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      • 세대와 진로방향에 따른 직업관의 차이

        변창진,최진승 경북대학교 학생생활연구소 1970 學生指導硏究 Vol.3 No.1

        직업이 갖는 개인적,사회적 연대성과 책임성에 비추어 직업선택의 신중성과 책임성이 보다 강조되고 또한 경제개발계획과 경제성장,고용인구의 증대와 여성의 사회진출등 직업선택의 기회와 여건이 현실적으로 변화됨에 따라서 실제적인 직업지도활동의 필요성이 크게 인식되고 있다.이러한 시대적,사회적 현실성에 비추어 본 연구는 세대와 진로방향에 따른 직업관의 내용과 그 상대적인 차이를 비교 검토함으로써,종합적인 직업지도활동에 필요한 기초자료를 얻고저 하였다.고등학교 3학년,대학신입생 및 현재 가사나 취업에 종사하고 있는 고교 졸업생과 학부형을 대상으로 전국에서 무선유층표집한 2,085명의 조사대상에게 Centers, ㄲ.(1949)의 직업관 척도를 기초로 작성된 직업관 조사설문지를 실시하였다.수집된 자료는 세대와 진로방향에 따른 각 비교집단별로 11개영역의 직업관 내용에 반응한 인원빈도를 집계하여,이를 다시 백분율로 환산한 다음 각 비교집단별 백분율 차이의 유의성을 밝히기 위해 요비검정을 하였다. 그 결과 세대에 따른 직업관의 내용에 있어 전체적 으로는 유의한 차이가 없으나 부모는 보다 취미와 적성에 맞는 직업을 강조하고 자녀는 일 자체의 흥미와 시간여유(남자및) 사회봉사(여자)에 중요성을 두는 경향이 나타났다.한편 진로 방향에 따라 이를 비교해 보면 진학준비나 수학과정에 있는 고등학교 3학년 졸업반학생과 대학신입생 사이에는 직업관의 차이가 없고, 가사취업자와 이들간에는 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 즉 고3학생과 대학신입생은 다 같이 취미와 소질,자립성,존경성을 강조하고 있는데 비해 가사,취업자는 안정성을 무엇보다 중요시하고 있다. Helping students as they progress through various stages of vocational development has increasingly become the responsibility of the classroom teachers as well as the professionally prepared counselors. Furthermore, it has generally been acknowledged that occupational value as a specific aspect of motivation to work in relation with one's needs and motivation is one of the most important factors determining each individual's vocational choice. Such being the case, as a part of the comprehensive projects identifying and understanding various personal and situational variables crucial to vocational behavior, the present survey was undertaken to scrutinize any differences of occupational values according to age or generation and courses of vocational orientation. The Ss were 578 high school seniors,343 high school graduates being at work or staying at home after graduation, 419 college freshmen, and 745 parents of them randomly sampled by the strata of sex and area. They were administered the occupational value questionnaire schemed to choose forcedly one's ideal job value among 11 ares of occupational values. The frequencies on each occupational value area were calculated and they were converted into percentages. And any differences of occupational values between groups to be compared were statistically tested in terms of CR(Critical Ratio). The main findings of the present survey were as follows; 1. It is seen that students and their parents as a whole are higher on the occupational values of interest and predisposition, security, social service, independence and esteem, in order. 2. In comparing students and their parents, it is found that the students are higher on the occupational values of interesting experience, time to spare(in a case of male), and social service(in a case of female), while the parents are higher on the occupational values of interest and predisposition. 3. There are no differences of occupational values between high school seniors and college freshmen. But in comparing them with high school graduates being at wok or staying at home after graduation it is found that the former are higher on the occupational values of interest and predisposition, indipendence, and esteem,. while the latter are higher on the occupational values of security.

