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        从战后日本对华和解立场的摇摆: 在合作与冲突之间

        王高阳 ( Wang Gaoyang ) 성균관대학교 성균중국연구소 2024 중국사회과학논총 Vol.6 No.1

        对于近代历史上深陷战争泥潭的中日关系来说, 未来双边关系的根本好转唯有赖于实现全面和彻底的和解。然而, 冷战结束以后, 从70年代开启的中日民族和解热潮并没有得以延续, 而是陷入了一种往复式的摇摆状态, 不断在冲突与合作之间循环往复, 且冲突的时间周期在拉长。一方面, 日本继承了中日邦交正常化以后历届政府在历史问题上的立场, 对侵略战争的历史进行了反省和道歉, 为双方和解付出了一定努力;另一方面, 冷战后日本的政治和历史观却有更加保守化的趋势, 政治生态的保守化与民族主义的崛起很大程度上抵消了日本致力于和解的努力。冷战后日本的对华和解政策不断徘徊在合作与冲突之间, 呈现出显著的“摇摆”现象。这其中既有国际政治格局转变的影响, 也受到了塑造战后日本对外政策的美日同盟演变的影响, 更与日本国内政治中的政党更替有着重要关联。这种“摇摆”现象凸显了冷战后日本对华和解立场不断徘徊于合作与冲突的矛盾情绪, 本质上也正是冷战后日本更加迷茫的身份认同的反映, 具体表现在: 亚洲的日本与日本的亚洲、更加紧密的美日同盟与更加平等的美日同盟(追求独立倾向)、地区大国与世界大国、和平国家与军事大国等众多矛盾的身份认同。未来中日之间真正和彻底的和解有赖于日本对华身份认知的重塑。 For Sino-Japanese relations, which have been mired in several wars in history, the fundamental improvement of bilateral relations in the future can only depend on the realization of thorough reconciliation between them. However, after the end of the Cold War, the Sino-Japanese reconciliation that began in the 1970s did not continue, but rather fell into a reciprocal swing, constantly cycling between conflict and cooperation. Japan, on the one hand, has continued to inherit the stance of successive governments on the historical issue, reflected on and apologized for the history of the war of aggression; on the other hand, Japan’s political and historical outlook has a tendency to be more conservative, which have to a large extent offset the efforts for Sino-Japanese reconciliation. After the Cold War, Japan’s reconciliation policy towards China has been hovering between cooperation and conflict, showing a remarkable phenomenon of “cyclical swing”. This has been influenced by shifts in the international political structure, the evolution of the U.S.-Japanese alliance that has shaped Japan’s foreign policy since the Cold War, and the change of political parties in Japan’s domestic politics. The “cyclical swing” phenomenon highlights the ambivalence of Japan’s post-Cold War reconciliation stance toward China, and is in fact a reflection of Japan’s post-Cold War identity, which has become even more confused, as reflected in the following: Japan in Asia versus Japan’s Asia, a closer U.S.-Japanese alliance versus a more egalitarian one (the pursuit of independence), as a regional power or world power, as a peaceful country or military power and many other contradictory identities. The thorough reconciliation between China and Japan in the future depends on the reshaping of Japan’s perception of China’s identity.

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