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        聖域化する文部省 ―「文部官僚」の自己意識とその社会化―

        藤野 真挙 동서대학교 일본연구센터 2009 次世代 人文社會硏究 Vol.5 No.-

        This article aims to clarify the self-knowledge of the Education Ministry bureaucrat and pay attention to a process its self-knowledge accepted by the society. In modern Japan, the educational administration was recognized as the most important administration in an idea. However, the finance of educational administration was reduced year by year, and it was thought that the position of the Minister of Education was low. Therefore the Education Ministry bureaucrats formed distorted self-knowledge. It was consciousness to be an expert of the education. At first, the self-knowledge of such Education Ministry bureaucrat was criticized by a social mark. The criticism was to "be unsociable". However, the criticism was not performed by the case that happened in the Education Ministry in 1897, and, the self-knowledge of the Education Ministry bureaucrat was accepted in the society by this case and it came to be said that the Education Ministry was holy. This article aims to clarify the self-knowledge of the Education Ministry bureaucrat and pay attention to a process its self-knowledge accepted by the society. In modern Japan, the educational administration was recognized as the most important administration in an idea. However, the finance of educational administration was reduced year by year, and it was thought that the position of the Minister of Education was low. Therefore the Education Ministry bureaucrats formed distorted self-knowledge. It was consciousness to be an expert of the education. At first, the self-knowledge of such Education Ministry bureaucrat was criticized by a social mark. The criticism was to "be unsociable". However, the criticism was not performed by the case that happened in the Education Ministry in 1897, and, the self-knowledge of the Education Ministry bureaucrat was accepted in the society by this case and it came to be said that the Education Ministry was holy.

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