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        中国国有土地上房屋征收与补偿法律制度探析 - 以公民私有财产权保护为视角 -

        조동제,阮利 한국토지법학회 2017 土地法學 Vol.33 No.2

        In the 21st century, in the context of the rapid development of political and economic cultures around the world, social change continues to create new waves, which has led to the acceleration of the pace of modernization of the cities. At present, China’s house expropriation forcibly recover the expropriation of state-owned land use rights’double pressure makes the housing expropriation and compensation disputes arising from China's urbanization process has been praised by the world attention. The issue of housing expropriation and compensation on China's state-owned land as a major social issue concerning the national economy and the people's livelihood, there are a lot of disputes in this area, among which compensation is one of the most controversial issues. In the process of the housing expropriation, violence enforcement of the administrative organs, "Nail households" would rather die than move, and the continuous appeal and petition have not been fundamentally solved. On January 21, 2011, the official announcement of the regulations on the expropriation and compensation of houses on state-owned land (hereinafter referred to as the Expropriation regulations) received wide attention,it has made great progress in the subject of expropriation, the purpose of expropriation, the procedure of expropriation and the compensation of the expropriation. At the same time, it also has a very important influence on the collection of administrative organs. However, it is regrettable that the regulations still do not take a crucial step towards the protection of the basic rights of those who are expropriated. In practice, there are still many problems such as difficult definition of public interest, narrow expropriation scope, imperfect property price evaluation mechanism, imperfect housing compensation hearing system and so on. In view of this, this article mainly from the perspective of citizen’s private property rights protection. A systematic summary of the current expropriation regulations. It focuses on the analysis of the difficult problems exposed in practice. Aiming at the above problems, we put forward some pertinent countermeasures and suggestions in the aspects of public interest, the scope of the collection, the price evaluation, the compensation hearing and so on. With a view to reconstructing the legal mechanism of the protection of people's rights in the state owned land, regulating the housing expropriation of the administrative organs, and maintaining the social harmony and stability. 21세기에 들어서면서 세계 각국의 정치, 경제, 문화가 급속하게 발전하는 시대적 배경하에서 사회변화는 끊임없이 새로운 조류를 일으키고 있으며, 이에 따라 각국의 도시근대화 건설속도도 가속화 되고 있다. 오늘날, 중국의 가옥수용 문제는 피수용인의 국유토지사용권을 강제 회수함으로써 중국도시화 과정에서 발생하는 가옥수용과 보상분쟁은 늘 세인의 주목을 받고 있다. 중국의 국유토지상 가옥수용과 보상문제는 국가경제와 민생문제에 관련되는 중대한 사회문제의 초점이 되고 있다. 그 중에서 가장 쟁점이 되는 것 중의 하나는 보상문제이다. 가옥 수용과정에서 행정기관의 폭력적인 집행, “알박기(钉子户)”의 철거분쟁 및 끊임없는 소송, 민원 등의 문제는 지금까지 근본적인 해결을 보지 못하고 있다. 2011년 1월 21일, 중국은 ≪국유토지상 가옥수용과 보상조례≫을 공포함으로써 중국인민들에게 많은 관심을 가지게 하였다. 그것은 가옥의 수용주체, 수용목적, 수용절차 및 수용보상 등 측면에서 크나큰 진보를 가져왔다. 동시에 행정기관의 수용업무에 대해서 매우 중요한 영향을 주었다. 그렇지만 아쉬운 부분은 본 조례가 피수용인의 기본적인 권리 보호에 많은 혜택을 주지 못한 것이 현실이다. 실무에서 공공이익 정의의 어려움, 수용 범위의 협소, 부동산가격평가체계의 미비점, 그리고 가옥수용보상 공청제도의 불건전함 등 문제가 여전히 많이 존재하고 있다. 이러한 점을 고려하여, 본문은 주로 피수용인 사유재산권 보호의 시각에서 중국의 현행 ≪국유토지상 가옥수용과 보상조례≫에 대하여 전반적으로 언급하고, 실무상에서 드러나는 많은 어려운 문제점과 이러한 문제에 대한 공공이익, 수용범위, 가격평가, 보상공청절차 등에 대하여 그에 상응한 대책과 개선방안을 분석하고 있다. 그리하여 중국국유토지상 가옥피수용인 권리보호에 대한 법률체계 개선, 행정기관의 가옥수용행위에 대한 규범 및 사회조화안정에 대한 유지보호 등의 근본 목적을 실현하는데 있다.

