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      • KCI등재

        현대중국어 ‘NP很能VP’구조의 양태적 고찰

        金紅梅(Jin Hongmei) 중국어문학연구회 2015 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.93

        In contemporary Chinese language, many scholars always pay attention to the volitive auxiliary “能” which is used frequently and has priority over other words; and they have analyzed the semantic features of “能” in different perspectives. Also many scholars do study on the syntactic features and semantic features of “?”, which is used most frequently among all degree adverbs, when “?” is used to modify verb and verb phrase. However, the studies on the degree adverb “?” modifying volitive auxiliary phrase are not comprehensive. Although there are some existing theoretical study results, they cannot explain various and complex actual linguistic data. This paper takes “NP?能VP” as the object of study, analyzes the actual linguistic data of more than 900 “NP?能VP”. The paper firstly discusses the opposite between “Bounded” and “unbounded”, which is formed in people’s cognition, the specific reflection in the deontic modality “NP?能VP” and the epistemic modality “NP?能VP”; later the paper analyzes the distribution of its semantic focus in modal semanteme “NP?能VP” and under the “Bounded” and “unbounded” of VP.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 교재 속 상징어의 의미용법 적절성 연구

        김홍매(Jin, Hongmei) 언어과학회 2017 언어과학연구 Vol.0 No.82

        This paper aims to compare the meaning usage of symbolic words in Korean textbooks with that of Sejong corpus data, analyze them, and investigate the appropriacy. The study showed that each textbook has its own meaning usage for the symbolic words, and there were many cases presented with simple lexical meanings rather than contexts or situations. Also, the meaning usage used in each textbook was simple, and there were many cases that were inconsistent with those of the corpus data. This shows that the meaning usage patterns of symbolic words in Korean textbooks are different from those of actual utterance. Therefore, it is urgent to select the symbolic words in Korean language education, to prepare the standard, and to unify the textbooks.

      • KCI등재후보

        『해객시초(海客詩?)』에 대한 만청 문인의 비평 일고

        김홍매 ( Jin Hongmei ) 우리한문학회 2017 漢文學報 Vol.36 No.-

        본고는 19세기 역관들의 시선집인 『海客詩?』에 대한 만청 문인들의 비평을 살피고 비평의 형식과 성격을 고찰하였다. 『해객시초』에 평어를 쓴 만청 문인은 董文渙(1833~1877)과 許振? 두 사람인데, 본고에서는 이들의 비평을 비평의 형식, 내용과 기준 두 방면으로 나누어 살펴보았다. 허진휘의 비평은 형식에 따라 원문에 원점과 비점을 가하고 위에 시에 대한 평가를 한 평점비평과, 일부 시구를 수정하고 수정 이유를 밝힌 첨삭비평, 매 사람의 작품 전체의 풍격과 장단점, 나아가야 할 방향 등을 제시한 총평 세 가지로 나눌 수 있다. 동문환의 비평은 현재 매 장의 뒤에 남긴 총평만 볼 수 있는데 주로 저자와 자신의 인연, 전체적인 작품의 특징 등을 이야기하는 식으로 되어 있다. 비평의 기준을 보면 허진휘는 주로 시상과 시어의 참신함과 예술적인 기교 등 면에서 시를 평가하고 있다. 잘된 시라고 하더라고 새로운 점이 없다고 여겨지는 경우에는 좋지 않은 평가를 하였으며 독창적이고 신선한 느낌을 주는 작품에 대해서는 높이 평가하였다. 또 김병선과 최성학 두 사람의 작품에 대해서는 급하게 시를 짓는 경향이 있다고 하면서 예술적 기교를 높이기 위한 방안을 제시하였고 이용숙과 강해수의 시에 대해서는 잘된 시와 못된 시의 특징을 지적하고 개선 방안을 제시하였다. 동문환은 시의 기교적인 면보다는 시의 뜻을 기준으로 평가하였으며 대부분 후한 평가를 하고 있다. 허진휘와 동문환의 비평의 공통점이라고 한다면 모두 『해객시초』에 실린 조선문인들의 시가 ‘맑은’ 풍격을 갖고 있다고 평가한 점이다. 『해객시초』의 평어는 19세기 한중 문인의 구체적인 문학교류의 양상을 보여주며, 당시 중국 문인들의 창작경향과 조선 문인들의 작품에 대한 관점을 보여준다는 점에서 중요한 의미가 있다고 할 수 있다. This paper examines the reviews from literati in late Qing dynasty, Dong Wenhuan and Xu Zhenwei on the Poems Collection Haike Poetry written by the Translation Officer in 19th century in North Korea, and analyzes the nature of their comments from the perspectives of forms and evaluation standards. Xu Zhenwei’s comments consist of three parts: Punctuation and Annotation Criticism, Correcting Criticism and General Comment. Punctuation and annotation criticism refers to punctuating and annotating on the original text and writing comments on the margin above lines; Correcting Criticism means to revise part of the lines and clarify the reason; General Comment is to write the comment at the end of each poem to evaluate the overall style of work and the advantages and disadvantages, and provide suggestions on improvement. Dong Wenhuan only wrote general comments at the end of the poetry to describe how he understood the author by reading the poetry and his overall evaluation of the work. Xu Zhenwei mainly made comments on the novel ideas and artistic techniques of the poems. Even a fantastic poem but without anything novel, it would fail to earn his positive review, while he highly praised the original and creative works. He suggested that Kim Byeongseon and Kim Byeongseon both have a tendency to compose verse in a hurry. So he wrote down his suggestion on improving artistic skills. He pointed out the features of Gang Haesu’s and Lee Yongsuk’s works (high and low quality) as well as the improvement. Dong Wenhuan mainly commented on the design of poetry and the rated it highly. Both Dong and Xu believed Haike Poetry is featured with "Qing" in terms of style. The comments on Haike Poetry is of great significance to reflect the literature exchange between North Korea and China in 19th century, and the creation tendency among Chinese literati in late Qing dynasty as well as their points of view on North Korean literati’s works.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 교재 출현 현황 분석을 통한 의문대사 ‘怎麽’·‘怎樣’·‘怎麽樣’의 교육 연구

