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      • KCI등재

        청초(淸初) 비평가(批評家) 손종(孫琮)의 평어(評語) 분석(分析) ― ≪산효각선당대가유유주전집(山曉閣選唐大家柳柳州全集)≫을 중심으로

        金淑香 ( Kim Sookhyang ) 중국어문연구회 2020 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.98

        This paper examines the characteristics of criticism in the anthology of early Qing dynasty classical prose, focusing on Sun Cong(孫琮)’s anthology. Sun Cong was a full-time critic of the early Qing dynasty who compiled a vast amount of anthologies. He spent his entire life writing in a library called Shanxiaoge(山曉閣). In his old age, he traveled from place to place and wrote poems. The most widely loved of his writings is ≪Shan xiao ge xuan tang da jia liu liu zhou quan ji≫, which contains 99 prose of Liu Zongyuan(柳宗元) during the Tang dynasty. This paper analyzes his general comment based on this text. His main discussion in the general comment is to explore the writer’s feelings or to include an understanding of the historical development of literature. But in all these criticisms he used the method of division. The reason was to promote a high level of learning effect through the most familiar form between learners and critics. Most of the classical prose of the early Qing dynasty attempted to make literary claims or control ideas based on the purpose of teaching. Other anthologies were compiled for the purpose of learning sentence writing and making them useful for imperial examinations. Son Cong’s purpose of criticism was to teach, and the core of the teaching was to understand the sentence in a timely and holistic manner. This characteristic of his comment best followed the demands of his time.

      • KCI등재

        馮夢龍의 ≪古今譚概≫ 一考

        金淑香 ( Kim Sookhyang ) 중국어문연구회 2020 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.101

        Gu jin tan gai is Feng Menglong’s work written in the late Ming Dynasty. It is a collection of anecdotes from ancient Chinese books, especially history, unofficial history, and Biji(筆記), and so on. He took a fragmentary story, processed and edited it, and then compiled it into Gu jin tan gai. It is composed of 36 parts, each chapter contains works that fit the subject, along with the critique of Feng Menglong. Gu jin tan gai has various names such as Gu jin xiao(古今笑), Gu xiao shi(古笑史), Tan gai(譚概), Gu jin xiao shi(古今笑史). In summary, Gu jin tan gai and Gu jin xiao(古今笑) are the same text, and Gu xiao shi(古笑史) was compiled again in the early Qing Dynasty, with some contents removed based on Gu jin xiao(古今笑). In this paper, I analyzed the thesis of each argument and suggested which problems were derived from it. And I tried to figure out how the various book names came into being. In addition, by arranging the arguments of various scholars related to the name of this book, I drew up problems that need to be considered. Gu jin tan gai has all the features of various literary styles such as Xiaohua(笑話), Biji(筆記), novels, and Xiaopin(小品), etc. Therefore, the literary style of Gu jin tan gai was defined by people based on their own understanding. I revealed that this book was compiled with laughter as the underlying idea through a preface written by Feng Menglong. It can be seen that this book was compiled with the same compilation idea as Xiao fu(笑府). This is an important clue to understanding the literary style of Gu jin tan gai and can be understood as Feng Menglong contribution to the study of Chinese Xiaohua.

