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      • 朱熹의 論語集註와 丁若鏞의 論語古今註의 비교연구

        許捲洙 慶尙大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.22 No.2

        In this paper, a comparative study is focused on the difference between the annotation of Confucius Analects of Chu Hsi and that of Jung Yakyong. The Confucius Analects, as time passed by, was accepted as rather hard both for scholars and general readers of the Han dynasty and for their successors, if not given the proper explanation and interpretation by the experts. Since Han dynasty, various annotations had been published and introduced by a number of writers and experts. Among these, Chu Hsi's annotation was generally regarded as an excellent one for a long period of time. It had so great influence on Korena (Chosun dynasty) confucius scholars that it was accepted as an orthodox edition of Confucius Analects among them in particular. Few Korena scholars could intend to dissent from Chu Hse's annotation by the 18th century. Though Yun Hyn and Park Sedang dissented from Chu Hsi's, their theories were not generally accepted. In the 19th century the atmosphere of academic freedom was introduced from Ch'ing dynasty into Korea(Chosun dynasty). At this time Jung Yakyong intended to dissent from Chu Hsi's annotation with a systematic and enormous research. In this paper, it is shown how much Chu Hsi's annotation had distorted Confucius' thought and how much Jung Yakyong's annotation corrected Chu Hsi's distortion.

      • KCI등재후보

        明庵 정식의 生涯와 詩文學에 대한 考究

        許捲洙 慶尙大學校 南冥學硏究所 2004 남명학연구 Vol.17 No.-

        明庵 鄭拭은 1683(肅宗 9)년에 普州 玉峯에서 태어났다. 字는 敬甫이고, 명암은 그 號이다. 明나라가 망한 것을 슬퍼하여 일생 동안 仕宦하지 않고 초야에서 포의로 지내다 일생을 마친 문학자이다. 그는 명나라를 숭상하는 인물 가운데서도 철저한 사람이었다. 그는 청나라는 미개한 오랑캐로 간주하여 철저하게 배척하여 인정하지 않았다. 명나라를 높은 학문과 찬란한 문화를 가진 중국 역사사의 正統으로 인정하였다. 사람답게 사는 삶의 질이 높은 이상적인 국가로 명나라를 생각하였다. 그래서 청나라가 지배하는 세상에 나가서 벼슬하는 것을 더럽게 생각하였고, 어떻게 하면 중국 대륙에서 청나라를 섬멸하여 축출할까 하는 것이 일생의 話題였다. 명암의 사상과 문학은 모두 이 화두에서 출발하였다. 그래서 그의 號마저도 明庵이라고 했던 것이다. 그의 고결한 정신자세는, 朝鮮의 伯夷叔齊라 일컬어 손색이 없다. 청나라가 중국을 통치하고 있던 시대에 태어나 살았던 明庵은, 名利를 초탈하여 명나라의 회복과 청나라의 축출을 염원하면서 한 평생 부귀영화를 누리는 것을 스스로 포기하고서, 出處의 大節을 지켜 곧게 깨끗하게 艱苦한 삶을 영위하였다. 그는 선비 지식인으로서 국가의 운명에 무관심할 수 없었던 것이다. 伯夷叔齊 이래로 이어져 온 선비의 節義사상이 이 시대상황에서 명암을 통해 體現된 것이었다. 그의 시는 淸淨하고 眞率한 肺腑에서 흘러나온 것이기에 읽는 사람에게 감동을 준다. 詩想이 다채롭고 진지하고, 표현의 기법도 독창적이라 이전의 시를 답습한 것이 아니고, 아주 逼眞하게 사물을 묘사하였다. 언어를 다루는 기술이 섬세하여 그의 시는 내용적으로 뿐만 아니라 文藝的으로 성공하였다고 할 수 있다. 그의 산문 가운데는 「矗石樓重修記」,「義巖碑記」등 많은 사람들의 주목을 받았던 글이 있지만, 문학적으로 가장 뛰어난 글은 여러 종류의 遊山錄이라 할 수 있다. 그의 유산록은 산수문학의 典範으로서 韓國漢文學史에 등장시킬 가치가 있다. 本考에서는 지금까지 학계에 소개된 적이 없었던 明庵 鄭拭의 생애와 그의 詩文學의 독특한 면모를 밝혀, 韓國漢文學 연구의 지평을 확대하고자 한다. Jungsik, with the pen name of Meongam, is a literati in the latter period of Chosun dynasty. He has never entered government service. Because he has deeply deplored that Ming dynasty has been collapsed by Qing dynasty. he has regarded that Ming dynasty is an enlightened nation, but Qing dynasty is a barbarian nation. At that period, most of Chonsun' Confucianists have regarded Ming dynasty as suzerain nation to Chonsun dynasty. So they couldn't help deploring to the fall of Ming dynasty. Jungsik also was one of that Confuciaists who thinks so. Therefore, in his whole time, he has tried to rebuild Ming dynasty. Consequently his life has undergone through many hardships, but he has never broken his life principles. His spirit like this has revealed in his poetries and proses. As his poetry have gushed out from the bottom of his heart, his poetry is fresh and sincere. So the atmosphere of his poetry can make reader move deeply. His techniques of expression is creative and variegated. And he has written poetry with the vivid description. He has never followed in former poets footstep. Poetic language that he has command is polished well. In conclusion, his poetry is excellent not only in contents but also in literary. Besides, although his prose, for instance Choksuklu record and Euyam epitaph have been received many readers' attentions. But his best excellent prose is his picnic record. Especially, his picnic record is nice model of scenic beauty, and can be registered on the history of Korean literature in Sino character.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        南冥·退溪 兩學派의 融和를 위해 노력한 澗松 趙任道

