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        자체 제작된 리튬이온 배터리팩의 과충전에 따른 화재위험성 연구

        한용택,김일원,김시국 한국위험물학회 2022 한국위험물학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        Lithium-ion battery packs are used in various electronic devices such as camping batteries, electric kickboard, and supplementary battery due to their high volumetric energy storage density. Recently, however, as more and more people make and use outdoor lithium-ion battery packs such as hiking, fishing, and camping, there is a battery fire while charging their own battery packs. This paper investigated the operating principle of these battery packs and conducted a study on the fire risk caused by overcharging in the presence or absence of lithium-ion batteries with the same capacity, lithium-ion batteries with different capacity, and PCM(Protection Circuit Module). As a result of the overcharging experiment, the battery pack was completely destroyed combustible gas and smoke generation near the lithium-ion battery anode of the battery pack without a protection circuit, followed by explosive combustion accompanied by flame. Vent and safety devices(PTC, CID) could be observed to have been lost due to overcharging explosion pressure.

      • KCI등재
      • Mitogen에 의한 transterrin receptor gene 조절에 관여하는 promoter 조절인자에 작용하는 trans-acting factor들의 부착성 변화 양상에 대한 연구

        한용택 關東大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 2003 關東醫大學術誌 Vol.7 No.2

        Transferrin receptor 1 (TR) mediates uptake of iron into cell by binding and endocytosis of iron-loaded transferrin. Expression of the TR gene is regulated by cellular iron requirement and proliferative and differentiation status of cell. To understand the regulatory mechanism of TR gene by cell proliferation, changes of binding activities, during the course of serum stimulation, of nuclear factors interacting with the DNA elements of human TR promoter that has been identified to be involved in mitogen-dependent regulation were studied by mobility shift assay. One DNA-protein complex formed with the sequences spanning nucleotide -84 to -53 showed that its fluctuating profile of intensity during the course of serum stimulation was correlated closely with the fluctuating profile of transcriptional activity of the promoter region containing the relavant DNA motif. DNA sequence between -84 and -53 contained the various trans-acting factor binding motif, such as APl/CREB/ATF/TRE/Ets-1 binding motif. Competition assay indicated that DNA-protein complex showing fluctuation of its quantity during serum stimulation was formed by AP 1 binding motif. Involvement of the overlapping other DNA element (PEA 3 binding motif) in mitogen regulation of TR promoter was studied.

      • KCI등재

        용적형 펌프를 추가한 소방자동차용 소방펌프의 성능 인정기준에 관한 연구

        한용택,성기찬,민세홍 한국화재소방학회 2016 한국화재소방학회논문지 Vol.30 No.1

        본 연구는 2012년도에 제정된 원심펌프 기준에 바탕을 둔 소방자동차용 소방펌프의 성능 인정 기준에 각종 초고층 건물의 화재 및 대형화재에 대비하기 위한 고압 및 대용량의 방수 능력을 가진 용적형 펌프의 인정기준 추가에 관한 내용이다. 용적형 펌프의 실험을 바탕으로 V-1, 2, 3급의 3가지에 대한 성능에 대하여 인정기준을 제정하였으며 펌프의 효율은 원심펌프형과 동일한 65% 이상의 성능을 요구하는 인정기준이 포함 되었다. 방수압력은 1.5 MPa~2.5MPa 사이의값을 유량은 최소 0.31 m3/min에서 최대 3.0 m3/min의 방수량의 성능을 요구하는 것으로 제정되었다. 또한, 구조적으로체절압력을 조절해야하는 용적형 펌프 특성상 릴리이프 밸브에 대한 부분이 추가되었으며 이물질로 인한 펌프 내부의 파손을 방지하기 위한 스트레이너 설치 및 진공펌프 없이 작동하는 용적형 펌프와 원심펌프와의 차이점을 포함하고 있다. 이와같은 용적형 펌프의 인정기준 부분 추가로 인하여 초고층 빌딩 및 대형화재에서의 화재진압에 있어서 보다 다양한화재 진압용 소방 장비의 선택과 능동적인 대응을 할 수 있을 것으로 기대되며, 이와같은 인정기준은 2016년 1월 제정되었다. Positive displacement pumps with high pressure and water capacity are used large fires in various high-rise buildings. This study provides information for a performance approval standard of fire pumps for fire trucks based on centrifugalpump standards enacted in 2012. An experiment was conducted with a positive displacement pump for three levels of performancefrom the approval standard (V-1, 2, and 3). The efficiency of the pump was included in the reference, whichrequires the approval of 65% performance, the same as a centrifugal pump. The water pressure is between 1.5 and 2.5MPa, and the required flow rate was established as at least 0.31 m3/min and up to 3.0 m3/min. A relief valve was added toadjust the shut-off pressure due to the structural characteristics of the positive displacement pump. A strainer was alsoinstalled to prevent damage to the inside of the pump due to foreign matter. However, the strainer includes a differencefrom the positive displacement pump to operate without a vacuum pump and the centrifugal pump. This is due to theadditional approval standard portion of the positive displacement pump, which is expected to be selected for more varietyof fire-fighting equipment and proactive responses to fire suppression in a high-rise buildings and large fires. In conclusion,this approval standard was enacted in January 2016.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        앙드레 말로Andre Malraux의 「반회상록Antimemoires」의 서사기법

