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        대두 ( Glycine max ) 유식물에서 하배축의 (下胚軸) 신장과 유관속전이 (維管束轉移)

        강경덕(Kyung Duck Kang),소웅영(Woong Young Soh) 한국식물학회 1991 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.34 No.4

        The relationship between elongation of hypocotyl and its vascular transition was studied with seedling of Glycine max. The hypocotyl elongation proceeded acropetally from the base of hypocotyl toward the cotyledonary node. The vascular transition did not occur in the basal region of the hypocotyl, which did not nearly elongate, with exarch radial vascular bundles. However, the vascular transition was almost completed at the middle part of the hypocotyl, more or less elongated, with endarch collateral vascular bundles. Such bundles also appeared in the uppermost region of the hypocotyl, in which the elongation was the most striking. These results suggested that the vascular transition was related to the hypocotyl elongation and that the transition of primary vascular system in Glycine max seedling was established by rather rapid process. Our observations of the serial sections from root to hypocotyl revealed that the vascular system through the root-hypocotyl-cotyledon was a unit, to which one of the epicotyl that did not participate in transition was superimposed.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        대두 유식물의 배축에 (胚軸) 있어서 유관속형성층의 (維管束形成層) 기원

        강경덕(Kyung Duck Kang),소웅영(Woong Young Sho) 한국식물학회 1988 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.31 No.4

        The pattern of elongation in the developing hypocotyl of Glycine max shows that the elongation generally proceeds from base to the cotyledonary node in acropetal diredtion, although earlier elongation takes place through the entire hypocotyl. Because the differentiation of the vascular cambium in the hypocotyl advances also acropetally, it can be seen that the acropetal wave of hypocotyl elongation is associated with the acropetal differentiation of the cambium in the hypocotyl. The elongation of procambial cells occurs not only during active elongation but also after cessation of elongation of the hypocotyl. In tangential view, the procambium of the hypocotyl in early stage has homogeneous structure composed of short cells. Subsequently, these procambial cells elongate actively and then become elongated long cells. These long cells eventually become fusiform initials, while some of elongated long cells are transversely divided and then converted into ray initials. The characteristics of the vascular cambium are entirely acquired some time after hypocotyl elongation is completed, and the transition from procambium to vascular cambium in the hypocotyl is a rather gradual process.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        은행나무 유식물에 있어서 반응구조의 분화에 대한 해부학적 연구

        강경덕(Kyung Duck Kang),소웅영(Woong Young Soh) 한국식물학회 1990 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.33 No.4

        In order to elucidate the formation of reaction tissues during the transition from primary to secondary growth, the developmental anatomy was conducted in the first internode of Ginkgo biloba seeding in horizontal position. The righting of the horizontal first internode took place at the middle portion and gradually proceeded to the base during the primary growth. Reaction tissues were formed corresponding to the righting movement in the horizontal first internode. During the transition from primary to secondary growth, compression wood was gradually developed on the lower side only. The anatomical features of compression wood also extended longitudinally to the lower side of the vertical portion where it coincided with the lower side of the horizontal portion. Thus, compression wood formation in the lower side of the horizontal first internode occurs acropetally from basal to apical portion. Eventually, some of the anatomical features of compression wood occurred at the primary growth. And the typical compression wood is gradually established during the secondary growth. On the other hand, the lower side tracheid and ray were longer and higher than those of the upper side in the horizontal first internode. however, difference in the width of ray was not observed between the lower and upper sides.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        피마자의 하배축에 있어서 유관속내 형성층의 초기발생

        소웅영(Woong Young Soh),강경덕(Kyung Duck Kang) 한국식물학회 1989 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.32 No.4

        Developmental anatomy was conducted in order to elucidate the differentiating pattern of fascicular cambial initials in the hypocotyl of Ricinus communis. The homogeneous procambium with relatively short cells in early stage is transformed into a heterogeneous structure with long and short cells in late stage in tangential view. Fusiform and ray initials are gradually originated from the long and short cells of the procambium in hypocotyl in later stage respectively. Fusiform initials are not shorter than procambial cells because of the successive elongation of vascular meristematic cells. Therefore, the distinction between procambium and fascicular cambium is not made from comparison with their cell length. The characteristics of the fascicular cambium are gradually acquired at or just after completion of hypocotyl elongation.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • 水平으로 位置한 은단풍(Acer saccharinim L.) 幼植物의 第1節間에 있어서 反應組織의 分化

