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      • 전략적 기술혁신이행을 위한 정보관리와 조직적 방법 연구

        魏秀一 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1997 연구논문집 Vol.54 No.1

        Strategic Technical innovation is very important in the manufacturing industries. Every successful innovation starts from a creative idea, whether it be a new application for a technology, the satisfaction of a new identified need or of an old need in a new way, or the manufactur of a product by a different method. Some organizations appear much more adept at generating these ideas, while orthers devote substantial resources to producing results which are at best mundane. But there is no simple recipe leading to the attainment of a creative organization, for the processes involved are imperfectly understood. Nevertheless, it is possible to identify some of the ingredients- creative people, and environment receptive to new idea, and the use of creative problem-solving techniques-the conditions for which are largely within the R&D director's control. This paper based on the literratures and understanding of the present through the interview with some of engineers and managers, and worked in order to organizational problems-solving in the veering of technical innovation. That are Firstly. some of efficient devices for information management in the manufacturing industries, Secondly, organizational methods for menerating creativity and adaotation to environment, Thirdly, devices of management for the interdependence of research organization and research functions.

      • R & D 과제평가모형의 재분류시도

        수일 고려대학교 경영대학 1989 경영논총 Vol.32 No.1

        A large number of formal models or techniques for R & D project selection and evaluation has been proposed. But no one has come up with an overall system for classfying the various prodosed models or techiques. With this warning in mind, I attemped to reclassifying the various proposed models or techniques accordance with stages, goals, and contents for project evaluation and selection of enterprise. Evaluation and Selection models can be classified into three categories. That is following: a) Exploratory Models: Scoring Models. Profile Models. Check-list Model. Neumerical Methods. paired Comparison Methods. Diamond Models. Frontier Models. b) Analytical Models: Economic Index Models. Risk Analyis Models. Value Contribution Models. Economic Calculation Methods. Scoring Models. c) Resource Allocation Models: L.P. Models. N.L.P. Models. IP. Models. D.P. Models. Relevance Tree Methods. S. D. Models. Above reclassification can be modified if new evaluation and selection models are built in the phase of overall enterprise. But it is nearly impassible. It is because that quantity and quality of evaluating data can be considered in each stages are different. Therefore I think that the reclassification of models in my study is reasonable.

      • 신제품개발과제 선별모형

        수일 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1994 연구논문집 Vol.49 No.1

        A golden period of modelization for new industrial product R & D project selection was 60s-7Os. Many models, in this period, were advented. But its level of usage showed lack of enthuiasm extremely. Therefore, the trend in 70s held back. But in recent years the importance of R & D project selection modelization is reembossing. The idea screening stage or R & D project selection decision is deficient decision area in the new product process. Most quantitive and economic models focus on the commercialization stages, while idea screening models are largely speculative and arbitrary, This paper presents an empirically derived and validated new product screening model. Typical screening variables were measured for each of 62 actual new product projects. Ten dimentions were found to describe the screening domain. A multiple regression model was derived from the real data and when validated using a cross-split-half method, yielded a predictive accuracy of 85.2 percent.

      • 유연성의 개념과 계량화 과제 : 다속성적 접근방법을 중심으로 multiple attribute approach

        魏秀一 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1997 연구논문집 Vol.55 No.1

        We classified the present literatures for flexibility with five types. Five types literatures are 1) concept and measuring subject of flexibility, 2) cognition of strategic variable and research of total mutual relations, 3) research for investment analysis in FMS basis, 4) approach to management science for operations management of FMS, 5) development and design of system focused to structure and function of FMS. Among the above five types concept and measuring subject of flexibility is studied in this research. The aim of this research is to evaluate existing research materials in a view point of multiple attribute approach. Present literatures have yet fundermantal difference of view point. This study concentrates on the mutual relationship of attribution sets and suggests only the direction of usefulness and disirable research in a new view point. Research in a new view point is necessary for empirical study for flexibility. Empirical studies are as follows : 1) analysis by the multiple variable statistics, 2) analysis of difference between the judgment of flexibility and logical models, 3) comparision of the same kind enterprises. If such a study is supported, week points of the research for concept and its measuring model of flexibility will be removed and improved.

      • 部品中心 生産管理 「시스템」 硏究

        魏秀一 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1982 연구논문집 Vol.25 No.1

        The Manufacturing industry of today is confronting with such problems as the varieties of products and the rationalization of Management. These problems are mainy due to the magnitude of market scale, the trend of consummers' needs being individual and various because of the rise in the standards of living, the security and reduction of the date of payment, the maintenance of proper stock products and the increase of productivity. But such problems cannot be sovled to the full by adopting the full by adopting the product-centered production management system that has been working since H.Ford. Because this system has following defacts: 1) long lead-time production 2) hold of many various stock products 3) the danger of the remnants being able to be obsolescence 4) reduction in the service ratio 5) the increase of processing time by machine. The purpose of this paper is to solve such problems by adopting parts-centered production management system. The present writer desined the model of parts-centered production management system and compared the product-centered production management system with this model through simple computer simulation. The result was that this model proved to be more effective in solving such problem than the former-system.