      • KCI등재

        메타버스 플랫폼 젭(ZEP)을 활용한 모둠 활동 수업 방안 연구

        金淑香 ( Kim Sookhyang ) 중국어문연구회 2022 中國語文論叢 Vol.- No.111

        This study explored the possibility of the metaverse platform ZEP as one of the educational tools that can be used in offline classes. This paper examines the concept of metaverse and examples of its application in modern society and analyzes the advantages of its use in education. Metaverse can be divided into augmented reality, mirror world, lifelogging, and the virtual world depending on the use of technology. Today, the metaverse has the characteristic that it is impossible to specify any one technology because several technologies are used in a complex and convergence way. However, there was no change in the basic concept of the virtual world when defining the metaverse. Metaverse is being used in various fields such as economy, politics, society, art, and education in modern society. In particular, in the field of education, nurturing digital talent is expected to be supported and developed in the future by selecting it as a national project. ZEP is the most suitable for educational use among the currently developed platforms among the various metaverse platforms. ZEP, a fusion of video chat programs and avatar worlds, was used on a trial basis in language education, literature, and art and medical education. This paper created a metaverse space to be used in group activity classes in offline classes. The virtual classroom was configured as the main space so that learners could adapt to the metaverse technology and platform and study before group activities. By creating an additional space to be used for group activities, it was designed so that learners could conduct rough group activities in the 7th session. By setting a mission for each class, learners performed the steps as if they were enjoying the game. However, the part of the reward given when the mission is completed was left as a future task as it was determined that additional technology development was necessary. Based on this study, the educational effects and problems that occur when applied in actual classes, and the responses and satisfaction of learners will be the subject of future research.

      • KCI등재

        ≪古今譚概·迂腐≫의 飜譯과 註解(2)

        金淑香 ( Kim Sookhyang ) 중국어문연구회 2021 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.103

        This paper is the second of a series of papers that translated and annotated ≪Gu wen tan gai(古今譚概)≫. This paper contains 11 to 21 pieces of ≪Gu wen tan gai(古今譚概)≫<yufu(迂腐)>. This book is a compilation of anecdotes cited by Feng Meng-long a writer of the late Ming Dynasty, in ancient literature. It consists of a total of 36 parts and contains a vast story of over 2,000 pieces. <yufu(迂腐)> contains of 70 episodes, and the main content is criticism of cliché and knowledgeable officials and intellectuals. This book is of literary value in that it contains stories cited from an ancient books that are not currently transmitted. And it is significant as a data to examine how intellectuals read and used old stories in the late Ming Dynasty. This book is a representative compilation of Wenxian Xiaohua(文獻笑話) in that it contains a large amount of stories. Furthermore, the subdivided classification reflecting the editor’s thoughts had an effect on the digestion of literature later. This also means that ≪Gu wen tan gai(古今譚概)≫ is a representative compilation of Wenxian Xiaohua. Lastly, through this book, we can examine the life view and criticism of Feng Meng-long. This paper translated the original Chinese text into natural Korean and added detailed comments to enhance understanding of the original text. In particular, in the annotation, the cited original text was included so that it could be compared with the one in ≪Gu wen tan gai(古今譚概)≫

      • KCI등재

        메타버스로 체험하는 문학

        김숙(Sookhyang Kim) 순천향대학교 인문학연구소 2023 순천향 인문과학논총 Vol.42 No.1

        본고는 대학 중국 고전산문 교육의 새로운 교수학습 방안으로 메타버스 기반 문학체험을 탐색하였다. 현재 중국 고전산문 교육의 가장 큰 문제는 학습자의 인식에 있다고 진단하고 중국 고전산문에 대한 흥미와 재미를 불러일으킬 만한 방안을 메타버스로 선택하였다. 본고가 선택한 메타버스 플랫폼은 한국 기술로 만들어진 젭(ZEP)이며, 일회성 체험으로 완성할 수 있는 明末 小品文 「湖心停看雪」을 대상 작품으로 선정하였다. 아울러 맵 설계 시 학습자의 흥미 고취, 주도적 학습 등의 교육목표를 설정하고 미션과 보상을 기반으로 하는 게이미피케이션 이론을 적용하였다. 호수를 중심으로 원형의 맵은 텍스트 읽기를 통한 문학체험처럼 단계식으로 구성하였으며 지식정보의 재구성, 디지털 활용 능력, 의사소통 능력 등 기술사회 속에서 필요한 핵심 역량을 함양할 수 있도록 설계하였다. 본 연구를 통해 메타버스 기술이 중국 고전산문 교육에도 활용될 수 있다는 가능성을 확인할 수 있었다. This study explores the use of the Metaverse platform ZEP as a novel teaching and learning method for Chinese classical prose education in universities. In today's technological society, Chinese classical prose has excellent educational value but is not fully utilized. This study identified the biggest problem of current Chinese classical prose education as the lack of interest among learners and introduced the Metaverse platform on a trial basis to supplement traditional teaching methods. The Metaverse platform focused on in this study is the ZEP, which was created with Korean technology. The study selected the work 「Hu xin ting kan xue(湖 心亭看雪)」 of Zhang Dai(張岱), a late Ming dynasty Xiaopin(小品) that fits the space and volume of work. The same mechanism as the appreciation through text reading was used in this paper to implement the work in the ZEP space. This study aims to arouse learners’ curiosity, interest, and even fun by utilizing innovative tools in teaching and learning Chinese classical prose. From this, the significance of the study can be found in enhancing learners’ engagement with Chinese classical prose.

