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      • KCI등재

        용서대 (Cynoglossus abbreviatus)의 연령과 성장

        백근욱,허성회 한국수산과학회 2004 한국수산과학회지 Vol.37 No.1

        Age and growth of three-lined tonguefish (Cynoglossus abbreviatus) were studied using samples from the waters off Yosu, Korea, from June to December, 2001. Sagittal otoliths had relatively clear annuli. Each annulus was formed once a year in April. The peak of the gonadosomatic index occurred also in April. The oldest fish observed in this study was 5 years old for females and 4 years old for males. The relationship between the otolith radius (R) and total length (L) was as follows: L=14.921R-2.5318 for females and L=13.527R- 0.5584 for males. The relationship between total length and body weight (W) was as follows: W=0.0008L3.54 for females and W=0.0029L for males. The growth in length of the fish was expressed by the von Bertalanffy's growth equation as: Lt=44.54(1-e-0.16(t+2.69)) for females and Lt=41.52(1-e-0.15(t+3.34)) for males.

      • KCI등재

        광양만에서 채집된 줄망둑 (Acentrogobius pflaumi)의 성숙과 산란

        백근욱,허성회,김재원 한국수산과학회 2004 한국수산과학회지 Vol.37 No.3

        Maturation and spawning of Acentrogobius pflaumi were studied using samples collected from the Gwangyang Bay, Korea, from January to December, 1999. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) of the female was the highest in May. The spawning season lasted from May to June. There was a significant difference in the 1 : 0.59 sex ratio between males and females (p<0.01). The percentage of sexually mature females was over 50% for the size group between 4.5 cm and 4.9 cm, and 100% for the size group over 5.5 cm in body length. The size of eggs spawned was between 0.4 to 0.6 mm, and the spawning occured once a year. Fecundity varied between 3,600 and 9,700 eggs. The relationship between the fecundity and body length of the fish was expressed in the fecundity equation as; F=0.294×103BL1.899. The first spawning length was 4cm BL.

      • KCI등재

        고리 주변해역에서 출현하는 꼬마달재(Lepidotrigla guentheri)의 식성

        백근욱,허성회,최희찬,박주면 한국수산과학회 2011 한국수산과학회지 Vol.44 No.4

        The feeding habits of the redbanded searobin Lepidotrigla guentheri were studied using 186 specimens collected from September to November, 2006, in the coastal waters off Gori, Korea. The sizes of L. guentheri ranged from 7.1 to 16.7 cm total length(TL). L. guentheri is a bottom-feeding carnivore that consumes mainly shrimp, especially Leptochela sydniensis, amphipods, and crabs. Its diet also includes small quantities of stomatopods, mysids, cumaceans, euphausiids, polychaetes, and copepods. Our feeding-strategy graphical method reveled that L. guentheri is a specialized feeder, with a narrow niche width. L. guentheri mainly consumed shrimp of all size classes and did not show significant ontogenetic changes in feeding habits. Smaller individuals(7-11 cm TL) secondly consumed amphipods, with the portion of amphipods in the total diet decreasing as body size increased. Prey size increased significantly as the fish grew in size.

      • KCI등재

        거문도 주변해역에서 출현하는 붉은메기( Hoplobrotula armata)의 식성

        백근욱,박주면,예상진,정재묵,안영수 한국수산과학회 2012 한국수산과학회지 Vol.45 No.4

        The feeding habits of Hoplobrotula armata were studied using 269 specimens collected in the coastal waters of Geomundo,Korea. The size of the specimens ranged from 5.6-56.8 cm in total length (TL). H. armata is a canivore that consumes mainly teleosts and decapods (shrimp, crabs and hermit crabs). Its diet also includes gammarid amphipods, cephalopods,polychaetes and copepods. Smaller individuals (<20 cm TL) fed mainly on fish, shrimp and crabs. The proportion of shrimp and crabs decreased as body size increased, whereas the consumption of fish gradually increased. Fish accounted for almost the entire stomach contents of individuals (larger than 40 cm TL).

      • KCI등재

        Feeding ecology of three tonguefishes, genus Cynoglossus (Cynoglossidae) in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan

        백근욱,박주면,Hiroaki Hashimoto 한국통합생물학회 2011 Animal cells and systems Vol.15 No.4

        Feeding ecology was compared among the three tonguefishes Cynoglossus abbreviatus, C. joyneri and C. robustus,collected from Seto Inland Sea, Japan, from June 2000 to May 2001. They are benthivores, consuming mainly gammarid amphipods, shrimps, crabs, gastropods, bivalves and ophiuroids. C. abbreviatus consumed greater proportions of ophiuroids whereas C. joyneri and C. robustus ate more amphipods and shrimps. While C. abbreviatus consumed mostly ophiuroids in all size classes, the diets of C. joyneri and C. robustus showed ontogenetic changes in feeding habits; smaller individuals of C. joyneri and C. robustus consumed gammarid amphipods, whereas larger C. joyneri ate shrimps and gastropods, and larger C. robustus fed mainly on gastropods, crabs, bivalves and polychaetes. Cluster analysis based on diet similarities emphasized that the three Cynoglossus species could be categorized on a size-related basis into three feeding groups: smaller C. joyneri and C. rubustus (<25 cm TL) could be classified as group A, and the larger of them (>25 cm TL) as group B, whereas C. abbreviatus was categorized as group C. This means that some degree of resource partitioning can occur among the three Cynoglossus species. The seasonal changes in the diets were also significant for the three Cynoglossus species.

