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      • 열린 교육의 목표모형 탐색

        정숙경 한국교육학회 부산지회 1996 釜山敎育學硏究 Vol.9 No.1

        In the face of wide spread of open classroom practices in our elementary schools, this study intended to explore a goal model appropriate for open education in our educational settings, which are oriented to globalization. The past and present of open education as well as its concept were discussed, and then curricular characteristics of open education were specified, and finally, a goal model for Korean open education was presented on the basis of Miles's goal priorities in open education(1975). The conclusions derived from this study are as follows: Firstly, open education started in mid 60s and imported from English infant schools by American educators has a long varied line of antecedents, from Socrates, Rousseau, Pestalozzi, Froebel to progressive education, and is supported by the works of Brunet and Piaget. Open education is a type of education which reflects the idea that individuals are self-regulating open systems capable of exerting freedom and right to choose independently. Secondly, contrasting to traditional classroom which focuses cognitive goals selected in advance, much of the curricular decision are made during the interactions of teacher and students in open classroom. In addition, specific contents and activities are selected by students, who are not required to study same contents nor to acquire same mastery levels among themselves. Thirdly, a goal model appropriate for Korean open education in 90s should represent high cognitive goals as its highest priority, affective goals as next higher priority, and low cognitive goals as lowest priority, since mental processes like problem solving and creativity are considered to be essential in globalized competitions.

      • 자기주도적 학습의 재개념화와 교사중재

        정숙경 동아대학교 교육대학원 2001 동아교육논총 Vol.27 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to explore an alternative conceptualization of self-directed learning focusing on internal process of learners and the way to actualize it in our teaching-learning practices, as self-directed learning has long been conceptualized with the perspectives of initiativeness of teaching-learning activities. The conceptualization up to the present parallels to behaviorism in that it did not focus on learner’s internal processes and its changes, instead it focuses on the external conditions such as planning, executing, and evaluation of learning processes. Specifically, this study explored a new conceptualization of self-directed learning which focuses on learner’s internal processes, and teacher mediation as a teaching method to realize the new concept of self-directed learning, along with functional errors and inner speech which are relevant variables to teacher mediation. The conclusions derived from this study are as follows: Firstly, self-directed learning has long been conceptualized in terms of initiativeness in teaching-learning environment, and it can be categorized as a macro-conceptualization. On the contrary, a new conceptualization can be categorized as a micro-conceptualization, since it focuses on learner’s internal processes and its changes. This new conceptualization relies its theoretical bases on Vygotsky’s zone of prozimal development, which in now called zone of maxinum response opportunity. Secondly, according to the new conceptualization, self-directed learning is a teaching-learning approach that helps learners to construct their own understanding and meaning, and helps them to reason, problem solve, and think critically about the content. Teacher mediation is a central method to achieve this goal by monitoring the cognitive process of learners and providing appropriate feedbacks to help learners climb next higher rung of the ladder through a gentle student response-teacher reaction interplay. Critical to teacher mediation is on-the-spot adjustment to content flow and complexity on the part of teacher to accomodate learners’ idiosyncratic learning needs. Thirdly, variables related to teacher mediation are functional errors and inner speech. Functional errors are incorrect but meaningful errors of learners, which play a role of logicalstepping stones that promote the level of learners’ understanding. Inner speech is an internalized form of classroom dialogues between student and teacher, and guides learners think and solve problems independently without intervention of teacher. Therefore, in self-directed learning with micro-conceptualization, teacher's scaffolding within learner's zone of maximum response opportunity should be provided using functional errors and learner's inner speech.

