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        人參의 種間雜種 Panax ginseng x P Quinquefoilium의 發生學的 研究

        黃種奎 한국작물학회 1969 Korean journal of crop science Vol.- No.5

        인삼식물의 종간교잡에 있어서 일대잡종식물은 양친에 대하여 약 1.6~3.0배의 강제를 나타내지만 심한 불임현상으로 거의 잡종 제삼세대를 얻을수 없었다는 점에서 그 원인을 밝히고저 고려인삼x인 미국인삼의 잡종에 대한 발생학적조사관찰을 하였던 바 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 잡종인삼의 영양생장은 양친과 같이 정상적이며 강세를 나타내나 생식생장에서는 심한 조해를 받는다. 2. 생식기관형성에 있어서도 감수분열기 이전까지는 제조직의 발생은 거의 정상적으로 진행된다. 3. 대포자모세포나 소포자모세포의 감수분 장과정은 심한 불규칙성을 나타내며 어떠한 것은 분열직전부터 퇴화되기 시작한다. 4. 소포자모세포의 핵분열에 있어서 제1분열 중기 또는 후기에 일가염색체 또는 염색체교 등이 출현하는 이상분열상을 관찰할 수 있었으나 감수분열이 끝난 것은 역시 사분자가 대부분이고 이분자나 사분자 이상의 소포자형성은 볼 수 없었다. 5. 소포자형성 또는 화분형성과정에 있어서 한 약내에서 여러 단계의 발육상을 볼 수 있었다. 6. 거대, 미소, 공허화분은 극히 적었다.(Fig. 23). 7. 대포자모세포기 이후 배주의 발육속도는 전반적으로 지연된다. 8. 감수분열을 마친 후 대포자는 오분자를 형성하는 것도 있다.(Fig. 5). 9. 대개는 합점측의 대포자가 활성화하는데 중간에 위치하는 것이 활성대포자인 것도 불 수 있다.(Fig. 6). 10. 배주의 퇴화는 대포자모세포기부터 팔핵배낭기까지 사이에 일어나는데 그 시작 시기는 개체마다 조만이 있으며 각양각색이다. 11.0 대포자의 배열은 양친에서는 선장, 중간형인데 F1에서는 선장, 중간형, T형, ㅗ형 등 여러 가지 형을 볼 수 있다.(Fig. 5, 7). 12. 배주에 있어서 감수분열이나 배낭핵분열 또는 배낭형성에 불규칙성에 심할수록 합점기부에 잔재하는 배심조직이 크다(Fig. 8, 10). 13. 배낭형성기까지 도달한 것이라 하더라도 배낭핵은 항시 불안정하여 정해진 장소에 배치되지 못한다.(Fig. 10, 11, 12). 14. 배유조직을 결한 배낭내에 선장의 4세포원배를 형성한 것을 볼 수 있었다.(Fig. 20) 15. 인삼의 잡종에 있어서의 불임원인을 다음과 같이 추정하였다. a) 잡종의 불임현상은 교잡에 의한 Gene-action system의 재조합으로 생체대사계에 혼란을 일으켜 배우자형성세포와 위요세포간의 우열관계가 전도되여 성적결함을 가져오는데 있다고 보았다. 즉 정상배낭에서는 배우자형성세포는 그것을 둘러싸고 있는 위요세포보다 크고 농염되며 활성적이어서 위요세포를 소화흡수하여 발육케 된다. 그러나 퇴화배낭에서는 재조합으로 인한 세포질의 변화는 극성 (Polarity) 또는 내생리듬 (Endogneousrhythm)의 변화 혹은 교란을 가져와 발육과정에서 성적결함을 일으켜 불임으로 된다고 추정하였다. On the growing of the interspecific hybrid ginseng plant, the phenomena of hybrid vigoures are observed in the root, stem, and leaf, but it can not produce seeds favorably since the ovary is abortive in most cases in interspecific hybrid plants. The present investigation was undertaken in an attempt to elucidate the embryological dses of the seed failure in the interspecific hybrid of ginseng (Panax Ginseng ~times P. Quinque folium). And the results obtained may be summarized as follows. 1). The vegetative growth of the interspecific hybrid ginseng plant is normal or rather vigorous, but the generative growth is extremely obstructed. 2). Even though the generative growth is interrupted the normal development of ovary tissue of flower can be shown until the stage prior to meiosis. 3). The division of the male gameto-genetic cell and the female gameto-genetic cell are exceedingly irregular and some of them are constricted prior to meiosis. 4). At meiosis in the microspore mother cell of the interspecific hybrid, abnormal division is observed in that the univalent chromosome and chromosome bridge occure. And in most cases, metaphasic configuration is principally presented as 23 II+2I, though rarely 22II+4I is also found. 5). Through the process of microspore and pollen formation of F1, the various developmental phases occur even in an anther loclus. 6). Macro, micro and empty pollen grains occur and the functional pollen is very rare. 7). After the megaspore mother cell stage, the rate of ovule development is, on the whole, delayed but the ovary wall enlargement is nearly normal. 8). Degenerating phenomena of ovules occur from the megaspore mother cell stage to 8-nucleate embryo sac stage, and their beginning time of constricting shape is variously different. 9). The megaspore arrangement in the parent is principally of the linear type, though rarely the intermediate type is also observed, whereas various types, viz, linear, intermediate, Tshape, and I shape can be observed in hybrid. 10). After meiosis, three or five megaspore are some times counted. 11). Charazal end megaspore is generally functional in the parents, whereas, in F1, very rarely one of the center megaspores (the second of the third megaspore) grows as an embryo sac mother cell. 12). In accordance with the extent of irregularity or abnormality in meiosis, division of embryo sac nuclei and embryo sac formation cause more nucellus tissue to remain within th, embryo sac. 13). Even if one reached the stage of embryo sac formation, the embryo sac nuclei are always precarious and they can not be disposed to theil proper, respective position. 14). Within the embryo sac, which is lacking the endospermcell, the 4-celled proembryo, linear arrangement, is observed. 15). Through the above respects, the cause of sterile or seed failure of interspecific hybrid would be presumably as follows, By interspecific crossing gene reassortments takes place and the gene system influences the metabolism by the interference of certain enzyme as media. In the F1 plant, the quantity and quality of chemicals produced by the enzyme system and reaction system are entirely different from the case of the parents. Generally, in order to grow, form, and develop naw parts it is necessary to change the materials and energy with reasonable balance, whereas in the F1 plant the metabolic process becomes abnormal or irregular because of the breakdown of the balancing. Thus the changing of the gene-reaction system causes the alteration of the environmental condition of the gameto-genetic cells in the anther and ovule; the produced chemicals cause changes of oxidatio-reduction potential, PH value, protein denaturation and the polarity, etc. Then, the abnormal tissue growing in the ovule and emdryo sac, inhibition of normal development and storage of some chemicals, especially inhibitor, finally lead to sterility or seed failure. Inconclusion, we may presume that the first cause of sterile or seed abortion in interspecific hybrids is the gene reassortment, and the second is the irregularity of the metabolic system, storage of chemicals, especially inhibitor, the growth of abnormal tissue and the change of the polarity etc, and they finally lead to sexual defect, sterility and seed failure.

