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      • 학습장애아의 選擇的 注意集中에 관한 이론적 접근

        추정선 釜山敎育大學校 1994 부산교육대학 논문집 Vol.30 No.1

        Learning disabilities has not been officially recognized as special education population, therefore no educational planning exists for them yet. This study aimed to approach the selective attention model and strategies and theory of learning disabled children. Ross(1977) inferred that the abilities of selective attention are the major factor to discriminate learning disabled children from normal children. Further, this approach was investigated teaching implications on studies focused on transfer operation and incentive of selective attention theory. The teaming disabled children showed generally lower level of performance in the tasks of attention than normal children. As a result, it showed that attention processes are influenced by useful strategies conditions. The results from this study are as following First, three models of attention of Shiffrin, Craig and Cohen are studied ; a filter model, in which information from a single channel is analyzed, and the attention model, in which inputs can be allenuated at an early stage of analysis - the model of late selection. Second, resource allocation model is one of useful conceptions that applies to both selective and divided attention. Third, one-look observation model & multiple-look observation model, in which it can be observed that multiple-look observation is possible for the mentally retarded at same time in relevant dimensions. As a result, learning disabled children will show lower level of performance in accordance as the selective attention compared with normal children. The necessary strategies and cues to selective attention of the learning disabled children are verbal rehearsal, cue, novel stimuli, organizational activity and reinforcement etc. We should concern about the cause of learning disabled children to prevent and to treat it, and should plan appropriate strategies. Service to these children. This study tries to provide the theoretical base for the management of special classroom based on the research in this area. Many educational strategies for these students must be developed.

      • Cattell 理論의 流動的 結晶的知能 槪念에 관한 考察

        秋政先 釜山敎育大學 學生指導硏究所 1986 學生指導硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        This study is performed to prove the theory of fluid and Crystallized intelligence by Cattell-Horn. The theory of fluid and Crystallized intelligence is based on a hierarchical model of intelligence. Prior to 1955 there was a general Assumption of intellectual decline with age (Schaie, 1974. Wechsler, 1939) Cattell determined that the differential effects of aging on Various measures resulted from two discrete theoretical factors of intel1igence, fluid and Crystallized. Cattell's theory predicts that fluid intelligence ( genetically determined Neurological development ) will decline with age, whereas Crystallized intelligence ( accumulated Knowledge resulting from education and experience ) will increase throughout the life span. Since Crystallized intelligence is primarily a result of environmental experience and training ( Schumacher, 1970 ) It would be expected that It is Subject to modification by environmental manipulation Fluid intelligence is seen as primarily biologically determined and would therefore be expected to be relatively immune to environmental manipulation. To date, researchers have shown that incentives can increase Cognitive functioning in the elderly. The focus of this study was to examine the fluid and Crystallized intellectual abilities.

      • KCI등재후보

        특수아동의 통합교육 방향을 위한 탐색

        추정선 부산교육대학교 초등교육연구소 1997 초등교육연구 Vol.10 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to bring more efficient ways of children's mainstreaming by surveying the concept, background, effect and the other elements of excepational children's mainstreaming. Therefore, the considering of this study are as follows: The first is to clarify such issues as the concept, background, effect and the elements of mainsteraming for exceptional children. The second is to investigate the general development of exceptional children's mainsteraming. The third is to find more satisfactory way of exceptional children's mainstreaming. Having researched these considerings throughout book references with the above purpose, I have attained certain theoretical grounds for improving mainstreaming. Firstly, more concrete and substantial laws of education must be made as the systematic grounds mainsteraming, which would deal many problems like these:the purpose of these laws legislation, the definition of special education, the objects of this education, arrangement of exceptional children, nation's duty for exceptional children, the policy of special education, training of teachers, the participation of parents, the arrangement of class and social supporting system, ete. Secondly, the parents' education, various programmings and training of exports are needed, and furthermore the social recognition and enlightenment are required for more positive and long-lasting parents' education. Thirdly, the arrangement of class must be organized with seperation by sphere and with flexible sources so as to improve the relations between the teacher, the exceptional children and the ordinary children. In addition, in order to accomplish the effect of mainsteraming, special class teachers and regular class teachers should devote themselves in special education.

      • 成人期 이후의 知能發達과 平生敎育에 관한 硏究

        추정선 釜山敎育大學 學生生活硏究所 1988 學生指導硏究 Vol.9 No.-

        ABSTRACT This paper aims to investigate adult intelligence development and life-long education. The essential rationale of this study was based on the model of the theory dividing fluid into Crystallized intelligence The results of this stydy are as follows first, while most of the other studies on intelligence develpoment have shown that the intelligence develops till the period of youth and decreased of after adult. The result of this study, There was an incrrease in adult intelligenceRecomendations As the results of the study the following Recinebdatuibs were made: 1)The adult education program should more be emphasized on the cognitive domain in accordance with the need of adulthood. 2)It was wuggested that educational needs of adulthood should be develped fully in terms of develpmental Task.

