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      • 土壤에서 分離한 犬蛔蟲卵子의 感染性에 關한 實驗的 硏究

        閔弘基 梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 1978 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.1 No.4

        Eleven percent of 128 soil samples examined in Seoul area for Toxocara canis eggs were positive. In experimental observation, 34 larvae were collected from 10 mice which have been infected with total 110 infective stage eggs obtained from soil samples and cultured in the laboratory room. Another group of mice was infected with larvae from mice and examined for reinfectivity test, and some larvae were detected in the liver tissue on the 2nd day after infection. By hisotological examination, an eosinophilic abscess was observed in the center of a typical granuloma in the liver on the 21st day after infection. It suggests that the larvae transmitted from another paratenic host is more pathogenic.

      • 韓國에 있어서의 人體感染 東洋眼蟲에 對한 形態學的 硏究

        閔弘基,田桂植 梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 1988 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.11 No.3

        Recently, the present authors obtained 6 worms (4 females and 2 males) from both eyes of a farmer aged 23. Worms were fixed in 10% formalin, examined, and measured. All of worms were identified as Thelazia callipaeda Railliet and Henry, 1910. The findings of parasitological studies on 21 specimens (12 females and 9 males) removed from 12 cases of human thelaziasis already described in Korea were reviewed together with our findings. And percentages of lengths of main structures to the body length of each worm were also calculated for comparison. Female and male specimeus measured 14.31 and 10.93mm in length, 0.42(2.9%) and 0.34mm(2.8%) in diameter, 0.03(0.2%) in length of buccal cavity, 0.70(5.1%) and 0.56mm(5.2%) in distance from anterior end to esophago-intestinal junction, and 0.08(0.5%) and 0.05mm(0.5%) in length from posterior end to anus or cloaca in average, respectively. Vaginal openings in all of female were located about0.2mm anteriorly to esophago-intestinal junctions. Minimum and maximum in male worms, respectively. In our 4 female specimens only a pair of processes at terminal of the tail were demonstrated, while in 2 males 8 pairs of precloacal and 3 pairs of postcloacal papillae were noted. Some wrinkle-like structures were observed on ventral and dorsal surfaces in posterior portion of a male specimen.

      • 犬蛔蟲 感染 마우스에 있어서의 乳腺內 幼蟲迷入

        閔弘基 梨花女子大學校 韓國生活科學硏究院 1976 韓國生活科學硏究院 論叢 Vol.17 No.-

        많은 種類의 奇生蟲 幼蟲의 宿主 體內에서 正常的인 生活環을 벗어난 異所迷入樣相을 보여 준다. 이들 中 犬蛔蟲幼蟲은 人體를 包含한 哺乳類의 體內에서 非正常的 組織移行 經路를 取하면서 諸 臟器組織內에 肉芽腫을 形成하고 人體에서는 血液像의 顯著한 變化를 同伴하는 複雜多樣한 臨床症勢를 示顯하는 代表的인 奇生蟲이다. 또한 本 幼蟲은 姙娠中의 宿主內에서 胎盤을 뚫고서 子宮內 胎兒에게 轉移하는 樣相을 보일 뿐 아니라 授乳期의 感染母體에서는 乳汁에 섞여 새끼에게 感染이 이루어지는 바 人體에서도 同樣의 現象이 惹起 可能하다. 이와 같은 寄生蟲學的 및 疫學的 重要性을 感案하여 非好適宿主인 姙娠前後의 마우스에게 實驗室에서 培養한 犬蛔蟲 感染期 卵子를 感染시켜 分娩 24時間 後의 胸部 및 腹部 乳房組織內에서 나타날 迷入樣相을 組織病理學的 檢査法으로 究明한 바 初乳로 가득찬 乳腺瀘胞內에서 成功的으로 幼蟲을 檢索할 수 있었다. 따라서 이러한 感染經路는 人體를 包含한 哺乳動物 體內에서도 成立될 수 있음이 分明하다. In the last decade, the possibility of transmammary transmission transmission of nematode parasite larvae from mothers to their newborn litters has been approved by examinations of the colostrum of fur seals, sows, or dogs during the later stage of pregnancy or after parturition, and the possibility of similar transcolostral transinfection in human beings have also been suggested. Nevertheless, no histologic evidence on the migratory behavior of larvae in the mammary glands of nematode infection related mothers has been yet demonstrated. The present study was carried out to observe the intramannary migration of T. canis larvae by histologic examination of the postpartum breast tissues for the explanation of the larval transmission, using female albino-mouse, an unnatural host, infected with T. canis experimentally. By the examination of microsections, infective stage larvae were detected within the alveoli of the thoracic and abdominal mammary glands of mice infected at one or two week of pregnancy, but not in those of mice infected prior to gestation.

