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      • Candida Cell의 卵白 및 Lysozyme에 對한 感受性에 關한 硏究

        白泰龍 中央醫學社 1970 中央醫學 Vol.19 No.6

        Egg white solution or lysozyme is an well known enzyme which causes lysis of bacterial cell walls and eventually ruptures whole cell components. Its lytic mechanisms of the cells as well as the ranges of susceptible microorganisms have intensively been studied, however, its action on the yeast cells has not been documented thus far. In the present communication the author has studied the sensitivity of Candida cell to egg white solution on both lytic pattern and growth inhibitory action and some aspects of egg white properties related to lysozyme were analyzed as compared to the lysozyme preparation and following results were obtained. 1) Candida cells were more sensitive to egg white than lysozyme on the lysis of cells. After 24 hours exposure of cells in the egg white solution, cells were converted to ghost forms or completed lysis, however, this characteristic was not obvious in lysozyme solution. Results of gram stain were not paralleled with the morphological lysis of cells, i.e. the lysis of cells were prominent but the gram positiveness was not altered concomitantly. 2) Among Candida species, all but C. krusei were sensitive to egg white in saline and Sacch-aromyces was also sensitive but Rhodotorula was resistant to the action of egg white, however, Candida cells were not sensitive at all to lysozyme. The activity of egg white was destroyed by heating at 70°C for 30 minutes, removed mechanically by washing after contact with cells and reduced in distilled water. 3) Growth inhibitory action of egg white was eminent on all Candida species tested and, this activity was not removed by heat killed Candida cells or zymosan. Lysozyme has no such growth inhibitory action on Candida, species.

      • KCI등재

        고층 공동주택 마감공사의 공정계획 프로세스

        백태용(Tae-Yong Baek) 한국산학기술학회 2017 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.18 No.11

        다수의 고층 주거 건물을 건설하는 공동주택 프로젝트에서 마감 공종은 단위세대마다 반복적으로 시공되므로 자원이 연속적으로 투입되도록 공정관리가 이루어지면 품질을 확보하면서 공기를 단축하고 공사비를 절감할 수 있다. Bar Chart, CPM, LOB와 같은 공정관리 기법은 반복 작업에 대한 표현과 적용의 한계점으로 인하여 공동주택 마감공사에 사용하기에는 적합하지 않다. 또한 택트 기반 공정관리 기법은 반복 공종의 작업 흐름을 일정하게 유지하기 어려울 뿐만 아니라 지속적으로 필요한 자원을 할당하기 위해서는 상당한 노력과 전문 시공업체의 협조를 필요로 한다. 공동주택의 마감공사는 벽체조성 공사, 마감바탕공사, 바닥미장공사, 최종마감공사 순으로 진행되고, 각 공사에는 작업 방법, 작업 공간, 자원 생산성 등과 관련하여 다양한 특성을 가지는 하위 개념의 반복 공종들이 존재한다. 이 반복 공종들의 작업이 동기화되거나 마지막 작업구역에서 수렴되도록 하면 공정관리의 목표가 유효하게 달성될 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 공동주택의 단위세대에서 시공되는 작업들의 순서 관계, 작업 유형 분류 및 관리 방법, 자원의 연속적인 투입을 위한 시공속도와 작업구역 등의 요소들을 고려하여 마감공사를 위한 공정 계획 프로세스를 제시하고자 한다. In the construction of high-rise residential buildings in which the finishing works are done repetitively in each housing unit, the construction period and cost can be reduced, while maintaining the quality, if the work process is properly managed in order for the resources to be input continuously. Time management methods such as the Bar Chart, CPM and LOB are not appropriate, due to the difficulties involved in the diagraming of repetitive works and applying them to the project. The Tact method also has difficulties in maintaining a constant work flow and needs significant effort and cooperation from the subcontractors to allocate the resources consistently. Partitioning, base works for finishing, floor mortar plastering and the final finishing work are done sequentially in residential buildings projects, and there are many repetitive activities which differ in terms of the work method, work area and productivity. If these repetitive activities are synchronized or converged toward the last work area, the goal of process management can be achieved effectively. Therefore, a process planning method for the finishing works of residential building projects is proposed, which takes into consideration elements, such as the sequential relation between the activities in each housing unit and classification of repetitive works in terms of their management method, work area and production rate, for the continuous input of resources into the housing units.

      • Flourescent Antibody Technique에 依한 Candida Albicans 診斷에 關하여

        柳順子,白泰龍,李明洙,具鍾守 中央醫學社 1970 中央醫學 Vol.19 No.4

        For the purpose to identify the C. albicans by serological method, rabbit immune serum prepared with heat killed C. albicans was absorbed with Candida cell other than C. albicans in various combinations in order to prepare the monovalent serum to diagnose C. albicans and C. tropicalis, gamma-globulin from those factor serum were conjugated with fluorescent in by routine method, and the results of slide agglutination test of monovalent sera were compared to the fluorescent antibody technique on both standard strain of candida sp. and isolated strains. The results of both test were coincide on both standard strains and isolated strains, however, minor portions of the isolated strains exhibited a different patterns in antigenic component and unable to identify serologicaly although these were diagnosed as C albicans by morphological and biological characters. The carrier state of C. albicans in oral cavity among children was no fluctuated periodically, the Candida positive ness persisted for 3 months without detectable lesion in oral cavity, conversely negative cases continued its clearance for test period.

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