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        한국의 낙농시설 개선에 관한 연구

        김문기,고재군,김현욱,Kim, Moon-Ki,Koh, Chae-Koon,Kim, H. U. 한국농공학회 1982 한국농공학회논문집 Vol.24 No.1

        Engineering phase of dairy housing systems has close connection with the milk produc- tivity of dairy cattle, the quality of milk, extension of dairy production systems, labor- saving in management of dairy cattle and the like. Moreover, the rate of investment of dairy housing facilities is of relatively high level, However, there has been almost no research effort for the improvement of engineering aspects of dairy housing systems in Korea. The purpose of this study is to find out general engineering problems and to recomm- end the improvement in dairy housing systems in Korea. Field survey by means of questionaire, direct measurements, taking pictures and sketching was conducted to get necessary information for the study. Kyung-ki Do region was firstly chosen for sampling area since it has included more than half of the number of dairy farms of the whole country. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. In overall dairy farm layout, the dwellings of workers were ignored in the light of sanitary environment 2. The layout of stalls in a dairy barn belongs mostly to the type of double-row face-out, which is compatible with the emphasis of manure disposal activities. 3. While the width and length of stalls were sufficiently close to the standard dimension, the width of mangers was much less than the standard dimension. 4. The width and depth of manure gutters and the width of working alleys were much. less than the standard dimension. 5. The mooring equipment was mostly in the classes of chain or rope. The watering equipment was not facilitated independantly except the one cese of using watercup. 6. The bucket milkers with one or two bucket milkers with the capacity of two cattles. each were used as milking equipment in most dairy farms. 7. There were only few milk rooms independently spaced from other space, in which the arrangement of milking equipment was much less than the standard condition. 8. The lounging ground area was averaged to be sufficient for the activity of dairy herd. 9. Silos for silage used during winter consisted of mostly bunker silos, trench silos and underground vertical silos. Ordinary vertical silos were considered for the farmers to be inconvenient for the labor saving. 10. From the view point of heat conservation and moisture removal within the dairy barns, windows were not flexible for the easy ventilation and ceiling part was not adequate for temperatur maintenance. 11. Waste treatment and disposal systems were not provided with most dairy farms, therefore the livestock waste pollution problems would be serious in the near future.

