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        在日コリアンにおけるニューカマーの子供たちの言語使用 : 東京の民族学校でのアンケート調査から

        生越直樹 韓國外國語大學校 外國學綜合硏究센터 日本硏究所 2011 日本硏究 Vol.50 No.-

        筆者である生越は, 在日コリアンの中でもニューカマーと呼ばれる人たちの言語使用状況を探るため, 2010年に東京にある韓国系の民族学校の中等部·高等部の生徒を対象にアンケート調査を行った。本稿はその調査結果を本人の出生地·来日時期をもとに分析し, 彼らの言語使用状況を明らかにしようとしたものである。 分析の結果, 1)日常使用言語, 家庭使用言語の選択, さらに場面や相手による言語選択において, 本人の出生地のほか来日時期も大きな影響を与えていること, 2)特に来日時期は, 小学校入学以前か以降かが能力にかなり影響を与えていること, 3)生越が以前行った大阪での調査結果と比較すると, 場面や相手による使用言語に関してよく似た傾向を示す部分があり, オールドカマーと, 小さいとき来日したニューカマーは, 韓国語をよく使う場面や相手が似ていることがわかった。 上の結果のうち, 場面や相手による使用言語においてオールドカマーとニューカマーに共通性が見られることは, 新たな発見である。出生地が日本だけでなく, 幼少期に来日したニューカマーとも共通性が見られたことは, 在日コリアンだけでなく他の在日外国人の言語状況を分析する上でも重要な示唆となるであろう。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재


        生越直樹(오고시 나오키) 한국일본어학회 2018 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.57

        본고에서는 우선 한일대조연구 분야의 최근 연구 동향으로 문장・담화층위 간의 관련성을 화용론이나 담화분석을 통해 다루고 있는 점을 살펴봤다. 이어서 일본어와 한국어의 명사문을 중심으로 양 언어간의 공통점과 차이점을 밝힌 뒤 그 배경에 대해 생각했다. 분석에서는 이전 연구의 논의 대상이었던 속격표현이나 자막의 생략표현, ‘예쁜 꽃이네!’ 와 같은 [A+N]구성 등에 동일하게 보이는 특징을 확인했다. 그 결과를 정리하면 아래와 같다. ①일본어와 한국어의 차이는 첫째, 담화가 전개될 때 화자와 청자간에 명시적인 합의 즉, 공통의지식이 존재하는가의 여부이다. 그 배경으로 일본어는 담화영역에서 일어나는 상황을 구정보로 간주하고 대화를 나누는 반면에 한국어는 그렇지 않다는 점과 관련이 있다고 생각된다. ②둘째, 동작성명사의 쓰임에 대한 차이이다. 일본어는 동작성명사 그 자체가 동사로서도 기능하여 명사와 동사의 경계가 모호한 반면에 한국어의 동작성명사는 오로지 명사로서만 기능하므로 명사와 동사의 경계가 명확하다. The present paper first observes a recent trend in Japanese-Korean contrastive linguistics to look at issues that are relevant at both sentential and discourse levels from a pragmatic or discourse analytic perspective. As a case study in this trend, this paper examines uses of nominal sentences in Japanese and Korean, and attempts to elucidate factors underlying differences and similarities between the two languages. In particular, it points out common features of previously studied expressions such as genitive expressions, ellipsis in subtitles, and the A+N construction (e.g. kireina hana! ‘lit. beautiful flower!’), and makes the following claims: The primary factor responsible for the difference between Japanese and Korean is whether the speaker and hearer have an explicit agreement in the conversational context. It seems relevant here that in Japanese, things directly observable in the conversational context are typically taken to be known information, while in Korean mere observability is not enough for something to be treated as known information. The second factor that brings about the difference between the two languages concerns how verbal nouns are used. The fact that verbal nouns in Japanese may have verbal functions suggests that the distinction between nouns and verbs is not entirely rigid in Japanese. On the other hand, Korean distinguishes nouns and verbs more sharply, as suggested by the fact that verbal nouns in Korean function only as nouns.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재


        生越直樹 한국일본어학회 2024 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.79

        In this paper, we discuss some of the topics we have been addressing in our contrastive study of Japanese and Korean. We make three recommendations for the advancement of this study, based on the research results and remaining issues. First, we discuss the importance of a syntactic approach for the contrastive study of Japanese and Korean, while indicating our research on voice systems. The Japanese nominal verbs and the corresponding Korean noun + hata form (하다 form) or noun + toyta form (되다 form) are difficult for learners of either language to master, and the analysis of hata and toyta forms cannot be overlooked when considering the Korean voice system. Given the many unresolved voice-related issues for Japanese and Korean, our first recommendation is that further educational and linguistic research is required. Second, we discuss a survey on the interpersonal behavior of Japanese and Korean youth and subsequent changes in this behavior to demonstrate the need for a sociolinguistic approach. We pointed out that recent survey-based research in Japan and Korea indicates changes in viewpoints between the current period and 20 years ago, and identifies some of the contributing factors, including the reduction in face-to-face communication due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it is possible that such changes are temporary. In light of the changes in society resulting from the pandemic, our second recommendation is that sociolinguistic contrastive studies should be conducted to consider such language behavior and other aspects. Third, we analyze “noun-final sentences” in order to consider the necessity of a discourse-theoretic approach, which has been gaining popularity in recent years. The reason for the higher frequency of noun-final sentences in Japanese compared to Korean can be attributed to the difference between Korean and Japanese sentences, with the former emphasizing the predicate and the latter not necessarily requiring a predicate. In other words, the reason comes down to a syntactic difference. However, the difference between the two languages also seems to be related to a difference in the manner of expression, with Japanese focusing on the state of the other party in understanding a situation, whereas Korean focuses on the movement of the other party. Thus, in addition to syntactic factors, discourse factors such as situation and mode of expression may contribute to the differences between the two languages. Thus, our third recommendation is that contrastive studies should be conducted that consider spoken language and discourse.

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