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      • KCI등재

        韓國人 幼少年 Bender-Gestalt Test 成績에 對한 考察

        裵大均 大韓神經精神醫學會 1964 신경정신의학 Vol.3 No.1

        The Bender-Gestalt test contists of nine simple designs, each of which is presented for him to copy on paper. There designs were originally used by Wertheimer in his studies of visual perception. Dr. Lauretta Bender selected the nine cards from Wertheimer's designs as shown in Figure I and incorporated these into a test for clinical use. It has been used to estimate maturation, intelligence, psychological disturbance, and the effects of injury to the cortex, and to follow the effects of convulsive therapy. (The B-G test has been extensively used for estimating diagnostic expectation in psychiatric fields.) The author attempted to estimate the maturation level of Korean children with the results of B-G test, comparing with the one of Bender's populations which were scored by Pascal's scoring method. The B-G test was applied to 60 normal children and 59 orphan children whose ages ranged from 6 years and 6 months to 9 years and 5 months. The children were pupils of first, second, and third grade in primary schools. They were divided into the equal number according to sex. The results were scored by Pascal's quantitative method. The author attempted to investigate mainly two factors: one is Mean Raw B-G Score and the other is twenty items which evaluate the Certain Normal Deviations of the children. In summary, the author's conclusion are as follows: (1) The results of B-G test for Korean children (6 to 8 years old) by which maturation levels are slightly lower in Korean children than those of Bender's population, (2) There were also some differences between Korean normal children group and orphan group, and maturation level of normal group was slightly higher than orphan group which could be considered as a deprived and unhappily grown, (3) It seems to be that maturation levels are not much influence in social and cultural factors and Bender-Gestalt test is very useful to estimate maturation level of children in any social and cultural environment.

      • KCI등재

        矯導所 受刑者의 文身

        裵大均 大韓神經精神醫學會 1983 신경정신의학 Vol.22 No.4

        Investigation of tattooed prisoner has never been reported in Korea. All tattooed prisoners (number of 234) kept in Masan Correctional Institution on June, 1982 were studied and compared with those who were not tattooed (number of 1046). Investigation of proportion, age, place, feelings, content, location, number, and educational level, and comparison of the tattooed with the nontattooed prisoners as to their nature of convicted offense and its frequency have shown following interesting results: Result Ⅰ : 1) 17.2 per cent of the total group (1357) were tattooed. 2) Highest subject (18.2%) were followed to be 18 years in age and tattooers (81.1%) were perfomed after age of 18 years. 3) The prison was the most common place for tattooing (52.3 per cent of all tattooers). 4) Most tattooers were sober when tattooed(63.9% "sober" versus "drinking and or drunken state" 36.1 per cent) 5) Surprisingly, most of tattooed(99%) wants its removal by way of surgical or another method (97.9% " repentance" versus "satisfaction and or joyful one" 2.1%) 6) Among the various contents of tattoos, letters were most frequently seen (40.5%) , and the most common site was the forearm (65%). 7) 48.7% of the tattooed had one tattoo only. And 51.3 per cent had more than one tattoo. 8) The tattooed criminals had lower education level. Result Ⅱ : 1) Stealing and violence were more prevalent and homicide wad less prevalent in tattooed criminals. 2) By analysis of the nature of crime, the tattooed criminal is more prone to felonious (major) and money related crime. In non tattooed criminals, money related crime is higher and the felonious (serious violence) crime is low. 3) Non tattooed men were less likely to be convicted once or more, in contrast to tattooed men. 4) The specificity of these tattoo and the nature of crime are closely related : the prisoner's tattoo is somewhat different from non criminal`s, that was reflected to their own delicts with their various kind of personality disorders.