      • KCI등재

        명말(明末) 서양 과학서 번역 활동의 의의 ― 서광계(徐光啓)(1562-1633)를 중심으로

        김숙 ( Kim Sookhyang ) 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2020 中國學論叢 Vol.0 No.70

        This thesis focused on the figure of Xu Guangqi(徐光啟) in the situation that Western studies in the late Ming Dynasty entered China. He is an official, scientist, and translator of the Ming Dynasty. He is also an early adopter of Western Catholicism. Through his translation activities, I tried to examine the meaning and limitations of translation activities at the time. First, I briefly reviewed the Jesuit missionaries who brought Western scientific knowledge to China in the late Ming Dynasty. Then, I looked at Xu Guangqi’s life and scientific talents, and introduced the representative translations that were born therefrom. Finally, by synthesizing the above discussions, the meaning of the translation activity at the end of the Ming Dynasty was examined from two aspects. First, due to the development of society and economy, parts that could not be solved with the existing knowledge system emerged. As a result, a desire and demand for new knowledge arose. Xu Guangqi recognized the importance and necessity of translation in the process of fusion of traditional knowledge and new knowledge. From that time, a wonderful translation was produced by co-translating with the Jesuit missionaries. However, in the process, as unequal relations between joint translator were created, the Chinese lost their subjectivity. This lowered the credibility of the translation and revealed the limitations of failing to establish a system for the purpose, standards, and values of translation to be established in the entire process of translate.

      • KCI등재

        ≪池北偶談≫ 卷1 <談故1>의 번역과 주해 (5)

        김숙 ( Kim Sookhyang ),김희경 ( Kim Heekyoung ),권운영 ( Kwon Eunyoung ) 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2021 中國學論叢 Vol.- No.72

        This paper is a translation and annotation on Chibeioutan(池北偶談) by Wang Shizhen(王士禛), an official and literary man in the early Qing Dynasty. This paper is a series of papers and is the fifth. In this part, a total of 14 works, ranging from 43 to 56 pieces of “Tangu(談故) 1”, the first piece of Chibeioutan were targeted for translation. This book is a “Biji(筆記)” containing various fields of content, and was completed in 1691. The first part, “Tangu(談故) 1”, is divided into four parts. Its main contents are the government's control and diplomacy and imperial examination system in the early Qing Dynasty. In particular, these are the regulations that were specially enforced at the time and the treatment that was different from the previous period. Such information can‘t be easily found in traditional histories or other literature sources. In particular, works like No. 2.1, No. 2.8, and No. 2.9 in this paper show examples of systems that were changed or abolished in the early Qing Dynasty. In works such as No. 2.3, No. 2.4, No. 2.7, No. 2.13, we were able to glimpse the temporary or abnormally implemented systems different from existing customs. Also, No. 2.2, No. 2.5, No. 2.6, No. 2.12 contains the great politics of Emperor Kang Hee. Finally, unknown secret stories were recorded through No. 2.10 and No. 2.11.

      • KCI등재

        ≪고금담개(古今譚概)⋅우부부(迂腐部)≫의 번역(飜譯)과 주해(註解)

        김숙 ( Kim Sookhyang ) 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2020 中國學論叢 Vol.0 No.69