      • 竹節人蔘의 雌性配偶體形成에 關한 硏究

        黃鍾奎,崔定植,崔善英 全北大學校 1969 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        竹範人蔘의 雌性配偶體形成에 대하여 조사하였던 바 그 결과 요약하면 다음과 같다. (1) 二心皮 二心室로 된 中央綠邊胎座를 갖는 合成雌器를 갖는다. (2) 一心皮에는 2개의 胚珠가 있어 上下로 가라져 자라는데 上向伸長하는 것은 不完全胚珠다. (3) 胚珠는 倒生胚珠(anatropous)이다. (4) 珠心은 Crassinuccellate type이다. (5) 珠皮는 單珠皮이며 他 Species보다 두텁고 길기 때문에 보다 긴 珠孔을 갖는다. (6) 大胞子의 4分子는 綠狀排列을 한다. (7) 4개의 大胞子 중 合占側의 것이 活性化한다. (8) 胚??形은 正常型(Polygonum)이다. (9) 不完全胚珠는 途中退化되는데 다른 것에 비교하여 오래까지 지속되는 것 같다. As a part of embryological studies of panax japonicus, megasporangium and megagametophyte formation are investigated and summarized as follows. (1) Syncaropous gynoecium has the central marginal placenta with two carpels and two loculei. (2) The ovules grow in a locule and one of them elongates toward upright and the other downward, and former normally fails down. (3) The ovule type is of anatropous. (4) The nucellus type is of crassinucellate. (5) It has a unitegumic ovule and long micropylar canal. (6) Megaspore tetrad is of linear type. (7) The charazal end megaspore is usually functioning. (8) The embryo sac type is of polygonum. (9) The rudimentary ovule always fails down but the development within ovule is a little more progressive than others.