      • 肝吸蟲感染및 發癌物質에 依한 白鼠膽管上皮細胞 微細構造의 變化

        閔弘基 梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 1988 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.11 No.4

        The effects of carcinogens, 3'-methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene(3'-MeDAB) and aflatoxin B_1 on ultrastructural changes of biliary epithelial cells in the rats experimentally infected with Clonorchis sinensis were investigated using male rats of the Sprague-Dowley strain. The animals were divided into 5 groups : group I, given 50 Clonorchis metacercariae alone ; group Ⅱ-a, treated with 0.03% 3'-MeDAB alone for 12 weeks; group Ⅱ-b, treated with 1.0ppm aflatoxin B_1 alone for 12weeks : group Ⅲ-a, given 50 metacercariae at the beginning of the 12 weeks treatment with 3'-MeDAB and group Ⅲ-b, treated with 50 metacercariae plus 1.0ppm aflatoxin B_1. Since the 4th week of experiment, ultrastructures of epithelial cells were observed, using transmission electron microscope. In group I, some elaborate interwoven folds of lateral cytoplasm forming labyrinths of interconnected intercellular space, variety in nuclear shape and marked proliferation and swelling of rough endoplasmic reticulum were characteristic. In groups Ⅱ-a and Ⅱ-b, remarkable enlargement of nuclear size, increase of chromatin granules along the inner membrane of nucleus and nucleolar margination were prominent. On the other hand, group Ⅲ-a or group Ⅲ-b revealed mostly combined findings of those shown in Clonorchis-infected rats and carcinogen-treated ones. Furthermore, the presence of liver fluke and carcinogen led to neoplastic change. In general, treatment with 1.0ppm aflatoxin B_1 alone(group Ⅱ-b) or 1.0ppm aflatoxin B_1 plus Clonorchis metacercariae(group Ⅲ-b) resulted in much earlier onset of alterations than that with 0.03% 3'-MeDAB alone(group Ⅱ-a) or plus metacercariae(group Ⅲ-a) throughout the observation. Despite differences in time of onset of alterations, they appeared to be essentially of the same order in cases of groups Ⅱ-a and Ⅱ-b, or groups Ⅲ-a and Ⅲ-b, respectively. In conclusion, it was clearly evidenced that Clonorchis infection plays an important role as a promotor in cholangiocarcinogenesis in the rats treated with 3'-MeDAB or aflatoxin B_1.

      • 韓牛의 Onchocerca症에 關한 硏究 : 仔蟲의 形態學的 同定 1. Morphology of Microfilaria

        閔弘基 梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 1980 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.3 No.1