      • CIBP : Computer Item bank Program

        변창진 慶北大學校 師範大學 1987 敎育硏究誌 Vol.29 No.-

        CIB program은 기종 TriGem 88 Ⅱ (16 bit, 640KB Memory, 20MB Hard Disk with Controller)에 Data-Base Ⅱ Package를 이용하여 문항카드에 기록된 검사문항의 세부사항을 입력·저장하여, 이후에 필요한 해당조건을 명시하여 그 조건에 부합하는 문항을 인출, Displaying함과 동시에 출력과 편집을 할 수 있도록 만든 것이다. Written in Data-Base Ⅱ, this program (Computer Item Bank Program) for storing, reteriving and editing the item that user wants to select is described. The structure of the program includes the following: (1) ITEM STORING: Each Record of Data-Base Ⅱ Package is supposed to store one item and consists of 12 Fields. Field 1 is Chapter (2 byte). Field 2 is Section (1 byte). Field 3 is Answer (1 byte). Field 4 is Item Format (1 byte). Field 5 is Behavioral Specification (1 byte). Field 6 is Item Difficulty (1 byte). Field 7-Field 12 are items (each 50 byte). There are classifying codes applied to every details of a item. (2) ITEM RETERIVING: If you want to select the item which is Chapter 1, Section 2. Multiple-Choice Type, Analysis, Item Difficulty .70, you should key 01, 2, 1, 4, 7 in the following CRT display. ◁표 삽입▷(원본을 참조하세요) CONTINUE function searches for the item of the same condition in the classifying codes. (3) ITEM EDITING: Once a item is displayed in CRT, you should decide whether print it or not by keying Y or N. Test paper of KNU is able to contain maximum 40 items. (4) SUB-PROGRAM: It is possible for you to print all of the test items concerning each chapter. If you want to print all items about Chapter 3, you should key "03" and "y" in the following CRT display. ◁표 삽입▷(원본을 참조하세요) This program is compatible with all the IBM Compatibles. Especially, when run on a TriGem 88 Ⅱ (16 bit, 640KB Memory, 20MB Hard Disk with Controller) computer the program is typically compiled and analyzed.

      • 兒童의 DAP部位省略反應과 RORSCHACH反應領域의 비교

        邊昌鎭,李熙道,金慶麟 경북대학교 교육대학원 1971 논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        To understand the psychological meaning of omissions of body parts in Draw-A-Person test (DAP), this study was undertaken to identify the relations of omissions in DAP to intelligence level and to Rorschach location scores of children. It was hypothesized that children of low IQ will show more omissions in DAP than children of average IQ and the more omissions in DAP, the less whole responses (W%) and detail responses (D%, d%, Dd+S%) in children's Rorschach responses, and vice-versa. The subjects were 200 children of both sexes aged from 6 to 8. They were grouped into low IQ(50-69) and average IQ (IQ 90-109) and these two groups were matched to sex, age, level of education and socio-economic background All subjects were administrated DAP and Rorschach in standardized procedures. Omissions in DAP were analyzed to 17 body parts and Rorschach location scores were analyzed according to Klopfer and Davidson system(1963). The main findings of this study were concluded as follows; 1) Children of low IQ show significantly more omissions in DAP than children of average IQ. Omissions of significant body parts in DAP may be a functiion of intellectual and perceptual immaturity of children. 2) Omission in DAP has significant correlation with W+% and D% of children's Rorschach responses, when the form-level accuracy of Rorschach responses were evaluated. 3) It was interpreted that omissions in DAP may be indicative of individual's lack of perceptual integrity and meticulous or detail-directed trends.

