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      • 農産物 마아케팅 組織에 대한 硏究 : 協同出荷班을 中心으로 Centered on Cooperative Shipper's Union

        姜景璿 濟州大學校 새마을硏究所 1989 새마을硏究論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        Korea has had 11708 cooperative shipper's unions organized as distributive agencies in product-producing districts since 1987. These cooperative shipper's unions have the characters of cooperative marketing. That is, cooperative shipper's unions as organizations supporting a local agricultural cooperative association, respect the independency of the members, even though they are not only a poor hand at the functional and structural control over production but also production- oriented and small in marketing scale. As a matter of course. in order to produce products that consumers and prospective customers want, some of developed agencies have strong and systematic control over even the production of members. They are also large in marketing scale. Cooperative shipper's unions now fulfill functions, such as joint work, joint sale, joint buying of productive materials, building and operating facilities for common use. and the joint collection and supply of necessary fund.

      • 靑果物 流通의 諸問題와 그 改善方向 : 濟州地域 生産物을 中心으로 With priority given to farm products in Cheju-Do

        姜景璿 濟州大學校 새마을硏究所 1984 새마을硏究論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        Through this study, I researched on the actual conditon of agrcultural product distribution attaching importance to fruits and uegetabies in Cheju region, and tried to find solutions to urgent guestions. Since the beginning of the 1960s, main agricultural complexes have been famed in Cheju-do and the agricultural management for the purpose of trade has been quickening up. Commercial farm-management conducted by petty farmers needs main agricuitural complexes in the productive aspect, but need a joint sale method in the molvlceeing of farm products. Nevertheless, the real situation is that though the foundation of main agricultural complexes in the productive aspect has been formed, the marketing of farm products plays into the hands of some wicked merchants, not conducted by means of a jojint sale method. Therfore, this study showed concrete measures of a joint sale through an agricultural cooperative association. Now, some kinds of fruits and vegetables, which present such an extraordinary phenomenon as overproduction, are studied from a viex point of adjustment of demand and supply. I investigated the actual conditions of wholesale markets for fruits and vegetables which are limited to. Cheju area, and tried to find substantial and salutary improvement measures in the present condition. But more extensive invetigation and study must be made in the future.

      • 헌법과 정치

        강경선 한국방송통신대학교 2015 인권법연구 Vol.1 No.1

        헌법은 사회계약문서이다. 정치적 타협의 결과 얻어진 계약문서이다. 우리 헌법은 대체로 서양에서 수입한 것이었다. 헌법전문은 우리 국민들에 의해서 직접 쓰여진 헌법이라는 점에서 특별히 가치와 의미가 있다. 헌법전문은 제헌이래 형식과 내용에서 큰 변화없이 오늘에 이르고 있다. 그래서 전문은 우리 국민들의 국가에 대한 공통염원을 담고 있는 유일한 합의문서의 성격을 띠고 있다. 비록 추상적으로 표현된 문장이지만 자세히 정독하면 국민들이 바라는 길이 어디에 있는가를 찾아볼 수 있는 나침반이기도 한 것이다. 대체로 볼 때 현재 우리는 헌법의 3분의 2 고지에 이르렀다고 본다. 그렇다면 나머지 3분의 1은 무엇인가? 복지국가(사회국가) 부분이다. 제헌 67년이 되도록 이제까지 우리가 본격적으로 착수해보지 않았던 복지국가 헌법의 실행이 우리의 과제다. 복지국가는 헌법적 ‘당위’이지만, 우리가 처한 역사적 시점에서 평가해보면 필연적 과제라는 것을 실감하게 된다. 우리가 하지 않으면 안될 ‘필연’으로서의 복지국가를 순리적으로 받아들이는 지혜가 필요할 것이다. 이와 같은 필연적 과제를 어떻게 풀어가야 할까를 고민하는 것이 정치이다. 헌법은 당연히 민주주의적 정치를 요구한다. 직접민주주의와 대의제 민주주의의 조화, 형식적 민주주의를 넘어 실질적 민주주의의 이념을 어떻게 달성하느냐가 현재의 정치적 과제이다.

      • 農業生産組織에 대한 硏究

        姜景璿 제주대학 1980 논문집 Vol.12 No.2

        1. In this research paper. I divided the steps of organization theory into classical organization theory, modern organization, human relations and related theories. 2. If orgnanizations continue to develop internal conditions for formation, it is important for communication, willingness to serve and common purpose that these three elements of organization are closely connented with one another. The continuance and development of organization requires a balanced system of contribution inducement. Only natural resources, human resources and technical resources, the and basic resources for society, are factors in producing organizations. We must realize that cooperation between them can bring about economical benefits. 3. The modern significance of cooperative groups for agricultural production can be found in changing and reorganizing agricultural circumstances. Primarily it is necessary to prevent the labor force front losing its quality and quality of output, to cause a revolution in technics, and to improve the land system. There are several types of organization as follows ; 1) an organization of a producer's own accord ; 2) an organization made by group of producers ; 3) an organization made by capital having no relation to agriculture, These can also be subdivided into several concrete types as follows ; 1) cooperative groups for joint labor ; 2) cooperative groups for joint use of agricultural machines and equipment ; 3) cooperative groups for crop growing ; 4) cooperatve groups for contract farming ; 5) cooperative gorups for livestock production ; 6) coopertive forming groups. Among these groups, 1) joint farming groups, 2) cooperative groups for joint use of agricultural machines and equipment as productive groups in a narrow sense, 3) cooperative groups for crops growing, 4) cooperative groups for contract farming and divided cooperative farm, 5) a middle-form between joint farming groups and cooperative farming groups are, thought to he ones that our country can develop in the future. However, since production groups are results of human activity which are formed in three dimensions, they naturally have diversities. Further, each needs to be compared and investigated. 1 think it is very difficult to assert which is the best type in our situation.

      • 地域農業의 組織化에 관한 硏究

        姜景선 濟州大學校 社會科學大學 社會發展硏究所 1986 社會發展硏究 Vol.2 No.-

        (1) The industrial organization of a country is explained by many-sided organization called "individual enterprise ?? industrial component". The application of the organization to agriculture will become of "individual agriculture producer ?? agricultural component ?? national economy," the character of which shows that the agricultural component of its middle component will become weaker. The result will bring about "national economy → individual agriculture producers' organization directly. As the result of the tendency, the district for increasing agriculture output will incline. So "the subjective formation production of agriculture managers → the real formation of agricultural component " organization needs an approach like bottom-up. (2) Because Korean agriculture faces the social division of labour, it should search for a metamorphose as a new developing step, The purpose is to fern enterpreneurship as the subject of the management through the formation of a commercial management group for family agricultural management. To do so, we could consider many-sided organization not only ststemizing district agriculture but also supplementing cooperative groups for agricultural production and further agricultural production system. (3) To promote the above mentioned system, primary cooperatives should carry out their secretariat function under their influence. At the same time, the Agricultural Development Committee, which a local self-governing body, an agricultural agency and representatives of producers take part in commonly, should be formed. The committee will integrate and share functions with each other, becoming a main body to promote regional agricultural systematization.

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