      • 作動强化法을 使用한 精神遲滯兒의 行動修正에 관한 考察

        鄭淑璟 東亞大學校 敎育大學院 1981 敎育大學院 論文集 Vol.7 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to review the theoretical models for and reaearches on behavior modification with the mentally retarded children(MR) in order to find out the fact that behavior modification based on operant techniques can be an effective method for teaching MR proper behaviors. The initial phase of an operant program serves five functions: 1) specifying the goal, 2) defining the operations, 3) recording of observation and data, 4) spotting needs for environmental changes, and 5) identifying the reinforcers. The following items were discussed in terms of the operant techiques: 1) increasing the frequency of behavior by using positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, and imitation techniques, 2) decreasing the frequency of undesirable behavior by extinction, punishment, and Time Out procedure, and 3) major parameters of reinforcement such as schedule, amount and timing of reinforcement. As an overview of operant techniques, it was discussed that how the simple S-R connections are shaped up to become complex and functional units: 1) stimlus-control and 2) shaping and chaining. There are three limitations in the application of behavior modification to MR: 1) learning theory does not guide the teacher in determining educational goals, 2) a view of exclusively extrinsic motivation is limiting in scope, and 3) operational definition of reinforcement ignores certain cognitive aspects of reinforcement. As a result of this study, it was found that most of the researches reviewed had been greatly successful in changing the bahavior of MR inspite of the fact that the operant techniques have several limitations in practical applications. It is suggested that research in this field be directed toward the generalization and self-control of the mentally retarded childen in the future.

      • 수업설계 모형 비교준거에 관한 탐색적 연구

        정숙경 東亞大學校 學生生活硏究所 1996 學生硏究 Vol.24 No.-

        수업이 효과적으로 이루어지기 위해 요구되는 요인들이 무엇이며 또 어떻게 접근되어야 하는지에 관한 관심과 노력은 1960년대 최초의 수업설계 모형이 제시된 이후 30여년간 지속적으로 증가되어 왔다. 특히 공학을 기반으로 한 각종 교수학습 자료가 수업 설계 원리에 의거하여 제작되고 있으며 (Ely ,1991), 학교 뿐만 아니라 기업체 등 학교교육 외 전문영역에서 인간자원 개발을 촉진시키고자 하는 목적 달성의 수단으로 수업설계를 도입하면서 수업설계 분야는 더욱 성장해 가고 있다 (Anglin,1991). 이와 같이 체계적 수업설계의 적용이 실제적으로 확산되면서 수업설계 분야의 연구 활동도 활발해지고 이에 따라 수업설계 이론 및 관련 모형들이 풍부히 제시되고 있다. Andrews와 Goodson (l 980) 이 주로 체제이론을 기초로 한 40개의 수업설계 모형을 분석하면서 수업설계 모형 비교 들을 제시할 때 이미 실제로는 60여개의 수업설계 모형이 제시되어 있었다. 십 수년이 지난 현재 수업설계 분야에는,종전의 수업설계 패러다임과 는 전혀 상이한 새로운 접근들이 시도되고 있으며 수업설계의 적용 범위 및 수업환경 도 크게 다양화되면서 수백 개에 이르는 수업설계 모형들이 제시되고 있다. While being in the midst of proliferation of instructional design models instructional designers as well as scholars have no valuable procedure for comparing instructional design models especially when alternitives to systems approach emerged recent years. The purpose of the present study is to provide criteria for comparing instructional design models. Specifically, the fundamental components of the instructional design process are reviewed, and criteria for comparing instructional design models are discussed in terms of internal as well as external dimension of instructional design models. The common components of various instructional design models could be reduced to needs assessment, objectives, learner characteristics, instructional strategies, evaluation and feedback. Five of them excluding needs assessment constitute Glaser model(1962) which, for the first time, considered instruction as a system. Needs assessment was added to ID process during 70s to correct problems identified as results of earlier instructional design practices. Comparing criteria based on internal dimension of models discussed are theoretical origins and required expertise. Instructional design models emerged during past three decades since the first model presented in the eartier 60s are mostly based upon systems theory. However, models not based on systems theory are increasingly emerging recent years. Thus, instructional design models can be considered either based on systems or non-systems according to its theoretical origin. Instructional design models also vary in the amount of expertise required by individuals to apply models. Some instructional models provide step-by-step descriptions of the process of designing instruction which are more appropriate for a novice instructional designers to employ, while other models rely on an expert’s intuition and experience to guide the process Many instructional design models originated in a certain context, in response to the particular needs ot that context. Employing a model from a significantly differant context would result in inefficient solution to instructional problems. Instructional contexts could be one of the following four context Kindefgarten education, elementary and secondary education, higher education, and training for business and other non-school organizations. Instructional design models are also intended to plan instruction for different levels of implementation depending on the size of the population targeted by the instruction. The six levels of instructional design include mass-level, institutional-level, course-level, unit-level, lesson-level, and module-level. Thus, the level of application becomes one of important comparing criteria for instructional design models.