      • KCI등재

        Feeding habits of Kammal thryssa Thryssa kammalensis (Bleeker, 1849) in the coastal waters of Gadeok-do, Korea

        백근욱,정재묵,박주면,허성회,김현지 한국통합생물학회 2014 Animal cells and systems Vol.18 No.2

        The feeding habits of Thryssa kammalensis was studied using 430 specimens collected from October 2010 toSeptember 2011 in the coastal waters of Gadeok-do, Korea. T. kammalensis in the coastal waters of Gadeok-dowas carnivorous predator and planktonic feeder with a wide variety of prey items such as arrowworm,copepods, crab larvae, shrimp larvae, and fish eggs. In addition, T. kammalensis consumed mainly arrowworm,copepods, crab larvae, shrimp larvae, fish eggs, and the diet also included small quantities of cladocerans,amphipods, bivalve larvae, mysids, and euphausiids. On the other hand, the body length (BL) of T. kammalensisspecimens ranged from 5.9 to 15.1 cm. Size-related variations in dietary composition of T. kammalensis werenot significant that overlap indexes of each major food items that showed very high values in all size classes,representing more than 0.80. Arrowworms were the dominant prey item in all sizes, and copepods were thenext most frequent prey item consumed in all size classes. Seasonal changes in dietary composition ofT. kammalensis were significant. However, overlap indexes of each major food items in some season showedvery high values of 0.80 (between spring and winter) and 0.85 (between summer and autumn). Copepods weremost frequently eaten in the spring and winter. Moreover, arrowworm were the dominant prey item in summerand autumn. Mean numbers of prey per stomach (mN/ST) changed significantly with size groups (P < 0.05),but mean wet weight of preys per stomach (mW/ST) showed an opposite tendency (P > 0.05).

      • KCI등재후보

        광양만에서 채집된 실양태 (Repomucenus valenciennei) 의 성숙과 산란

        백근욱,허성회 한국어류학회 2004 韓國魚類學會誌 Vol.16 No.1

        광양만 대도 주변해역에서 1999년 1월부터 12월까지 소형 기선저인망(otter trawl)을 이용하여 매월 실양태(Repomucenus valenciennei)를 채집하여 성숙과 산란을 조사하였다. 실양태의 산란시기는 4∼6월 사이였는데, 산란성기는 5월이었다. 암컷의 생식소 중량지수(GSI)는 5월에 가장 높았다. 암컷은 체장 5㎝부터 성숙하여 산란에 참가하며, 군성숙도가 50% 이상인 개체의 크기는 체장 7㎝ 였다. 체장 9㎝ 이상부터는 모든 개체가 성숙에 도달하여 산란에 참가하였다. 산란 직전의 난 크기는 0.6∼0.9 ㎜ 범위였으며, 일 년 동안 2회 이상 산란을 하는 것으로 추정되었다. 실양태의 체장에 따른 포란수(fecundity)는 8,665∼36,727개 범위였으며, 평균 23,467개를 포란하였다. 실양태의 체장과 포란수와의 관계식은 F=273BL²ㆍ¹² 이었다. Maturation and spawning of Repomucenus valenciennei were studied using samples collected from Gwangyang Bay, Korea, from January to December, 1999. Gonadosomatic index (GSI) in males and females were the highest in April and May, respectively. The spawning season was from April to June. The first spawning length was 5 ㎝ body length (BL). The percentage of sexually mature females was over 50% for the size group between 7.0 ㎝ and 7.9 ㎝, and 100% for the size group over 9.0 ㎝ in body length. The size of eggs spawned varied from 0.6 to 0.9 ㎜, and spawning took place at least twice a year. Fecundity varied between 8,665 and 36,727 eggs, with an average fecundity of 23,467 eggs. The relationship between fecundity and body length of the fish is expressed as; F = 273BL^(2.12).

      • KCI등재

        남해 참서대 (Cynoglossus Joyneri)의 연령과 성장

        백근욱,허성회 한국수산과학회 2004 한국수산과학회지 Vol.37 No.4

        Age and growth of red tongue sole (Cynoglossus joyneri), were studied using samples from the coastal waters off Yeosu, Korea, from January to December, 2001. Sagittal otoliths had relatively clear annuli. Marginal index of otolith dropped sharhly in August suggesting that each annulus was formed once a year in August. Monthly changes in the gonadosomatic index indicated that spawning peaked between July and September. The oldest fish observed in this study was 4 years old for both of females and males. Relationships between the otolith radius (R) and total length (L) were: L=14.1R-0.098 for females, and L=11.9R+1.83 for males. Relationships between total length and body weight (W) were: W=0.0021L3.24 for females, and W=0.0014L3.39 for males. Growth in length of the fish was expressed by the von Bertalanffy´s growth equation as: Lt=29.06 (1-e-0.19(t+2.40)) for females and Lt=27.44 (1-e-0.17(t+2.84)) for males.

      • 소련의 대중동정책(상)-석유문제를 중심으로

        백근욱,Baek, Geun-Uk 대한석유협회 1985 석유와 에너지 Vol.1985 No.8

        이 자료는 연세대학교 대학원 정치학과에 재학중인 백근욱씨의 석사학위논문을 전재한 것이다. 이논문은 지금까지 별로 알려지지 않은 중동석유에 대한 소련의 이해관계와 정책방향을 이해하는데 좋은 자료가 될 것으로 사료된다. <편집자주>

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