      • KCI등재후보

        정서장애아동의 행동특성과 긍정적 행동지원을 위한 가족 중재전략

        추정선 부산교육대학교 초등교육연구소 2007 초등교육연구 Vol.22 No.-

        We have to have wide-ranging and comprehensive points of view on functional assessment and positive behavior support in order for children to achieve the meaningful form of life to themselves and their family. It is impossible for children to find out factors that would affect them in various circumstances without their family participation. Cooperative work is necessary for anyone to support functional assess-ment and positive behavior and to minimize children's behaviors that cause trouble. We need sufficient compleme-ntary relation with experts and children's family that play an important role to the quality of their life. Here, children's family works huge role. The best way to improve and keep family intervention is to let the family know that they would always be supplied with the positive support when they plan and make efficient intervention programs. In this approach, the most important thing is the interactive hardworking amomg family members in order to recognize the worth of functional assessment and positive behavior support that affect the child. In conclusion, I hope that the researches on the mental health policy and the family support systems of the mentally or behaviorally retarded children would be selected and supported as a governmentally financed"project".

      • 자폐아동의 행동수정 기법에 관한 연구

        추정선 釜山敎育大學 1992 부산교육대학 논문집 Vol.28 No.1

        The present study aim is to design the behavior modification techniques for autistic children. The central idea of this study was to help the autistic children. Autism is behavioral syndrome and as such many be described by listing a set of behavior that distinguish autistic person from individuals with other kinds of disorders. The behaviors that discribe autism are 1) onset the disorder before the age of 30 onths 2) impaired social relationship 3) failure to develop language skill 4) abnormal response to the environment Autism may occur in conjunction with mental retardation or variety of other handicaps, or it may occur alone. The intellectual capabilities of autistic individuals vary widely, with the majority functioning in the retarded range. In educational and treatment procedures for autistic children have been currently three major orientations these are 1) the psychoanalytic approach 2) the approaches based on sonsory-deficit models, 3) the behavior modification approach. Finally, I hope that this study will make some contributions to program of behavior modification for autistic children.

      • 대상관계이론에 입각한 상담적 관점에 대한 연구

        추정선 부산교육대학교 교육대학원 2004 논문집 Vol.6 No.-

        본 연구는 심리 사회적 관점의 발달과 함께 관심의 대상이 되고 있는 대상관계이론을 소개하고 이 이론이 상담에 어떻게 적용될 수 있는지를 탐색한 것이다. 대상관계 이론은 개인 문제에 대한 탐색을 중심으로 하는 프로이드 이후 정신분석학에서 발전한 이론으로서 (a) 대상관계이론의 기본적인 전제는 초기 양육자와의 관계형성이 개인의 개인내적 관계와 대인간 관계에 결정적 영향을 끼친다고 본다는 점, (b) 생후 3년동안 아동과 어머니와의 상호작용이 중요하며 어린 시절에 형성된 대상관계가 개인의 대인관계 패턴을 결정한다는 점, (c) 대상관계이론에서 말하는 대상이란 단순히 다른 사람, 또는 그에 대한 경험이나 기억을 일컫는 것이 아니고 자아 정신구조의 하나인 내부 대상으로 본다는 점, (d) 대상관계는 개인이 현재에 가지고 있는 사람들과의 상호작용을 형성하는 대인관계로 설명하고 있다. 인간 관계성을 소중히 여기는 우리 한국문화권에서는 대상관계이론이 계속 관심의 대상이 될것이므로 상담의 적용점으로 검토해보는 것은 가치있는 일일 것이다. 본 고 에서는 대상관계이론의 주요 전제 및 기본개념, 주요기법, 그리고 이론에 입각한 상담적 적용들을 간략하게 제시하였다. This research is to introduce the object relation's theory recently interested in, along with the development of psychological sociological point of view, and to examine how this theory can be applied to counseling. The object relation theory, developed from Freud's psychoanalysis, shows that interaction between children and mother during the first three years is important, and that an object relation formed in childhood determines the pattern of individual relation to others. Since object relation theory would continuously be our interest in our Korean culture where people consider human relation as crucial, it would be valuable to go through as one of options of applications in counseling. This thesis shortly presents main basic concepts of the object relation theory, its main methods, and counseling applications based on this theory.

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