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      • KCI등재

        戰略的環境技術經營技術工程表, テクノロジ―·ロ―ドマップの活用

        長江庸泰,洞內祥次 한국일본근대학회 2005 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.10

        The previous paper presented the conclusions and discussions with the following three points[Nagae, Tsunehiro and Horauchi, Yoshitsugu, 2004]:.·Japan-Korea Index Comparison:"2002 Environmental Sustainability Index";.·Change in Environmental Administrations; and.·Strategic Environmental Management in Japan and Korea. This paper refers to utilization of technology road-mapping and technology roadmap for the strategic environmental management of technologies .To more accurately strategic target and plan future high tech growth initiatives, the technology roadmap provides a strategic inventory and overview of the R&D assets. Companies and individuals can use the technology roadmap to identify commercialization opportunities and partners for strategic alliances. Therefore, this paper refers to the following five contents: Ⅰ.Introduction; Ⅱ.Method; Ⅲ.Results; Ⅲ., 1. Theoretical Approach: Technology Road-mapping and Technology Roadmap; Ⅲ., 2 .Strategic Case Study: Aluminum Industry`s Technology Road mapping; and Ⅳ.Conclusion and Discussion.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        日本における「コモディティ,トラップ」の探究 -家庭用ロボット掃除機における事例硏究-

        장강용태 한국일본근대학회 2015 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.48

        日本大學人口硏究所[Nihon University Population Research Institute (NUPRI)]の分析によれば、ㆍ日本の家族介護力(高齡人口に對する40~59歲の女性人口)は2005年以降、世界192ヵ國中最低水準となり、この傾向は2022年以降50年間續くㆍこ とを指摘している。 本論では、サ-ビス支援技術を、高齡者ㆍ病人などの「身體的弱者向けの支援技術」として再考し、産學官連携の下、 「生活機能補完技術(すなわちサ-ビスロボット技術)」という新たな産業分野に發展させることにより、國民全員に基礎 的な安心感を予えるという「イノベ-ションの觀點」を踏まえ、サ-ビスロボット技術の戰略的イノベ-ションに焦点を あてながら(1) 家庭用ロボット掃除機における事例硏究、(2) 日本における「コモディティㆍトラップ」 の探究の2点から 驗證を行う。 本論における「コモディティ化(commoditization, commodification)」とは、「ある經濟價値を有する商品カテゴリにおいて、 競爭商品間の差別化特性(製品性能、品質、ブランド力等)が失われ、市場や顧客の眼には、單なる日常品(commodity)とし てしか映らなくなってしまうプロセス」と置く。 よりイノベ-ションに特化し、よりデザイン性を高め、より賢く、より安價な製品差別化で臨む企業も、その差別化 がすぐに模倣されてしまう現實に直面し、また、製品が市場を魅了する時間も、新たな製品の台頭により魅力の減少を 余儀なきものにする。つまり、「コモディティ化の民」の行き着く先は、「コモディティ化による地獄」である。 An analysis undertaken by NUPRI (Nihon University Population Research Institute) indicates that the number of Japanese households able to provide care for the elderly, that is, households containing a woman aged 40 to 59 and an elderly person, have been, since 2005, among the lowest in the world (i.e., 192 states), and this trend is expected to continue for fifty years from 2022 onwards. By reconsidering service support technology for the physically weak, that is, the elderly and the ill, it is possible, through cooperation among industry, academia, and government, to develop a new field of robot technology, a “life function support robot technology (i.e., service robot technology)”, that will provide all citizens with a basic level of security. This paper focuses specifically on strategic innovation in service robot technology and the two main points that will be examined are as follows. 1. A case study of vacuum cleaning robots in the home. 2. In search of a “commodity trap (i.e., commoditization trap)” in Japan. Commoditization is defined as the process by which goods that have economic value and are distinguishable in terms of attributes (product performance, quality or brand) end up becoming simple commodities in the eyes of the market or consumers. Corporations that differentiate their products by building them to be more innovative, more designable, more smart and cheaper begin to find that others quickly imitate every new feature that they introduce. The length of time that any given product is attractive in the market begins to decline, as even newer products quickly take over. A “commodity trap” will end up becoming a “commodity hell”.