        姜京德,蘇雄永 全北大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1994 基礎科學 Vol.16 No.-

        본 연구는 중력자극에 대하여 식물체의 一期生長으로부터 이어지는 二期生長 중에 일어나는 생장 반응과 관련지어 維管束組織의 발생상의 변화를 규명하기 위하여, 은단풍 幼植物의 第 1節間이 수평 위치에서 생장하는 동안에 일어나는 反應組織의 發生過程을 연구하였다. 수평 위치에서 생장한 은단풍 幼植物의 第 1節間에서 張力材(??質織維)의 發生過程은 漸進的인 과정으로 나타났다. 수평으로 위치한 第 1節間의 上部에서 장력재의 발생과정은 基部에서 頂端部를 향해 求頂的으로 일어났다. 장력재의 해부학적 특성 중 일부는 一期管束에서도 나타나기 시작하여, 二期生長 중에 전형적인 張力材가 나타나게 되므로 전형성층도 유관속형성층과 마찬가지로 중력에 대하여 반응하는 것으로 볼 수 있다. 이런점으로 보아 전형성층은 유관속형성층과 동일 분열조직으로 보아야 할 것이다. 導管要素의 길이는 上部에서 길게 나타났고, 導管의 측벽무늬에 있어서는 상부와 하부에서 모두 互生으로 차이가 없었다 放射組織의 幅은 二列射組織을 이루는 上部가 單列放射組織을 이루는 하부에 비하여 넓고, 높이도 上部에서 다소 높게 나타났다. In order to elucidate the formation of reaction tissues during the transition from primary to secondary growth, the developmental anatomy was conducted in the first internode of Acer saccharinum seeding in horizontal position. During the transition from primary to secondary growth, tension wood(gelatinous fiber) was gradually developed on the upper side only. And the tension wood formation in the upper side of the horizontal first internode proceeds acropetally from base to apical portion. Some of the anatomical features of tension wood start to be in the primary vascular tissue and a typical tension wood show during the secondary growth. Therefore, the procambium seems to respond to the gravity as well as vascular cambium. For this reason, both procambium and vascular cambium has to regard as the same meristem. On the other hand, the upper side vessels were longer than those of the lower side in the horizontal first internode. The lateral-wall pitting of vessel elements, however, showed no differences between upper and lower sides which have alternate type. The width and height of ray on the upper side of horizontal first internode was larger as compared with the lower side.

      • 은행나무 幼植物에 있어서 反應組織의 分化에 대한 解剖學的 硏究

        姜京德,蘇雄永 全北大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1991 基礎科學 Vol.14 No.2

        본 연구는 중력자극에 대하여 식물체의 1期生長으로부터 이어지는 2期生長 중에 일어나는 생장 반응과 관련지어 維管束組織의 發生上의 變化를 구명하기 위하여 은행나무 幼植物의 第1節間의 수평생장 중에 일어나는 反應組織의 발생과정을 연구하였다. 수평생장한 은행나무 幼植物의 第1節間에서 壓縮材의 발생과정은 점진적인 과정으로 나타났다. 수평생장한 第1節間의 下部에서 壓縮材의 발생과정은 기부에서 정단부를 향해 구정적으로 일어났다. 反應材의 解剖學的 特性들이 1期 維管束에서도 나타나기 시작되어, 2期生長 중에 나타나게 된다. 假導管의 길이와 측벽무늬의 미세구조를 비교 관찰한 결과, 第1節間의 下部에서 假導管의 길이가 다소 길게 나타났고, 放射組織의 높이는 下部에서 다소 높게 나타났다. In order to elucidate the formation of reaction tissues during the transition from primary to secondary growth, the developmental anatomy was conducted in the first internode of Ginkgo biloba seedling in horizontal position. The righting of the horizontal first internode took place at the middle portion and gradually proceeded to the base during the primary growth. Reaction tissues were formed corresponding to the righting movement in the horizontal first internode. During the transition from primary to secondary growth, compression wood was gradually developed on the lower side only. The anatomical features of compression wood also extended longitudinally to the lower side of vertical portion where it coincided with the lower side of the horizontal portion. Thus, compression wood formation in the lower side of the horizontal first internode occurs acropetally from basal to apical portion. Eventually, some of the anatomical features of compression wood occurred at the primary growth. And the typical compression wood is gradually established during the secondary growth. On the other hand, the lower side tracheid and ray were longer and higher than those of the upper side in the horizontal first internode. However, difference in the width of ray was not observed between the lower and upper sides.

