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      • 南朝梁撰譯佛典中「梁言」詞研究

        趙家棟(조가동) 한국교통대학교 동아시아연구소 2019 동아문헌연구 Vol.- No.-

        남조 양(梁)대는 비록 역사가 길지 않지만 비교적 많은 불전의 번역과 저작이 이루어졌다. 이들은 크게 세 방면으로 나눌 수 있는데, 첫째, 불경에 대한 초역(初譯), 둘째, 기존에 번역 되었으나 양대에 와서 다시 편집한 것, 셋째, 새로운 저술 등이다. 첫째 유형으로는 승가바라(僧伽婆羅)의 《공작왕주경(孔雀王呪經)》, 《팔길상경(八吉祥經)》, 월바수나(月婆首那)의 《대승정왕경(大乘頂王經)》, 그 외에 역자 불명의 《과거장엄겁천불명경(過去莊嚴劫千佛名經)》, 《현재현겁천불명경(現在賢劫千佛名經)》, 《미래성수겁천불명경(未來星宿劫千佛名經)》 등이있다. 둘째 유형으로는 보창(寶唱)등의《경율이상(經律異相)》이 있고, 셋째 유형으로는 승가바라의 《해탈도론(解脫道論)》, 혜교(慧皎)의 《고승전(高僧傳)》, 승우(僧佑)의 《석가보(釋迦譜)》, 《출삼장기집(出三藏記集)》등이있다. 그런데 양대의역경이나 저술중에는 본문의용어에 대해“양나라 말로는무엇이다(梁言)”라고주석하는 경우들이 있다. 예를 들면, 《공작왕주경》 권1에서 “鄔斜訶羅”에 대해 “梁言噏食(양나라 말로 ‘빨아들여 먹다’)”라 한 것과같다. 이처럼“양언(梁言)”이라 풀이한 것은현재 여러 문헌들에서 200 여 조(條)를 찾을수 있다. 이글을 이들 중 중요 사례에 대해 소개하고, 여러 측면에서의 학술적 가치에 대해 논하고 있다. The Liangyan(梁言) words in Buddhist Scriptures compiled or translated in the Southern Liang (梁) Dynasty are the Buddhist substantives and terms which form the corresponding relations between transliteration and free translation, totaling more than 200 cases. These Buddhist substantives and terms could be worth researching highly and feasibility. Regardless from quantity and category, the paper mainly researches on the Liangyan(梁言)words from the perspective of transliterating characters, features of pronunciation and the corresponding relations between transliteration and free translation, and attempts to reveal theirs value of linguistic culture from the Perspective of buddhism translation, buddhist thought and Sino-India cultural exchange.

      • “帩” 組字考證

        程蕭林(정소림),趙家棟(조가동) 한국교통대학교 동아시아연구소 2021 동아문헌연구 Vol.- No.-

        고시 《맥상상(陌上桑)》에는 “少年見羅敷, 脫帽著帩頭(소년이 아름다운 진라부를 보게 되면, 두건을 벗어 들게 되고)”라는 구절이 있는데, 여기에 보이는 “帩頭(초두)”는 주로 남성용 두건을 말한다. 그런데 이 “帩頭”의 “帩”는 다양한 글자체로 쓰이게 되는데, “繑”, “綃”, “削”, “峭”, “俏”, “幧”, “繰”, “襙”, “幓”, “襂”, “縿”, “ ”, “ ”, “衤蕉”, “樵” 등 15 가지 이상에 이른다. 그렇다면 이처럼 다양한 글자가 호용되게 된 원인은 무엇일까? 이들 여러 가지 글자 중에서 가장 먼저 나타난 것은 “繑”자이며, 본의는 “허리끈(絝紐)”인데 나중에 인신 되어 “끝단을 묶다(繑邊)”라는 의미가 생겼다. 형성자인 “繑”에서 성부(聲符)가 교체되면서 나타난 글자가 “繰”, “綃”이다. 그리고 이것이 두건 용도로 사용되면서 형부(形符)가 교체 되어 나타난 것이 “幧”, “帩”이다. 이러한 발전 관계와 별도로 “繰”, “幧”에서 와변(訛變)된 것이 “縿”, “幓”이다. 그리고 이 두 글자에서 형부가 교체 되어 만들어진 것이 “襂”자이며, 여기에서 와변 된 것이 “襙”이다. 또 “帩”와 “幧”에서 성부를 교체한 것이 “ ”이고, 이 “ ”자에서 형부를 교체한 것이“ ”이며, 여기에서 성부를 좀더 복잡한 자형으로선택한 것이“衤蕉”이다. 그리고 “帩”의 가차자로 사용된 것이 “削”, “峭”, “俏” 등이며, “衤蕉”의 가차자가 “樵”이다. The original glyph of Qiao(帩) is Qiao(繑), and the meaning of Qiao(繑) is Qiaobian(繑邊). Qiao(帩) can use mutually with many characters, such as Qiao(繑), Qiao(繰), and so on. The meaning of these characters is related to head scarf. From the characteristics of configuration, this group of characters constitutes a system in practical use by changing phonetic symbols, changing glyph symbols, making errors in glyphs and loaning phonetic.