      • KCI등재

        韓國人女性受刑者와 一般女性間의 點象文身에 대한 比較硏究

        裵大均 大韓神經精神醫學會 1982 신경정신의학 Vol.21 No.4

        This study was to investigate the tattoo, a blue small dot on over 30'years old forearms, of female priconers. The in data was those of non-criminal feraalas over 30 years. Total number of female prisoners examined were and 450 non prison females were randomly selected as a control qroop 1062 criminals, over. The results are as follows: 1. There was a remarkable different in the incidence of tattoo, fonnd to have tatto, 46(4.3%), of prison females were in conparisor 32.8% of non prison population had tatoos. 2. Tatoo was practiced as a sign of friendship and/or a promis of sisterhood and they tatoo each others forearm. Ninety two percents of the tattooed in non-criminal group are meant aforementhioned meaning carring, but criminal is 73.9%. 3. Tattooed prisoners tended to be raised more in urban and less educat 4. Loss of one or both parents were more frequent in tatooed prisoners (43.0%) than non-prison femaler(23.2%). 5. There was no difference in the age of tattooing(15.4 age) between prison and non prison group(14.8 age) 6. In summary, the author concludes that low incidence of tatooing in the prison population might ocflects that the prison females had problems in marking friends and achieving self ideatity in the it easly yars and this might have contributed to the criminal acting ant in later years.

      • KCI등재

        女性受刑者의 文身

        裵大均 大韓神經精神醫學會 1985 신경정신의학 Vol.24 No.4

        Until now, as we have a low opinion of social and personal problems of female tattooed and self-injured person, no survey about the nature of crime for them have been reported, ever not studied about prisons. The author tried to survey them were kept in prisons where located in Pusan, Kyung Nam and Kyung Book area, Korea. The tattoo were analized as follow: the frequency of tattoo with self-injury, age distrbution of first experiences of tattoo, it's content, degree of pain when tattooing, place and attitudes toward their tattoo, growing area and level of education, and final job before convicted. And further more were investigated their offences such as convicted frequency and nature of offences. All the investigated data which came from tattoo, self-injured with tattoo were compared with female prisoner who has not self-injured and/or tattoo on body surface. Thus the result were as follows; 1. Total number of tattooed and self-injured person was 4.5 percent in 57.2 percent female prisoners. Most prevalent form of self-injured was tattoo(3.8), and self-injured was only 0.2 percent. 2. Lots of tattooed were perfomed their body painting and or self-injury afte adolescence(after age of 18 years). 3. Among the various content of tattooes, dot like tattoo on both or one side forearm most frequently seen(61.5%), and the dot tattoo had meaning carrying sign of keeping their eternal friendship. The letter and figure tattoo were less commonly found(26.9%) than in male tattoo. 4. Most tattooers were perfomed under not drunken state, and not sober was only 11.5 percent. It means that on pain experienced when tattooing. 5. Educational level of the tattooed and self-injured group was more lower than non-tattooed female criminal, but they lived urban area(76.9%). 6. Possibility percentage of crime in tattooed was visible on first born in sibling number. More lower percentage of parental loss than non-tattoded observed in tattooed criminals. 7. In job of them, simple recording job such as paper working was more proness to make problem. 8. Their main patterns of crime were larceny(30.8%) and imposture(15.4%), next, the crime of violence(11.5%). The possibility of second or more offenses were higher in them(46.1%). 9. When they do second offenses, the same tendency of crime which was convicted at first was showed.

