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      • 习近平文化思想的唯物辩证法意蕴

        郑维(Wei Zheng),王帅(Shuai Wang) YIXIN 출판사 2024 Journal of China Studies Vol.2 No.3

        习近平文化思想是对建设什么样的社会主义文化强国和怎么建设社会主义文化强国一系列基本问题的深刻回答形成的科学理论,是马克思主义文化观在当代中国的升华和飞跃。习近平文化思想具有深厚的唯物辩证法意蕴,体现在经济建设与文化建设的“互动辩证法”、文化主体与文化多样的“主次辩证法”、文化继承与文化创新的“发展辩证法”和文化阐释与文化实践的“统筹辩证法”。对习近平文化思想蕴含的唯物辩证法进行具体阐述,有利于深化对包括习近平文化思想在内的习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的深度理解和把握,增强科学理论指导文化实践的效能。 Abstract:Xi Jinping thought on culture is a scientific theory formed from profound answers to a series of basic questions about what kind of socialist cultural power is to be built and how it is to be built, and it is a sublimation and leap forward of the Marxist concept of culture in contemporary China. Xi Jinping Thought on Culture has a deep materialistic dialectical content, which is reflected in the “interactive dialectic” of economic construction and cultural construction, the “primary and secondary dialectic” of cultural subject and cultural diversity, the “development dialectic” of cultural inheritance and cultural innovation, and the “development dialectic” of cultural inheritance and cultural innovation, and “co-ordination dialectic” of cultural interpretation and cultural practice. Specifically elaborating on the material dialectic embedded in Xi Jinping Thought on Culture is conducive to deepening the in-depth understanding and grasp of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, including Xi Jinping Thought on Culture, and to enhancing the effectiveness of scientific theories in guiding cultural practice.

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