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      • KCI등재

        조리식품기호에 대한 분석적 연구 : 전북지방의 3도시를 중심으로 An Analytical Study on the Preference for the Prepared Food

        신미경,한진숙 한국식생활문화학회 1988 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.3 No.1

        The results obtained by survey on 599 respondents of different age groups for preference of 84 prepared foods were subjected to statistical principal component analysis, factor analysis, analysis of variance, scheffe verification, and discriminant analysis so as to find a structure of preference for foods. The results may be summarized as follows: 1. The results of the factor analysis indicate that 84 prepared food items may be classified into 3 groups and that by knowing an indvidual's preference to one prepared food, one can presume his preference to the others in the same group without carrying out actual test. 2. The results from an analysis of variance showed that most of primary school children extremely liked snacks, seniors liked Korean cooking, primary school children and collegians had weaknesses for western cookings while kindergarden children and adults over 50 years old disliked them.

      • 백련(연근, 연잎, 연자, 과방)의 영양성분

        신미경,김금숙 원광대학교 대학원 2007 論文集 Vol.39 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the component and quality characteristics of White Lotus Roots(LR), Leaves(LL), Seeds(LS) and Bunch(LB). Four kinds of LR, LL, LS, LB evaluated the component of moisture, ash, crude lipid and crude protein. The contents of thiamin, α-tocopherol, β-carotene and total flavonoid in LR, LL, LS, LB were evaluated. Also the contents Amino acids and mineral in LR, LL, LS, LB were evaluated. The contents of moisture were 2.87~11.85% which was the highest in LB and the lowest in LS. The contents of ash were 4.89~12.38% which was the highest in LB and the lowest in LR. Crude lipid contents of LR, LL, LS, LB were 0.13~1.82% which was the highest in LS and the lowest in LL. The contents of crude protein were 3.62~20.75% which was the highest in LL and the lowest in LB. The contents of thiamin were 3.23~5.86 mg/kg which was the highest in LL. α-Tocopherol contents were 3.91~272.15 mg/kg which was the highest in LL and the lowest in LS. The contents of β-carotene were 0.22~7.68 mg/kg which was the highest in LB and the lowest in LR. Total flavonoid contents were 43.21~6,404.05 mg/kg which was the highest in LL and the lowest in LR. Total ammo acid contents of LR, LL, LS, LB were 5758.61, 2328.71, 4075.36 ppm and 981.67 ppm. Amino acid of LR showed high content of aspartic acid, followed by glutamic acid and serine. Amino acid of LL and LS showed high content of glutamic acid. Amino acid of LB showed high content of histidine, followed by serine and glutamic acid. Potassium and sodium contents of which were better in LS than LL and LR. Magnesium and calcium contents of which were better in LR than LL, LR and LB.

      • KCI등재후보

        녹차 건분이 고지방식이 급여에 의한 흰쥐의 지질 농도에 미치는 영향

        신미경,김덕희,한성희 한국식생활문화학회 2003 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.18 No.3

        The effects of dried green tea leaf powders on serum lipid concentrations were evaluated in rats. Sixty male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 100±10g were divided into six groups and fed high fat diets for six weeks. Experimental groups were administered with following diets: Normal fat diet and normal and high fat diets with 1% dried green tea leaf powders. Tissue weights of live, lung, stomach, heart, kidney and spleen of high fat diet exposed rats were reduced by dried green tea leaf powders groups. The concentrations of serum triglyceride in rats fed the dried green tea leaf powers were lower than those in other groups. The concentrations of total cholesterol in green tea leaf powders the were lower powders green tea were significantly higher than those of other groups. The levels of LDL-cholesterol in serum of the dried green tea leaf powders groups were tended to be lower than those of other groups. GPT and GPT were decreased in dried green tea leaf powders groups and than in the high fat groups. LDHase was lower in the dried green tea leaf powders groups than in the high fat group. These results suggest that dried leaf powders green tea groups may reduce elevated levels of serum lipid concentrations in rats fed high fat diets.

      • KCI등재

        CD56 and High Molecular Weight Cytokeratin as Diagnostic Markers of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma

        신미경,김정원,주영수 대한병리학회 2011 Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine Vol.45 No.5

        Background: The incidence of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) has been increasing recently and a precise diagnosis is essential for optimal treatment. Ancillary immunohistochemical stains are important for diagnosing some difficult cases. Methods: The dignostic value of CD56, high molecular weight cytokeratin (HMCK), galectin-3 (GAL3), and cytokeratin 19 (CK19) were evaluated to distinguish PTC from other benign thyroid lesions (BTL). We studied 23 cases of papillary thyroid overt carcinomas, 57 papillary thyroid microcarcinomas, five follicular adenomas, five cases of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and 12 nodular hyperplasias. Results: The statistical analysis showed significantly different expressions of CD56, HMCK, GAL3, and CK19 in PTC vs other BTL. The diagnostic specificity of HMCK and CD56 (90.9% and 72.7%, respectively) was higher than that of GAL3 and CK19 (50.0% and 36.4%, respectively). However, the sensitivity of HMCK and CD56 detection (92.5% and 95.0%, respectively) was lower than that of GAL3 and CK19 (98.8% and 100.0%, respectively). The combined use of CD56, HMCK, GAL3, and CK19 showed 87.5% sensitivity, 100.0% specificity, and 100.0% positive predictive value in differentiating PTC from other BTL. Conclusions: Although the differential diagnosis of thyroid follicular lesions are based on histological and cytomorphological criteria, CD56 and HMCK might be useful markers for diagnosing PTC.