      • 檢査結果의 通知方法과 自己理解의 改善에 미치는 效果

        邊昌鎭 경북대학교 학생생활연구소 1968 學生指導硏究 Vol.1 No.1

        各種檢査의 結果通知가 自己理解와 自己評價의 改善을 圖謀할 수 있다는 事實은 이미 實驗的으로 確認되어 있다. 그래서 보다 效果的인 檢査結果의 通知方法을 模索하기 위하여 知能 및 人性에 대하여 要因 또는 特性別로 自己評價를 시킨 5日後에 知能診斷檢査와 人性檢査를 實施하고 그날부터 10日後에 統整群에는 檢査得點만을 口頭로, 實驗群에는 簡單한 說明이 添附된 書面을 利用하여 檢査結果를 個別通知하였다. 그런 다음 5日 後에 다시 自己評價를 시켜 檢査結果受容度와 自己理解改善度를 測定하였다. 그래서 統整群과 實驗群 사이에 得點順位點數와 自已評價點數에는 統討的으로 有意한 差異가 없었으나 檢査結果受容度와 自己理解改善度에는 有意한 差異가 있었으므로 口頭通知에 비해 書面通知方法이 보다 效果的임을 알 수 있었다. 또 實驗群에 대하여 檢査結果通知에서 오는 여러가지 影響에 대한 要因의 相互相關을 算出하였던 바 得點順位點數×自已評價點數, 自已評價點數×檢査結果受容度와 人性檢査의 得點順位點數×檢査結果受容度는 負의 相關이, 檢査結果受容度×自己理解改善度와 知能診斷檢査의 得點順位點數×檢査結果受容度는 正의 相關이 나왔다. 그러나 得點順位點數×理解改善點數, 自己評價點數×自己理解改善度 사이에는 明白한 相關關係가 없었다. One of the importent functions of psychological and educational tests is to help individuals who are trying to have the better understanding of himself, and various test results should be acknowledged to the individuals, gestting the more objective self-understanding and its improvement. Unfortunately there are a great number of qualified test administrators who evade to inform the individuals their test scores. This study was designed to identify the most reasonable method of informing them the test results and to examine the effect of the test-result informations on the improvement of self-understanding. A sort of intelligence test and personality inventory were administrated to the 320 high school students, they made a blind self-evaluation by themselves about their intelligence and personality according to the 8 factors and traits of the tests. Self-Evaluation-Scores(SES) were derived from the scores of above Self-Evaluation Scale (SES), and Test-Result-Scores (TRS) were transfered from real test scores of intelligence and personality. Then 160 students of control group were interpreted their test results in simple oral message and another 160 students of experimental group were informed of their test scores in a written report with general explanations on the test scores. After acknowledgement of test results, the same form of Self-Evaluation Scals as that of previous occasion was given to the students again. Both Test-Result-Acceptance(TRA) and Improemvent of Self-Understanding(ISU) were concurrently derived by means of substracting TRS or ISU from the scores of the second Self-Evaluation Scale. Any differences between control and experimental group were not founded in TRS and SES, but clear differences were noticed in TRA and ISU. These outcomes indicated that a brief written message is likely to be more effective in the improvement of self-understanding than a brief oral message. To explore the cross effects among SES, TRS, TRA and IUS only, in experimental group correlations between each pair of four elements were to be figured out. Correlations between TRS and SES, TRA and SES, TRS and TRA (only in the test of personality) were relatively high negative ones but between TRA and ISU, TRS and TRA(only in the test of intelligence) were high positive ones. And there were no clear correlations between TRS and ISU, SES and ISU. These outcomes suggest many valuable facts which test specialists should keep in their mind, when they are about to interprete someone his test score.

      • 來談學生의 言語行動에 대한 內容分析 : 相談面接의 評價方法으로서의 試案 an evaluation-technique of interview

        邊昌鎭 경북대학교 학생생활연구소 1968 學生指導硏究 Vol.1 No.1

        相談面接의 過程이 相談者와 來談春間에 1對1의 關係를 바탕으로 하는 言語的 疎通이라면 相談面接외 唯一한 媒介道具는 바로 相談者와 來談者間에 交換되는 言語行動이다. 그러므로 相談者가 觀察, 記錄하게 되는 來談者의 言語行動은 곧 그 來談著가 相談過程에서 이르키고 있는 行動變容의 外形的 指標로 看做할 수 있다. 따라서 來談學生이 말한 言語內容을 準據로 하는 相談面接의 評價方法에 대한 可能性과 實效性을 檢討하기 위하여 다 같이 6回의 面接으로 相談이 終決된 많은 事例가운데 客觀的으로 相談面接이 咸功하였다고 判定된 3件의 事例와 失敗하였다고 判定된 3 件의 事例를 無選標集한 다음 그 錄音記錄을 資料로 하여 自我的 語彙, 交感的 語彙, 否定的 語彙 및 絶對的 表現은 語彙單位로 困難/救援指數, 積極的 評價表現, 時間觀念, 要求事項, 相克的 表現은 句範單位로 內容分析을 하였다. 內容分析의 結果를 보면 面接이 失敗한 事例群은 어떠한 內容의 言語도 面接回數의 進展에 따라 一定한 傾向의 增加 또는 減少現象이 없는데도 不拘하고 面接이 成功한 事例群은 自我的 語彙, 否定的 語彙, 絶對的 表現, 因難/救援指數, 時間觀念中 過去/現在의 比率, 要求事項 및 相克的 表現은 漸次的으로 減少하고 交感的 語彙, 積極的 評價表現 및 時間觀念中 未來/現在의 比率은 顯著하게 增加하고 있었다. 이것은 來談者의 言語行動에 대한 內容分析, 더우기 句節單位의 內容分析이 相談效果의 客觀的 評價方法으로서 充分한 可能性과 實用性이 있다는 示唆로 본다. Counseling process has been defined as a kind of communication in the one-to-one relationship, and it is a natural point of view that an unipue instrument of counseling is obviously a kind of verbal communication between counselor and client. Then client's verbal behavior observed, recorded and interpreted objectively by a counselor is likely to be recognized as the most reliable index of client's behavior modification affected through the counseling interviews. Thereupon, this study was designed, when content analysis of client's spoken language during counseling interviews is adopted as an evaluation-techiuque of counseling interview, to examine its possibility and utility. Among many counseling cases terminated just at sixth session, 3 cases whose counseling interview records were judged to be failed and another 3 cases those of which were estimated to be successful by both eminent psychiatrists and counselors were randomly selected. Their contents of whole interview records in each session were analyzed; Ego words, Sympathetic words, Negative words, and Allness terms were analyzed in terms of word unit, but Distress relief quotient, Positive evaluative assertions, Time orientations, Demends and Ambivalence constructions were analyzed in terms of clause or phrase unit. The results of content analysis in the cases whose effectiveness of interiews were classified to be poor, showed not a certain tendency of increasing or decreasing with the progress of sessions, but those verdicted to be rich, demonstrated clear tendencies of gradual increasing in Empathetic words, Positive evaluative assertions and ratio of Fnture/Present time orientation, and gradual decreasing in Ego words, Negative words, Allness terms, Distress relief quotient and ratio of Pst/Present time orientation. It is also suggested that analysis of clause or phrase unit is more convenient approach for counseling-evaluation than that of word unit, because content analysis of clause or phrase unit revealed the same results as those of unit.

