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      • 흙벽돌의 壓縮强度에 關한 硏究

        申文澈 全南大學校 農漁村開發硏究所 1965 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.3 No.-

        It is a comman knowledge that the earthen block is one ?? important construction materials especially on the farming and fishing ??, for its material is easily obtainable at comparatively cheap cost. But in the utilization of earthen block the Compressive strength is the most important problem to tackel and in this experimeutal research I ?? to find out the effect on strength of the combination rate between several ?? of soil as main component, and cement, lime, sand, water. The disadvantage of earthen block after completion of structure is the weakening of strength owing to absorption of water and freezing, and the study of this problem will be my future work. Results of the Experiments The following are the summary of the experiments I have made : 1. In cement-soil mixture, the greater the amount of cement. 2. Except for Table 3 and Table 5, in molding, the greater the amount of water, the greater the strength of the block. 3. Strength increases as the ramming increases up to 6 rams, but not increase in strength after 7 rams. 4. The silty loan(white sandy earth) found in Chang Sung-Gun is found unsuitable for block because of its low strength. 5. The silty clay loam(red) shows its highest strength when 92% of it is combined with 8% of line, and when 44% of it is combined with 56% of sand. 6. The sandy(red) shows the highest strength when 86% of it is combined with 14% of lime, and in case that sand is mixed, 75% of it and 25% of sand show the highest intensity. 7. The sandy loan(yellow) shows its highest strength when 86% of it is combined with 14% of lime, and when sand is mixed, 60% of it and 40% of sand show the highest. 8. The sandy loan(black) shows the highest strength when 92% of it is combined with 8% of lime, and when sand is mixed, 75% of it and 25% of sand show the highest strength.

      • KCI등재

        기독교적 상상력을 활용한 성서학습모델

        신문철,박문옥 한국기독교교육학회 2012 기독교교육논총 Vol.29 No.-

        The purpose of bible study is not merely to transfer information, but it is in instilling change in the learner’s life. We realized the injurious effects of today’s culture centered on rationality, and a re-evaluation was done on the previously neglected area of ‘imagination’. It must be known that christian education which excludes feelings and human will causes a severance between knowing and living. To solve this problem,we focused on studying imagination in christian education. While discussing this on a large scale, we felt that its influence and necessity was a good alternative. Imagination in christian education means that the word of God is not understood as a myth, but it becomes the central line in connecting the lives of believers and the word. However, even though people mostly agree that developing imagination is important in christian education; in the actual teaching environment we do not put in much effort in developing imagination, and it is being ignored without proper knowledge of the ways of application. Rather than an explicit curriculum, a teacher-learner model in which learners can exercise abundant imagination is needed. As the purpose of education we propose ‘the Kingdom of God’, and as the goal of education we propose ‘following Jesus Christ’. For a short-term goal to achieve the goal, we propose three ideas; humanization, witnessization, and globalization. As for the method of education we propose stories. Stories which are similarly related to life are easy to remember, they offer a way for learners to structure meaning. Furthermore stories which have the power to capture all sectors of the learner are effective in adjusting the differences in individuals, and have special appeal in making spiritual community. Just like this, story-telling is the most effective method of education in exercising christian imagination when studying the bible. When stories are used as the method of education, the learner and teacher experience meaningful learning through the sharing and studying of stories. This learning experience leads to taking action (praxis) in life, and it structures the story of the future. This thesis proposes teaching and learning within imagination in christian education, which has infinite potential. It also argues that the method of story-telling enhance the exercise of imagination in christian education to learners, and is effective in bringing out change in the lives. A rediscovery of this effectiveness suggests a future direction for bible study. 성서교육의 목적은 단순히 지식전달이 아니라 학습자의 삶의 변화를 추구하는데 그 목적이 있다. 오늘날 이성중심의 문화가 가져오는 부작용에 대한 경각심을 깨닫고 이성중심의 문화에서 등한시되었던 상상력에 대한 재평가가 이루어졌다. 감성과 의지가 배제되었던 기독교교육은 앎과 삶의 단절이 나타났음을 경각하고, 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위하여 기독교교육적 상상력에 대한 연구가 집중되었고, 폭넓게 논의되면서 그의 영향력과 필요성을 통해 대안적 요소로 여겨졌다. 기독교교육적 상상력은 하나님의 말씀이 신화로서이해되는 것이 아니라, 신앙인의 삶과 성서의 말씀을 연결하는 중심선이 된다. 그러나 이러한 상상력의 발달이 기독교교육에서 중요하다는 사실에는 대부분이 동의하고 있지만,실제의 교육 현장에서 상상력의 계발에 많은 노력을 기울이지 않고 있으며, 적용의 방법을 알지 못한 채 외면당하고 있다. 어떠한 명시적 커리큘럼보다도 학습자들이 풍부한 상상력을 발휘할 수 있는 교수-학습 모델이 요구된다. 교육목적으로서 ‘하나님 나라’를 제시하고, 교육목표로서 예수 그리스도 닮기를 제시하여 그 목표를 달성하기 위한 단기적 목표로서, 인간화, 증인화, 세계화 3가지를 제시하였다. 교육방법으로 이야기(story) 방법을 제시한다. 삶과 유사하게 관련된 이야기는 기억하는데 용이하며, 학습자들에게 그 의미를 구성하기 위한 수단을 제공하며, 학습자의 전 영역을 사로잡는 힘을 가진 이야기는 개인차를 조정하는데 효과적이며, 공동체의식을 형성하는데 그 매력을 지니고 있다. 이와 같이 이야기하기는 성서학습에 있어서* 이 논문은 2011년도 한세대학교 교내학술연구비 지원에 의해 연구되었음. 기독교적 상상력을 발휘함에 있어서 가장 효과적인 교육방법이다. 이야기를 교육방법으로하여 교사와 학습자는 이야기 공유와 탐구를 통해 유의미한 학습을 경험하며, 이 학습은삶의 실천(praxis)으로 이어지고, 미래의 이야기를 구성한다. 본 논문은 성서학습에 있어서 무한한 가능성을 지닌 기독교교육적 상상력의 교수ㆍ학습을 제시하고 이야기 교육방법이 학습자들의 기독교교육적 상상력의 발휘를 향상시키며,삶의 변화를 이끌어 내는 데 있어서 효과적이라는 것을 말해준다. 이러한 효과성의 재발견은 앞으로의 성서학습의 방향을 암시해주는 것이다.