        한용택 한국 프랑스어문교육학회 1999 프랑스어문교육 Vol.8 No.-

        Pourquol s'est-il intitule Antimemoires le recit autobiographique d'Andre Malraux? Notre travail est une tentative de repondre a cette question simple, et pour cela nous analysons la technique narrative d'Antimemoires dans les rapports qu'il entretient avec le probleme temporel du recit. Il s'agit de reperer le moment de la narration et les deformations concemant la vitesse, la frequence et l'ordre entre les evenements narres et le texte narrant. Dans Antimemoires sont employes parallelement la narration ulterieure et la narration simultance, Les evenements contemporains du personnage-narrateur etant relates par les enonccs au present ou au passe simple, le moment de l'encodage de Malraux-ecrivain en tant qu'actant extratextuel mais reel devient intangible. Le monde intratextuel raconte par Malraux-personnage-narrateur ne se refere pas au monde reel dans lequel vivons Malraux en chair et en os et nous, si bien que le monde raconte d'Antimemoires semble autonome, fictif, abstrait et genera1ise. D'autre part la narration dans notre texts se fait autour des faits narres. L'accent est msis sur les evenmetns passes plutot que sur le narrateur. L'instance d'auteur ou de narrateur devient transparent dans la mesure du possible. Cela explique le fait que notre recit contient peu d'information personnelle ou confidentielle. Les autres techniques narratives mettent l'accent sur cette caracteristique qu'est la transparence de l'instance d'encodage dans le texte. Absence de recit iteratif ou repetitif, composition scenique et incoherence de l'agencement des faits narres dans le texte, c'est-a-dire agencement non-chronologique des evenement passes produisent l'effet que le monde raconte existe detache du monde reel. Ces faits signifient en definitive que notre recit ne traite pas de probleme personnel de Malraux en tant qu'un individuel, mais de la question que pose Malraux en tant qu'un homme. Antimemoires est bien un recit autobiographique. mais ce n'est pas celui d'Andre mais celui de Malraux.

      • 높은 레벨의 transient gene expression을 가능하게 하는 임파구 계통 숙주 세포의 개발

        韓龍澤 관동대학교 1998 關大論文集 Vol.26 No.2

        High level transient gene expression in lymphoid cells has been difficult because of the low transfection efficiency of such cells. This problem has been the big obstacle for the study of a gene(s) important for lymphoid cell functions. In order to solve this problem we have developed the very efficient transient-expression system of lymphoid cell, analogous to the well-known COS cell expression system in which SV40 T antigen support the strong amplification of tansfected DNA containing the SV40 replication origin (SV40 oriP), thus enabling higher expression of the transfected gene. The human lymphoid cell line, Jurkat, was engineered to express the SV40 T antigen permanently by transfection of the cognate gene. Transient transfection of the plasmid DNA containing the SV40 oriP has demonstrated that SV40 T antigen allow the autonomous replication of the transfected plasmid DNA in this cell line, leading to a strong amplification of plasmid copy number. The amplified expression (∼100X) of a gene present in the transfected plasmid DNA also has been demonstrated. The availability of this kind of lymphoid cell would make possible the attempt to clone a new cDNA(s) encoding protein(s) important for the T cell function by means of their tissue-specific biological functions, in an analogous way to the gene cloning system of COS cell. The initial study was made to develop the cDNA cloning system for the gene(s) involved in adhesion of T cell to extracellular matrix, exploiting this cell line.

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