      • 人蔘의 地下莖 및 新芽形成에 관한 形態發生學籍 硏究

        黃鍾圭 전북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 1974 農大論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        It serves as an indispensable criterion for the estimation of ginseng quality to check the size of aginseng head. The present study is intended to clarify the developmental process in a ginseng head in the light of some morphogenetical aspects about the formation of the subterranean stem and the newbud of ginseng plants. The results thus obtained are as follows: 1. New buds and subterranean stems relatively grow at a slow speed until September 21, and after that date which marks the time of withering leaves and stem, they show a rapid growth. 2. Upon the falling·off of a withering stem, there is left a stem scar around which callus-like tissuesand in turn new buds are formed and developed. 3. Since the size of subterranean stem depends on the amount of the developed callus, the production of good quality ginseng necessitates the increase in number of stems. 4, In addition to the most active primary stem primordium, there are Ⅱ, Ⅲ, and IV stem primordial in the developing new· bud 5. In the next spring the primary stem primordium in the developing new bud becomes a new stem and the Ⅱ stem primordium developes as new bud, while the Ⅲ and the Ⅳ stem primordia remain as dormant buds. But in the case of a well-nourished ginseng plant, even the Ⅲ stem primordium developes as a new bud as the Ⅱ stem primordium does. 6. In a four-year-old ginseng plant, the petiole differentiates at early July and the petiolule, at earlyAugust, while the defferentiation of the leaf blades and that of flower buds occur at late August and at middle September, respectively. 7. The total amount of vascular bundles forms by about 30 % of the subterranean stem in a one-year-old ginseng plant, while in the old tissues of the subterranean stem of a four-year-old ginseng plant almost all the xylem parenchyma are displaced by vascular bundles. 8. The number of vessel increases with age, and in a four-year-old ginseng plant the ratio of vessel tissue to other tissues is approximately one to one.