        許捲洙 慶尙大學校 南冥學硏究所 2001 남명학연구 Vol.11 No.-

        Gansong is a great scholar in Choson dynasty middleages. He was born in Haman county Kyungsang province depend in Nammyung school. However, He was educaded by three scholars belong to Tygae school from young age. Because his learning and personality was influenced from them strongly. especially from Yuheon. But he cannot help belonging to Nammyung school, for many Nammyung's disciple have resided in his hometown Haman and his wife's hometown moreover Nammyung's hometown Samga. Besides his father-in-law Nopa was the disciple of Nammyung's disciple Junginhong and he had be the chairman of Yongyam memorial hause. Though Gansong became a member of Nammyung school, he never has seceded from Tygae school. He has always play active part as both a member of Nammyung school and a member of Tygae school. Consequently his association span was very wide, and he made the best use of these circumstances. He has strained every nerve to mediate two schools. He was well-balanced scholar, so he has supported neither Nammyung school nor Tygac school. He adopted the good points of two schools and developed himself, became new own personality. Therefore he never have abtained a post in the government keeping his integrity. Though he has lived at seclusion, he has never forgotten nation and people. This point was influenced by Nammyung school. He has wirtten many prosees and poets, this point was influenced by Tygae school. His successors have regarded him as a member of Tygae school in order to uplit him. But this is not true. It is clear that he is both a member of Nammyung school and a member of Tygae school. His poet is very excellent, so deserves minutely study. If so, we can grasp him more crosely.

      • KCI등재후보

        仁祖反正으로 인한 南冥學派의 沈沒과 沙溪學派의 浮上

        허권수 경상국립대학교 경남문화연구원 2003 남명학연구 Vol.16 No.-

        Owe Nammyeong's practical education, disciples of Nammyeong had fighted at rick of their life During Imjin war. So they have built great merits that they have saved Chosun dynasty. After Nammyeong has died, King Seonjo have serected many disciples of Nammyeong, because he very respected Nammyeong. Many Disciples have acquired great confidence, and advanced into court. Arriving King Gwanghae's period, they have formed Daebuk political group. Then they have displayed the mighty power. The representation of Daebuk party is Jeonginhong and his disciple Leeichum. They have too ousted another party as Seoin party and Namin party and all power was inrested in Daebuk party. Therefore Seoin party have secretly rallyed men of same mind. At lenth they succeeded in Injo restoration. King Kwanghae was ejected from the throne, Hence Daebuk party is too ejected from the goverment. Since then Daebuk party haven't get the opportunity that regain the political power again. Daebuk party was organized by Nammyeong disciples and disciples' disciples. Because the downfall of Daebuk party just was the downfall of Nammyeong school. Seoin party was constituted by Sagae's disciples. So Sagae school have risen quickly. Since then they have seized government power continuously. In conclusion, owing to the Injo restoration, Nammyeong school have gone to ruin, on the contrary, Sagae school have risen. The great damage group of Injo restoration is Nammyeong school, the great profit group is Sagae school. >1623년에 있었던 仁祖反正으로 인하여 南冥學派는 몰락한 반면 栗谷 牛溪의 계통을 이은 沙溪學派가 급부상하여 이후 조선말기까지 조선의 정계와 학계를 주도하였다.서인들은 자신들의 정치적 정당성을 확보하기 위하여 大北의 영수인 정인홍을 처형하지 않을 수 없었고, 정인홍의 정신적 기반인 남명학파를 공격·폄하하지 않을 수 없었다. 南冥 제자인 정인홍의 영향권에 있던 大北政權 정치적 과오를, 정권을 장악한 서인들은 대부분 남명에게 원인이 있는 것으로 왜곡 선전함으로써, 남명학파의 몰락을 유도하였다.이후 조선이 망할 때까지 남명학파는 다시 부흥하지 못했고, 사계학파는 정계와 학계에서 주도적 위치를 계속 유지해 나갔다.본고는, 인조반정으로 인하여 남명학파가 어떻게 몰락하였으며, 몰락시키기 위해서 서인들이 어떤 책략을 썼던가를 밝히고, 사계학파를 부상시키기 위해서 어떻게 노력했는가를 밝히는 데 초점을 두었다.

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