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        유치진의 리얼리즘을 토대로 한 로맨티시즘과<목격자> 공연

        김재석 한국극예술학회 2021 한국극예술연구 Vol.- No.71

        이 논문에서는 리얼리즘을 토대로 한 로맨티시즘을 통해 유치진의 1930년대 후반기 리얼리즘 연극의 특성을 살펴보았다. 이를 위해 리얼리즘을 토대로 한 로맨티시즘의 모호성에 대한 당대 예술인들의 비판과 유치진의 대응, 그리고 <목격자> 공연에 주목하였다. 유치진은 <춘향전>(1936)을 공연하면서 리얼리즘을 토대로 한 로맨티시즘 연극이라 주장 했으나, 여타 극단이 공연한 <춘향전>의 낭만성과 어떤 차이가 나는지를 분명하게 설명하지 못했다. <춘향전>의 각색 의도에 나타난 바를 종합해보면, 리얼리즘을 토대로 한 로맨티시즘 작품이 지녀야 할 조건의 첫째는 이상을 추구하는 의지적 주동인물의 존재이며, 둘째는 느슨한 인과관계에 의한 극 전개, 셋째는 이상적 결과의 제시 의한 낭만성 부각이다. <춘향전>을 공연할 당시 유치진은 “이런 것이 존재 될 수 있는지 없는지 나는 모릅니다”라고 밝힐 정도로 리얼리즘과 로맨티시즘의 결합에 대한 이해가 부족했다. 그는 리얼리즘과 로맨티시즘의 관계에 대한 임화의 설명을 차용함으로써 이론의 모호한 부분을 메우려 하였다. 그러나 리얼리즘을 토대로 한 로맨티시즘 연극의 실체를 <춘향전>으로 분명하게 보여주지 못한 탓에 유치진에 대한 비판이 계속 이어졌다. 그는 ‘리얼리즘의 심장’을 강화하는 로맨티시즘 효과를 <개골산>(1938) 창작에서 보여주고자 하였으나, 임화로부터 리얼리즘 연극으로 자격 미달이라는 비판을 받았다. 맥스웰 앤더슨의 <윈터셋>(Winterset)을 <목격자>(1938)로 제목 바꾸어 공연에 착수하면서, 유치진은 리얼리즘을 토대로 한 로맨티시즘의 미국 연극이라고 설명했다. 그의 시각에 따라 <윈터셋>을 분석해보면, 이상을 추구하는 의지적 주동인물인 미오(Mio)가 있고, 인과관계가 느슨한 극 전개와 미리암네(Miriamne)를 위시한 여러 인물들이 죽음을 각오하고 진실을 외치는 이상적 마무리에 의해 작품의 낭만성이 부각되고 있는 사실을 알 수 있다. 유치진의 <윈터셋>의 충실한 재현을 목표로 공연하지 않았고, 식민지조선의 리얼리즘을 토대로 한 로맨티시즘극으로 만들고자 했다. 그는 미오와 트록의 대결구도로 극을 단순화 시켰으며 운문 대사를 버리고 산문 대사로 공연하였다. <목격자>는 불리한 위치에 놓인 자신의 처지를 역전시켜보려는 유치진의 의도에서 공연되었다. 유치진은 사코-반제티 사건과 연계성을 가진 리얼리즘 연극 <윈터셋>을 선택하여 리얼리즘을 토대로 한 로맨티시즘 작품의 지향점을 평론가들이 알게 하였다. 그 후 사코-반제티 사건을 지우고 자신의 의도에 맞추어 연출된 <목격자>의 공연을 통하여 리얼리즘을 토대로 한 로맨티시즘 연극은 본래 대중성이 강한 특성을 지니고 있다는 점을 그들이 인정하게 만들었다. 유치진의 기획 의도는 성공을 거두었으나, <목격자> 공연은 1930년대 후기 유치진 리얼리즘 연극이 자가당착에 빠져 새로운 길을 모색할 동력을 상실하고 있음을 보여주고 있다. 유치진이 자가당착의 상태에 놓이게 된 것은 연극대중화 전략의 변화에 따라 리얼리즘 연극의 소재를 바꾸는 방식으로 창작을 지속 해온 결과이다. 그가 지키겠다고 강조하고 있는 ‘리얼리즘 연극 창작’과 연극 대중화를 위한 그의 ‘공연우선주의’는 상호 충돌할 수밖에 없는 이질적 입장이다. <윈터셋>은 사코-반제티 사건이 발생하게 된 문제의 근원과 사회적 치부를 직시하는 작가의 리얼리즘 정신... This study is aimed at examining the characteristics of Yoo Chijin's realism plays in the late 1930s through romanticism based on realism. To this end, the focus is on the contemporary artists' criticism on the ambiguity of romanticism based on realism, Yoo Chijin's response and the performance of MokgyeokjaWhile performing Chunhyangjeon(1936), Yoo Chijin claimed that it was a romanticism play based on realism, but he failed to explain clearly how it was different from Chunhyangjeon performed by other theater companies. To sum up what appeared in his intention of adapting Chunhyangjeon, the first of the conditions that a romanticism play based on realism must have is the existence of a willing protagonist who pursues ideals, the second is the development of the play by loose causal relationship, and the third is the emphasis on romantic nature by presenting the ideal results. At the time of the performance of Chunhyangjeon, Yoo Chijin lacked an understanding of the combination of realism and romanticism to the extent that he