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        우리나라 만성신부전 환자 중 혈액투석 이용 환자수 예측에 관한 연구

        신영수,김용익,이상일,윤성철,조인호 대한신장학회 1988 Kidney Research and Clinical Practice Vol.7 No.2

        Hemodialysis is becoming an estabilished way of treating chronic renal failured patients in our country. But this treatment modality requires lifelong maintenance. So that its high cost exerts significant impact upon medical finance and therefore the prediction of incidence rate and treatment number should be important. This study was carried out by use of the patient fiow model consisting of conservative treatment group, kidney transplantation group, hemodialysis group, peritoneal dialysis group, dead group, and drop-out group and simple linear regression analysis in order to provide basic data for the management of chronic renal failured patients. Expected numbers of annual hemodialysis patients during 1986-1990 were estimated to be 982, 1133, 1364, 1662, and 1889 each year. Further refinement of the model and its parameter was required for improving the accuracy of estimation.

      • KCI등재후보

        이른바 ‘게임과몰입 부담금’ 도입의 타당성에 관한 소고

        신영수 경북대학교 IT와 법연구소 2012 IT와 법 연구 Vol.0 No.6

        As controversies regarding excessive absorption on online-games expands, government and national assembly are seeking introduction of charges on game companies as a countermeasure. However there is a variety of opinions concerning the bill. The charges which is a kind of quasi-tax has been created by many government agencies for the purpose of raising funds. But some of them turn out to be unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court in Korea. The current bill about the charges can raise legal problems as well in some aspects. In the current circumstances in which radical measures are considered surrounding games, this paper pursue to examine the bill of the charges and its key issues, point out illogical aspects. For this purpose, the paper reviews backgrounds of introduction of the charges and extracts its characteristics in a critical angle. As a conclusion, the paper the bill has not a few problems and it would be better to promote the way of voluntary fund raising to prevent users from excessive absorption on online-games and cure game addiction, instead of imposing compulsory monetary duty on game companies.

      • KCI등재

        최근의 방송-통신 결합판매에 관한 경쟁법적 쟁점

        신영수 경북대학교 IT와 법연구소 2013 IT와 법 연구 Vol.0 No.7

        Bundling has newly raise some controversial issues in the area of information technology and competition law. Lots of studies regarding tying or bundling have been fulfilled so far. Despite all of the attention that it has garnered, however, existing analyses mainly focus on the issues that surround typical issue of anti-competitiveness and policy implications. This article tries to make a legal analysis on recent bundling products in the communications and broadcasting sector. The article offers an several exploratory analysis in that direction. It begins by introducing key bundling and tying concepts, such as pure bundling, mixed bundling, bundled discount, and predatory pricing. It next analyzes the economics of bundling in terms of reducing costs, consumer welfare. It then analyzes several issues such as leverage of market dominant power, exclusive behavior, unfair supporting on subsidiaries. It closes by offering a few observations on the impact of bundling on consumer, as well as undertakings in field of broadcating and communication.

      • KCI등재후보

        온라인게임 이용자보호와 약관규제

        신영수 경북대학교 IT와 법연구소 2010 IT와 법 연구 Vol.0 No.4

        The on-line game Industry has been emerging as one of the new motive powers for the economic growth in this country. The more people enjoy the on-line games, however, the more harmful influences of the game are exerted on the society. Thereby the government authorities concerned have established various policies not only to promote the industry, but also regulate bad effects from the game. One of the main governmental policies on the on-line game nowadays is about how to protect game users or consumers especially from the unfair adhesion contracts. And lots of the adhesion contracts for using online game have been confirmed to be unfair by the Korea Fair Trade Commission, and remarkable decisions of the court on them have been handed down. In this circumstances, this paper reviews the consumer protection issues and judicial cases and the unfair adhesion contracts of the online on which corrective measures has been imposed by the KFTC. Upon this analysis, it tries to present some jurisprudence of protection of the online game user and direction to construct current legal provisions related.

      • KCI등재후보

        온라인게임 이용약관 관련 판례의 동향 및 쟁점 분석

        신영수 경북대학교 IT와 법연구소 2011 IT와 법 연구 Vol.0 No.5

        As on-line game are universalized among people, conflicts between users and providers have been rapidly increasing. Those conflicts are mainly related to interpretation of adhesion contracts. During last few years, the Korean Fair Trade Commission had ever looked through game providers' adhesion contracts and made some corrective measures on them, and significant judicial precedents related came from lower mostly and even supreme courts. However, the judgements are not likely to firmly settled as a source of the law, because economic and technical environments surrounding the online-games are too variable in nature. In this context, the meaning of current judicial precedents should be analysed under basis of the special circumstances of the online game, and the meanings of them need to be drawn through the case by case approach. This paper reviews recent judicial cases regarding adhesion contracts of the online game by some korean courts and attempts to analyse the characteristics of them. Upon this examination, it presents some directions for interpretation of current laws and application them to the online-games.

