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        어가실태조사를 통한 농림어업총조사의 개선방안 연구

        차철표(Cheol-Pyo CHA),신용민(Yong-Min SHIN) 한국수산해양교육학회 2013 水産海洋敎育硏究 Vol.25 No.2

        The purpose of this research is to define the problems of the Fisheries Census of Korea and to make better policies for improvement. In order to complete the purpose, the research team has firstly conducted a survey in the six regions to reinvestigate the yes or no for accuracy of the primary data related to the Fisheries Census. Moreover, the team has defined the problems of the Fisheries Census through conducting a survey for the experts and users of the fisheries statistics. Also, the team has derived the short/long term improvement of Fisheries Census through out this survey. This study has proposed that the name of census should be changed from the Fisheries Census to the Fishing Industry Census, the owners of distribution & processing companies, and their employees should be included in order to figure out the total size of the fishing industry and to plan right policies. In addition, the right information can evaluate the long-term planning for the fishing industry. The proposals from this study require a lot of changes on the Fisheries Census; so, it is impossible to adopt the proposals right from the Fisheries Census of 2015. Therefore, the changes should be adopted from the next Fisheries Census.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        연근해어선에 승무하는 외국인 어선원의 관리방안

        차철표(Cheol-Pyo CHA),박종운(Jong-Un PARK) 한국수산해양교육학회 2011 水産海洋敎育硏究 Vol.23 No.3

        Due to changes in internal and external environment of coastal & offshore fishery such as decrease in coastal & offshore fishery resources, rising labor costs, rising gas prices, rising turnover rate of seamen, and intensified avoiding 4D types of business, the domestic seamen’s avoidance of going to sea is being intensified. In order to solve the problems of domestic seamen shortage, coastal & offshore fishery businesses prefer to employ foreign seamen whose wages are relatively low, so employment of foreign seamen continues to increase. However, the foreign seamen system has the problems in selecting and managing seamen but these problems have been not adequately dealt with, so damages to fishery business continue to occur due to the seamen’s deserting. The cases, in which foreigners who entered the country to take the sea in coastal & offshore fishing boats deserted their workplace, recorded 36.4% as of 2010. So in order to achieve the purpose of the foreign seamen system itself through rational management of foreign seamen, the exclusive organization to manage foreign seamen should be established and the system to rationally select foreign seamen who have experiences of fishery should be established. The utilization of foreign seamen during off season needs to be maximized by establishing the employment connection system for the management of foreign seamen and employment stabilization, and the exclusive organization for education of foreign seamen and the organization for nurturing domestic seamen need to be established and operated.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        남북한 수산제도의 비교연구

        차철표(Cheol-Pyo CHA) 한국수산해양교육학회 2012 水産海洋敎育硏究 Vol.24 No.2

        For establishment of post-Unification fisheries program, this research has opened a fisheries Act system for South and North Korea and searched a policy direction to make new Fisheries Act for future South and North Korean fisheries program. In addition, North Korea’s present fishery industry must be accurately understood and acknowledge in its point of issues in order to develop and improve to rational direction and to overcome the present South and North’s fishery industry. As a level to prepare for future unification, reform and reaction of long-termed and well organized South and North’s fisheries program must be arranged. Consequently, fishing permits of South and North, licensing system, fisheries resource management system, fisheries adjustment system, foreign fishing regulations system will be compared in this research, and also find an improvement on North Koreas fisheries related act in preparation of future unification.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        북한의 수산법체계에 관한 연구

        차철표(Cheol-Pyo CHA) 한국수산해양교육학회 2010 水産海洋敎育硏究 Vol.22 No.2

        South and North Korean fisheries cooperation has not been attained since 1950's political situation, and the major fishery resources of Korean peninsula also has not been cooperatively managed by South and North Korea. Furthermore, the species inhabiting the Korean peninsula region with commercial value are usually maintaining the single ecosystem which requires for cooperative management of fishery resources for continuous fishery. Therefore, in order for South and Korean fishery industry to develop the political situation to a rational direction, present condition of North's fishery industry must be accurately understood and acknowledge in its point of issues, also as level to prepare for future unification, reform and reaction of long-termed and well organized South and North's fisheries program must be arranged.