said, "I don't know if it could exist or not." He tried to fill the ambiguity of the theory by borrowing Im Hwa's explanation of the relationship between realism and romanticism. But the criticism on Yoo Chijin continued because the substance of a romanticism play based on realism was not clearly shown in the performance of Chunhyangjeon. He wanted to show the romanticism effect that reinforces 'the heart of realism’ with Gaegolsan (1938), but was criticized by Im Hwa for lacking qualifications as a realism play. As Yoo Chijin changed the title of Maxwell Anderson's Winterset to Mokgyeokja (1938) and embarked on the performance, he explained that it was an American romanticism play based on realism. Analyzing Winterset according to his perspective, it can be seen that the romantic nature of the work is highlighted by the willing protagonist of pursuing ideals, Mio, the development of a play with a loose causal relationship, and the ideal finish of various characters, including Miriamne, preparing for death and shouting the truth. He did not perform Winterset with the aim of its perfect reproduction ; he simplified the play by the confrontational plot between Mio and Troc, discarded the verse lines and used prose lines in the performance. Mokgyeokja was performed with the intention of Yoo Chijin to try to reverse his unfavorable position. Yoo Chijin selected the realism play, Winterset which is linked to the Sacco and Vanzetti Case, to let the critics know the direction of a romanticism play based on realism, and made them admit that a romanticism play based on realism has a strong characteristic of its original popularity through the performance of Mokgyeokja which erased the Sacco and Vanzetti Case and was directed to fit his intention. Although Yoo chijin's intention to plan was successful, the performance of Mokgyeokja showed that his realism plays of the late 1930s lost its momentum to seek a new path due to self-contradiction. The reason why Yoo Chijin was in a state of self-contradiction was that he had continued to create in a way that varied the material selection of realism plays in accordance with the changes in the strategy of theater popularization. His emphasis on 'creating realism plays' and his 'performance first principle' for the theater popularization were inevitably heterogeneous positions in conflict. Winterset is the work where the author's realism spirit is alive, facing the roots of the problem that led to the Sacco and Vanzetti Case and the social disgrace. Yoo Chijin was well aware of the fact, but he, who was immersed in the performance first principle position, did not have the courage to return to the problematic subjects of the time and fight against censorship. In the end, Yoo Chijin ended the 1930s without finding a way other than giving up his creative work.

