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      • KCI등재
      • Model Life Table에 依한 單一主要年齡別 死亡率과 平均壽命과의 相關關係에 關한 考察 : Based on West Model Life Table

        林建憲,李英煥,高應隣 서울大學校保健大學院 1973 公衆保健雜誌 Vol.10 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to estimate life expectancies (˚e。) with some selected age specific death rates. The data necessary for this purpose were obtained from the West Model Life Table and abridged life table of Korea (1966). Regression curves between mx and ˚e。were estimated by the West Model Life Table. Regression equations and correlation coefficients were calculated by the electronic computer. The brief summary of the findings is as follows. 1) The scatter diagrams between some selected m?'s and ˚e。were given by sex in Figures (1),(2),(3),(4) and (5). 2) As for the correlation between mx and ˚e。, anegative correlation could be observed between them which ranges from -0.98025(Table 3 & 4). 3) The regression equationnnnns which show the linear relations hip between ˚e。and m? are given in Tables (3),(4). 4) The life expectancy from the Korean life table (1966) was estimated by means of regression equstions obtained from the West Model Life Table and has been compared with the actual value of life expectancy (Male:58.65, Female 64.46) given in the life table (Table 5). The estimates of life expectancy from the regression equation ranged from 50 years to 62 years for males and from 57 years to 73 years to 62 years for males and from 57 years to 73 years for females. From this result it could be observed that the estimate of life expectancy by regressino equations were most comparable with the actual value when m?'s were utilized for ages of 1,5,10,20,30 and 40 for males and for ages 0,1,5,10,30 ofr females.

      • KCI등재

        憂鬱症의 症候學的 硏究 : 第四編,內因性 및 憂鬱症의 鑑別診斷을 위한 統計的 試圖

        金光日,高應麟 大韓神經精神醫學會 1979 신경정신의학 Vol.18 No.1

        The purpose of this stud is to develop a differential diagnostic index between reactive and endogenous depressions with symptomatic variables obtained from Hamilton's rating scale for depressions. One hundred and forty one cases of reactive depression and 61 of endogenous depression examined in the outpatient clinics of Kyung Hee University Hospital and Hanyang University Hospital were included in this study. Each patient was checked on 17 symptom dimensions of Hamilton's rating scale for depression. Initially, 8 symptom variables significantly different between the two groups were extracted from the original 17 items by univariate analysis as follows: X₁: Depressed mood X₂: Guilty feeling X₃: Suicide X₄: Insomnia, initial X? : Work & interest X? : Retardation X? : Anxiety, psychic X? : Insight Discriminate function analysis was carried out on the above 8 symptom variables and discriminant function was turned out to be as follows. α=0.03X₁+0.405X₂+0.114X₃+0.07X₄+0.358X?+0.445X?+0.072X?+0.449X? In calculating the discriminant scores, discriminant coefficients in the above formula were multiplied by 100 for the convenience of computation. Distributions of the discriminant scores of 141 reactive and 61 endogenous depression patients were given in Table 3 and Figure 1. Mean discriminant score of reactive group was 504.96, while that of endogenous group was 745.25. Discrimination criterion was 620.1 of discriminant score. If discriminant score of a patient was below 620.1, he was assigned to reactive depression, and if it was above 620.1, he was assigned to endogenous depression. All the samples were rediagnosed by the above discrimination criterion and 110 of 141 reactive cases (78%) and 43 of 61 endogenous cases (70%) could be correctly classified to each original group. Thus, 153 of the 202 total cases (76%) were correctly classified, resulting in an overall error rate of 24%. These findings suggest that discriminant function analysis is a considerable useful statistical device in differential diagnosis between reactive and endogenous depressions and the eight symptom dimensions mentioned above are presumably available for discriminating the two groups of depression. Stepwise discriminant function analysis should be recommended in the future study for evaluating more significant symptom dimensions in the discrimination of reactive and endogenous depressions.

      • 姙娠結果와 危險要因의 關聯性에 關한 硏究

        최동욱,박항배,고응린 한양대학교 의과대학 1985 한양의대 학술지 Vol.5 No.1

        Factors predisposing to adverse pregnancy outcomes are analysed on the basis of 1,500 clinical records of maternity check-ups between January 1, 1980, and December 31, 1981, at National Medical Center, Seoul. Risk factors are divided into two categories, the historical episodes and the clinical signs. 1. Analysis of the distribution of risk factors showed that the criteria to be used for defining the risky factors could be summarized as follows; 1) Risk factors in maternity history (1) Still birth (one or more) (2) Neonatal death (one or more) (3) Spontaneous abortion (one or more) (4) Induced abortion (two or more) (5) Premature delivery (one or more) (6) Overweighted newborn (one or more) (7) Cesarean section (one or more) (8) Newborn's developmental problem (one or more cases) (9) Post-partum problem(once or more) (10) Pre-eclampsia (once or more) 2) Risky clinical signs (1) Edema (generalized case) (2) Blood pressure (140/95 mmHg. or higher) (3) Hemoglobin (less than 10 gm/dl) (4) Rh type (negative) (5) Urine protein (positive) 2. The effect of risk factors on the maternity outcomes. The amount of the influence of risk factors on the maternity outcomes was assessed in terms of statistical significance test on the difference between the incidence rates of adverse outcomes of those with one or more positive risky factors and that of those without any such factors. The maternity outcomes which showed statistically significance difference in the incidence rate between with and without risk factor groups are as follows. 1) The outcomes related to both historical and clinical signs (1) Intrapartum complication (2) Bleeding, placenta previa (3) Induced delivery (4) Nature of delivery (5) Apgar score (at 10 minutes) (6) Neonatal Health problem (7) Post-partum problem 2) The outcomes related only to risky clnical signs (1) Prolonged labor (2) Abnormal presentation at delivery