      • KCI등재


        趙家棟,歐陽佳麗 경성대학교 한국한자연구소 2020 한자연구 Vol.0 No.27

        As a result of the National Social Science Foundation Project hosted by Professor Zhao Hong for several decades, the Dictionary of the Non-Classical Word in Turpan Manuscripts was published by Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House in December 2019 after long expectations. As for the form of a dictionary, it draws out the non-classical word in Turpan Manuscripts, and collects extensive materials. Furthermore, the practice of writing is fine and appropriate, and the collected glyphs are also full and rich. So, it shows us the whole appearance of using the non-classical word among the people in Turpan. It is a classic of this international study——Turpan Studies. This paper briefly introduces the dictionary’s practice, features, value and some shortcomings so that scholars can understand the dictionary better.

      • KCI등재

        “親” 的 “吻” 義考源

        趙家棟,盧佳琦 경성대학교 한국한자연구소 2021 한자연구 Vol.- No.30

        Every meaning of the common word “Qin (親)” in Chinese has been seen in ancient times. However, its meaning of “kiss” only appeared at the end of Ming Dynasty. Scholars generally believe that this meaning is derived from extended meaning, which is worth discussing. Before the Tang Dynasty, the meaning of “kiss” was only expressed by “Wu (嗚)” and its polyphonic form. “Xin (噷)” appeared in the Song Dynasty, “Qin (唚)” and “Qin (親)” appeared in the Ming Dynasty. “Qin (親)” and “Qin (唚)” are the phonetic loan character of “Xin (噷)”. As the tail vowel [-m] final vanishes and the confluence of sharp and rounded sounds, the three sounds tend to be the same, “Xin (噷)” is a rare word, the common writing “Qin (唚)” with the change of phonetic sign and homophone substitution word “Qin (親)” appeared in the folk. “Qin (親)” has the meaning of “contact”. It is easier to establish semantic association with the meaning of “kiss” and becomes the dominant word in the concept field of “kiss”. “Xin (噷)” and “Qin (唚)” exist only in spoken dialect. “Xin (噷)” is the subsequent character of “Xin (歆)”, the “kiss” meaning of “Xin (噷)” is an extension of the “smell” meaning of “Xin (歆)”. In order to find the source of words, we should use the method of finding words based on meaning and sound, combine with dialect materials, and link up the homophone and synonymy of variant words. Only by breaking through the restriction of glyphs, can we find out the writing form containing the etymological basis of many variant words.

      • 《經律異相》所引《大智度論》與其原經異文類型及比較研究

        王亞平(왕아평),趙家棟(조가동) 한국교통대학교 동아시아연구소 2023 동아문헌연구 Vol.- No.-

        There is a difference of more than 100 years between the completion of the ancient Indian Buddhist Da Zhi Du Lun (《大智度論》) translated by Kumarajiva and the Buddhist book Jing Lv Yi Xiang (《經律異相》) compiled by Seng Min and Bao Chang is more than one hundred years. Due to subjective and objective reasons such as the translator’s language habits and the evolution of language over time, the stories quoted in Jing Lv Yi Xiang (《經律異相》) are different from the original scriptures. The differences between the two texts include four aspects: word usage, lexical usage, sentence usage, and text usage.

      • “僉” 聲字探微兼談聲符示源功能

        盧佳琦(노가기),趙家棟(조가동) 한국교통대학교 동아시아연구소 2021 동아문헌연구 Vol.- No.-

        The phonetic cimplements in pictographic characters has the function of indicating the source. The article explores the original meaning of “Qian(僉)”,examines and explains the meanings of the fifty Chinese characters derived from the phonetic radical of “Qian(僉)”, analyzes the etymological relationship between the meaning of each word and the common phonetic complement of “Qian(僉)”. Through the analysis, it is concluded that the words derived from the phonetic radical of “Qian” mostly contain the etymological meanings of convergence, identification and constraint. Word formation has interchangeable interpretation, the meaning of the phonetic complement may be its loaned-meaning. Using phonetic sounds as the clue, and Variants as the complement, obtained the phonetic complement of “Qian(僉)” borrowed the semantic meaning of the phonetic complement of “Xian(韱)” “Jian(兼)” “Jin(金)” “Zhan(詹)” “Yan(嚴)”.

      • 兩《唐書》回鶻傳字詞比較研究

        朱夏蔚(주하위),趙家棟(조가동) 한국교통대학교 동아시아연구소 2022 동아문헌연구 Vol.- No.-

        The Uighur Biography of the New History of the Tang Dynasty and the Old History of the Tang Dynasty are two official histories that record the history of the Uighur ethnic minorities of the Tang dynasty. On the basis of the same historical facts, we make a comprehensive and in-depth comparative analysis of typical words by using the research method of synchronic description and diachronic investigation. On the one hand, a comparative study is made on the use of characters in the uygur biography of the Tang Dynasty, which can be divided into four categories. On the other hand, this paper makes a comparative study of word pairs in two Uighur accounts of The Book of Tang. We try to present the features of the uygur biography of the Two Tang books, hoping to make a beneficial supplement to this field.

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