      • KCI등재

        인류학의 노년 연구와 임상적 노인 돌봄에의 함의

        김재석 대한임상노인의학회 2022 대한임상노인의학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        This paper outlines anthropological research on old age. Anthropology, as a discipline of cultural critique, has regarded the concept of old age as cultural construct and highlighted existing diverse understandings and practices related to the elderly. Based on ethnographic research on elderly people in different cultural settings, anthropologists have argued that actual, day-to-day understandings of old age widely differ by regional, educational, gender, ethnic, and historical backgrounds. Anthropological research also emphasizes elderly people's agency. Commonsensical ideas of old age often characterize this period as fundamentally passive—a time of retreat from social activities. In contrast, anthropologists discovered that elderly people actively established various social networks of mutual aid and caring, relying on a shared idea of convoy. The elderly also imposes genuine meanings to their surroundings and belongings, as they strive to make sense of "being old." In conclusion, this paper delves into the possibility for anthropology to contribute to clinical gerontology. Anthropology's holistic approach to elderly people and aging experience helps medical specialists to understand the multilayered dimensions of the elderly patients' illness, which enables them to more properly evaluate the patients' needs and thus design more efficient methods of clinical intervention.

      • KCI등재

        중국 내 다국적 기업에서의 ‘문화’와 민족성의 정치학 : 칭다오 지역 한국 다국적 기업을 중심으로

        김재석 중국학연구회 2012 중국학연구 Vol.- No.59

        This article analyzes the transnational movement of South Korean multinational corporations into China and their impacts on the existing ethnic power relationship between Han-Chinese and Korean-Chinese. The Korean managers of the multinational corporations defined the “ethnic characteristics” of Han-Chinese and Korean-Chinese based on their idea of Korean national culture, historical experience of the Cold-War politics, and the time-old worry about “Sinocentrism.” Referring to their definition of “ethnic characteristics,” the Korean managers regarded Korean-Chinese as “ideal workers,” while disqualifying Han-Chinese from taking any significant positions in the corporate hierarchy. The Korean managers made Korean-Chinese monopolize intermediary managerial positions in their corporations, while assigning most Han-Chinese employees to rank-and-file work positions on the shop floor. The managerial policy that gave Korean-Chinese positions higher than those of the Han-Chinese in the corporate hierarchy literally overturned the existing structure of ethnic labor division where Han-Chinese, as the dominant ethnic majority of China, occupy the mainstream jobs. My research investigates the power effects created by the overturned structure of ethnic labor division, focusing on the heightened ethnic tensions and competitions between Han-Chinese and Korean-Chinese employees of the multinational corporations and how the tensions and competitions eventually reinforced the Korean managers’ control of local labor.