      • KCI등재

        중국농촌토지수익분배의 분쟁 해결에 대한 법적 사고

        조동제 한국토지법학회 2015 土地法學 Vol.31 No.2

        Due to a new round of reform in China, Chinese government seeks to establish a equitable sharing system in the society. Considering this situation, this paper choose income distributions in China's rural land as the topic, make a empirical legal analysis about the current mode of the distribution of land income and underdeveloped legal system based on interests conflicts of related subjects, and then put forward proposals to improve the relevant legal systems about correcting land income distribution imbalances as the first attempt to develop the equitable sharing system. The establishment and perfection of the rural land income distribution system could not be done in a short time. As public administrator, the government should play its role well, clearly assign rights and obligations to participants, strengthen the protection about the vulnerable group--farmers' land rights, increase their income, and broaden the sources of the income comes from. Meanwhile, government needs to deal with the relationship between fairness and efficiency in the process of establishing the institutional system. Because fairness and efficiency are two important standards to judge the legal system. What's more, when the government make progress to improve the income of rural land distribution system, it should be based on equitable responsibility and focuses on the efficiency. Last but not least, the government should pay enough attention to the arrangements of the legal system, make a scientific guidance of public policy, and establish an effective mechanism of villager autonomy. Because all these parts make great sense to achieve the income distribution of rural land. 중국은 개혁 개방으로 경제발전을 가져왔다. 이러한 경제발전 성과에 뒤이어 공평한 분배기제를 구축하고자 하는데 하나의 새로운 목표로 설정하고 있다. 현재 중국농촌토지수익분배에 대하여 각계의 주목을 받고 있으며, 농촌토지수익분배를 둘러싸고 발생하는 갈등과 충돌이 나타나고 있다. 특히 농지의 소유권과 경영권의 분리체제 하에서 농촌토지수익분배구조는 심한 불균형과 불공평을 야기하면서 일련의 사회적 문제를 초래하고 있다. 중국농촌토지수익분배제도의 완전한 수립은 현재의 농촌토지제도 하에서 단번에 이루어지는 것이 아니다. 농촌토지수익분배에서 여러 문제가 출현하는 것은 농촌토지자원에 부착한 이익주체가 많고, 토지이익분배에서 관련 주체의 가치추구가 다르기 때문이다. 이 과정에서 분배에 참여하는 주체 및 공공관리자는 각자의 권리의무관계를 명확하게 하는 것이 필요하다. 이는 주체의 권리에 공평성을 가져와 공공관리자로서 정부의 역할을 돋보이게 한다. 또한 그 시너지 효과의 하나로써 농민의 경제적 소득을 높여 제도체계의 구축에 공평성과 효율성을 병행할 수 있다. 공평성과 효율성은 법률제도를 판정하는 매우 중요한 가치표준이며, 농촌토지수익분배제도의 개선의 지표이기도 하다. 이외에도 개선된 법률제도와 과학적 공공정책의 인도 및 효율적 촌민자치기제는 농촌토지수익분배를 실현하는 최종적인 보장이라는데 충분히 주의를 기울여야 한다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        중국 토지사용권 출량에 관한 법률적 검토

        조동제 한국재산법학회 2004 재산법연구 Vol.21 No.1

        Legal Issues of Transfer of the Right to the use of Land in China Cho, Dong-Je The basic concept formed by the 1988 amendments to the Constitution is the separation of land use rights from the ownership of land. Subsequently, a series of laws and regulations have been promulgated to perfect the legal framework of Chinas land use system. According to the Constitution, all land located in urban areas is owned by the State, while the land in rural and city suburban areas is collectively owned. Collective owners of land generally include farmer economic collectives, village communities or township farmers collectives. In other words, all land is publicly owned by either the State or the collectives. On the other hand, land use rights are distinguished as type of intangible property, and may be sold by the State to various land users including companies, enterprises, organizations, or individuals for value. Land users who have acquired land use rights from the State may, in a further step, sell or transfer in some other way, the land use rights to third parties, but the land always remains in public ownership.

      • KCI등재후보

        中國 外國人投資企業 經營管理制度

        조동제 법무부 2003 통상법률 Vol.- No.51

        An FIE refers to enterprises established under PRC iaw using foreign investment, which constitutes an important form of utilizing international private direct investment. PRC law fails to expressly define the concept of FIE. The terms FIE is loosely referred to in Chinese laws and regulation. Sino-foreign equity joint ventures(EJV), Sino-foreign co-operative joint venture(CJV) and wholly foreign owned enterprises(WFOE) are the three forms of foreign investment when China begin to implement the policy of opening the door and reform. The criteria for the classification of the above three categories of FIEs are not consistent. A WFOE differs from other types of FIEs in the source of investment. All the investors of a WFOE are foreign enterprises, other economic organization and individuals. The investors of the other two types of FIEs include at least one Chinese investor and one foreign investor. A CJV differs from an EJV in that certain rights and obligations of investors of an EJV may be set forth in the cooperative joint venture contract upon agreement among the investors rather than solely based on the capital contribution ratio. Those negotiable rights and obligations include the distribution of profits and products, sharing of risks and losses, operation and management methods, and the disposal of assets upon termination of the cooperative joint venture contract. In the case of an EJV, the above matters must be handied in accordance with the capital contribution ratio of the investors. Under Chinese law, the business scope of an enterprise is strictly regulated. The business scope is an important method of administration and guidance of enterprises by the government. Each enterprise should have clear business scope. Each enterprise should engage in business activiyies within its business scope.

      • KCI등재후보

        中國 會社法上 土地使用權 出資에 관한 연구

        趙東濟 한국기업법학회 2003 企業法硏究 Vol.14 No.-

        The basic concept formed by the 1988 amendments to the Constitution is the separation of land use rights from the ownership of land. Subsequently, a series of laws and regulations have been promulgated to perfect the legal framework of China' s land use system. According to the Constitution, all land located in urban areas is owned by the State, while the land in mal and city suburban areas is collectively owned. Collective owners of land generally include farmer economic collectives, village communities or township farmers collectives. In other words, all land is publicly owned by either the State or the collectives. On the other hand, land use rights are distinguished as type of intangible property, and may be sold by the State to various land users including companies, enterprises, organizations, or individuals for value. Land users who have acquired land use rights from the State may, in a further step, sell or transfer in some other way, the land use rights to third parties, but the land always remains in public ownership. It is critical for investors to locate a good site and acquire legally transferred land. As detailed above, the land use rights may be obtained mainly by means of transfer, lease, allocate, purchase or equity contribution. Each method involves different legal implication, requirements and procedures. Therefore, foreign investors have to take all necessary precautions to examine the origin of land and distinguish the nature of transfer. It must be ensured that all necessary legal procedures have been gone through and every land-related document is in place.

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