        金紅梅(Jin Hongmei) 중국어문학연구회 2021 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.126

        This paper is a preliminary study that can be used for developing ways to teach the interrogative pronouns “怎麽,” “怎样,” and “怎麽样” in Modern Chinese to Koreans learning Chinese as a second language. “怎麽,” “怎样,” and “怎麽样” are interrogative pronouns frequently used in written and spoken language. They are categorized as the same kind of interrogative pronouns and are studied in various ways. Studies have been conducted on them independently, studies have compared them with each other and with other interrogative pronouns with similar meanings, and studies have been conducted to determine suitable pedagogical methods for teaching by analyzing errors committed by learners. Most of the error-analysis studies have shown that the most common error is the incorrect use of similar interrogative pronouns in place of “怎麽,” “怎样,” and “怎麽样,” which led to the comparative analyses of these three pronouns with similar pronouns. This study examined the causes of these errors in sentences by analyzing Chinese teaching materials used in class. The results showed that these words were contained in teaching materials of the old HSK level 甲, the new HSK level 1, and BCT level A. These are some of the first interrogative pronouns that learners of Chinese as a second language encounter, so they appear at the basic level as learners learn the most basic ways of [asking how to] and [asking about state]. Though they continue to have different meanings at the beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels, they appear mostly as ways of [asking about reason], [asking how to], and [asking about state]. Otherwise, they sometimes appear as ways of [asking about characteristic], [negative expression], [counter-question expression], [arbitrary reference expression], and [indefinite reference expression]. This study showed that their appearance is unbalanced by level, so it is difficult to make pedagogical suggestions about how to develop effective curricula and teaching materials for Korean learners of Chinese.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국과 일본의 국제노동력 유입정책 비교

        김홍매(Jin, HongMei) 전남대학교 글로벌디아스포라연구소 2011 디아스포라 연구 Vol.5 No.2

        세계 자본시장의 통합에 따라 인력, 자본, 상품, 정보의 초국가적 이동이 가속화 되고 있으며, 근대적 국민국가들은 이러한 변화 속에서 점차 주권과 영토에 대한 통제력의 약화를 경험하고 있다. 세계화는 필연적으로 초국가주의의 부상을 초래하며 초국가적 사회영역을 중심으로 한 새로운 공간을 확장시키고 있다. 날로 빈번해지고 있는 초국가적 인구이동에서 노동력 이주문제가 점차 주목받고 있다. 이러한 현상은 국가 간 산업발전의 차이에서 오는 임금 불균형과 노동력 수요의 차이에서 기인한 것이다. 국제적인 노동력 이주는 노동자를 송출하고 유입하는 국가 모두에서 새로운 변화를 야기하고 있다. 이 연구는 한국과 일본정부의 국제 노동력 유입정책 변화과정을 살펴보고, 양국에서 이주정책의 변화를 추동하는 다양한 변인과 특성을 분석하였다. 또한 한국과 일본의 노동력 유입정책을 비교함으로써 향후 정책방향을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. With the integration of global capital market, the transnational movement of human resources, capital, goods and information also developed at an increasing speed. Under this context, the modern countries are all facing a change that their control power on the sovereignty and territory are becoming weaker. Globalization as the necessary outcome of trans-nationalism has enlarged the new space in the transnational social area. Among the increasingly prosperous transnational migration, labor migration problems have gradually attracted a lot of attention. These kinds of phenomena were caused by the different development level among countries and the income inequality of labors. International labor migration has caused new changes in both the labor outflux and influx country. Based on the changes of labor influx policies in Korea and Japan, This study tries to analyze the variables that caused the change of labor influx policy and the characteristics of these two countries in making these policies. In addition, through comparing the labor influx policies between Korea and Japan, this study aims to supply some implications for the policy direction in the future.

