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      • KCI등재

        19C 초 예수회 선교사 賀清泰(Louis Antoine de Poirot)의 『古新聖經』 번역 연구 — 신앙적 의의와 문화적 영향을 중심으로

        소은희 중국문화연구학회 2024 중국문화연구 Vol.0 No.65

        This paper examines the significance and importance of Bible translation through the Chinese Bible prefaces “Guxin Shengjing Xu” (古新聖經⋅序) and “Guxin Shengjing Zai Xu” (古新聖經⋅再序), translated by Jesuit missionary Louis Antoine de Poirot (賀清泰) in the early 19th century. These two prefaces are the first Bible translation prefaces written in Chinese Bible translation history, exploring how accurate translations according to God’s will can impact religious life, and highlighting Poirot’s translation activities and his role in Sino-Western cultural exchange. “Guxin Shengjing” represents the first Chinese Bible translation based on the Northern Mandarin dialect, significantly contributing to the standardization and popularization of the Chinese language at the time. This translation is a valuable resource for the study of the history of the Chinese language, playing a crucial role in establishing the foundation for modern Chinese. The religious importance of Bible translation is profound. Translators must convey the original meaning of the Bible with reverence and precision, avoiding any distortion. This fundamental principle of translation is emphasized through the story of Jerome’s dream, which underscores the necessity for translators to faithfully reflect God’s will. In “Guxin Shengjing Zai Xu” Poirot recounts Jerome’s (St. Hieronymus) attempt to improve the grammar of the Bible translation, only to be warned and rebuked by God in a dream, highlighting the importance of caution and accuracy in Bible translation. Poirot’s translation work also had a significant impact on Chinese culture and religious life at the time. For instance, translating “bread” as “饅頭” (mantou) in the passage “While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, ‘Take and eat; this is my body’” made the concept more accessible to Chinese readers. This approach illustrates that translation is not merely about linguistic conversion but also about enhancing cultural integration and communication. The importance of annotations in Poirot’s translation work is evident in overcoming cultural differences and clearly conveying the message of the Bible. For example, in the annotation of “kiss” in Genesis 29:10, Poirot explains the Western custom in a way that Chinese readers could understand. This method made the Bible’s meaning more comprehensible and effectively conveyed the original intent of the scripture. The lesson for 21st-century Christians is clear. Understanding the importance of Bible translation and its impact on religious life encourages modern Christians to accurately convey God’s word and follow the correct path of faith. This principle is equally applicable to Chinese culture and religious life. Louis Antoine de Poirot’s “Guxin Shengjing Xu” (古新聖經⋅序) and “Guxin Shengjing Zai Xu” (古新聖經⋅再序) are not just Bible translations but also significant historical documents that profoundly influenced contemporary Chinese language, culture, and religious life. This research serves as an essential foundation for future studies in faith and Chinese language history. Therefore, Bible translation is a crucial task that extends beyond simple linguistic conversion, emphasizing the accurate conveyance of faith’s essence and the importance of translation as a bridge between cultures.

      • KCI등재

        1816年 Robert Morrison《Dialogues and Detached Sentences in the Chinese Language》 (《中文會話及凡例》)選擇問句研究

        소은희 한국중국언어문화연구회 2020 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.55

        This article is based on the corpus of Morrisson's 『Dialoges and detached sentences in the Chinese Language』in 1816, combined with other literature materials such as 『Yuyanzierji 』(1886), 『Huyucuipian (Primary) )』(1916), the use of alternative questions, description, comparison, analysis of the use of choice questions in the 『Dialoges and detached sentences in the Chinese Language』, and further summed up between the early 19th century and the early 20th century Select the main features of the question. In these three literatures, after entering this century, it gradually became the most active, most vital, [V-neg-VP] alternative questions pattern such as "chi-bu-chi-fan" Sentence pattern have not been seen.