      • 女大生의 食生活實態 및 嗜好 性向

        辛美慶 圓光大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.17 No.2

        食生活 敎育의 방향을 모색함이 目的으로 女大生의 食生活實態 食事攝取意識 및 食品과 그 食品을 사용한 음식의 기호조사를 行하여 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1. 身體狀況 1) 體 位 身長과 體重의 平均値는 각각 159.4±5.2㎝, 49.2±5.7㎏으로 한국 성인표준보다 身長은 높았지만 體重은 낮았으며 타조사와 비교할 때 身長은 향상된 성적을 보였고 體重은 감소된 성적을 보여 體格의 변화 경향을 살필 수 있었다. 각자의 身長別 體重과 자신의 體型에 대한 意識에 대해서는 實際의 體型보다 뚱뚱하다고 생각하는 경향이 강하였다. 2) 健康狀態 조사대상의 健康狀態는 양호한 편이 약 80.3%, 바람직하지 못한 편이 19.7%로 나타났으며, 피로의 자각증상에서는 전혀 피곤하지 않다고 답한 사람은 9.9%로 아주 적고, 피곤하다고 답한 학생이 90.1%로 굉장히 높은 비율로 나타났다. 자택에 거주하는 학생들과 자택 이외의 곳에 거주하는 학생들의 건강상태를 비교해 보았을 때 자택에 거주하는 학생들의 건강상태가 우수하였다(P<0.05). 2. 食生活實態 1) 朝食의 狀況 朝食의 섭취상황은 「하지 않는다」가 의외로 많아 13.5%를 나타냈고, 또 아침 食事를 하고 있다고는 하지만 코-피 우유 등으로 이럭저럭 때워 결코 만족하지 못하다고 생각되어지는 사람이 전체의 11.5%를 차지하였다. 그 理由로서는 시간이 없어서→식욕이 없어서→뚱뚱해질까 봐→귀찮아서의 순서로 나타났다. 2) 食事內容의 狀況 食事內容은 全體的으로 섭취상황이 좋지 않아 매끼의 食事가 완전하지 못함을 알 수 있었다. 生野菜, 해조류는 각 9.1%, 5.7%로 거의 取하지 않고 있었으며, 특히 섭취하고 있지 않는 것으로는 감자류로 겨우 1%에 지나지 않았다. 3) 食事의 攝取意識 食事의 섭취의식은 뚱뚱해지지 않도록 食物을 제한하고 있다가 12%, 영양의 균형을 위하여 골고루 섭취하고 있다가 41%, 美容을 위해 食物에 세심한 주의를 한다가 47%로 조사대상의 과반수 이상이 美容食을 잘못 이해하고 있었다. 3. 食品과 음식의 嗜好 性向 食品의 기호와 그 食品을 사용한 음식물의 기호관계에 대해서는 有意性 檢定을 行하였다. 기호성이 제일 높은 식품은 80%로 야채였으며, 제일 싫어하는 것으로는 생선으로 44%였다. 음식에 있어서는 일반적으로 국, 탕, 찌게, 나물 등 습열조리법에 의한 음식물보다는 구이, 튀김, 볶음 등 건열조리법에 의한 음식물을 더 좋아하고 있었으며, 야채에 있어서는 사라다, 쌈 및 生菜와 같이 生調理食品을 좋아하는 경향으로 나타났다. This paper is designed to survey the eating habits and ingestive consciousness of food of women college students and foodstuffs which they usually take. For the purpose of pursuing the direction of eating habits education, the writer made a basic investigation of actual condition of eating habits, ingestive consciousness of food, foodstuffs and foods cooked with such foodstuffs, concentrating on women college students and obtained the following findings. 1. Bodily Situation (1) Physical Standard The average of value between height and weight indicated 159.4±5.2cm and 49.2±5.7kg respectively, and showed improvement in height, but deterioration in weight. When compared with other investigation, height was gained but weight was lost, which enabled us to observe the state of changing tendency of physical structures. For the consciousness of weight contrasted to height of each student, it was regarded that they became fatter than actual figures. (2) Health Condition For the subjective symptoms of fatigue of examinees, those who answered that they never felt fatigue numbered 9.9% which showed that most of the students felt some trace of fatigue. When comparedthe health condition of those students whod lived in their own houses with those who were not, the health condition of those who lived in their own house were in good state.(P < 0.05) 2. Actual Condition of Eating Habits (1) Status of Breakfast For the intake situation of breakfast, 25% of students without a meal was occupied, which meant that they did not have breakfast (1) on account of having no sufficient time to eat, (2) because of a poor appetite, and (3) on account of being afraid to become fat. Correlation between status of breaufast and degree of fatigue seemed to be significant. (P < 0.05) (2) Contents of Food As a whole, the situation of food was in bad state; intake of a vegetable salad and seaweeds showed 9.1% and 5.7% respectively, which meant that they almost did not take above food. Potatoes were among the foodstuffs which were not taken and indicated only 1% of intaues. (3) The Ingestion Consciousness of food Food the ingestion consciousness of food, those who restricted the dict in order not be fat numbered 12%, those who took food evenly numbered 41%, and those who oaid careful attention to food for beauty numbered 47%, which showed that more than half of examinees misunderstood food for beauty. 3. Dietary Preferences A significant research was made on the relation ship between tastes of foodstuffs and food cooked with such foodstuffs. The highest liking of foodstuffs showed vegetables, which numbered 80% and the most disliking fish, which numbered 44%. In the food, generally, women students lided food such as meat and fish roasted and a fried dish, that is, food by dry heat method than those food such as soup, stew and edible herbs, that is, food by moist heat method. For vegetables, it seemed to indicate the tendency of liking raw foods such as salad, and lettuce-wrapped rice.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중국어 ‘对/对于’와 한국어 ‘에 대하여/에게’의 대조 연구