      • KCI등재

        미국 경쟁법상 이윤압착(margin squeeze)에 대한 규제 동향 분석

        신영수 경북대학교 IT와 법연구소 2018 IT와 법 연구 Vol.0 No.17

        A margin squeeze can occur when an upstream firm sells an input for which there are no good economic substitutes to firms against which the upstream firm also competes in the downstream market. It arises where the margin between the downstream retail price and the wholesale price charged for an input is too small to allow a firm to survive as a retail competitor. This kind of business practice has been recently witnessed even in korean IT industries. The US Supreme Court has specifically addressed only margin squeezes by an integrated firm that has no duty under antitrust law to deal with its downstream rivals. The Court ruled that in such cases US antitrust law does not recognize margin squeezes as a standalone form of anti-competitive abuse. Nevertheless, there has been a general appraisal that a margin squeeze under the US antitrust law has been dealt with an flexible angle of regulation than that under the EU competition law. It may be the reason why analyses on the US antitrust law have been comparatively rare than on EU law. In this consideration, this paper tries to examine jurisprudence, regulation trends and legal precedents on a margin squeeze mainly in the US antitrust law. And it makes some comparison to EU competition law as a conclusion.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        콘텐츠 분야의 불공정 거래실태를 개선하기 위한 법/제도적 제언

        신영수 경북대학교 IT와 법연구소 2014 IT와 법 연구 Vol.0 No.8

        The contents industries have been recognized as new power to tow the korean economy in the future. Behind the successful achievements of this industries. However, chronic unfair business practices have been committed through the agreement between contents producers and publishers. The sorts of practices are various and level of unfairness is serious and chronic. Of course the current legislations have legal and systemic devices to prevent and punish those practices in many ways, but they don't work well in actual transactions. Furthermore, the contents firms, especially publishers don't recognize unfairness and illegality of their behaviors. On the other hand the producers can't dare to raise issues on those practices because of fear of transaction suspension. In this circumstances, the article attempts to suggest a new approach to correct current unfair transactions and improve business environment in the contents industries. For this trial, the article makes an analysis on actual state of unfair contents transactions, and points out the problems or limitations of the current legal and systemic approaches of that issue. As a conclusion, it proposes a new idea to evaluate fairness of each transactions as a kind of compliance program in the contents industries.

      • KCI등재

        유가의 형성과 변동 현상에 관한 경쟁법/정책적 연구

        신영수 경북대학교 법학연구원 2018 법학논고 Vol.0 No.61

        The recent drop in international oil prices has reignited the debate over the appropriateness of oil and gas prices in the local oil market. This is something that has been observed not only in Korea but also in most countries, where the price of oil is rapidly raised in parallel with oil refineries and gas stations. Oil prices are a major price issue that is closely related to the people's spending lives along with telecommunications costs and interest rates, and have always been a hot topic in the government and its internal and external sectors. Nevertheless, it is pointed out that the policy approach has led to the resolution of civil complaints rather than objective, scientific, and neutral approaches and the fundamental solution to the problem is still insufficient. The study aims to assess how the current market sees oil price developments and fluctuations in competition law, and to analyze their illegalities. Based on the legal and policy assessments of market characteristics and status, the study inferred the possible behaviors of the operators from the legal standpoint, and drew the criteria and the judgment of violation of the law reflecting the market situation. Through this process, the government attempted to make scientific clarifications and to assess the legal conditions commonly identified in relation to the formation and fluctuations of oil prices in the local oil market. 최근 국제유가의 하락에 따라 국내 석유시장의 유가 내지 기름값의 적정성에 대한 논란이 다시 제기되고 있다. 이 같은 현상은 비단 한국뿐만 아니라 대다수의 나라에서 목격되어 온 것으로서, 유가수준이 정유사나 주유소별로 유사하게 형성되는 병행행위가 카르텔의 결과인지 여부 및 신속히 인상하고 더디게 인하하는 비대칭적 가격변동, 그리고 유가가 급등과 하강을 주기적으로 반복하는 주기적 순환 현상을 어떻게 이해할 것인지에 대해 최근 경쟁법 및 경쟁정책적 관심이 집중되고 있다. 유가는 통신비, 금리와 함께 국민의 소비생활과 밀접한 관련성을 가지는 중대한 가격 사안으로서 정부 안팍에서 줄곧 관심과 과제로 부각되어 왔다. 그럼에도 불구하고 객관적, 과학적, 중립적 접근과 방안모색 보다는 민원해결 차원의 정책적 접근방식이 주도해 왔던 것으로 지적되며, 그 결과 사안에 대한 본질적 해소는 여전히 미흡하다는 평가를 받고 있다. 본 연구는 우리 정유시장의 구조 및 상품으로서 휘발유 등 연료의 특수성을 감안할 때, 현재 시장에서 목격되는 유가의 형성과 변동현상을 경쟁법/정책적으로 어떻게 평가하고 그 위법성을 심사해야 할 것인지를 분석하는데 목적이 있다. 시장의 특징과 현황에 대한 법/정책적 평가를 토대로 예상가능한 사업자들의 행태를 법리적 측면에서 추측하고, 시장상황을 반영한 위법성 판단의 기준과 접근방식을 도출함으로써, 국내 정유시장에서 유가의 형성 및 변동과 관련하여 흔히 지목되는 정황에 대한 과학적 규명과 법리적 평가를 시도하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Strain Monitoring of Strengthened RC Beams with Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Laminates by FBG Sensor

        신영수,홍건호,최은규 한국콘크리트학회 2006 콘크리트학회논문집 Vol.18 No.2

        The reinforced concrete(RC) structures strengthened with fiber reinforced plastic(FRP) has been accepted by the construction engineering community for rehabilitation. FRP composites can present many advantages like a corrosion resistance, strength-weight ratio, relatively short application time, and cost effectiveness. The beams under design load, however, are cracked and result in degrading the strength. It is difficult to recog-nize cracks and deflections on the surface of the concrete members retrofitted with FRP through the life cy-cle. For these reasons, if they result in the effects, which were below the expected strength, we must monitor the state of concrete structures all the time in order to take an appropriate measure. Fiber Bragg Grat-ing(FBG) sensor excel as monitoring of investigating the stress state of the retrofitted beams with FRP. The main objective of this study is to measure strain by experiment and analyze the behavior of RC beams retro-fitted with FRP using FBG sensor. The kinds of FRP which were used in research are carbon, glass and im-proved hybrid FRP(IFRP) that has capacity than any other FRP. Other variables are the length of FRP, the number of sheet.

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