      • 한국인의 B형 간염 감염에 관한 실태조사와 통계적 분석 연구

        고응린 한양대학교 의과대학 1986 한양의대 학술지 Vol.6 No.1

        It has been widely accepted that Hepatitis B infection has emerged as a major public health problem throughout the world particulary in the areas where the prevalence of the disease is remarkably high. Quantitative assessment of disease occurrence, therefore, is of primary importance not only in designing the measures to meet the situation but also in evaluating the progress of such programs. Since 1965 when Australia antigen was discovered, much has been studied on all aspects of Hepatitis B ranging from the development of more appropriate laboratory techniques for the detection of serological markers to the clinico-epidemiological pattern analysis and explorationg of vaccine against the disease. With all such development, the assessment of the magnitude of disease occurrence in the country has not been at a satisfactory level even in the estimation of the positive rate of a marker such as HBsAg among the general population. Because of relatively easier access to the blood specimens and laboratory facilities, the studies and HBs marker's prevalence in the past were mostly confined to blood donors, hospital patients and special professional group all of which are far from being representative of the general population. Standardized HBs marker's positive rate among the general population To establish a standard value of HBs marker's positive rate among the Korean population, this study was designed to collect the data of serological findings of a total of healthy 6,296 visitors to the Red Cross Hospital in Seoul from October 1983 to October 1984. Also planned was to bring together a collection of recent studies for the synthesis of data pertinent to elucidation of HBsAg and anti-HBs positive rates of the Koreans. The synthesized data were limited to those of serological findings of healthy group tested by RIA and/or RPHA method. The substantial irregularities of age specific rates between the consecutive age groups were smoothed out by the method of moving average and the rates were applied to the population structure of Korea (1980 census data) to calculate the age standardized rate for each sex and sex-age standardized rate for an overall rate. The salient findings were (1) Age-standardized HBsAg positive rate for the male population was estimated by 8.6% and for the females by 7.3% (Table 7). (2) Sex-age-standardized HBsAg positive rate for whole population of Korea was estimated by 8.0% (Table 7). (3) Age-standardized anti-HBs positive rate for the male population was estimated to be 15.8% and for the females to be 21.7% (Table 8). (4) Sex-age-standardized anti-HBs positive rate for whole population of Korea was estimated by 18.7% (Table 8). (5) As for the sex differentials in age specific HBsAg positive rate, the female's rates were relatively lower than those of males in the age group of 40 years or less which agree with our general notion. However, it was rather peculiar to find that the pattern turned out to be reversed, that is, the female's rates were higher than those of males after 40 years of age (Table 5). A similar pattern could be observed in age specific anti-HBs positive rates. Whether or not this pattern might be simply due to a random variation need to be explored further.

      • 모성의 제특성과 출산아 체중간의 관련성에 관한 연구

        오세중,최보율,박항배,고응린 한양대학교 의과대학 1988 한양의대 학술지 Vol.8 No.1

        Prenatal and delivery care are recognized as the core of maternal and child health service for the maintenance of good health and the prevention of adverse effect of prognancy. The development and execution of prenatal and delivery care program generally require a large amount of epidemological information on the relationship among maternal characteristics and pregnancy outcomes. This study was carried out to investigate the risk factors associated with the birth weight such as maternal physique and past and current obstetric histories. In this study, the analysis was made on a total of 1,528 pregnant women and 1,549 newborns cared in a university hospital for 14 months from April 1985 to May 1986. The path analysis was used as an analytical tool and the direct and indirect effects to birth weight generated by various independent variables were measured and path diagram which shows relationship among variables is presented. The major findings are as follows. 1. The group of birth weight with 2,000gm or less had the highest perinatal mortality rate (449.1/1,000 births). The perinatal mortality rate showed a declining trend as thd birth weight increases up to 3,000-3,499gm (1.5/1,000 births). Low birth weight babies (less than 2,500gm) had shown the perinatal mortality rate as 26 times higher as the babies over 2,500gm. This finding strongly suggests the close relationship between birth weight and perinatal mortality. 2. The path analysis made on the direct effect of independent variables to brith weight showed that the following variables could be selected as significantly associated variables. (1) Positively associated variables 1) Gestational age 2) Weight gain of pregnant woman during pregnancy 3) Parity 4) Pre-pregnant weight of mother 5) Level of education 6) Number of induced abortion (2) Negatively associated variables 1) Obstetric illness 2) Number of fetus 3) Squared variable of parity. In view of the fact that regression coefficient of parity was positive whereas that of squared variable of parity was negative, the effect of parity to birth weight was revealed as inverted U-shape relationship. 3. When both direct and indirect effects of independent variables were considered, height of mother, placenta related illness and the status of medical security had emerged as signficantly associated variables with birth weight and whereas induced abortion had lost its effect due to antagonistic action of direct and indirect effects.

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