      • 초등저학년과 유아 교사들의 문해지도 접근 및 신념

        정숙경 東亞大學校 2002 東亞論叢 Vol.39 No.-

        The purpose of the present study was to investigate elementary and preschool teachers' literacy approaches and their beliefs related to learning and literacy acquisition. Specifically, teachers' use of literacy approaches and its variances according to children's age, and teachers' beliefs related to learning and literacy acquisition in terms of constructivism were examined. Subjects were 153 first and second grade teachers and 151 preschool teachers sampled from 25 elementary school and 36 preschool located in Busan. A Questionnaire containing 3 categories with 24 likert-scaled questions was developed with the reference of Hopkin(1995), Wortham(1998), Chung(1998), and Yoo(2000) to collect data. Statistical varification was done using MANOVAs. The results were discussed in the perspective of balanced approach between whole language and direct instruction. The conclusions derived from the discussion on the results are as follows: Firstly, while there's no difference in the use of whole-language approach between elementary and preschool teachers, elementary teachers use more skills approach than preschool teachers do. Therefore, young children probably would experience some difficulties in adapting themselves when they enter elementary schools. Secondly, elementary and preschool teachers' use of literacy approaches do not vary according to the age of their children. In the perspective that five-year olders should be provided with more direct instruction on decoding skills than their four-year old counterparts should be, this might be a problematic finding which is desirable to be incorporated into the training programs for prospective and incumbent teachers. Thirdly, the beliefs of elementary and preschool teachers related to learning and literacy acquisition reveals comparable constructivism to their literacy approaches respectively. Therefore, teachers of both parties use literacy approaches with supportive philosophical grounds.

      • 근접발달지대에 기초한 교사중재 수업모형 연구

        정숙경 東亞大學校 2003 東亞論叢 Vol.40 No.-

        Constructivism believes that knowledge is not transmitted to learners, rather it is constructed by learners during the learning process. Even though constructivism is pervasive in theories and practices of education, instructional model that guides constructivistic approach has not yet been provided. The purpose of this study was to explore an instructional model based on constructivism. Specifically, implications of constructivism and zone of proximal development in education were probed, instructional activities based on zone of proximal development were explored, and an instructional model using teacher mediation was constructed. The conclusions derived in this study are as follows: Firstly, while objectivism contends that there exists absolute realities, constructivism focuses on reflective type of meaning-making construction in the knowledge development of learners. Especially, Vygotsky's social constructionism emphasizes zone of proximal development in which interaction between learner and teacher can be optimally accomplished through scaffolding. Secondly, teacher mediation is on-the-spot adjustment to content flow and complexity on the part of teacher to accomodate learner's idiosyncratic learning needs. Teacher mediation is best accomplished within the zone of proximal development with functional errors and inner speech as its acting rules. Thirdly, an instructional model using teacher mediation was constructed based on the elements of instructional events proposed by Gagne. Nine instructional events were integrated into three phases in this model: motivation and objectives, teacher mediation activities, formative evaluation and enrichment and correction. Teacher mediation activities are implemented through student response-teacher reaction chains with the acting rule of functional errors and inner speech.