      • KCI등재

        精神薄弱과 精神分裂症의 Bender-gestalt Test 上의 比較考察

        裵大均 大韓神經精神醫學會 1964 신경정신의학 Vol.3 No.2

        The B-G Test was applied to 30 mental defectives, whose ages ranged from 16 to 25 years (free from significant neurological findings), and 30 adult schizophrenics who all untreated fresh cases. The age of 30 normal control group was from 16 to 25 years old. The author's summary and conclusions are as follow; (1) The modes and processes of reality mastering in mentally defectives whose age range was from 16 to 25 reached the underlevel of normal 6 years of mental age in observation of total mean score. Certain specific deviations in mental defective showed primitivation of reproduction such as perseveration, part of design missing, distortion, rotation, deviation in slanting and no. of dots, combining with not joined squre and curve, figure not crossed, angles extra or missing, and asymmety. The workover, 2nd attempt, confused order, overlapping designs and blunting were seen in schizophrenia as frequently as in mentally defective, but they ware quite different from the view point of qualitative analysis and directions. Such analysis leads us to the opinion that those are related with the tendencies of mental defectiveness, which may be classified as (a) automatic repetitious movement and hyperkinetism, (b) dissociative phenomena in the relation of visual perceptions and motor responses, (c) confusional disturbances (disorientation) and specific inability in the field of visuomotor gestalt function. (2) There is a tendency to accentuate workover and to perform 2 nd attempt in designs which are determined by the principles of continuity of geometrical or internal organization. In addition, there is also a tendency to make circles for dots in design 1, 3. and 5. The author found that the deviation of workover and 2 nd attempt were frequently seen in the most of the paranoid schizophrenia. The disturbances of intelligence, orientation and perception and dissociation were not detected in copied form of schizophrenic persons. (3) Guide line that is drawn more frequently by control group than schizophrenic and mentally defective group may be said to depend upon their continuous attension and desire for keeping the gestalt principles. Wavy line could not be considered as a deviation in both mentally defective and schizophrenic group because it is quite common even in control group. (4) Total mean raw B-G score by copied form of mentally defective shows markedly higher deviated score (182.2) than those of schizophrenic persons (62.4). The high score in mentally defective seems to be related with destructed gestalt principles, partially or as a whole. (5) The differenciation between mental deficiency and schizophrenia by the principles of gestalt in copied form was regarded as a difficult matter according to the work of Bender's qualitative analysing methods. However, the author's results by quantitative analysis of them suggests that Pascal's quantitative scoring method is fairly useful to differentiate between mental deficiency and schizophrenia.

      • KCI등재

        韓國女性의 結義兄弟와 그 表示에 대한 精神醫學的 硏究

        裵大均 大韓神經精神醫學會 1980 신경정신의학 Vol.19 No.4

        This study was attemted to research the significance of tattoo which was located on one or both forearms. This is characterized by a small round blue dot in average diameter of 3 milimeters. One hundred and fifty women with tattoo and 307 women without tattoo were sampled for this study, who are suffering from mentally ill mostly neurotic. The results are as follows: 1. The incidence of tattooing was 32.8 percent in all ages over 30. The number of tattoo was ranging from one to 12 on one person and was almostly corresponded with their number of sister adopted which meant keeping their promises to be sisterhood each other. (The term "sister adopted" is the author's preference for verbal expression of their promises and tattooing) Ninety and two percent of tattooed meant its expression to be sisterhood and curiosity was 6.7 percent and finally remaind 1.3 percent was for prevention from diseases. 2. The most prevalence of tattooed group of ages was sixties (52.9%). And the younger the ages were, the lesser the tattooing were. 3. They are almostly done at adolescence and before marriage. 4. It is possible to suspect that making sister adopted and following tattooed was influenced by psychobiological factors of adolescence and Pum-A-Shi* such as Gil-Sam,** in addition to sociocultural disadvantage for the woman at that time. 5. The relationship between numbers of sibling and parent's being or not is not concerned to promote having sister adopted and tattooing with contrast group. 6. It was more plenty on rural area than urban and in lower educational level. 7. The ratio of persons tattooed could remember the age, place, atmosphere and the person who tattooed them of these days were 76.8 percent but the rest 23.2 percent of persons couldn't remember all, and yet 13 percent of sister adopted in the remembered group are sustained their relation by way of a friend or sister adopted. * Pum-A-Shi probably explains not cash in money for her working but bobily helping. This is very common sense to helping each other without cash during agricultural season and so on. ** Gil-Sam is Korean primitive weaving for making cloth.