      • 自己强化의 形成과 學業成績과의 相關

        邊昌鎭,金慶麟,朴世俊 경북대학교 학생생활연구소 1978 學生指導硏究 Vol.11 No.1

        强化에 대한 敏感度는 年齡이 增加함에 따라 具體的 强化에서 抽象的 强化로 移行한다는 Rosenhan & Green-wald의 理論과 自己 强化에 관한 硏究는 그것이 주로 實驗的 方法을 利用했는가 또는 自然的 觀察을 주로 使用했는가에 따라 相反된 硏究結果를 超來할 수 있다는 Kanfer & Duerfeldt의 示唆를 根據로 하여 大學生의 學業成績과 抽象性의 水準이 가장 높은 强化라고 볼 수 있는 自己强化와의 相關關係를 밝힘으로써 外的 統制에 의한 强化刺戟이 적은 大學生들이 比較的으로 安定되고 一貫된 學業成績을 維持하고 있는 理由의 一面을 把握하고 아울러 實驗場面과 日常生活에서 나타난 自己强化와 學業成績과의 相關係數를 比較함으로서 Kanfer & Duerfeldt의 示唆를 實證코자 하였다. (1) 生活場面에서 强化尺度로 測定된 自己强化得點과 學業成績과의 相關關係數는 實驗場面에서 名目强化를 利用하여 觀察된 自己强化와 學業成績과의 相關關係數보다 有意하게 크며, (2) 他人準據 自己强化와 學業成績과의 相關係數는 自已準據 自己强化와 學業成績과의 相關係數보다 有意하게 크고, (3) 强化尺度로 測定된 自己强化得點과 專攻必須 및 專攻選擇科目 成積과의 相關은 각각 自己强化得點과 敎職科目成績과의 相關에 비하여 有意하게 크다는 것이 밝혀졌다. This study was designed to explore the relationship between selfreinforcement scores(SRS) and grade-point average (GPA) with college students in order to confirm Gewirtz's hypothesis that a young child is initially dependendent upon concrete reinforcers and with increasing age comes to rely more heavily on abstract reinforcers. The purposes of this study were threefold. The first pupose was to compare outcomes of two different studies in exploring effects of SRS upon GPA on the ground of Kanfer's suggestion that effects of selfreinforcement manipulated in the experimental situation can be significantly different from those of self-reinforcement observed in the natural situation because one with high self-reinforcement score tends to regist in the controlled situation. The second purpose was to investigate the difference between the relation of SR administered by using the reinforcing criteria set by oneself with GPA and that of SR administerd by using the criteria set by the other rather than himself with GPA, on the basis of Marston's explanation that a young child is initially dependent upon SR with the criteria set by himself. The third purpose was to identify the difference between the correlation of SRS with GPA of selected courses and that of SRS with GPA of required courses, on the assumption that one is likely to administer more SR to the success in the task selected by himself than to the success in the task being forced to do by others. Subjects wese 216 junior students enrolled the Educational Psychology class. All of them were required to participate in moto-training experiments in which they are manipulated to take SR (token reinforcer.). Their SRS in living situation were measured by using the Reinforcement Survey Questionnaire. Three independent GPAs were calculated in terms of courses required or elected. The findings in the study were as follows: (1) The correlation of SRS in living situation measured by using the Reinforcement Survey Questionnaire with GPA was significantly higher than that of SRS measured in the experimental situation with GPA. (2) The correlation of SRS administered by using the reinforcing criteria set by the other was significantly higher than that of SRS administered by using the reinforcing criteria set by the subject himself. (3) The correlation of SRS measured by the Reinforcement Survey Questionnaire with GPA of elected courses was significantly higher than that of SRS with GPA of required courses.