      • KCI등재
      • 유아의 정의적 내적 표상과 그 측정방안 연구

        정숙경,이현정,박정화 동아대학교 학생상담센터 2004 學生硏究 Vol.33 No.-

        최근 유아발달에 관한 탐구에서, 유아들이 발달 초기에 형성하는 정의적 내적 표상이 유아기 성장과정에 미치는 중요성이 인식되면서 이에 관한 연구와 그 측정도구 개발에 연구자들의 관심이 시작되고 있다. 내적 표상이란 유아가 자기, 타인, 또는 특정 대상에 대해 느끼고 지각한 경험에 대해 의미를 구성한 결과로서의 이미지를 말한다. 본 연구에서는 내적 표상이 무엇이며 어떻게 형성되고 유아발달에서의 그 역할이 어떠하며, 그리고 그 측정방안이 어떠한지를 알아보는데 목적을 두었다. 본 연구를 통해 얻어진 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 유아의 내적 표상은 유아가 경험했던 느낌, 정서 상태, 정서적 의미구성 동의결과에 의해 유아의 마음속에서 자기, 타인 및 기타 대상들에 대해 형성시킨 이미지를 말하는 것으로, 후속되는 사회적, 정서적, 대인관계 기술 동의 발달에 중대한 영향을 미친다. 유아의 내적 표상 형성에 있어서 가장 중요한 요인은 초기 양육자와의 상호작용의 질이며, 건전하게 형성된 내적 표상은 자기 및 타인을 이해하고 다양한 사태에 적용할 수 있는 능력 형성의 기반이 된다. 그러나 내적 표상은 유아 각자의 경험에 따라 다양한 개인차를 보인다. 내적 표상을 알아볼 수 있는 중요한 통로는 유아들의 네레이티브이다. 네레이티브란 특정 주제에 의한 놀이 상황 속에서 유아가 표현하는 언어적 반응을 말하며, 연구자들은 네레이티브 분석을 통해 유아들의 내적 정서적 세계를 이해하고자 시도하고 있다. 둘째, 초기 내적 표상의 형성은 유아의 정서에 의해 안내되어진다. 출생 직후부터 여러 가지 생리적, 심리적 욕구들에 의해 고조된 어린 유아들의 정서적 긴장이 양육자의 즉각적이고 민감한 반응에 의해 해소되는 과정이 반복되어지면, 어린 유아들은 자신의 능력에 대해 신뢰감을 형성하며, 타인에 대한 긍정적인 정서를 형성하고, 나아가 환경에 대한 탐색활동에 적극적으로 참여하려는 경향성을 발달시킨다. 따라서 생애 초기 어린 유아와 양육자간의 상호작용관계의 질은 유아들의 건전한 내적 표상 형성에 중요한 역할을 한다. 이렇게 시작된 자기 및 중요한 타인에 대한 긍정적 표상의 형성은 유아들의 정서적 조절뿐만 아니라 대인관계 기술과 같은 사회적 기능, 문제의 발견 및 해결 능력과 같은 고차적 사고과정의 발달을 위한 기반을 제공한다. 셋째, 유아의 내적 표상을 측정하기 위한 기존 방법에는 놀이면담 및 놀이심리치료, 네레이티브를 분석하는 분리불안검사와 애착이야기완성검사 퉁이 있지만, 각기 방법적 접근 상의 문제 또는 유아들의 제한된 인지적, 언어적 능력으로 인한 측정 상의 문제점을 안고 있다. 이에 따라 내적 표상 연구자들이 기존 네레이티브 척도들의 구성 내용과 이들 척도들을 사용한 연구결과들을 종합하고 그 단점들을 보완하여 유아들의 언어적, 인지적 특성에 적합하게 제작한 내적표상 측정도구가 MacArthur StoryStem Battery(MSSB)이다. MSSB는 유아들의 언어적 발달, 도덕성 및 친사회성 발달 등의 여러 측면을 종합적으로 측정할 수 있는 척도로서, 유아들의 진정한 내적 표상을 밝혀 줄 수 있는 도구로서의 타당도와 경험적 신뢰도가 입증되어지고 있다. Recently a tendency in research is arising to focus on young children’s internal representation, through which inner world, especially emotional world of young children is presumed to be more realistically revealed. This study intended to survey research works and related perspectives to grasp clear picture about the concept of young children’s mental representation and its role in the course of their social, emotional, interpersonal developments, and the schemes for measuring young children’s internal representation as well. The conclusions derived in this study are as follows: Firstly, Young children develop their affection capacities in the process of life experiences in which they feel and also make affective meanings out of everyday events they face. Internal representations play a critical role in the development of young children’s emotional regulations, social skills, and problem-finding and problem-solving skills in interpersonal relationships. Secondly, emotion has been recognized to execute a leading role in the development of young children' s internal representation about self and others. Infants express their physiological and psychological needs through intensified emotional behavior, and when these needs are resolved by caregivers’ appropriate respondent actions young children can recover their emotional equilibrium and start to explore around the world. As these experiences accumulate, trusts and beliefs in themselves as well as in others are being formed, and their capacity to deal with conflicts and imbalances in everyday life situations are being developed. These trusts and beliefs are the basis for young children’s formation of positive mental representations of self and of others. Thirdly, naπatives young children express in play situations are found to be vital pathways to reveal their inner world, and a group of researchers have structured a comprehensive scale, MacArthur Story-Stem Battery(MSSB) ,based on the revlslOns of previous scaJes that have shortcomings for some reasons and additions of more varieties in young childreo' s developmentaJ areas, which can efficiently assesses young children’s intenal mental representations. MSSB has now acquired much of its validity and credibility through works of many researchers.

