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        김희조 ( Hee Jo Kim ) 한국일본어교육학회 2015 日本語敎育 Vol.0 No.72

        本作品は大正十三年の雜誌『改造』に發表された芥川龍之介の所謂歷史物に屬する短編である。テキストは加賀の 大名である治修と彼の家來ㆍ三右衛門を軸にして自分たちの生を瞬間ケケに積極的で忠實に生きていく人間として描い ている。三右衛門は日頃は數馬の「正道の芸」に「望みを囑して」彼に依據をしていた。が、納會の試合で不滿を抱 いていた數馬の不意打ちに遭って彼を切り拂ってしまう。三右衛門は數馬を切り拂った際に一瞬「心の底に數馬は劑ま ぬ」という氣持ちになって氣の毒に思っていたが、それは飽くまでも數馬という治修の家來として「一かどの御用も勤まる 侍」を打ち果たしたという心境であった。が、三右衛門は侍として數馬を許さなかったのである。彼は侍として、數馬の 不意打ちに、しっぺ返しをしたのである。彼の侍としての本領と自尊心が數馬を許さなかったのである。彼は事每に、瞬 間ケケに前向きで積極的に對策していく存在である。芥川はこういう三右衛門に自分の心境を託しているのである。

      • KCI등재

        日本近代文學作品に表れた韓日近代過去史問題の考察 ─ 芥川龍之介の『西鄕隆盛』 『將軍』 『桃太郎』 『金將軍』を中心に ─

        金熙照 ( Kim Hee Jo ),高橋龍夫 ( Tatsuo Takahashi ) 한국일본어교육학회 2017 日本語敎育 Vol.0 No.82

        The issue surrounding historical awareness - particularly regarding the modern history between Korea and Japan - has been examined and studied in the fields of history, sociology, politics and diplomatic science. However, the issue between both countries has not yet been considered or established from the perspective of pure literature. In this study, I looked into the problem of historical awareness - especially that of modern history - through the works of Ryunosuke Akutagawa, the darling of the Taisho literature. The approach for this was not from existing standpoint, but from the perspective of pure literature. He released 『Saigotakamori』 in 1917, 『Syougun』 in 1922, 『Kinsyougun』 in 1924, and 『Momotaro』 in July 1924, and he plainly condemned Japanese militarism and Hwanguksagwan(Emperor worship). In addition, he openly described the horrific scenes of the countries victimized by Japanese Imperialism. Now, Japan has right-wing groups and Cabinet members that deny and distort the shared modern history between Korea and Japan during the Japanese imperial period. This has resulted in the worsening relationship between both countries.2017 marks the 90th since Ryunosuke Akutagawa’s death. This year, it is desperately urged for his accurately sound account of historical recognition to solve the modern history dispute between Korea and Japan, more than ever before.

      • KCI등재

        『山鴫』 論

        金熙照 ( Kim Hee Jo ) 한국일본어교육학회 2021 日本語敎育 Vol.- No.98

        “Ymsigi” is a released short story in a magazine in 1921 “Chuo Koron”. This work is based on an anecdote about mountain hunting between Tolstoy and Turgenev, Russian great writers of the nineteenth century. Turgenev and Tolstoy clashed over the trivial matter of hunting a mountain snipe. Turgenev claimed that he had shot down a mountain snipe even though there was no sign of the body he claimed to have shot down. On the other hand, Tolstoy, without caring about Turgenev's claim, denied it out of his mind and called it a lie. In addition, he ridiculed Turgenev, showed his “disapproval”, made “nasty remarks”, and turned his back on Turgenev and split. The two of them hadn't lost a step over a trivial mountain snipe. Through Turgenev and Tolstoy's refusal to concede, Akutagawa illuminates the egoism that lies deep within human beings.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재


        김희조 ( Kim Hee Jo ) 한국일본어교육학회 2017 日本語敎育 Vol.0 No.80

        This work is a short story of Ryunosuke Akutagawa published by magazine “Chuo Koron” of January, 1920.He did it about mouse boy Jirokichi called the benevolent picaroon of the Edo era and wrote it. But, He did not finish writing life itself of the mouse boy and he borrowed a mouse boy to the last and describe one`s theme.Akutagawa does it about a historical great picaroon called mouse boy Jirokichi and follows a strong man and lowers the head, but if the strong man becomes weak, they turn their back and describe the mean psychology of the human being to be hard on.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        『覓女覺え書』 論

        김희조 ( Hee Jo Kim ) 한국일본어교육학회 2014 日本語敎育 Vol.69 No.-

        本作品は大正十三年『中央公論』に發表された芥川龍之介的切支丹物に屬する短篇である. 物語は秀林院に仕元ていた覓という侍女的覺元た「刹那的感動」を表わした覺元書である. 芥川は覓という語り手を以って物語的始めから、秀林院を徹底的に否定し、時には經蔑しながらも、物語的結びで「秀林院樣的禦器量を書美しく存じ上げ候こと、一度も覺元申さず候」として「刹那的感動」を披露している. では、覓的覺元た感動的實體は何であろうか. それは秀林院が武家的奧樣として、敵的人質に捕らわれることを拒否し、壯烈に最期を迎元る姿を見た感動ではない. それは身分を離れて的、女として若い男的前で項をさらけだした女的恥ずかしがる姿に刹那的感動を覺元た的である. 芥川は秀林院を以ってス蔔一リ一テラ一として的「刹那的感動」を遺憾なく發揮している的である.

      • KCI등재

        『馬の脚』 論

        김희조 ( Kim Hee Jo ) 한국일본어교육학회 2018 日本語敎育 Vol.0 No.83

        This is a short piece published in the 1925 magazine 『Sinchou』, through which a rather bizarre hobby of the writer, Akutagawa Ryunosuke, was well-documented. Through an unusual story of a man with horse’s legs, Akutagawa addressed the topic of modern identities. In the story, a dead person called Osino Hannzaburo was brought back to life - however, he found a pair of Mongolian horse's legs attached to his body, instead of his own human legs. Osino gradually began to lose his own human identity. His emotions, moods and even behavior soon resembled that of a horse's. He was shocked that he had started adopting the characteristics of a horse. Though he tried to resist it, he confessed that it couldn't be helped, and that it was beyond his control. Eventually, as the horse’s legs galloped through the Mongolian dust, his human will also disappeared along with the wind. Osino's lack of individuality eventually allowed to be transformed his innate emotions, moods and behavior. He desperately resisted from being led by the horse's legs, but it was the very legs that led him towards his new identity - albeit against his will. The author Akutagawa raised the question of human individuality and identity through Osino in this work.

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