        Gu wen tan gai(古今譚概) is a collection of Xiaohua(笑話) compiled by Feng Menglong(馮夢龍). Feng Meng-long is a writer who lived in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. As it is known, he made great achievements in ancient Chinese folk literature. In particular, he compiled and collected Xiaohua that had been passed down from generation to generation. He also took stories from ancient scriptures, edited them, and put them in this book. As such, Feng Meng-long contributed greatly to the compilation of the Xiaohua. This paper translated and annotated works from 1 to 10, including the introduction, among the 70 of yufu(迂腐), the first of Gu wen tan gai (古今譚概). Except for the last episode, all of the other nine major figures were bureaucrats. He selected and introduced anecdotes from officials who could highlight the topic of ‘hackneyed’. He mainly focused on stories where officials spoke words and actions that did not fit their position. These 10 Xiaohua have already been recorded in several ancient Chinese original texts, including Meng zi(孟子), Han shu(漢書), He lin yu lu(鶴林玉露). Although, he did not reveal from which source he was quoted, but it was not difficult to find the source in most cases. What is clear is that he has concisely adapted the original text to fit the characteristics of the genre of Xiaohua. Also, he added implicit and sarcastic criticism. And from that, although the readers might not immediately understand the appearance of the hackneyed officials. But they could have their own interpretation and appreciation because they had to think carefully to realize it.

      • KCI등재

        ≪池北偶談≫ 卷1 <談故1>의 번역과 주해(6)

        金熙敬 ( Kim¸ Heekyoung ),金淑香 ( Kim¸ Sookhyang ),權夽映 ( Kwon¸ Eunyoung ) 중국어문연구회 2021 中國語文論叢 Vol.- No.107

        This paper is a translation and annotation of Chibeioutan(池北偶談) by Wang Shizhen(王士禛), an official, scholar and literary man in the early Qing Dynasty. Chibeioutan(池北偶談) is one of the representative works of ‘Biji(筆記)’ in Qing Period, and its contents cover various fields such as literature, scholarship, history, institutions, and customs. The entire volume of Chibeioutan consists of 26 books and 1,292 articles, which are composed of “Tangu(談故)”, “Tanxian(談獻)”, “Tanyi(談藝)”, and “Tanyi(談異)”. This paper is the sixth of a series of papers. In this part, a total of 11 works, ranging from 57 to 67 pieces of “Tangu(談故) 1”, the last pieces of “Tangu 1”, were targeted for translation. In addition, the entire contents were briefly summarized while finishing “Tangu 1”, and the results and academic meaning of this study were examined. The main contents of “Tangu 1” consisting of 67 items can be divided into various topics such as personnel affairs, imperial examination systems, government posts, emperor-related cases, social systems, diplomacy, rituals among others. In particular, “Tangu 1” recorded many social systems as well as special and exceptional cases that show changes in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. In the future, we intend to continue this study to share the necessary research achievements with relevant researchers and contribute to the revitalization of subsequent studies.

      • KCI등재

        ≪지북우담(池北偶談)≫ 권(卷)1 <담고(談故) 1>의 번역과 주해 (3)

        김희경 ( Kim Heekyoung ),김숙 ( Kim Sookhyang ),권운영 ( Kwon Eunyoung ) 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2019 中國學論叢 Vol.0 No.64

        Chibeioutan (池北偶談) is the ‘biji (筆記)’ of Wang Shizhen (王士禛). It is one of the works representing the biji of the Qing Dynasty, whose content covers various fields, including literature, Confucian classics, history, institution, and customs. The entire volume of Chibeioutan consists of 26 books and 1,292 articles, which are composed of “Tangu (談故)”, “Tanxian (談獻)”, “Tanyi (談藝)”, and “Tanyi (談異)”. This book describes a lot of articles that were not covered in history. So, it contains important data in studying of early Qing Dynasty. We will ultimately translate the full volume of the Chibeioutan into Korean with a detailed annotations on the basis of the 1982 edition published by Zhonghua Book Company. This paper is the third work of the project, whichcontains translation and annotation of 6 articles(from No. 32 to 37) contained in “Tanggu 1”. Most of the content of these articles has a characteristics that praises the Emperor Shunzhi and Kangxi by describing the correction of the past wrongs, dealing with things in a clean and fair, and establishing the authority of the dynasty by receiving tribute from neighboring, etc. We tried to elaborate on historical figures and events by providing as much relevant information as possible, such as various documents and materials through the annotation. This paper, therefore, aims to contribute to the revitalization of related research by providing the translation and annotation of Chibeioutan as an important reference for the study of Qing Dynasty.

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