      • 산토닌쑥(Artemisia kurramensis)에 對한 形態 및 發生學的 硏究

        黃鍾奎,崔善英 全北大學校 1970 論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        santonin 原料植物인 Artemisia kurramensir에 對하여 形態 및 發生學的 調査를 한 바 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1. 꽃은 卵楕圓形의 頭花를 붙이며 一頭花에는 3∼5個의 管狀花가 있어 數校의 總苞片으로 둘러 쌓여 있다. 2. 잎의 表皮細胞에는 8∼10細胞로 된 많은 腺毛를 볼 수 있는데, 이 腺毛는 楯狀 또는 原胚 모양을 띄고 있다. 3. 꽃은 子房下位이며 雄蘂 5本, 雌蘂 1本을 갖는 兩性花이다. 4. 葯은 tetrasporangiate이다. 5. 葯壁은 退化型이며 表皮는 심히 늘어져 成熟時까지 남는데 가장 오래토록 남는 것은 융담조직이다. 6. 4分子型은 西面體型이다. 7. 花芽原基는 花床 위에 直接 붙으며 發育하여 倒卵形을 이룬다. 그 頂端은 陷入하여 소위 花被片을 形成한다. 8. 雄蘂原基는 그 花被片基部內側에서 發生한다. 9. 花被片基部의 表皮細胞는 점차 가느다랗게 되어 子房의 限界가 명백하여 간다. 10. 維營束系의 尖端에서는 胎座를 붙이지 않고 바로 4-5列의 細胞로 된 組織이 上向伸長하여간다. 11. 이들中 한쪽의 것은 子房壁을 이루어 繼續 上向 伸長하여 가나 다른 한편의 것은 그 尖端에 球心의 始原細胞를 볼 수 있다. 12. 卽, 胎座, 珠柄 等의 分化를 볼 수 없으며 直接 花床에서 發育한 組織위에 球心始原細胞가 發生한다. 13. 珠心의 始原細胞는 그대로 커져서 大胞子母細胞로 되며 表皮細胞만으로 둘러 쌓여 珠心組織을 形性한다. 卽 tennuinucellate type이다. 14. 珠被는 1枚이며 한쪽의 것은 珠心組織基部의 表皮細胞에서 發生하나, 다른 한편의 것은 花床에서 發生한 組織이 珠皮로 된다. 15. 4分子 排列은 線狀 또는 中間型을 띈다. 16. 減數分裂後 4分子와 3分子는 거의 同數로 觀察되었다. 17. 合點側 大胞子가 胚囊母細胞로 되는 것이 普通이나, 中間에 있는 것이 活性을 갖게 되는것도 많다. 18. 胚囊型은 monosporic 8-nucleate polygonum type이다. 19. 胚囊內는 空胞가 全面的으로 發達하고 있다. 20. 反足組織은 筒狀으로 狹少하여진 chalaza에 線狀으로 挑列하여 비교적 오랫동안 살아 남으며 胚囊膜側의 6∼7個의 仁을 가지고 있다. The present studies are attempted to investigate the morphological and embryological phenomena of Artemisia kurramensis which is known as a santonin yielding plant and the following characteristics are described. 1) The flower of ovoid capitulum involves 3 to 5 tubular flowers which are surrounded by several involcral scales. 2) On the surface of the leaf, many glandular trichomes which are delivered from the epidermis cell of leaves are observed. It constructs a shield-shaped or proembryo-like tissue with 8 to 10 cells. 3) The flower is epigynous, involving 1 pistil and 5 stamens. 4) The anther is tetrasporangiate. 5) The anther wall develops according to the reduced type and its epidermis is much stretched but persists at maturity. The endothecium is ephemeral and most of the amoeboid tapetums survive for a long time. 6) The microspore tetrad is a tetrahedral type. 7) The flower primordia develops from the top of the receptacle, and it grows to form obovade, and soon its upper portion is depressed, forming perianth primordia. 8) The stamen primordia develops from the inside base of the perianth. 9) The base portion of the perianth is constricted and the lower part forms the ovary. 10 The tip of the vascular bundle never bears the placenta but the 2 tissues which are constructed with 4 to 5 rows of cells grow upward respectively, and one of these grows along the ovary wall epidermis and the other grows upward independently without contact with the epidermis of the ovary. 11) The former forms the ovary wall and the other bears a large and dark-stained cell known as the initial cell of nucellus on the top of it. 12) In this plant, without the differentiation of the placenta or funiculus, the initial cell of the nucellus develops from the top of tissue that grows from the receptacle. These phenomena correspond with those of theory of axial. 13) The initial cell of the nucellus grows to be a megaspore mother cell without cell division, and the nucellar type is tennuinucellate. 14) The integument is unitegumic. 15) The tetra-megaspore type is mostly linear, but the intermediate type also rarely appears. 16) After the meiosis, the tetrad or triad appeared at the same frequency. 17) Usually, the chalazal megaspore functions as the embryo-sac mother cell but the third or the second megaspore sometimes does so. 18) The embryo-sac is constructed with monosporic 8-nucleate polygonum type. 19) The vacuole within the embryo-sac is filled out. 20) The antipodal tissue is arranged to be linear within the haustorial chalaza, and the inner cell of it has several nucleoli.

