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      • KCI등재

        先秦時代 환황해 일대 식생활 및 생업방식의 검토- 인골 탄소・질소동위원소 연구결과를 중심으로

        石諾 한국고고학회 2014 한국고고학보 Vol.90 No.-

        Stable isotope analysis can be used as a means to reconstruct diets bymeasuring carbon and nitrogen isotope values reflecting types of meals suchas C3 and C4 plants for carbon accumulation, and meat and fish for nitrogenaccumulation. This paper introduces the published isotope analysis dataacquired from archaeological sites during the Pre-Qin Dynasty period, equivalentto the Korean Neolithic and Bronze Age periods, in the pan-Yellow Sea area. A review is undertaken in order to understand the characteristics of the localareas and each site, after which a comparison between the Korean Peninsulaand China is attempted. 20 sites are aggregated into 6 groups according togeographic location. They include the western coastal region and the southerncoastal region of Korea, and the Xiliao River area, the area of the lower reachesof the Yellow River, the area of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and thesouthern coastal region of China. Attempts are also made to produce integratedinterpretations on the results of the isotope analysis together with accompanyingmaterial data, ethnobotanical and zooarchaeological research, and palaeoenvironmentalstudies. This comparative review shows that the population of China’s southerncoast consumed abundant amounts of fish and gathered wild plants while anincrease of C3 plant consumption including rice can be observed in the areaof the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. In the lower reaches of the YellowRiver, the average of carbon stable isotope increases with a wide range ofvalues, which implies that there was an increased use of C4 plants as well as ahigh consumption of C3 and wild plants in some local areas. In the Xiliao Riverarea, consumption of C4 plants increased. Nitrogen values are generally highbut decrease proportionately against the distance to the sea and availability ofmarine resources. Notable are the carbon values of the western coastal region and southern coastal region of Korea, which fall within the range of the lowerreaches of the Yellow River. Thus, this may provide the grounds to postulate thatthere might have been some interaction between the Korean Peninsula and thelower reaches of the Yellow River, although more research is required.

      • KCI등재

        중국 선진시대 산동·강소지역의 농경

        이홍종,石諾 한국고고학회 2015 한국고고학보 Vol.95 No.-

        A comparative study with adjacent areas appears to be necessary in order to understand the early agriculture of the Korean Peninsula and its diffusion to the Japanese Archipelago. Thus this research aims to establish a dataset of literature related to early agriculture in the Shandong and Jiangsu provinces. Firstly, data concerning the archaeological sites of the Jiangsu and Shandong province areas are collected. Although Zhejiang province has also yielded many early rice agriculture sites, such as the famous Hemudu site, the nature of the sites in this region appears to be broadly similar to that of Jiangsu province. Literature data from published reports are classified based on the locality and time period of the site, with a supplementary dataset including the results of phytolith analysis and flotation. Rice had been the sole crop cultivated in Jiangsu province since 5000 BCE whereas changes in crop assemblages over time can be observed in Shandong province. Millets were the main crops from the Hui to Zhou dynasty periods, but rice cultivation became the main mode of subsistence in the Yongshan period. Rice cultivation appears to have been favoured due to the wetter and warmer climate of the time, which benefited rice production. After the Yongshan period, wheat replaced rice to became the main crop from that time onwards. The collapse of the Yongshan culture appears to have been caused by climatic change and it was replaced by the less advanced Yueshi culture, triggering mass migration. Immigration movements following the fall of the Yongsan culture occurred in the adjacent pan-West Sea area and may have influenced the agricultural mode of Liaoning province and the Korean Peninsula. Influx of migration groups with notched raised band (gakmokdoldaemun) pottery into the Korean Peninsula and the fact that rice came to be cultivated may be seen to reflect the gradual cultural diffusion of rice agriculture in this region.

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