      • KCI등재후보

        피어선의 존 낙스 이해 - 피어선의 “The Tercentenary of Knox”를 중심으로

        김문기 평택대학교 피어선기념성경연구원 2019 피어선 신학 논단 Vol.8 No.2

        Arthur Tappen Pierson (1837-1911) was a mission theorist about evangelical world missions, a Bible expositor, preacher, educator and minister. Pierson probably wrote “The Tercentenary of Knox” in the year 1859 to celebrate the 300th commemoration of the Reformed Church in Scotland, which was established in 1560. The place of composition is unknown. Pierson wrote the history of the Reformation in Scotland from the perspective of the life of John Knox (1515-1572). As a Reformer, Knox’ s life was very dramatic. The martyrdom of his teacher, George Wishart, caused Knox to begin his life of reformation in Scotland. The event marking the beginning of Knox’s reformation activities was his stand with Protestants in April of 1547 in St. Andrews Castle. Knox was taken captive to France where he was sentenced to the life of a galley slave for more than a year and a half. After his release with the assistance of the King of England, Edward VI, Knox exiled himself to England, Dieppe, Frankfurt and Geneva. Upon his return to Scotland in May of 1559, Knox began his reformation activities in earnest. The lives of Protestant reformers in Scotland was a bitter existence. Regent Mary of Guise was ruling Scotland at that time. She was a powerful Roman Catholic regent who never gave up the persecution of Protestants. In August of 1560, the Scottish Protestants declared Reformation in Scotland with the help of England. The persecution by Queen Mary of Scott was so severe that Knox was forced to live a wilderness existence similar to John the Baptist. Under the leadership of Knox, the Protestants were able to survive and endure until Mary was dethroned on July 4, 1567. John Knox, the foundation of the Scottish Reformation, died on November 24, 1572. The character of John Knox was similar to that of John the Baptist. Both men were intellectually gifted and morally mature in the righteousness of God. As a preacher, both men were giants in the pulpit, moving the hearts of thousands of people. As a reformer, Knox molded the Reformation in Scotland around the salvation of the nation, not his own personal ambition. He prayed, “O God, give me Scotland!” Pierson shows how churches and Christians assume activities and attitudes in state and society. It is biblical doctrine and prayer that maintains the reformation faith introduced by John Knox. 피어선은 종교개혁을 창조의 전 역사에서 중요한 위치에 있음을 간파하고 스코틀랜드 종교개혁 300주년(1860년)을 기념하여 스코틀랜드의 종교개혁자 낙스에 관한 글을 썼다. 그의 낙스에 관한 글은 4부분으로 구성되어 있다: 제1장 ‘낙스의 출생에서 1560년 개혁교회 설립까지’, 제2장 ‘종교개혁의 정착에서 그 의 죽음까지’, 제3장 ‘낙스의 성격’, 제4장 ‘설교자요 종교개혁가’. 낙스의 생애는 스코틀랜드 종교개혁사와 밀접하게 연관되어 있기 때문에 피어선은 낙스의 생애 를 통해 스코틀랜드 종교개혁사를 조명한 것이다. 그의 스승인 위사트의 순교로 낙스는 스코틀랜드의 종교개혁자의 길을 가게 된다. 1547년 세인트앤드루스 성 사건으로 낙스는 갤리선의 노예로 프랑스에 포 로로 잡혀 1년 반 동안 고초를 당하고 망명자로서 잉글랜드, 디에쁘, 프랑크푸르 트 그리고 제네바에서 사역하였다. 제네바 망명 시 칼빈과 깊은 교제를 나누며 그 의 생애 최고의 시간을 보냈다. 낙스는 가톨릭교도인 섭정 기즈의 메리가 스코틀 랜드 개신교도들에 대한 탄압을 본격적으로 할 때 스코틀랜드에 귀국하여 종교 개혁을 전개하여 1560년 스코틀랜드는 가톨릭을 폐지하고 개신교 국가를 세웠 다. 그러나 남편을 잃은 스코트의 메리 여왕의 스코틀랜드 귀국은 또 다시 낙스에 게 큰 시련을 주었다. 낙스는 메리 여왕을 비롯한 가톨릭교도들과 끊임없이 투쟁 하면서 자신의 종교개혁의 소임을 다하고 1572년 세상을 떠났다. 종교개혁이 스코틀랜드에서는 서유럽의 다른 국가보다 늦었지만, 낙스는 교 회뿐만 아니라 국가 전체를 개혁해야 진정한 종교개혁이 완성된다고 보고, 스코 틀랜드가 가톨릭국가에서 장로교 국가로 바뀌는 과정에 주도적인 역할을 하였 다. 피어선은 낙스를 인간적인 면에서, 설교자로서 그리고 종교개혁자로서 평가 하면서 가장 중요한 평가는 종교개혁자로서 낙스의 전반적인 사역이었다. 낙스 가 많은 박해와 난관을 극복하고 스코틀랜드를 장로교 국가로 만들 수 있었던 것 은 그의 내면에서 비롯된 것이었으며 그것은 그의 영성의 기반이 된 기도와 말씀 이었다.

      • KCI등재

        어휘적·문법적 요소로서 말재어찌씨

        김문기 우리말학회 2005 우리말연구 Vol.16 No.-

        이 논문은 우리말에 있어서 어휘적 특성과 문법적 특성을 동시에 가 지는 요소들에 대한 것이다. 이들을 잠정적으로 어휘적?문법적 요소라 이름짓 고, 그 가운데 특히 말재어찌씨에 대해 살펴본다. 먼저 말재어찌씨의 어휘적 특성을 살펴보면, 우선 실현에 있어서 자립성을 가진다. 이것은 씨끝이나 토 씨와 같은 문법적 요소처럼 의존적으로 쓰이지 않고 어휘적 요소처럼 독립적 으로 실현되기 때문이다. 그리고 의미에 있어서도 완전히 어휘적이거나 문법 적인 의미가 아닌, 그 중간적인 의미를 나타낸다. 한편 말재어찌씨의 문법적 특성은 특정 씨끝이나 토씨, 즉 특정한 문법적 범주와만 공기하여 실현된다는 것이다. 이것은 문법적 요소가 가지는 의미와 동일한 의미를 말재어찌씨가 가 진다는 것이 된다. 이 때 말재어찌씨가 생략될 경우에는 월이 성립되지만, 특 정한 문법적 요소가 생략될 경우에는 월이 성립되지 못한다. 이렇게 볼 때 말 재어찌씨의 의미는 문법적 요소가 가진 추상적인 의미를 어휘적으로 구체화 하여 그 의미를 뚜렷이 하기 위해 사용된 것으로 볼 수 있다. 또한 겹침에 있 어서 매인풀이씨의 경우처럼 계층적인 겹침이 가능하다. 다른 어찌씨들이 겹 칠 경우에는 병렬적으로 결합되는데, 말재어찌씨들이 겹칠 경우에는 계층적으 로 결합된다. 결국 매인풀이씨처럼 문법적 특성을 가진다고 볼 수 있다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        뜻풀이로 본 『표준국어대사전』의 감탄사 유형 연구