      • KCI등재

        精神病棟 運用에 있어서 女性看護員 全擔制에 대한 經驗的 考察

        裵大均 大韓神經精神醫學會 1981 신경정신의학 Vol.20 No.4

        All of the psychiatric facilties for admitted patients in Korea were entirely staffered by male attendants, and many of these now actually working and excercising by a good nurse, It is very interesting to join and permit them with nurses (registered nurse and or nurse aide) for care of the psychiatric ward patient, even though they are doing Some serous troubles with patient such as physical attack (64.4%), EST and seculsion(52.5%), and sexual approach(25.4%) in their practicing. And what more there are much higher rate in incidence that every practioner was heard by patient and their supporters who was attacked physically(89.8%) and sexually(50.8%) in their previous psychiatric and institutional facilities. The above data was drained from 60 psychiatric practioners in Korea. The author also had been experienced painly "the aforementioned problem of the attendant" since lapse of a couple of and a year, so that every attendant was substituted by registered nurse and nurse aide in all for the psychiatric admitted patient, and so ran to 8 years. Fortunately no accidents were happened between admitted excited patients and nurses, rather than more joyful ward melieu built the therapeutic nurse-patient relationship up, including interacting with patient by helping argumenting, and etc. In order to escape from "the problem of attendant", the author would refer you to have female nurse only in psychiatric facilities. Next, a special ward must be given here to the way in which "the problem of the attendant" is discussed among psychiatrist at technical meetings. Pleas are made for better education, making him feel a part of group, and recognition that he also has a part in the treatment of the patient, meaning a useful one in the ward.

      • KCI등재

        矯導所 自傷痕 受形者의 罪質 考察

        裵大均 大韓神經精神醫學會 1985 신경정신의학 Vol.24 No.2

        A lot of persons having self-injured, tattooed or self-injured with tattooed body have been found in low social class. Actually, they do not like to expose themselves to examiner, so many difficulties are confronted to investigate what they are. But by a few researcher, some statistical and psychodynamic data could be obtained from strapping fellows, military service men and wrist-cutting patients. Until now as we have a low opinion of social and personal problems of self-injured person, no survey about the nature of crime for the self-injured persons have been reported, even not studied about prisoners. The author tried to survey them who were kept in Masan correctional institution. The offences were analized as follow: the age of the self-injured who convicted the first crime, educational background, quality and contents of crime, frequency of conviction, and finally comparing the first convicted crime and their age with those of presently serving prisoners in order to observe the changes in quality and nature of crime. All the investigated data which came from self-injured group were. compared with tattooed prisoner, self-injured with tattooed, and prisoner who have no scars on body. Thus the results were as follows. 1. The self-injured criminals gain more experiences of self-injury in their younger age and the percentage or the frequency of crime was found lower than those who had tattoos on their bodies, while the first crime cases were lower than tattooed. 2. The educational level of both the self-injured and the tattooed prisoners were almost the same or a little more educacated when compared with that of non self-injured prisoners. 3. The nature of crimes of the above mentioned three groups was found no remarkable indications, and their main patterns of crime were violences, next, the crime of property (total 82.2%); the self-injured group convicted more injuries, the tattooed group more robberies. Of the property criminals, the above three groups convicted larcency most (73.5%), and their violence crime rate (43.0%), but homicide was not found remarkably. In non self-injured group, it revealed that 57.7% of larcency and 23.6% of violence; it is much lower frequency of crime compared with that of the self-injured group (33.4%) of homicide and 27.6% of the other crimes. 4. Under the age of twenty, the self-injured criminals were found more than the self-injured criminals who had tattoos on their body, in their twenties, the self-injured criminal group and the non self-injured criminal group showed the peak composition on crime, and in their thirties, the number of self-injured criminals with tattooed body decreased, but the crime of the non self-injured criminal group continued to their sixties or more. 5. The nature of crime had not any changeable phenomena between the first criminal's sentences to their crime charge and the last, and the similar phenomena could be found in the non self-injured criminal group. 6. The possible percentage of the first crime in the groups of both the self-injured criminals and the tattooed with self-injured criminals was 12.4% of all the crimes, and their possibility of the second conviction was 87.6%, but of all the crimes the possible percentage of the first conviction was found most in the group of the self-injury (25.3%) and 6.8% in group of the tattooed and their possible percentage of the second conviction was 93.2%, but the percentage of the first offender and the repeated offender in the non self-injured criminal group was foud each 41.4% and 56.6%. It means that the rate of the second conviction of the non self-injured criminals was lower when compared with that of the self-injured criminal group and the tattooed criminal group. 7. In conclusion, no remarkable difference or indication of the nature of crime was found among those who had the self-injured scars on their body and those who had tattoos and those who had the above two body characteristics, so it may be concluded that the self-injured criminals and the tattooed criminals belong to the same category of the criminal phenomena.