      • KCI등재

        현대중국어 ‘很能VP’구조의 경계특징

        金紅梅(Jin Hongmei) 중국어문학연구회 2016 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.100

        Today, the deontic modality of ‘很能VP’ construction is used to express outstanding and exceptional capability in contemporary Chinese. This study aims to examine special features of boundaries of ‘很能VP’ construction and its formation mechanism based on analysis of ‘很能VP’, focusing on VP as disyllabic verb or idiomatic phrase. This paper demonstrates example sentences when ‘(是)+很能VP+的’ is used as a predicate, the semantic feature of the sentence weighs on ‘很能VP’ and the boundaries between the elements become rather ambiguous. This paper also analyzes from the perspectives of both internal and external elements, the characteristics of boundaries of ‘很能VP’ in a sentence where ‘很能VP’ is used alone as a predicate. In addition, with analysis on the text corpus of example sentences, this paper discloses the outcome where‘很能VP’ as a predicate assumes central role in a sentence, omission of ‘很’ is determined, influenced by external information excluding ‘很能VP’, and the features of its boundaries are affected accordingly. During the expression process, when the sentence excludes ‘很能VP’ or the conversational context of the sentence provides information that implies outstanding and excellent capabilities similar to the level expressed by ‘很能VP’, ‘很’ can be omitted and be understood as an idiomatic element modifying and emphasizing ‘能VP’. Moreover, regardless of the external information, the emotional element of verbs shown in VP in the example sentences affects the presence or omission of ‘很’. For instance, when VP is an emotionally neutral verb expressing action that is habitual in nature requiring no learning process or efforts, ‘很’ can be dropped as the expectations of the reader or the listener go beyond the possibility of VP and thus will suffice to convey the implication of ‘很能VP’ without use. On the contrary, when VP carries positive or negative meaning, ‘能VP’ expressing only the possibility of realization of VP is not sufficient enough to express the implications of ‘很能VP’; in such instances, ‘很’ cannot be omitted.

      • KCI등재

        중국 파업권의 입법 연구

        김홍매(Jin Hongmei) 인하대학교 법학연구소 2016 法學硏究 Vol.19 No.4

        근로자에게 파업권을 부여하는 것은 시장경제국가가 노사분쟁을 해결하는 중요한 수단으로서 국가가 근로자에 대한 보호를 체현하였는바 경제 및 사회의 안정과 발전에 직접적이고 적극적인 의의가 있다. 파업권은 절대다수 시장경제국가에서 보편적인 사회 경제적 권리로서 이미 법률의 승인을 받았으나 중국에서 파업은 아직도 노사충돌의 한 가지 객관적인 표현일 뿐 법률체계 속에 넣지 않았다. 이는 근로자의 합법적인 권익을 수호하는데 불리할 뿐만 아니라 효과적으로 파업행위를 규제할 수 없을 뿐더러, 점점 더 엄중해지는 노사모순이 적용할 수 있는 법이 없는 상황 속에 처하여 있게 한다. 중국이 파업권 입법이 부존재 하는 주요한 원인은 사람들의 사상관념의 빗나감, 정치발전수준의 제약, 권리의식의 결핍, 노동조합의 권익을 수호하는 위권구조의 결핍 등이다. 중국 파업권의 법정화에 대한 필요성과 가능성의 분석에 따르면, 중국이 근로자의 파업권을 입법화하는 것이 이미 급선무로 되였음을 표명한다. 중국은 응당 외국의 선진적인 경험과 중국의 구체적 실정에 결합하여 헌법적 차원과 법률적 차원에서 중국의 파업권제도를 구축함으로서 점차적으로 중국 파업권의 입법이 국제관례와 연결되게 해야 하는바 이는 목전 중국이 조화로운 사회주의 사회를 건설하려는 배경에도 부합된다. Giving laborer the right to strike is one of the important measures to resolve labor-management conflicts in market economy countries, which shows the protection by the nation to such vulnerable group, and has positive effects on both social and economic stability and development. The right to strike as one of the universal social and economic rights is granted by the law in most of market economy nations. In China, however, it is just an objective form of labor-management conflicts and is not included in the system of legal rights which not only goes against protecting workers’ rights, but also obstructs us to effectively control the strike actions, and subsequently makes the labor-management disputes fall into the passivity of legally helpless situation. The main reason that our country lacks the right to strike legislation are people’s concept of deviation, restriction of political development, the lack of right consciousness and dysfunction of labor union right protection mechanisms. By analyzing the necessity and possibility of legalization of the right to strike, we may realize that the confirmation of the right is just around the corner. We should build up the system of right to strike on constitutional and legal levels by combining foreign experience and the situation of our country, and make the right to strike legislation on the rail of international conventions. This also accords with the background of the construction of a harmonious social society.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        목은 이색의 詠花詩 연구: 매화시, 국화시, 연꽃시를 중심으로