      • KCI등재후보

        호중구의 자연 세포사멸 및 세포사멸 지연에 대한 Brefeldin A의 영향

        김재석,이민정,이창민,이상화,배외식,곽종영 한국생명과학회 2002 생명과학회지 Vol.12 No.4

        호중의 세포사멸은 자연적으로 일어나지만 여러 자극에 의한 신호에 의하여 증가하거나 지연된다. 본 연구에서는 세포 내 단백질 분비과정을 억제한다고 알려진 BFA가 호중구의 자연 세포사멸 및 세포사멸 지연에 어떠한 기작으로 작용하는가를 연구하였다. 호중구의 세포사멸은 사람 말초 혈액으로부터 분리하여 세포 배양 20시간 후 형태 변화, annexin V and propidium iodide의 염색, 및 DNA 전기영동 등으로 조사하였다. BFA는 농도 의존형으로 호중구의 세포사멸을 증가시킨다. CM-CSF나 LPS에 의한 세포사멸의 지연도 BFA에 의하여 억제되었다. 그러나 BFA의 영향은 db-cAMP, dexamethasone, 및 IL-8을 처리한 세포에서는 큰 영향을 받지 않았다. PKC-5의 억제제인 rottlerin에 의한 세포사멸의 지연은 BFA에 의하여 감소하였다. 그러나 BFA에 의한 세포사멸의 유도는 caspase-3 억제제인 zDEVD-fmk에 의하여는 영향을 받지 않았다. 한편, 세포사멸 억제에 관여하는 Mcl-1 단백질의 발현은 BFA의 처리에 의하여 감소하였다. 이들 결과들은 세포 내 단백질 분비 과정의 억제가 호중구의 세포사멸에 관여하며 이들의 작용은 Mcl-1 발현의 조절에 의한다는 것을 제시하고 있다. Neutrophil apoptosis is a constitutive process that can be enhanced or delayed by various stimuli. In this study, effect of brefeldin A (BFA), which affects biological process of secretion, on constitutive and delayed apoptosis of neutrophils was investigated. Neutrophil apoptosis was determined after culturing for 20 hr in vitro by morphological changes, annexin V staining and DNA electrophoresis. BFA increased the constitutive apoptotic rate of neutrophils in dose-dependent manner. The delay of apoptosis induced by granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor and lipopolysaccharide was also blocked by 10 $\mu$M of BFA. However, this effect of BFA was less marked when neutrophils were treated with dexamethasone, interleukin-8, or dibutyryl-cAMP. Moreover, the delay of neutrophil apoptosis induced by rottlerin, a specific inhibitor of protein kinase C-$\delta$ was significantly abrogated by BFA. Although BFA-induced apoptosis was not blocked by the caspase-3 inhibitor, zDEVD-fmk, expression levels of myeloid cell leukemia-1 (Mcl-1) were down-regulated by BFA. These results suggest that derangement of vesicular protein transport may be involved in the apoptosis of neutrophils, and that the action of BFA on apoptosis is dependent on changes in the expression of Mcl-1.

      • KCI등재

        관광행위 개념인식에 대한 탐색:관광학연구 誌 논문의 내용분석을 중심으로

        김재석 한국관광학회 2007 관광학연구 Vol.31 No.1

        This study is to explore that how tourist behavior is recognized by tourism researchers. applying concepts of structural linguistics and cognitive semantics, author used content analysis as a research method as a way of interpreting the phenomenon. From the analysis most researchers were found agreeing with interpreting the sentence ‘Gwankookjikwang Leeyongbinwuwang‘ (觀國之光 利用賓于王), an ancient aphorism described in the Book of Changes, as educational and cultural connotation. Also writers of Journal of Tourism Sciences(JTS), a Korean periodical published by TOSOK were found considering tourism mostly as a behavior that leaves temporally from the ordinary boundary of the community. Lastly found were the two academic categories that distinguish tourist behavior into the standard of distance only and distance-time.핵심용어(Key words):내용분석(content analysis), 프로토타이프 효과(prototype effect), 해석소(interpretant), 관광의 개념(concept of tourism)

      • KCI등재

        단일 및 다목적지의 여행수요함수 비교분석 여행비용모형의 적용을 중심으로

        김재석,김재영 한국관광학회 2002 관광학연구 Vol.26 No.3

        Multiple destination trips are generally involved in many outdoor recreation trips. However, existing studies employing travel cost method used to omit the issue from their study samples. Both the first-stage and the second-stage demand curve used to be estimated without considering multiple destination trips, hence resulting in the two demand curves misspecified. Authors examined the influences of multiple destination trips on traditional TCM. Authors confirmed that the number of destinations visited rises as the travel distance increases since multiple destination trips tend to be more price inelastic than single destination trips. Authors confirmed that the traditional TCM overestimates the demand of long-distance trips.

      • KCI등재

        호텔기업의 매출 규모별 비용결정요인에 관한 연구

        김재석 한국관광학회 2008 관광학연구 Vol.32 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to analyze differences in the variables related finance according to the sizes of hotel's sales. In addition, it is to find out the influence of those variables which are related finance to expenses of hotels ANOVA and multiple regression analysis were employed. According to the size of hotel's sales, differences were found in the rate of expenses in total cost. Rate of cost of sales was also found high in case of the large size of sales. Secondly, it is estimated sales has positive influence to cost of sales in all cases. In addition it was proved that tangible assets, selling and administrative expenses, and non-operating expenses had different influences.

      • KCI등재

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