      • HABGT형태구성상에 나타난 비행청소년의 인성특성

        변창진,이희도,김경린 경북대학교 학생생활연구소 1971 學生指導硏究 Vol.4 No.1

        중요한 정서적 경험 및 갈등경험은 그 개인의 인성형성 뿐만 아니라 지각-운동양태(Perceptual-motoric modes)에도 크게 영향을 주며 그러한 경험이나 경험의 기억들이 운동양태와 밀접하게 연루되어 있으므로 BG 도형묘사를 통하여 비행청소년의 HABGT 형태구성상의 특징과 이 특징으로서 그들의 인성특성을 규명해 보려 하였다. 대구소년원에 수용된 비행청소년 100명과 지능, 학력, 연령이 비슷한 정상적인 중고등학교 학생 100명을 임의표집하여 HABGT 도형을 묘사시킨 결과 여백의 사용, 용지의 사용, 폐쇄곤란, 곡선묘사의 곤란, 각도의 변모, 회전, 퇴영, 단순화, 단편화, 중복곤란 및 고집경향 등에서 .001의 유의수준으로 차이를 보여 주었으며 이 요인들로부터 밝혀진 비행청소년의 인성적 특성은 자아통제력의 결여, 적대감과 공격성, 정서불안정, 정서고갈 및 주의집중력의 부족, 충동성, 완고성, 반항성, 자기주장, 우울, 기만성 등으로 나타났다. Many kinds of tests, inventories, or projective techniques have been used to investigate personality characteristics of juvenile delinquents. Though the Bender has been used as a tool to identify these characteristics, because of its conveniences of administration and some merits of the Bender as a nonverbal test, there has been few investigations about juvenile denlinquents' pesonality with the Bender. The Bender is not a test to identify simply classical gestalt law of perception but to identify individual idiocyncratic personality charcateristics through visio-motor function. The Bender is a test to derive personality characteristics of individual through visual motor performance. The basic assumption of the Bender is that one can infer from motoric style the general nature of past experiences or personality of individual because perceptual-motoric modes may be influenced by some important emotional and conflictual experiences, and such experiences may be bound in the motoric style. The present study was attempted to identify some personality characteristics of juvenile delinquents in terms of the Hutt Adaption of Bender Gestalt Test(HABGT). 100 juvenile delinquents institutionalized in Taegu Juvenile Court and 100 normal junior and senior high school boys were matched in accordance with IQ, CA and EA. The mean IQ, EA and CA of juvenile delinquents were 92.3, 9.6 and 16.8, and those of normal students were 98.1, 10.9 and 16.3, respectively. They were administered the HABGT individiually according to the standard procedures. And two objective scales of HABGT, Pathological Scale and Perceptual Adience-Abience Scale were scored in terms of HABGT manual and analyzed statistically with Chi-Square method. The result obtained was that the juvenile delinquents were more deviated than the normals on the configurations of HABGT. The significant differences with .01% level were found on 11 subscales of both scales. They were as follows; (1) Use of Space I, (2) Use of Page, (3) Closure Difficulty, (4) Curvature Difficulty, (5) Change in Angulation, (6) Pereptual Rotation, (7) Retrogression, (8) Simplification, (9) Fragmentation, (10) Overlapping Difficulty, and (11) Perseveration. Personality characteristics of the juvenile delinquents derived from Hutt and other interpretations on 11 subscales above mentioned were as follows; (1) Loss of Ego Control, (2) Hostility and Aggression, (3) Emotional Unstability, (4) Emotional Constriction and Loss of Cathexes, (5) Impulsiveness, (6) Rigidity, (7) Oppositional Tendencies, (8) Self-assertion, (9) Depression, and (10) Need to malinger.

      • 敎師 competence의 評價準據와 評價方法의 開發

        邊昌鎭,李慶燮,金昌洙,朴鍾烈 慶北大學校 1984 論文集 Vol.37 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to plan the evaluation criteria and methods of teacher competence. With a view to developing a plan to evaluate the teacher competence desirably, we establish the following evaluation format, based on the 17 evaluation formats of teacher competence widely used in the elementary and secondary schools in America recently. 1. Categories and evaluation criteria of teacher competence 1) teaching preparation....evaluation criteria 1-4 2) teaching skill,,,,evaluation criteria 5-11 3) professional ability....evaluation criteria 12-14 4) personal quality....evaluation criteria 15-27 5) classroom management...evaluation criteria 28-31 6) human relationship.....evaluation criteria 32-37 2. Rating scale--1 (Unsatisfactory), 2 (Improvement needed), 3 (Good), 4 (Excellent).

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