        김홍매(JIN HONGMEI) 국문학회 2008 국문학연구 Vol.17 No.-

        Lee Saek(1328~1396), who wrote the most poems among the poets in Goryeo dynasty, left 70 poems about flowers. He lived through Goryeo and Josen Dynasty. In Lee Saek s poems, not only purely describe the flowers poise, but also mainly emphasize the characteristics of the writer s life. From admiring the flowers to the composing the poems about flowers, brings a sense of elegance to Lee Saek s works. His chrysanthemum poems focus on Tao YuanMing s immersion with chrysanthemums image. The chrysanthemums are used as a symbol representing Tao. The chrysanthemums struggle between reality and ideal, which represented the pursuing of the ideal human principle. In Lee Saek s poems, the lotus is pure and white, representing righteousness. In contrast to the ume and chrysanthemums poems, the composition of the lotus poems was done during chatting, dining and drinking with friends. When drinking with friends with similar interests, admiring lotus blossoms was enjoyed greatly by the writer. Lee Saek s focus was on describing the exterior appearances of the flowers, rather than on describing the symbolic spirit of these flowers represented. Therefore, in his poems about flowers, it is extremely rare to maintain singular representation for each flower. In other words, in his poems about flowers, he leaned more towards these flowers spiritual symbol than the flowers beauty. This is due to the fact that Lee Seak included human nature s principles into the poems about flowers. Of course, the principle of human nature was not the only thing Lee Saek considered when he admired flowers. Some poems were composed based on daily life, these poems, though they bored influences from foremen, can be expressed in a freer fashion to a large extent.

      • KCI등재

        중국에서의 조선어 방언 분포에 대한 이주역사적 고찰

        김광수 ( Jin Guangzhu ),김홍매 ( Jin Hongmei ),전미령 ( Quan Meiling ) 연세대학교 언어정보연구원 2023 언어사실과 관점 Vol.59 No.-

        본고의 연구목적은 조선인의 중국동북으로의 이주초기부터 일제 중국동북 통치시기를 거쳐 지금까지의 조선어 방언분포와 변화양상에 대해 살피는 것이다. 이를 위해 조선인들의 이주역사 시기를 한국과 중국의 중요한 역사적 시점을 기준으로 이주초기, 한일합병이후, 중국 7·7사변이후, 중국 해방 이후 네 시기로 나누어 방언분포 양상을 살펴보았다. 이주초기에는 대부분 압록강과 두만강의 가까운 이북에 이주하였고 주로 인접지역인 함경도와 평안도 지역의 출신이었다. 한일합병 이후에는 중국 동북3성의 중부지역에로 대량의 이주민이 들어왔고 그 범위가 훨씬 넓어졌으며 한반도 남부의 이주민 수량 또한 늘어났다. 중국 7·7사변 이후에는 자주적인 이주가 아닌 일제의 강제적인 ‘집단이민’이 이루어졌다. 중국 흑룡강성에도 이주민들이 대량 유입되었다. 중국 해방이후, 연변조선족자치주에는 함경남북도, 요녕성 지역에는 평안남도와 경상남북도, 흑룡강성 지역에는 경상남북도 방언이 기층방언을 이루었다. 또한 개혁개방과 한중수교 이후 한국에로 재이주를 하는 현상과 경제가 발달된 중국의 연해도시로 이주를 하는 소규모적인 분산된 새로운 방언 분포현상이 이루어졌다. This study aims to examine the distribution process and aspects of Chinese Korean dialects from the early days of Korean people’s migration to northeastern China through the period of Japanese colonial rule in northeastern China until now. To this end, it divided the period of their migrant history into three―the beginning of migration, after Korea-Japanese Consolidation, and after liberation― to see the aspects of dialect distribution. At the beginning of the migration, the northeastern dialect of Korean people was mainly used in the northeast region while their northwest dialect was mostly used in Liaodong region. After Japanese invasion to Korea, various distributions of the dialects were seen with the northeast region as the center. After the liberation, especially the reform and opening, the movement of Korean Chinese people brought about a new change in the distribution of Chinese Korean dialects.

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