      • 기업의 사회적 책임윤리 증진방안

        수일 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1998 연구논문집 Vol.58 No.1

        Corporations must be responsible to the society. Therefore, decisions made in the corporations should be made based on ethics. Because, if the corporate decisions are made non-ethically, social group power may urge corporations to critical situations by bad evaluation. Based on the importance of corporate ethic, it is suggested the methods to make the decisions on the management more ethically in this paper. The methods are reviewed by following three sides. 1. Personal side : - Will and mind of the top manager. - Motivation for the employees. 2. Organizational side : - Make the organizational environment to the professional management system. - Establishment the Corporate Culture which can be sure by all members. - Change of decision making structure. - Creation of the social responsibility division. 3. Management side : - Establishment of the Corporate mission based on the ethical value. - Preparation of the corporate credos and ethical codes. - Practice of the propaganda and education of ethics.

      • 應用硏究課題選定을 위한 評點模型

        魏秀一 효성여자대학교 산업경영연구소 1989 경영경제 Vol.6 No.-

        Project managers should select the research projects which will contribute to a profitable development in future, for the R & D project selection is most critical for the success or fail of an enterprise. Therefore, it is necessary to build the evaluation model for a reasonable selection of the research projects. Most of the existing evaluation models have the following weakpoints: a) The models are too complicated and elaborated to adopt. b) The quantity of the input data is overwhelming, and some of the data are often unrealistic. c) The models have some defects in themselves because they have been cast without taking sufficient thought of the realistic factors. d) The models are available only partialy. The objectives of this study are trying to build a all-round prior evaluation model accounting for a) low costs for the evaluation b) expedient availability c) adoptation for any enterprise and Researches and Developments. The scope of my study is limited to a research for the applying stage in which research-managers are most interested among the explorating, applying and developing stages. The applying stage involves the difficult manageable problems with a) relatively high expenditure b)uncertainty of information. Though many of the evaluation models for research projects have been built on the applying stage, my study is intending to build the scoring model. The scoring model is not only generally available to any of the researching stages but able to make a difinite ranking for the applying stage in case of inaccurate evaluating data. This study have taken the following process for building the scoring model. a) The questionaires had been sent to eighty enterprises in a Korea, and they have been collected b) The selection of evaluation criteria and its weight have been selected according to the collected results. The selected criterias are the strategic need(N), promise of success(P), market gain(M), cost of projects(C), time to completion(T) c) The weight of each criterias have been taken an average according to the results of questionaires.(See Table 4) d) The scores of each criteria were rated. e) The computation of total score used the weighted-coefficient method under independence of each projects. The total score in computed with the following method: Total score (S) = ??Weights(Wi)Xcriteria's score(Ri) The system presented is not suggested as a penacea for the selection of research projects. It is offered for consideration as a practical temporary enhencing the judgement of research management. Generally, scoring models have the following weakpoints: a) Difficult of judgement for middle score. b) Difficult of final decision only with the score. d) Difficult for dight. Therefore, Ditermination of selection of criterias and its weight are very important in the use of the scoring models. In this study, criterias and its weight are averaged but it will be differed according to the environment, position, and objectives of enterprises. It is good to accumulate many people's opinion in enterprise.

      • R&D 課題評價模型의 現狀과 課題

        魏秀一 효성여자대학교 산업경영연구소 1991 경영경제 Vol.8 No.-

        Many models for R&D evaluation had been made already, but the degree of its usage has been laid in the low level extremely. In the recent year, the importance of R&D evaluation is re-embossing. Therefore, this study, in this reason, suggest five conditions to new evalution model must be fully equipped. The five conditions are following; 1) The result of evaluation would be correspondence with the management atrategies and connect with the resorce allocation. Because the evaluation desires to be macro evaluation, not to be micro evaluation. 2) The evaluation methods whould be made to maltidimentional and collective. Because the evaluation should be combination of several methods. 3) Researcher whould be review and judge for the change of environment, and contiuns time series analysis would be made. 4) The evaluation nessary to aid of computer for the dynamic evalution. 5) The evaluation whould be taken under the risk management, and adopted to the all participated method for eliminate 'allergy' of evaluators.

      • 기술혁신을 위한 독창성 관리방안

        수일 효성여자대학교 산업경영연구소 1998 경영경제 Vol.15 No.-

        Managing for originality in technical innovation is very important in the manufacturing companies. Every successful innovation starts from a originative idea. Whether it be anew application for a technology, the satisfaction of a new identified need or of an old need in a new way, or the manufacture of a product by a different method. Some organizations appear much more adept at generating these ideas, while others devote substantial resources to producing results which aew at best mandane. But there is no simple recipe leading to the attainment of a creative organization, for the processes involved are imperfectly understood. nevertheless, it is possible to identify some of the ingredients - originalitive people, an enverironment receptive to new idea for which are largely within the R&D director's control. This paper takes these points into concideration, and based on the literatures and understanding of the present through the interview with some of engineers and R&D managers, and suggested organizational methods for generating originality to environment.

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