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      • KCI등재

        Demand/Effort모형의 수준결정을 위한 수리적 방법 연구

        봉조,장명순,김정룡,박재완,Chung, Bong-Jo,Jang, Myung-Soon,Kim, Jung-Young,Park, Jae-Wan 대한인간공학회 2005 大韓人間工學會誌 Vol.24 No.1

        81.1% of traffic accidents is attributed to the drivers. In this regard, D/E model is a practical and effective method in terms of the cost and time in evaluating the road hazardousness. To examine the validity of the threshold values by the levels of demand We selected 10 subjects and collected their physiological signals while they were driving on Honam Highway (Jeonju ${\leftrighttarro}$ Hoideog section). Based on the collected data, the hazardous road condition was evaluated using the new threshold values of the effort level determined by cluster analysis. In applying the D/E model, a decision method based on the demand level was suggested, using a traffic accident prediction model. Additionally, the limit value of the effort level was determined using the drivers' physiological signal data collected at the highway. A comparison analysis of the two D/E models revealed no significant difference: The existing method and the clustering method determined 9 and 7 hazardous road zones, respectively, while actual traffic accidents were reported in 6 and 4 zones, respectively among the predicted road hazardous zones. However, the latter method suggested a more scientific and rational basis in determining the limit value of the Effort level. In conclusion, although D/E model has a great merit as a pioneering method to reflect human factors in evaluating the road hazardousness, it is believed that this method could be improved by a more dynamic method that considers the traffic conditions and the individual physiological signal of the drivers simultaneously in determining a better limit.

      • 양파노균병에 대한 신살균제의 효과비교실험

        봉조,Jung Bong Jo 한국응용곤충학회 1964 한국식물보호학회지 Vol.3 No.-

        1, 본 시험은 2개년에 걸쳐(1963-1964) 부산에서 양파로균병방제를 위하여 신살균제 6종을 공시하여 종래에 사용하여 오던 석회보르도와 비교시험하였다. 2. 약제처리구는 무처리에 비하여 방제효과를 인정할 수 있었으며 특히 Difolatan과 Dithane M 45는 그 효과가 우수하였으며 Dithane M22, Dithane Z 78, Orthocide도 석회보르도보다 효과가 좋았으며 산키농은 석회보르도와 함께 전자에 비해 약간 효과가 떨어지는 것을 알 수 있었다. This experiment was compared Bordeaux mixture, which used to as good fungicide up to date, with new 6 fungicides for control of powdery mildew on onion from 1963 to 1864 in Pusan. In resulting treated blocks was better effect than untreated block, and specially Difolatan and Dithane M 45 was best. Dithane M 22, Dithane Z 78 and Orthocide was moderate but Sankinon and Bordeaux mixture was lower effect than formers.

