exactly decoupling the disturbance estimation dynamics from the sliding mode dynamics is developed. It is also shown that the proposed method preserves the robustness of the sliding mode and asymtotically achieves zero regulation error, in the presence of external disturbances and parametric uncertainties. The proposed control is applied to a 2-DOF active magnetic bearing system subject to base motion. The feasibility of the proposed technique is illustrated, and the results of an experimental demonstration are shown.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        MFXLMS 알고리즘을 이용한 전자기베어링계의 외란보상 제어기 - 실험

        강민식(Min Sig Kang),정종수(Jong Soo Jung) Korean Society for Precision Engineering 2004 한국정밀공학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        This paper illustrates the feasibility and the effectiveness of the disturbance feedforward compensation control proposed in the previous paper. The compensator is designed experimentally by means of the Multiple Filtered-x Least Mean Square algorithm. A 2-DOF active magnetic bearing system subject to base motion is built and the compensation control is applied. The experimental results demonstrate that the compensation control reduces the air-gap responses within 10% of those by the feedback control alone without increasing the control inputs.

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