      • KCI등재

        地方創生に向けたまちづくりの事例硏究 - さのまちづくり株式會社の設立-

        長江庸泰 ( Nagae Tsunehiro ),遠藤武志 ( Endo Takeshi ) 한국일본근대학회 2017 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.56

        本硏究は、佐野市が抱える課題解決のために設立された「さのまちづくり株式會社」設立經緯と事業槪要をフィ一ルドリサ一チ(field research)の手法を用いて分析した事例硏究である。 本事例硏究は、「さのまちづくり株式會社」4つの優先順位に基づく事業內容として、(1)まちづくり計畵と街幷み保存による、交流人口·定住人口の增加を狙うこと、(2)情報發信廣告事業、テナント募集事業などにより運營資金の增加を狙うこと、(3)イベントの企畵運營などにより活性化を狙うこと、(4)レンタルサイクル事業により活性化を狙うこと、という特性を提示すると共に、まちづくり會社等の主な活動の類型化を通して、ベンチマ一キングのSPDLIモデルに基づく「稼げるシステム化によるまちづくりの創生戰略」を探究したものである。 This article is a case study which analyzes the establishment and the business outline of Sano Machi-zukuri Corporation, a community development joint-stock corporation established for the purpose of solving social problems in the city of Sano. The analysis was done using a field research method. The study analyzed the following four parts of the business: 1. community development planning, including the maintenance of rows of houses and stores, for the purpose of increasing population and the amount of visitors 2. advertising and the dissemination of information about Sano to visitors and prospective tenants to increase working funds 3. the planning and management of new events in Sano, to revitalize the city 4. providing rental bicycle facilities for visitors We categorized these business elements as soft business or hard, and treated Akihabara Town Management Co. as a bench mark, based on the SPDLI model. Finally, we investigated strategies for systematizing the elements of community development for the purpose of profitable regional revitalization management.

      • KCI등재

        日本型イノベーション戦略の探究 - 家庭用ロボット掃除機における事例研究 -

        長江庸泰 한국일본근대학회 2013 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.41

        An analysis undertaken by NUPRI (Nihon University Population Research Institute) indicates that the number of Japanese households able to provide care for the elderly, that is, households containing a woman aged 40 to 59 and an elderly person, have been, since 2005, among the lowest in the world (i.e., 192 states), and this trend is expected to continue for fifty years from 2022 onwards. By reconsidering service support technology for the physically weak, that is, the elderly and the ill, it is possible, through cooperation among industry, academia, and government, to develop a new field of robot technology, a “life function support robot technology (i.e., service robot technology)”, that will provide all citizens with a basic level of security. The two main points that will be examined are as follows. 1. A Case Study of Vacuum Cleaning Robots in the Home. 2. In Search of a “Commodity Trap”.

      • KCI등재

        日本型イノベ一ション戰略の探究 -サ一ビスロボット技術の推進-

        長江庸泰 한국일본근대학회 2013 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.39

        日本大?人體硏究所[Nihon University Population Research Institute (NUPRI)]の分析によれば、 日本の家族介護力(高? 人口に對する40~59?の女性人口)は2005年以降、世界192ヵ國中最低水準となり、この傾向は2022年以降50年間?く こ とを指摘している。本論は、サ?ビス支援技術を、高?者?病人?幼?などの「身?的弱者向けの支援技術」として再考 し、その上で、産?官連携により「生活機能補完技術(すなわちサ?ビスロボット技術)」という新たな産業分野に?展さ せることにより、國民全員に基礎的な安心感を?えるという「イノベ?ションの?点」から、①「サ?ビスロボット技術 における要素技術」と②「サ?ビスロボット技術の先端事例」の2点に課題解決を絞り?み、??を行うものである. An analysis undertaken by NUPRI (Nihon University Population Research Institute) indicates that the number of Japanese households able to provide care for the elderly, that is, households containing a woman aged 40 to 59 and an elderly person, have been, since 2005, among the lowest in the world (i.e., 192 states), and this trend is expected to continue for fifty years from 2022 onwards. By reconsidering service support technology for the physically weak, that is, the elderly, the ill, and children, it is possible, through cooperation among industry, academia, and government, to develop a new field of robot technology, a "life function support robot technology (i.e., service robot technology)", that will provide all citizens with a basic level of security. The two main points that will be examined are as follows. 1. Elemental Technologies of Service Robot Technology. 2. A cutting edge of Service Robot Technology.