      • KCI등재

        도로위험도를 평가하는 요구/노력모형의 신뢰도 향상을 위한 신경망 모형 개발

        봉조,강재수,장명순 대한교통학회 2009 대한교통학회지 Vol.27 No.2

        Traffic accidents on highways are likely to happen when there is an imbalance in the complex relationships among key elements such as road geometries, driver related factors, and mechanical performances. The Demand-Effort Model (DEM), which evaluates highway safety, can be explained by the imbalance, which occurs when the level of demand of the driver’s attention to the road environment exceeds that of the response from the driver. This study suggests a new model that improves the reliability of the current DEM through the reinterpretation on the physiological signals with the help of the Neural Network Model (NNM). The data were collected from 149 subjects, who drove a test vehicle on the Yongdong, Honam, and Seohaean Expressways in Korea. Three important results could be drawn from the recursive tests as follows; ① Only 5 out of 10 parameters on the physiological signals which are currently used were proven to be meaningful through the Normality Test, Cluster Analysis, and Mann-Whitney Analysis. ② The revised DEM, which internally uses the NNM, showed more reliable results than existing DEM. Group 1, which is based on the new DEM showed 80.0% of accuracy in measuring the level of driver’s efforts, however, that of Group 2 based on the current DEM was 74.3%. ③ Field tests on the Honam Expressway showed lower ‘type II error’ with the new DEM (40.5%) than the old DEM (58.8%). The DEM is designed as a quick and easy way to determine highway safety prior to the minute road safety audit (RSA) by a professional audit team. Then a new DEM, which is based on the NNM, needs to be considered since it showed higher reliability and lower error. 도로환경요인과 운전자의 능력의 부조화상태에서 교통사고 위험성이 높아진다는 개념으로부터 도로위험수준을 평가를 하고자 하는 것이 요구-노력모형이다. 본 연구에서는 요구-노력모형의 노력수준을 결정하는 운전자 생체신호의 재분석을 통하여 요구-노력모형의 신뢰성을 높일 수 있는 새로운 신경망 모형구조를 제안하였다. 영동, 호남 및 서해안고속도로에서 149명의 피실험자를 대상으로 검증한 연구결과는 다음과 같이 나타났다. 첫째, 생체신호 파라메타 값에 대하여 Normality Test, Cluster Analysis와 Mann-Whitney 분석에서 기존 요구-노력 모형에서 사용하던 10개의 생체신호 중 5개의 생체신호만이 통계적으로 유의함을 입증하였다. 둘째, 신경망모형은 운전자의 노력수준의 평가에 대한 정확도는 매우 높게 나타났다. 신경망구축을 위해 사용한 집단1의 피실험자별 전체 노력수준의 정확도는 80.0%, 집단 2의 피실험자별 전체 노력수준의 정확도가 74.3%로 나타났다. 셋째, 요구-노력모형에서 노력수준 경계값 결정방법에 따라 호남고속도로 전주IC→회덕JCT구간의 단위분석지점에 대하여 도로위험도를 판별한 결과, 2종 오류가 신경망모형 40.5%, 기존 모형 58.8%로 나타났다. 요구-노력모형에 의한 도로위험도 평가가 최종적이기 보다는 전문가 그룹에 의한 상세한 도로안전진단에 앞서 도로위험도를 대략적으로 판별하고자 하는 의도였다고 한다면 보다 많은 검토대상구간을 판별하고, 더 낮은 2종 오류비율을 보인 신경망을 이용한 방법이 요구-노력모형의 취지에 적합하다고 볼 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        감자·겹 둥근 무늬病에 對한 新殺菌劑 效果 比較 試驗

        鄭鳳朝,李淳炯 한국응용곤충학회 1963 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.2 No.-

        1) 본시험은 1962년과 1963년에 감자 겹둥근 무되병에 대한 살균제 7종을 공시한 효과비교시험이다. 2) 본병을 방제학 위하여 Alternaria solani를 접종한 후 6월 초순부터 1주일간격으로 4회 살포함으로서 방제효과가 우수하였다. 약제살포구는 무살포구에 대하여 유의성이 있었고 특히 Dithane M45, Difolatan, Dithane M22는 효과가 좋았으며 세 약제간에는 유성이 없었다. 그 다음으로 볼드액살포로서도 상당히 효과가 양호하였다. 1. The trials were planned to test seven different fungicides for the control of Early blight of potato during the period of 1962 and 1963. 2. All of fungicides tested in the trials were considerably effective to control the disease, as the result of 4 applications which was done in one week intervals from early of June in 1963. All treatments were effective enough to make significant differences from the untreated. Especially, Dithyane M45, Difolatan and Dithane M22 showed satisfactory control even though no significant differences were obtained among them. Besides the three treatments, Bordeaux Mixture were relatively effective.