      • Ontogeny of the Fascicular Cambium in the Hypocotyl of Ricinus communis L.

        Soh, Woong Young,Kang, Kyung Duck 全北大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1991 基礎科學 Vol.14 No.1

        생장중에 있는 피자마의 하배축에 있어서 유관속내 형성층의 기원 유형을 밝히기 위하여 발생해부학적 연구를 시도했다. 접선면 관찰에서 초기의 전형성층은 비교적 짧은 세포로 되어 있으며 균일한 구조를 갖추고 있으나 후기에는 긴세포와 짧은 세포로 된 불균형한 구조로 전환된다. 형성층 방추형원시세포와 방사조직원시세포는 하배축생장후기의 전형성층의 긴세포와 짧은 세포로 부터 점진적으로 기원된다. 유관속 분열조직세포의 계속적인 신장으로 인하여 방추형원시세포는 전형성층세포 보다 짧지 않다. 그러므로 유관속내 헝성층과 전형성층간의 구별은 그들 세포 길이의 비교로는 되지 않는다. 유관속내 형성층의 해부학적 특징은 하배축신장의 완료와 동시에 또는 그후에 점진적으로 갖춰진다. Developmental anatomy was conducted in order to elucidate the differentiating pattern of fascicular cambial initials in the hypocotyl of Ricinus communis. The homogeneous procambium with relatively short cells in early stage is transformed into a heterogeneous structure with long and short cells in late stage in tangential view. Fusiform and ray initials are gradually originated from the long and short cells of the procambium in hypocotyl in later stage respectively. Fusiform initials are not shorter than procambial cells because of the successive elongation of vascular meristematic cells. therefore, the distinction between procambium and fascicular cambium is not made from comparison with their cell length. The characteristics of the fascicular cambium are gradually acquired at or just after completion of hypocotyl elongation.

      • 은행나무(Ginkgo biloba L.)유식물의 자엽절에서 유관속형성층의 초기발생

        蘇雄永,姜京德,崔弼善 全北大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1994 基礎科學 Vol.16 No.-

        은행나무 유식물에서 유관속형성층은 성숙한 잎을 포함하여 5장의 잎이 자라고 있을 때 제일 먼저 자엽절에서 발생되고, 이어서 지하기관인 배축-뿌리로 그리고 지상부의 줄기로 즉, 양쪽 방향으로 분화되었다. 접선면 관찰에서 자엽절의 유관속형성층 발생유형은 줄기와 같고 뿌리와는 다르다. 자엽절에서 초기의 전형성층은 동일형의 세포로 구성된 균일구조를 이루고, 발생이 진행됨에 따라 신장생장을 하는 일부세포와 횡단분열을 하는 나머지 세포의 두종류 세포로 된 비균일 구조로 전환된다. 신장을 하는 긴 세포로부터 유관속형성층의 방추형 시원세포가 그리고 횡단분열을 하는 짧은 세포로부터 방사조직 시원세포가 기원된다. 그러므로 방추형 시원세포가 심한 관입생장을 거쳐서 발생된다. The vascular cambium in Ginkgo biloba seedling began to differentiate in the cotyledonary node, and then the differentiation proceeded bidirectionally from the cotyledonary node toward the stem and root. In tangential view, procambium at the early developmental stage was a homogeneous structure consisted of almost similar cells in shape, and at later stage the procambium became a heterogeneous one consisted of long cells and short cells. Such a differentiation pattern in the cotyledonary node was similar to that in the stem. However, it was diffferent from that in the root. Fusiform initials and ray initials consisting the vascular cambium were originated from the long cells and the short cells, respectively. The long cells and the fusiform initials in the cotyledonary node were shorter and wider than those in the first internode.

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