        김문기 우리말학회 2017 우리말연구 Vol.50 No.-

        In this paper, I try to classify 586 modern standard language words which listed in Standard Korean Language Dictionary. In the school grammar, the type of exclamation has been classified as ‘emotion, will, and a way of talking’ by its dictionary definitions. By applying this semantic-based classification method, I try to classify the type of exclamation based on the meaning of the Standard Korean Language Dictionary. So I divided the exclamation into several types as follows.; sound exclamation, speech exclamation, an unnecessary remark exclamation, command/action exclamation, chant exclamation, refrain and sound/form exclamation. And I look at the characteristics of each of these types. It is also expected that this will be a learning material that can be used for educational contents and activities in school grammar. Because Korean dictionary and school grammar have a common premise such as norms and standardization, they have to have organic relevance. 이 글에서는 『표준국어대사전』에 등재된 현대 표준어 감탄사 586개를 자료로 삼아, 그 유형 분류를 시도해 보았다. 학교 문법에서는 감탄사의 유형을 그 의미에 따라 ‘감정, 의지, 말버릇’으로 분류했다. 이 글에서는 『표준국어대사전』에서 감탄사의 뜻풀이를 맺는 방식, 즉 ‘소리, 말, 군소리, 구령 또는 그 동작, 구호, 후렴, 소리 또는 모양’ 등으로 감탄 사의 유형을 분류해 보았다. 이때 감탄사의 의미 자질들을 유형 분류에 적용하여 살펴보았다. 향후 이것을 기초 자료로 삼아 학교 문법에서 감탄 사에 대한 교육 내용과 활동 등에 참조할 수 있는 학습 자료로의 활용 가 능성에 대한 논의와 같은 후속 논의가 이루어질 수 있기를 기대한다

      • KCI등재

        조선후기 女性風俗 詩歌에 나타난 삶의 形象과 작가의식

        김문기 한국시가학회 2002 韓國 詩歌硏究 Vol.11 No.-

        Poetry works describing feminine customs are found abundantly in the poems written in Korean letters, especially in Saseolshijo(辭說時調), ballads, Gyubang-gasa(閨房歌詞), Seomingasa(庶民歌辭) and Jabga(雜歌). In case of the Sino-Korean poems, many of those describing our native customs were abundantly created after 18th century. Among them, the main stream was the Sino-Korean poems singing feminine customs. Women's daily lives are expressed differently by their classes: those from the families of Sadebu(士大夫) are expressed to lead a tense life under restraint of performing Confucianistic propriety; those from the wealthy Jungin(中人) families a comfortable and peaceful life; and those from the families of Seomin(庶民) a simple, healthy and lively life. In the poems, of which the subject matters are women's hardships and lamentations, are described pains and resistance of the women from the families of Sadebu originated from the institutional contradictions, and ordeals and criticism of the Seomin suffering from the grim realities of life, labors for production, and domineering husbands. Meanwhile, Seomin show instinctive love and liberal love affairs. In addition, life of keenyeo(妓女), especially the high-class ones, are expressed as glamorous and busy. This study points out that poems describing feminine customs based on self-awareness, respect for human beings, and national identity were created, and that some of those genre poetry reveal limitations in recognition and perception of the reality. On the whole, in spite of these limitations, this study considers that poems singing feminine customs in the late Lee Dynasty fully performed transitional roles to the modern literature by expressing realistically and concretely the everyday aspects of women's lives, their ordeals and love, and joys and sorrows of keenyeos, based on the respect for human beings and national identity.

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