      • 數種藥物의 生體家兎眼 前後房內 및 結膜下注入이 前眼部組織에 미치는 影響

        鄭鳳朝,金正煥 우석대학교 의과대학 1970 우석의대잡지 Vol.7 No.2

        1. Introduction Since the introduction of several kinds of solution for use during surgery of the anterior segment of the eye, many opinions, pro and con, have been expressed as to their merits. Following the injection of highly concentrated preparations into the anterior chamber and posterior chamior, effects on the anterior segment were evaluated macroscopically and microscopically. Induced effects, ie, zonulolysis, mydriasis, and miosis were also observed with diluted preparations. 2. Materials and Methods: 1) Animal and solutions (i) Animal 120 (174 eyes) healthy albino rabbits weighing approximately 2kg. (ii) Solutions a. Alpha-chymotrypsin (Novo, Denmark) b. Epinephrine (Upjohn. U.S.A.) c. Acetylcholine (Roche, Switzerland) 2) Experimental Methods: The rabbits were anesthetized with pentothal sodium intravenously, and local instillation of 0.5% pontocaine solution in addition. By means of a 26 gauge needle inserted directly into the anterior chamber of the eye, aqueous could be removed and replaced with varying strengths of solution: along with subconjunctival injection of varying strengths of epinephrine solution. The procedure of irrigation with alpha-chymotrypsin into the posterior chamber was just the sane as the procedure of intra-capsular extraction of cataract in the human eye. 3. Conculusions 1) The injection of a 1:100 and 1:500 alpha-chymotrypsin into the anterior chamber immediately resulted in severe iritic irritation with perforation of the cornea, which was followed by edema, bulging, and melting of the cornea. Microscopic examination 3 hrs. post-injection revealed the following findings: severe corneal edema, disappearance of a small central portion of Descemet's membrane, along with a portion of corneal endothelium, hemorrhages of the iris and ciliary body with infiltration of polymorphonuclear leucocytes. Following healing of the cornea at one month after injection of 1:500 alpha-chymotrypsin solution,there remained corneal opacity with superficial pannus. Microscopic examination one month post-injection, revealed the following findings: Hypertrophy of corneal stroma with new vascularization of it's superficial layer, disappearance ofcentral small portion of the Descemet's membrane, large portion of the corneal endothelium and partial iris atrophy. 2) Zonulolysis occured in a 1:10,000 solution of alpha-chymotrypsin as effective as in a 1:5,000 solution, but was not observed in a 1:15,000 and 1:20,000 solution. 3) The injection of a 1:100, 1:200 and 1:500 epinephrine solution into the anterior chamber immediately resulted in severe iritic irritation. Following the injection of a 1:100 and 1:200 solution of epinephrine into the anterior chamber, a number of small dotty black pigments were observed after one week in the trabecular region and also init's neighbouring tissue: however, these were not observed after one month. Iris atrophy was partially observed after one month by microscopic examination with injection of a 1:100 epinephrine solution. 4) Even though mydriasis was obtained immediately following injection into the anterior chamber with a 1:1000,000 epinephrine solution, mydriatic effects were not satisfactorily with less than 1:100,000 epinephrine solution. 5) The injection of a 1:1000 solution of epinephrine into subconjunctiva satisfactorily obtained effective mydriasis, and not satisfactorily obtained with more diluted solution of epinephrine. 6) The injection of highly concentrated acetylcholine solution (1:10, 1:20) into the anterior chamber immediately resulted in iritic irritation; however there was no tissue damage to the anterior segment of the eye. The injection of a 1:20,000 acetylcholine solution into the anterior chamber obtained effective miosis satisfactorily.

      • KCI등재

        벼 누른오갈병(Downey mildew of rice plant, Sclerophthora macrospora(Sacc.) Thirum., Shaw&Naras)

        봉조,이순형,이용선 한국응용곤충학회 1974 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.13 No.4

        벼 누른 오갈병은 Saccardo(1890)dp 의하여 최초로 Alopecurus sp.에서 분리 기록되었으며 Yamada(1911)에 의하여 수도에 병원성이 있는 것이 보고되었다. Sporangial stage가 Scerospora보다는 Phytophthora에 가깝기 때문에 Phytophthora oryzae 또는 Phytophthora macrospora Sacc.로 명명되었으며 현재 Sclerophthora macrospora Sacc.라고도 불리워지고 있다. 우리나라에서는 1927년에 발간된 조선작물병해목록에는 수록되어 있지 않으며, 1862년 향문사에서 발간된 식물병리학과 부민문화사의 식물병해충명감에 벼 누른 오갈병으로 수록되어 있다. 그 후 한국식물보호학회에서 오갈병으로 수록되어있다. 그후 한국식물보호학회에서 발간한 한국식물병해충잡초명감에도 벼 누른오갈병으로 되어 있다. 본병은 1965년 이전에는 거의 발병이 없었다. 1966년 7월 김포평야에서 이병주가 발견된 이래 전국 각 지방에1971년 대전에서 처음 통일품종에 발병되었고 일반품종에는 거의 발병이 없었으며 주로 통일푸장에 발병이 되어왔다. 특히 1974년에는 통일재배단지에서는 쉽게 발견할 수 있었다. 본 병은 병징이 바이러스와 흡사하여 1966년에는 신바이러스로 알고 계속 동정한 결과 1973년 병원균을 확인함으로서 재확인되었으므로 보고하는 바이다. 본 병은 저위지인 습답에 많이 발생하며 묘형본답에서 발생된다. Downey mildew was scarcely observed in the field until 1965. Now that downey mildew was found around Gimpo are3, Gyungi Province in 1966, the disease was found sporadically every where through the country. Since the disease was found on the recommended variety, Tongil, in 1971, it has been estabilished to be serious disease on Tongil, especially this year, 1974

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