        신미경,유위 중국학연구회 2021 중국학연구 Vol.- No.96

        본고는 중국어 전치사 ‘对/对于’와 한국어 ‘에 대하여/에게’의 대응관계와 제약조건을 대조하였다. ‘对/对于’와 ‘에 대하여/에게’는 모두 일종의‘대상’을 나타낼 수 있다는 공통점이 있지만 이들의 대응관계에는 일정한제약조건이 있다. 이를 밝히기 위하여 본고는 우선 ‘对’와 ‘对于’의 후행명사와 술어 그리고 이들 사이의 의미 관계에 따라 의미항목을 분류하였다. 이에 기초하여 한국어 ‘에 대하여’와 ‘에게’를 대조하며 이들의 공통점과차이점을 관찰하였다. 관찰 결과 ‘对/对于’와 ‘에 대하여/에게’는 의미항목에 따라 다음과 같은 제약조건을 만족해야 대응관계가 성립한다. 첫째, 정서를 느끼는 대상 또는 태도를 취하는 대상을 나타낼 경우, 선행(후행)명사가 사람이면 ‘에게1 ’은 ‘对1 ’과 대응할 수 있다. 선행(후행)명사가 추상개념, 사물, 사건이면 ‘에 대하여1 ’은 ‘对1’, ‘对于1 ’과 모두 대응할 수 있다. 둘째, 동작행위나 발전변화의 관련대상을 나타낼 경우, 선행(후행)명사가추상개념, 사건, 사물이고 후행술어가 동작행위이면 ‘에 대하여2 ’는 ‘对2’, ‘对于2 ’와 대응할 수 있다. 한편 행위가 미치는 대상을 나타내는 ‘에게2 ’는발전변화를 나타내는 동사와 공기할 때 ‘对2’, ‘对于2 ’와 대응할 수 있다. 셋째, 판단평가의 적용 또는 착안대상을 나타낼 경우, 선행(후행)명사가 사람이면 ‘에게3 ’은 ‘对3’, ‘对于3 ’과 자유롭게 대응할 수 있다. 넷째, ‘对4 ’는방향으로서의 대상도 나타낼 수 있지만, ‘对于’와 ‘에 대하여’는 이러한 기능이 없으므로 대응관계가 성립하지 않는다.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 ‘们’과 한국어 ‘들’의 복수표현 대조 연구 - 한국인 학습자의 ‘们’ 첨가 현상을 중심으로

        신미경 중국학연구회 2013 중국학연구 Vol.- No.63


      • Plant-inspired Gallol-polymer conjugates for Cardiovascular Therapy and Advanced 3D Printing

        신미경 한국공업화학회 2020 한국공업화학회 연구논문 초록집 Vol.2020 No.-

        Gallol is a ubiquitous functional group found in plant polyphenols. Along with mussel-inspired adhesion chemistry, gallol-polymer conjugates have been emerging as biomaterials due to excellent adhesiveness and rapid oxidative crosslinking to prepare easily medical formulations. Here, we present unique properties of plant polyphenols and gallol-polymer conjugates for cardiac tissue targeting and advanced 3D printing. In the first topic, tannic acid - polyphenols which are widely found in plants - is spontaneously complexed with proteins for cardiac tissue targeting. In the second topic, the gallol-modification of extracellular matrix (ECM) components permits suitable viscoelasticity, good shape fidelity for 3D bioprinting and additional functionality such as ‘on-tissue printing’. Our findings for gallol-polymer conjugates would be applicablee to design biomedical formulations with cardiac tissue adhesion and mechanically tunable properties for advanced 3D printing.

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