      • KCI등재

        攝導所 自傷痕 受刑者의 罪質 考察

        裵大均 대한신경정신의학회 1985 신경정신의학 Vol.24 No.2

        A lot of persons having self-injured, tattooed or self-injured with tattooed body have been found in low social class. Actually, they do not like to expose themselves to examiner, so many difficulties are confronted to investigate what they are. But by a few researcher,some statistical and psychodynamic data could be obtained from strapping fellows, military service men and wrist-cutting patients. Until now, as we have a low opinion of social and personal problems of self-injured person, no survey about the nature of crime for the self-injured persons have been reported, even not studied about prisoners. The author tried to survey them who were kept in Masan correctional institution. The offences were analized as follow􀆮 the age of the self-injured who convicted the first crime, educational background, quality and contents of crime, frequency of conviction, and finally comparing the first convicted crime and their age with those of presently serving prisoners in order to observe the changes in quality and nature of crime. All the investigated data which came from self injured group were, compared with tattooed prisoner, self- injured with tattooed, and prisoner who have no scars on body. Thus the results were as follows. 1. The self-injured criminals gain more experiences of self-injury in their younger age and the percentage or the frequency of crime was found lower than those who had tattoos on their bodies, while the first crime cases were lower than tattooed. 2. The educational level of both the self-injured and the tattooed prisoners were almost the same or a little more educacated when compared with that of non self-injured prisoners. 3. The nature of crimes of the above mentioned three groups was found no remarkable indications, and their main patterns of crime were violences, next, the crime of property (total 82.2%) ;the self-injured group convicted more injuries, the tattooed group more robberies. Of the property criminals, the above three groups convicted larcency most(73.5%), and their violence crime rate(48.0%), but homicide was not found remarkably. In non selfinjured group, it revealed that 57.1% of larcency and 23.6% of violence􀄯 it is much lower frequency of crime compared with that of the self-injured group(33.4%) of homicide and 27.6% of the other crimes). 4. Under the age of twenty, the self-injured criminals were found more than the self-injured criminals who had tattoos on their body, in their twenties, the self-injured criminal group and the non self-injured criminal group showed the peak composition on crime, and in their thir-ties, the number of self-injured criminals with tattooed body decreased, but the crime of the non self-injured criminal group continued to their sixties or more. 5. The nature of crime had not any changeable phenomena between the first criminal’s sentences to their crime charge and the last, and the similar phenomena could be found in the non self-injured criminal group. 6. The possible percentage of the first crime in the groups of both the self-injured criminals and the tattooed with self-injured criminals was 12.4% of all the crimes, and their possibility of the second conviction was 87.6%, but of all the crimes the possible percentage of the first conviction was found most in the group of the self-injury(25.3%) and 6.8% in group of the tattooed and their possible percentage of the second conviction was 93.2%, but the percentage of the first offender and the repeated offender in the non self-injured criminal group was foud each 41.4% and 56.6%. It means that the rate of the second conviction of the non self-injured criminals, was lower when compared with that of the self-injured criminal group and the tattooed criminal group. 7. In conclusion, no remarkable difference or indication of the nature of crime was found among those who had the self-injured scars on their body and those who had tattoos and those who had the

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