        The genus Onchocerca has received much attention due to the medical and veterinary importance of certain species within the genus. Recently, additional interest on onchocerciasis of domestic animals has been stimulated by the report of human infections with Onchocerca of animal origin. In Korea, so-called worm nodules have been encountered in cattles slaughtered at abattoirs. From this reason, it is considered to be very important to carry-out epizootiologic studies on onchocerciasis in Korean cattle and other domestic animals. The present work was designed to investigate the incidence and morphology of microfilariae of Onchocerca sp. in Korean cattle. For study, skin tissues on the umbilical region of cattles were taken and sliced into small pieces, and kept in saline for 2 hours. Microfilariae were collected and fixed in pure alcohol and in 2% formalin solution, and stained with Giemsa stain solution respectively. The results are summarized as follows; 1) Microfilariae were found in 49 (24.5%) among total 200 cattles examined. 2) Average length and width of microfilariae were 249.7μ × 3.6μ in pure alcohol fixed specimen and 248.8μ × 3.9μ in 2% formalin fixed specimen, respectively. 3) Distances of each significant structure from the anterior end of head of microfilariae reveales; BNC 6.5μ(4.5~8.2μ), AMNR 59.2μ(53.8~67.3μ), PMNR 62.3μ(58.2~69.9μ), EP 86.8μ(82.4~94.1μ), EC 96.6μ(86.9~103.5μ), G_1 178.3μ(162.2~192.8μ), AP 221.0μ(189.5~237.5μ) and ENC 240.4μ(226.2~258.9μ). 4) Four G cells and 3 or 4 small rod shaped caudal nuclei proceeded to a bar shaped terminal nucleus were observed. From the characteristics of body length, clear portion of the head and caudal nuclei and general apperance expressed with a percentage of the distance from the anterior end to body length the microfilariae examined in the present study can be identified as O. gibsoni.

      • Mouse에 있어서의 犬蛔蟲 幼蟲의 胎內感染에 對한 Cortisone의 影響

        閔弘基 梨花女子大學校 韓國生活科學硏究院 1974 韓國生活科學硏究院 論叢 Vol.13 No.-

        犬蛔蟲의 感染期卵子로 感染된 姙娠 mouse에게 cortisone을 一定期間 投與하여 諸組織, 子宮, 胎盤 및 胎兒에의 同幼蟲의 移行樣相에 미치는 效果를 追試한 바 그 成績을 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 姙娠期間中 感染된 mouse에 있어서 cortison 投與群에 比하여 感受性의 增加 및 抵抗力의 減少가 나타난다고 推定되며 對照群에 比해 約 2倍의 幼蟲이 檢出되었고 胎兒에로의 移行도 훨씬 增加되었다. 2. 姙娠 2週前에 感染시킨 mouse에 있어서는 cortison의 投與與否와 關係없이 胎兒에로의 幼蟲의 移行을 볼수 없어 이는 感染時期로 보아 胎兒에게 二次的 移行은 이루어지지 않았음을 推定케 한다. 3. 胎兒에로의 移行 幼蟲의 增加는 胎盤 또는 胎兒에 對한 cortisone의 選擇的인 效果라기 보다는 宿主 自體의 多樣性인 感受性에 미친 影響에 依한 一次的 移行의 結果라고 思料된다. An experimental study on the effecacy of "Cortisone" in pregnant mice infected at specified times with 1,000 infective stage eggs of Toxocara canis was carried out. According to the experimental schedule as shown in figure 1, mice in groups Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ were infected on the 10th day and sacrificed on the 17th day of pregnancy. On the other hand, mice in the groups Ⅱ and Ⅲ were injected with cortisone, subcutaneously, with a dose of 0.5mg. once daily for 2 weeks during pergnancy and before gestation, respectively. Mice in groups Ⅳ and Ⅴ were infected two weeks before gestation and the latter were treated with cortisone from the day of infection to the gestation. The results are summerized as follows; 1. There were highly significant differences in the number of larvae recovered from various tissues including uterus, fetus and placenta between group Ⅰ and Ⅱ or group Ⅱ and Ⅲ. Group Ⅱshowed that the recovered number of larvae which has migrated into uterus, fetus and placenta were almost twice more than those in group Ⅰ or Ⅲ. 2. Group Ⅴ showed no larva of Toxocara canis in the fetus but a few in the uterus or in the placenta on the 17th day of pregnancy. But no larva was found in the fetus, even in the uterus and placenta in group Ⅳ on the day after the same duration as that in group Ⅴ. 3. Administration of cortisone in pregnancy mice may cause increased susceptibility to infection by Toxocata canis larvae and depressed host-resistance against this parasite. From the above results, it is suggested that the larvae found from the fetus in the uterus were introduced by the primary migration soon after infection rather than by secondary migration of the larvae from other tissues in pregnant mice.

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