      • 학습유도방안과 연습유형에 따른 읽기자료의 학습효과

        정숙경 동아대학교 교육대학원 1995 동아교육논총 Vol.21 No.-

        이 연구는 수업전략으로서 새로운 학습내용에 주의를 집중시키는 학습유도방안(목표 및 선행조직자)과 이후 제공되는 연습활동 유형(언어정보 및 지적 기능)이 읽기자료의 학습에 어떠한 효과를 가져오는지를 밝히는데 목적을 둔 연구이다. 실험설계는 2(목표, 선행조직자)×2(언어정보, 지적 기능)요인방안이었고, 연구대상은 87명의 대학생으로 네 조건집단(선행조직자/언어정보, 선행조직자/지적기능, 목표/언어정보, 목표/언어정보, 목표/지적 기능)에 무선배치되어, 각 수업전략이 포함되어 있는 읽기자료를 학습하고 다음날 성취도검사를 받았다. 본 연구에서 얻어진 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 선행조직자가 목표보다 더 효과적인 학습유도방안이었다. 둘째, 지적 기능 연습이 언어정보 연습보다 더 효과적인 연습유형이었다. 세째, 선행조직자/지적 기능 조합이 가장 우수한 학습결과를, 그리고 목표/언어정보 조합이 가장 열등한 학습결과를 초래하였다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of orienting activities and type of practice on reading achievement. Orienting activities and types of practice selected as variables for this study are advance organizers and objectives, verbal information and intellectual skills, respectively. The questions to be explored in this study were as follows: 1.Are there any differences in the effects on reading achievement between advance organizers and objectives? 2.Are there any differences between achievement domains according to orienting activities? 3.Are there any differences in the effects on reading achievement between verbal information and intellectual skills? 4.Are there any differences between achievement domains according to practice types? 5.Is there an interaction effect between orienting activities and practice types? Eighty seven college students were randomly assigned to one of four groups(advance organizer/verbal information, advance organizers/intellectual skills, objectives/verbal information, objectives/intellectual skills)and required to learn instructional design principles from two lessons of reading material. Each material included specific orienting activities(advance organizes or objectives) and different type of practice(verbal information or intellectual skills). The results obtained in this study are as follows: 1.Subjects who were given advance organizers performed significantly better on the knowledge portion of the posttest than those who were given objectives did. 2.Subjects who received intellectual skills practice performed better on the posttest than those who received verbal information practice did, regardless of orienting activities. 3.While the most effective combination of orienting activities and practice types is advance organizers/intellectual skills, the least effective combination of the two instructional strategies is objectives/verbal information.

      • 협동학습 목표구조의 수업효과 조정변인에 관한 연구

        정숙경,권기 東亞大學校 學生生活硏究所 1999 學生硏究 Vol.27 No.-

        This study aimed to examine control variables through which instructional values of cooperative learning structure could be enhanced. The control variables discussed in this study were the goal structure in class instruction, group structure and process, and learner´ characteristics. Following conclusions were derived from this study : 1. Goal structure refers to the interaction among class members to accomplish the goal set in the process of instruction. The conceptualization of goal structure has two approaches : internal motive and external motive. The former based on Lewin´s(1932) theory sees that human behavior goes toward the object or goal for satisfaction and that goal structure is formed according to the social interdependence of desires. The latter based on behaviorism emphasizes external motive. The goal structure thus conceptualized is divided into cooperative one (profiting all group members) and competitive one (profiting oneself only). 2. As a control variable in cooperative learning structure, group structure depends on the number of members and is more effective when group composition is heterogeneous. As an another control variable in cooperative learning structure, group process has more effects on learning of individuals when the members shard high-level information and actively participate in communication and group activities. 3. As the third control variable in cooperative learning structure, example-principle presentation is more effective than principle-example presentation. As the fourth control variable in cooperative learning structure, tasks requiring information exchange or complicated recognition are suitable for cooperative learning structure. 4. As final control variables in cooperative learning structure, field-independent students and female students are more suitable for cooperative learning structure than field-dependent and male students are.

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