      • KCI등재


        長江庸泰 한국일본근대학회 2013 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.41

        日本大學人口硏究所[NihonUniversityPopulationResearchInstitute(NUPRI)]の分析によれば、「日本の家族介護力(高齡人口に對する40~59歲の女性人口)は2005年以降、世界192ヵ國中最低水準となり、この傾向は2022年以降50年間續く」ことを指摘している。本論は、サ一ビス支援技術を、高齡者·病人·幼兒などの「身體的弱者向けの支援技術」として再考し、その上で、産學官連携により「生活機能補完技術(すなわちサ一ビスロボット技術)」という新たな産業分野に發展させることにより、國民全員に基礎的な安心感を與えるという「イノベ一ションの觀点」から、①「家庭用ロボット掃除機の事例硏究」と②「コモディティ化の□」の2点に課題解決を絞り迂み、檢證を行うものである。 An analysis undertaken by NUPRI (Nihon University Population Research Institute) indicates that the number of Japanese households able to provide care for the elderly, that is, households containing a woman aged 40 to 59 and an elderly person, have been, since 2005, among the lowest in the world (i.e., 192 states), and this trend is expected to continue for fifty years from 2022 onwards. By reconsidering service support technology for the physically weak, that is, the elderly and the ill, it is possible, through cooperation among industry, academia, and government, to develop a new field of robot technology, a “life function support robot technology (i.e., service robot technology)”, that will provide all citizens with a basic level of security. The two main points that will be examined are as follows. 1. A Case Study of Vacuum Cleaning Robots in the Home. 2. In Search of a “Commodity Trap”.

      • KCI등재

        日本型イノベーション戦略の探究 ― サービスロボット技術の推進 ―

        長江庸泰 한국일본근대학회 2013 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.39

        An analysis undertaken by NUPRI (Nihon University Population Research Institute) indicates that the number of Japanese households able to provide care for the elderly, that is, households containing a woman aged 40 to 59 and an elderly person, have been, since 2005, among the lowest in the world (i.e., 192 states), and this trend is expected to continue for fifty years from 2022 onwards. By reconsidering service support technology for the physically weak, that is, the elderly, the ill, and children, it is possible, through cooperation among industry, academia, and government, to develop a new field of robot technology, a “life function support robot technology (i.e., service robot technology)”, that will provide all citizens with a basic level of security. The two main points that will be examined are as follows. 1. Elemental Technologies of Service Robot Technology. 2. A cutting edge of Service Robot Technology.

      • KCI등재

        日本型イノベーション戦略の探究 ―グリーンイノベーションの推進

        長江庸泰 한국일본근대학회 2011 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.32

        Green Innovation is a challenge to build up a low carbon society based on scientific discoveries and technological innovations in Japan. This challenge creates new social and economic values, harmonizes solutions of climate change problems with the socio-economic development and works as a driving force for sustainable development in the world. This paper focuses specifically on managing strategic Green Innovation in Japan and is divided into the following three points: ■Technical Analysis: Elemental Technologies in EnvironmentalCutting-Edge ■Roadmaps in EnvironmentalCutting-Edge ■Smart Grid

      • KCI등재후보

        福祉機器における戰略的技術營- 日本における先端技術と要素技術 -

        長江庸泰,洞內祥次 한국일본근대학회 2007 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.17

        This paper focuses specifically on robotics in mechatronics areas in Rehabilitation Equipment, and is divided to the following four parts: ▪Workshop on Review of Research in Rehabilitation Equipment (U.S., EU, Korea, and 2005 REHA Care International) ▪Japanese Research in Robotics ( HAL[Hybrid Assistive Limb]‐5 ) ▪Conclusion and Discussion ▪Elemental Technologies in rehabilitation engineering

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