      • 建設假計定에 관한 硏究

        申文撤 건국대학교 1988 學術誌 Vol.32 No.1

        The historical cost of acquiring an asset includes the costs necessarily incurred to bring it to the condition and location necessary for its intended use. By the way determining the cost of fixed asset is a problem when companies construct their own assets. Without a purchase piece of contract price, the company must, through proper allocations and distribution of costs and expenses, arrive at the constructions of cost to be entered in the property records. Materials and direct labor used in construction pose no problem because these costs can be traced directly to work and material orders related to the fixed assets constructioned. However, the assignment of indirect costs of manufacturing creates special problems. These indirect costs, called overhead or burden, consist of such items as power, heat, light, insurance, property taxes on factory buildings and acquirment factory supervisory labor, depreation of fixed assets, and supplies. These costs may be handled three ways. (1) Assign no fixed overhead to the cost of the constructed asset. (2) Assign a portion of all overhead to the construction process. (3) Allocate on basis of lost production. The other problem relating construction in process a/c is interest costs. The proper accounting for interest costs has been a longstanding controversy in accounting. Three approaches have been suggested to account for the interest incurred in financing the construction or acquisition of property, plant, and equipment. (1) Capitalize no interest charges during construction. (2) Capitalize only the actual interest costs incurred during construction. (3) Charge construction with all costs of funds employed, whether identifiable or not. The Korean Financial Accounting Standards are not regulated sufficiently the scope of costs of self-constructed assets. Therefore, various accounting methods for self-constructed assets are adopted by Korean companies. The usefulness of information must be evaluated in relation to the purposes to by served, and the objectives of financial reporting are focused on the use of accounting information in decison making. The Korean Financial Accounting Stanards on self-construction assets, therefore, should be amended in relation to offer the useful accounting information to decision makers by setting up the definite scope of fixed assests costs. And development of effective co-ordination methods between financial aocounting and tax accounting are desirable.

      • 우리나라 上場會社의 業務監査에 관한 硏究

        申文澈 건국대학교 1990 論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        Internal operational auditing (IOA) is a system that investigates and appraises the efficiency and effectiveness of operational activities and procedures of organization, finds problems being in organization and suggests the solving method of those problems to top management. IOA is being important as the scale of company is being large and its operation is being complicated. So, this study is designed to investigate actual conditions of IOA in Korean listed companies and suggest the improving points by the result of investigation. For methodology in this study, literature investigation and actual condition research is selected. Company's organization is derided into sin units and IOA of each unit was reviewed by literature and questionaire. Especially IOA of information system was treated deeply in theoretical review because information system is being by introducing computer into moddern organization. Research of actual conditions of IOA was executed for sixty companies which sent answers for questionaires. The result of analysis is as follows. 1. Operation of information system; in our country, the computer was introduced recently (32 companies (80% of the companies (42) which have the computer) introduced the computer before less than five years), the companies having auditing regulations were 18 companies (43% of 42), and the companies haying auditing experience for information system were 12 companies (28% of 42). So, in our country introducing more computer into companies and more carrying out IOA for information system are needed. 2. Operation of manufacturing section; IOA of this section was not treated importantly. (5th among six) 3. Operation of personnel section; IOA of this section was not treated importantly. (4th among six) 4. Operation of sales section; IOA of this section was treated importantly. (2nd among six). Especially IOA of sales costs and receivables were carried out very well. 5. Operation of advertisement section: IOA of this section was treated importantly. (Same as sales section) 6. Operation of physical distribution section; IOA of this section was not importantly. (6th among six). On the other hand, auditors responsible for auditing section was treated as director (75%, 45 of 60 companies), and 20% of auditors was part-time service. So, computerizing of operation and uplifting of top management's cognition for IOA are needed in our country. By doing so, operation of company can have efficiency and effectiveness.

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