      • 拘杞子나무(Lycium chinense Miller)의 雌雄配偶體 形成에 關한 硏究

        黃鍾奎,曺泳龜 全北大學校 1984 論文集 Vol.26 No.-

        The chinese wolfberry(Lycium chinense Miller) grows in eastern asia and is mainly used as a medicinal purpose for high blood-presure, diabetes liver complaint, and in some case as food. The present study investigates the formation of female and male gametophyte of the chinese wolfberry. The results are summarized as follows; 1. The flower is hypogyny with 1 pistil and 5 stamens, and it's inflorescence is cymose. 2. In anther, the parietal tissue is dicotyledonous, and the epidermis and endothelium last for a long-time. 3. The microspore tetrad is tetrahedral type. 4. One vegeattive nucleus and two sperms are observed in matured pollen grains. 5. The connective remains evidently until anthesis. 6. The nucellus is tenuinucellate. 7. The integument is unitegumic and the ovule type is anatropous. 8. The megaspore tetrad is arranged linearly. 9. The mesaspore located near the chalazal and functions as the embryo sac rnother cell. 10. The egg apparatus is completed in two to three days before flowering. 11. The embryo sac belongs to the monosporic 8-nucleate polygonum type.

      • 엘더베리의 雄性配偶體形成에 關한 硏究

        黃鍾奎 全北大學校 1982 論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        엘더베리(Sambucus canadensis)의 雄性配偶體 形成에 關하여 調査하였던 바 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1. 內被組織에서는 垂側分裂만을 하는 것이 通例인데 本 植物에서는 一回의 竝側分裂을 하여 二層으로 된 內被層을 볼 수 있다. 2. 葯壁組織의 形成過程은 雙子葉型에 屬한다. 3. 初生胞子形成細胞는 數次의 有絲分裂로 胞子形成組織을 이룬다. 4. 同一 葯囊의 各 葯室에 따라서는 小胞子四分子와 二核細胞를 特異하게 볼 수 있다. 5. 開葯時의 成熟花粉은 營養核과 2개의 雄核을 갖는다. 6. 開葯直前에도 隣接되어 있는 小胞子囊 사이의 隔壁은 그대로 남아 있게 된다. The present investigation was carried out to elucidate the formation of microgametophyte of elderberry (Sambucus canadensis). The results obtained are summarized as follows : 1. In general, the cell division of endothecial tissue has known to be forming one layered tissue, however, the periclinal division was exceptionally observed in the present work. 2. The parietal tissue was formed as a dicotyledonous type. 3. Sporogenous tissue was formed through several mitosis. 4. Microspore tetrad and binucleate cells were observed in different locule of an anther. 5. A vegetative nucleus and two sperms were observed in a matured pollen grain. 6. The two microsporangia of each side in anther are not confluent because of no breaking down of the partition between them.

      • 高麗人參의 胚發生에 關한 硏究

        黃鍾奎 全北大學校 1966 論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        Following facts were made clear through the studies on the embryo development of Panax Ginseng, (1) The first division of zygote occurs approximately 10 days after pollination. (2) Both terminal and basal cell are divided transversley. (3) Each of the four-celled proembryo is divided to form eight-celled proembryo, the lowest cell Ci is segmented transversely into N and N' while the others are partitioned vertically. (4) At eight tiered proembryo, five tiers of upper portion are already segmented vertically, but at that time, superposed cell is not appear almost. (5) Suspensore is constituted with seven or eight tiered cells which is vertically segmented forming two rows. (6) The order of segmentation during the further development in tier L is somewhat irregular. (7) In most respects, the embryo of Panax Ginseng corresponds with that of Chenopodium Bonus-henricus. (8) The protuberance indicating the initial portin of plumule appears at center of depressed region approximately seven weeks after pollination. (9) The elonglation of proembryo slowly continues by red-ripened stage of fruit but the further more differentiations disappear from seven weeks after pollination.

