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        破損佛의 復元을 통한 日韓古代彫刻史 硏究의 새로운 방법 : Development of New Research Method Applying Digital Technology

        大西修也,金大雄,石川幸二 미술사연구회 2004 미술사연구 Vol.- No.18

        In recent years, the newest digital devices such as a laser scanner and high precision digital cameras have been utilized for the preservation of the conditions of historical remains and art objects as they are, But today, the inclusion in databases of the digital archives is beginning to shift its focus to the practical fields of preservation and restoration of the cultural properties. For example, the use of the pulse laser which can measure a maximum of 100m in the project of the Sato Supra N1 Towel In the large open giound of the King's Palace at Angkor Thom in Cambodia, the CAD Center which armed at 3-dimensional digitization of the Bronze Seated Buddha Statue known as the Kamakura Daibutsu in Japan, the investigation of the Waseda University which adopted the optical cutting system by the laser beam and the digitized carved Buddha image on rock cliff in Pujiang Prefecture, Sichuan Province are known However, all of these examples have been used for the purpose of the conversion to digital contents. This differs from our restoration project of the Japan-Korea ancient sculpture which aims at a creation of new values from the standpoint of academic researches. This project started from 2002 in order to investigate damaged Buddhist images of important cultural heritage, to preserve records of digitized data for preservation of images and to utilize the obtained basic data to be used for the positive restoration of Buddhist Images. Two examples, the Kurose Bronze Seated Buddha statue in Tsushima, Nagasaki Prefecture in Japan and the carved Buddha image on rock cliff at Pukchiri, Ponghwagun, North Kyongsang Province in Korea, are introduced in this paper to give an outline and procedures of the concrete research technique and its result The Kurose seated bronze Buddha statue is thought to be made during the Unified Silla dynasty and was designated as the Japanese important cultural property in 1981 The Buddha statue shows a separate casting technique for the upper and lower half of the body It is not known when and how the Image was brought to Tsushima. Reviewing the damaged parts of the Buddha statue as well as a bronze seated boddhisattva image thought to have been brought together from Korea, it appears to have had a beautiful octagonal pedestal composed of a lotus seat and a lower lotus base with an octagonal pillar in between them, when it originally came to Tsushima. The image was partly damaged by a rue and lost its octagonal pillar of the pedestal. A big crack is seen on the right side of the hip of the image, and because of the distortion in the Junction area from the left shoulder to the right side of the body below the right arm, it doesn't provide the efficient condition for the restoration process The Buddha image m relief on the rock cliff at Pukchiri, Ponghwa, is a designated national treasure No. 201 in Korea It is carved on a weak rock surface and there are countless cracks along the border areas of the upper right and lower left sides of the back wall Also many parts of the Buddha's head, body, hands and the lotus base are heavily damaged and some parts of the rocks have been fallen off. Such damages have already started since the 1970s and a proper processing for preservation is urgently needed. In addition, because of an unapt design of the recently constructed wooden structure with tiled-roof for protection of the Buddha Image, and of the unsuitable drainage system applied in the upper part of the background rock surface, much of the ram water penetrates into the relief Buddha image and causes black mould to grow on the rock surface. This research is carried out to record the present condition of such damaged statues in order to find out the original state or appearance of the images when they were made at first, by acquiring the digitized data using a non-contact laser device. It also introduces the entire process of the digital technique from making CG images to creating restoration models by the laminating method The intoduction the digital technology for the investigation of this restoration project of Japan-Korea ancient sculptures is quite significant as the digitized pictures of an image comes from the actual form of the image itself. It differs greatly from a photograph which changes the outlook of the image according to the lighting system, thus often giving an unreliable information for a better scientific research Moreover, this new restoration process would make various contributions to the society by giving information of the actual condition of the original image, by conducting proper restoration of the image, and by utilizing the digital archive with a Hi-Vision Image(HDTV) for future references.

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