      • KCI등재후보

        关于韩国日据时期 1910-30年代 夜校、讲习会与汉语教育的考察

        소은희 한국중국언어문화연구회 2017 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.43

        During Japanese colonial era after Korea was annexed by Japan, Public Chinese language education had been conducted to the public Secondary school in 1932, when the curriculum of the Second Education Ordinance was revised. When Chinese education had not been implemented in the government and public schools, night study institutions and academies, which were founded and managed by the will of Chosun People and the patriots who wanted to improve Chinese language ability for active trade with China, offered Chinese language education. This study is focused on the purpose and the states of Chinese language education, which was proceeded at private night study institutions and academies in the Period of Japanese Occupation, by synthesizing and analyzing the data of Korean press, such as MaeilShinbo, the Dong-A Daily News, ChosunIlbo, which had reported from September of 1914 to February of 1939 when Japan enforced Chosen Educational Ordinance in the year of 1911, 1922, and 1938.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보


        소은희 한국중국학회 2004 國際中國學硏究 Vol.0 No.7

        It is very important that researchers collect and study continually the spoken materials concerned with Chinese history. Today, the researchers of a broad outlook on life are becoming interested in the Chinese data outside the country as well as the Chinese material inside the country. As the matter of fact, some of the Chinese data outside the country could have been becoming valuable in terms of the value of spoken data for the research of Chinese history. ≪Ni Ne Gui xing(Xue Qing)≫ which was common late in the 19th century is the valuable data needed to research. Although this book has a little data, the material of the book is a useful spoken data, so basically people consider it the same data. Because it has also some northern dialects they can originate it as the data of Chinese history and the data can be a valuable spoken material.

      • KCI등재

        《화어췌편(華語萃編)(초집(初集))》연구(硏究) -출판배경과 문법학적 특징을 중심으로-

        소은희 한국중국언어학회 2013 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.46

        爲了培養1901年大陸侵略計劃所需要的中國專家,日本在當時的政治、經濟、社會中心上海設立了海外漢語敎育機關“東亞同文書院”。 本論文考察分析了漢語敎師朱蔭成、述功和日本敎授松永千秋、眞島次郞1914年用北京官話親自執筆編寫,幷於1916年出版發行的《華語萃編(初集)》的出版背景和語法特征。從出版背景來看,“東亞同文書院”以社會公信力和財政支援爲基礎,以培養實行大陸侵略計劃所需要的中國專家,使他們能熟練操作漢語和適應中國生活爲目的,編寫了《華語萃編》。通過對語法特征的考察,發現敎材主要使用北方官話,타具有北方方言的語言特征。

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        《華語萃編(初集)》에 나타난 사회문화상 연구 — 의생활, 식생활, 주생활을 중심으로 —

        소은희 중국문화연구학회 2013 중국문화연구 Vol.0 No.22

        語言是文化的載體, 一個民族, 一個國家, 其社會制度, 經濟形態, 價值觀念, 思維方式, 風俗習慣等無不在其語言中得到反映。 從語言學角度來看, 特別詞彙研究可以說是獲得特定歷史時期社會狀況最敏感, 最迅速的寶庫。本文以20世紀日本漢語會話教材《華語萃編(初集)》爲語料, 通過考察這本書所出現的詞彙, 對反映當時社會文化現象中的衣食住行等問題進行全方位地研究。日本以培養完成1901年大陸侵略計劃所需要的中國專家爲目的, 爲了使日本人能夠靈活運用漢語和適應中國的生活, 在當時的政治、 經濟、 社會中心上海設立了海外漢語教育機關《東亞同文書院》。本論文以1914年完稿, 1916年發行的用北方官話編寫成的《華語萃編(初集)》裏出現的衣、 食、 住等生活面貌爲中心, 探討當時的社會文化現象。 內容整理如下。1911年, 在孫文的辛亥革命和近代化的浪潮下, 受西方文化的影響, 中國的衣食住等方面產生了很大的變化。 這樣的變化, 特別是衣、 食、 住方面, 使得以前的風俗和新的風氣共存下來。衣著生活方面, 在1911年辛亥革命爆發後, 持續了兩千多年的帝王統治體制瓦解, 中華民國誕生, 國民成了國家的主人。 根據身份來穿戴的嚴格的規定被廢止, 衣服成了國民不顧身份高低, 自由地展現自己個性的手段。飲食生活方面, 在《華語萃編(初集)》附錄的第9課飲食類單詞表中, 由於上海地區的特性, 羅列了近34種關於魚類的詞語和接近20種關於海鮮的詞語。 特別是受當時西方文化的影響, 突出了各種蛋糕、 餅幹、 外國的葡萄酒、 啤酒等酒類、 罐頭等的出現。 但是這本教材是爲了日本人能夠適應中國生活而編寫的, 所以通過教材可以了解到包括一部分中國飲食的外國的各種各樣的飲食文化與日本人的飲食文化共存的事實。住房生活方面, 兩層的洋房和電燈設施, 以及飲用自來水, 乘坐電車等變化, 體現著政治、 經濟、 社會文化中心的上海逐漸西方化的面貌。

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