      • 美國人蔘의 形態 및 發生學的硏究

        黃鍾奎,宮澤洋一 全北大學校 1967 論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        The present study attempts to examine the morphological and embryological phenomena of American ginseng(Panax Quinquefolium L.).The results obtained may be summarized as follows. 1. The wall layer of anther is regulatively formed i.e., hypodermal archesporium is divided periclinally into two parts, forming the primary parietal cell outside and the sporogenous cell inside. The primary parietal cell is divided into two secondary parietal layer through the process of one division, the outside secondary parietal cell periclinally forms endothecium outside and middle layer inside. And the inside secondary parietal cell grow to tapetum without cytokimesis. That is of dicotyledonous type. 2. The type of microspore tetrad is tetraheral. 3. The division of sperm nucleus within the pollen grain was not observed. 4. Syncarpous gynoecium has central marginal placenta with two carpels and two loculi. 5. Two ovules grow in a carpel and one of them elongates toward upright and the other downward. 6. The angles formed between the ovarian axis and the nucellar axis are measured so as to determine the relationships between the measured angles and the growth of ovule and anther respectively. 7. Megaspore tetrad was mostly arranged to form linear type, but rarely, decussate and intermediate type was also observed. 8. Normally, the charazal end megaspore functions as the embryo sac mother cell, but very rarely micropylar end megaspore may also functions. 9. Ovule type is of anatropous. 10. Embryo sac is of polygonium type. 11. Ovule has a single integument. 12. The development of integument in rudimentary ovule is discontinued after the early stage. 13. Double fertilization is finished within 24-36 hours after pollination. 14. The first division of primary endosperm nucleus occurs immediatly after fertilization while in the zygote after 10 days. 15. The embryo of Panax Quinquefolium corresponds with that of chenopodium Bonus-henricus. 16. Endosperm nucleus is of free nuelear type. 17. Proembryonic differentiation is slightly later than the case of Korean ginseng. 18. Ovule type is the "crassinucellate".

      • 新品種 밀 "早光"의 沓裏作 播種期 및 播種量에 관한 硏究

        黃鍾奎,崔京求,陳星桂 全北大學校 1979 論文集 Vol.21 No.-

        This experiment was carried out under different seeding dates(October 10, Oct. 20 or November 10) and seeding rates (20, 30, 35 ℓ 10a) from 1976 to 1977 in Iri in order to study the suitable seeding date and seeding rate for Jokwang, the newly developed wheat variety, in double cropping paddy field. 1. Number of days to seedling emergence both on Oct. 20 and Oct. 30 were 14 days, but that of Nov. 10 was prolonged due to comparatively low temperature and about 37 days. 2. The heading date and the maturing date seemed to be shortened by 1 or 2 days in accordance with the earlier seeding date and the larger amount of seeding. 3. Number of panicles per square meter seeded on Oct. 20 was 506 which marked the most among the three seeding dates. 30ℓ 10a plot showed the most in panicle number among three seeding rates. 4. Number of grains per panicles was increased by 1 or 2 grains with hastened seeding date, but it was decreased by 2 or 3 grains with the increase in seeding rate. 5. The weight of 1,000 grains of the plots both seeded on Oct. 20 and Oct. 30 was about 38.0 g. and that of Nov. 10 was 35.0g. On the other hand, there were almost negligible differences in 1,000 grains weight between seeding rates at the same seeding date. 6. The yield of the plot seeded on Oct. 20 was 359 ㎏ 10a which marked the highest among the three seeding dates. Among seeding rates, 30 ℓ/10a plot showed the highest yield of 351 ㎏ 10a. However, the highest yield among all treatments, seeding dates and seeding rates, was 382 ㎏ 10a which was obtained from the plot seeded on Oct. 20 with the seeding rate of 30 ℓ/10a. 7. Therefore, it was considered that the suitable seeding date for Jokwang, the newly developed wheat variety, in double cropping paddy field in Iri area was Oct. 20 and its seeding rate was 30ℓ/10a.

      • Sambucus canadensis의 雌性配偶體形成에 관한 硏究

        黃鍾圭,崔善英,李康壽,全炳機 전북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 1981 農大論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        Sambucus canadensis(Elderberry), which is cultivated for spicery, edible dye and oil, and so on, is used to investigate the formation of female gametophyte as a part of the embryological studies. The results obtained are as follows: 1. Ovule is anatropous, tenuinucellar, and unitegumic. 2. The embryo sac is of tetrasporic 8-nucleate Adoxa type ; the megaspore mother cell und-ergoes meiosis without the formation of cell wall to form 4 functioning megaspore nuclei, and then all these functioning nuclei undergo just one more division, respectiveiy, to form 8-nucleate embryo sac 3. At the blooming time, the polar nuclei are not fused and tile antipodals also are clearly remained and characterized by all their nuclei maldistrihuting toward the inside embryo sac.

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