      • KCI등재

        외해양식어업제도의 도입을 위한 입법방안 연구

        차철표(Cheol-Pyo CHA),이광남(Kwang-Nam LEE),김민주(Min-Ju KIM) 한국수산해양교육학회 2009 水産海洋敎育硏究 Vol.21 No.3

        Offshore-aquaculture is a new idea, has emerged as an alternative method, which can minimize the damage to the natural disaster due to the environment pollution by the fish farming activities in the coast and overcome the problems of vicious cycle in fish farming management. On the other hand, as the current fish farming laws and institutions focus on the support for offshore-aquaculture, having the limit to revitalizing and supporting the fish farming business in the open sea, it is necessary to amend the laws and institutions related to fish farm. We should be establish in connection with offshore-aquaculture, after the study aims at examining the foreign laws and institutions in such countries as USA and Norway, establishing the methods for the future laws and institutions of open sea fish farm through the analysis of the issues and controversies in the process of enactment in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        폐기물 해양배출로 인한 어업피해의 보상에 관한 연구

        차철표(Cheol-Pyo Cha) 한국해사법학회 2007 해사법연구 Vol.19 No.1

          폐기물 배출로 인한 해양환경의 유ㆍ무해 논란과 별도로 육상 폐기물의 처리문제를 해결해 줄 수 있는 대안 장소로 해양을 선택하였고, 폐기물 해양배출은 바다의 정화능력 때문에, 해양에 어떠한 악영향도 미치지 않는 것으로 인식되었다. 그러나 특정한 해역에서 집중적으로 이루어지는 폐기물의 배출이 주변지역의 어류 및 기타 해양생물에 악영향을 주는 등 특정 어업에 피해를 끼치고 있으며, 이에 대한 보상 문제가 발생한다. 동해 병 폐기물 배출해역에서의 폐기물 처리는 그 지역에서 어획되는 어획물(홍게)에서 이물질과 중금속이 발견되고, 이로 인한 홍게 가공품의 수출부진, 가공업체의 감량정책 등으로 홍게통발어업이 더 이상 조업을 할 수 없을 정도의 피해가 발생하고 있다.<BR>  어업피해보상과 관련된 법령은 「수산업법」, 「공익사업을 위한 토지 등의 취득 및 보상에 관한 법」등이 있으나, 해상에서의 폐기물 처리가 공익사업인가에서부터 논란이 있고, 그 손해배상은 어느 법에 의해 보상할 것인지에 대해 논란이 있다.<BR>  따라서 본 논문에서는 폐기물 배출로 인한 어업피해를 구제하기 위한 어업보상에 관하여 일반적인 법리와 함께 동해 병 폐기물 배출해역에서의 손해발생에 대한 보상 문제를 법적 측면에서 연구하였다.   Recently, the waste increases suddenly, because the land control facility is insufficient. The discard of the waste what kind of effect should have gone mad to an oceanic environment, it does not consider not to be, the ocean came to think at the alternative place which is the possibility to solve a land waste problem. And it discharges the waste to the ocean, it started.<BR>  Waste Discard in special oceanic areas is a tendency which becomes accomplished intensively from the waters which is specific to give a harm to fisheries in the discard area and the other marine life it operates, the problem of the compensation against the fisheries damage which is caused by waste discard.<BR>  The law which relates with a fisheries damage compensation is a various branch, the disposal of waste from the sea from common good program authorization is criticism, the compensation in compliance with land back compensation method probably in compliance with the fisheries law compensating probably, against there is criticism.<BR>  Consequently, this research sees investigated the general principle of law regarding the compensation of the fishing industry damage which is caused by waste discard. And it researched the compensation problem against a fisheries damage in the East-sea waste discard area.

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